Klein Mechanisch Werkplaats Eindhoven (KMWE) is a precision manufacturing company situated in the... more Klein Mechanisch Werkplaats Eindhoven (KMWE) is a precision manufacturing company situated in the Netherlands and recently relocated to a new location known as the 'Brainport Industries Campus' (BIC). This move allowed KMWE to improve the performance of its manufacturing facility known as the 'Tool Service Center' (TSC) by investing in vertical automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RSs). However, these decisions needed to be made under input uncertainties since the move to BIC and modernization of existing equipment would cause changes in operating parameters inside the facility, over which little information was known in advance. In this study, we show how hybrid simulation modelling was used to assess the impact of input uncertainties (such as operator productivity, vertical storage height) on the throughput performance of TSC. Ultimately, the outcomes of this research project were used by KMWE to make an investment decision on new equipment acquisition quantity.
INTRODuCTION Research has established that web and digital media are important advertising channe... more INTRODuCTION Research has established that web and digital media are important advertising channels (e.g., Berthon, Pitt, and Watson, 1996), and the industry has recognized the potential of digital media. Despite the significance of digital advertising, however, many companies have yet to exploit it in the Arabic online world. Adweek cited a Middle East Media report showing that a disproportionately high number of Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels are in Arabic, yet there is a dearth of websites in Arabic (Cohen, 2016). Research also shows that in 2015 the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region accounted only for 0.3 percent of global digital-advertising spending, and digital advertisements represented only 10 percent of the total advertising revenues (Dennis, Martin, and Wood, 2016). These statistics are stunning given that Arabic is the fourth most common language on the web, the fourth most important language for business, and the fifth most common primary language
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014
The global online population has now surpassed 1.2 billon users and about seventy percent of thes... more The global online population has now surpassed 1.2 billon users and about seventy percent of these are not English speakers (internetworldstats.com, 2007). While English is still the language with the highest penetration rate on the Internet, other language Web sites show much greater usage growth rates (Internetworldstats.com). According to a recent survey across eight nations, more than half of consumers buy only from Web sites that present information in their local language (DePalma et al., 2006). Extending online business success beyond the national level may require online marketing adaptation to the needs and wants of culturally different target populations. A recent survey found that more than 88 percent of Internet executives of multinational companies think Web site cultural adaptation is important or somewhat important to their company, and most of them see it as an important strategic priority (Petro et al., 2007). A business example advocating a Web site localization strategy is that of Microsoft Network’s (MSN’s) UK Web sites which could not be internationally distributed because of its local British flavor (Ferranti 1999).
E-Commerce for Global Adoption, Resistance, and Cultural Evolution
Since Internet is the primary driving force of E-Commerce (EC), it has global phenomena. Conseque... more Since Internet is the primary driving force of E-Commerce (EC), it has global phenomena. Consequently, Internet market is diffusing from the west to the east. Nevertheless, cultural, political, economical, technological, social, and overall attitudinal diversity create irresistible barriers for free movement of EC. In this aspect, quality standardization for EC is utmost important. Because quality experts believe that only quality improvement and standardization can provide EC acceptance by global consumers. Expansion of EC from developed countries to developing countries creates an opportunity to redefine the paradigms of quality management practice (QMP) appropriate for global diffusion of EC. This chapter illustrates some related concepts of quality, quality improvement, and different aspects of quality for EC to shed light on QMP. 4.1. IntroductIon Quality management practice (QMP) is conceptualized as a set of paradigms, concepts, and interrelated practices documented by any organization to improve and
E-Commerce for Global Adoption, Resistance, and Cultural Evolution
As we have already mentioned in the Preface of this book, mentioning EC in this chapter will sign... more As we have already mentioned in the Preface of this book, mentioning EC in this chapter will signify and mean B2C EC unless it is mentioned otherwise. This chapter has primarily addressed, discussed, and conceptualized paradigms of three issues of diffusion of EC. First, we investigated the impacts of EC diffusion on overall social, political, cultural, technological, organizational, and economic relations. In this connection, we revealed seven types of prime relational changes on the effects of EC diffusion in a country context. Consequently, government-private organizations, consumers, and intermediaries (viz., the comprehensive relation of market characteristics) are reshaped. Then we traced the diffusion of EC and the role of different actors associated with this new economical and technological innovation, viz. EC, and their functional characteristics in the diffusion process. Based on the association of those stakeholders with the market economy, and the role and functions of ...
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 2009
Proactive companies analyze global megatrends to anticipate and leverage future opportunities in ... more Proactive companies analyze global megatrends to anticipate and leverage future opportunities in the marketplace. Limited body of academic research ex-ists to facilitate global megatrends forecasting. The objective of this paper is to identify important global megatrends that are being facilitated by the rise of the World Wide Web. An attempt is also made to explore how these global megatrends are leading to the emergence of various global consumer trends. This thought-piece identifies three major global mega-trends, namely Globalization, Rise of Networks and Open Innovation, which are being facilitated by the global expansion of the web.
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 2009
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to this special issue of DATA BASE for Advances in Info... more It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to this special issue of DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, the focus of which is on "Cultural Issues in Global E-commerce Diffusion, Adoption and Use." Electronic (e)-commerce is expanding at a rapid rate, with the online population approaching almost one and a half billion, and global online revenues being measured in trillions of dollars. This global expansion of e-commerce represents growth opportunities for businesses worldwide. However, one of the obstacles for companies attempting to extend their e-business internationally is to understand global consumers and overcome cultural barriers and language differences on the web (Singh and Pereira, 20051; Violino, 20012). Many companies are realizing that building an e-commerce website to suit an international audience is a more complex endeavor than they expected (Sheldon and Strader, 20023). As companies set up their global e-businesses, it is important for them to un...
ABSTRACT Positive effects of targeting and marketing to Hispanic-American consumers have been wel... more ABSTRACT Positive effects of targeting and marketing to Hispanic-American consumers have been well researched, but the potential negative effects have not been studied. This study uses a projective technique to uncover deep-seated feelings of consumer animosity created by the inclusion of a minority culture into the majority culture. The authors specifically explore situations where Anglo-American consumers may have a heightened sense of animosity toward Hispanics. The study cautions marketers against creating ethnic marketing communications that may be seen by the majority culture as pandering too much to minorities.
ABSTRACT This study aims to explore the depiction of cultural values on global websites. There ex... more ABSTRACT This study aims to explore the depiction of cultural values on global websites. There exists a research gap in terms of better understanding cross-cultural differences in web communications between the Arab and Western worlds. Thus, we conducted content analysis to examine the cultural values on websites from Arab countries and the U.S. The results suggest that local websites of Arab countries and the United States tend to differ significantly from each other on cultural contents. The proposed cultural findings can serve as a guide for creating culturally congruent international websites.
The e-commerce industry has experienced spectacular growth, change and development. This situatio... more The e-commerce industry has experienced spectacular growth, change and development. This situation has initiated an enormous business revolution that has affected the process of globalization tremendously. The goal of this study was to analyze the Web sites of localization companies that provide localization and translation services to other companies and see if they themselves are practicing what they are preaching. The results suggest that localization companies are indeed not practicing what they are preaching. Analysis shows that localization company Web sites are less localized than the Web sites of their clients, the multinational companies. The findings provide some implications to domestic and international marketers who currently operate in or are planning to enter into the global markets in the near future.
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 2012
The main purpose of this study is to propose and apply an analytical framework to help B2B market... more The main purpose of this study is to propose and apply an analytical framework to help B2B marketers assess and develop web sites that are localized not only for the B2B marketplace but also for international markets. This study deals with an area that has not received much attention in academic research as previous studies have mainly focused on B2C web sites. The study focuses on B2B web sites and provides a framework to assess web site localization. A content analysis of American and Korean web sites was conducted to analyze the proposed framework. The overall results show that U.S. companies have not accomplished a high degree of localization for B2B markets. The study results indicate that most U.S. companies focus primarily on the translation of web content from English to Korean to create web sites.While it is true that globalization has brought us closer than ever to Mcluhan's (1964) idea of a global village, major differences across countries and regions exist and play ...
A Collection of 13 Scholarly Titles The World Wide Web has proven to be an important medium for t... more A Collection of 13 Scholarly Titles The World Wide Web has proven to be an important medium for tourism and e-commerce in today's society. The Online Tourism and Digital Economies collection is a specialized reference compilation that supports research in the field of global and economic technologies. This valuable set of titles includes 13 scholarly texts focusing on hospitality, travel and tourism management, consumer management, e-commerce, and the digital divide and developing countries. These titles represent IGI Global's unique coverage of the impact and effective use of electronic commerce technologies in modern organizations.
The acceleration of globalization and the growth of emerging economies present significant opport... more The acceleration of globalization and the growth of emerging economies present significant opportunities for business expansion. One of the quickest ways to achieve effective international expansion is by leveraging the web, which allows for technological connectivity of global markets and opportunities to compete on a global basis. To systematically engage and thrive in this networked global economy, professionals and students need a new skill set; one that can help them develop, manage, assess and optimize efforts to successfully launch websites for tapping global markets. This book provides a comprehensive, non-technical guide to leveraging website localization strategies for global e-commerce success. It contains a wealth of information and advice, including strategic insights into how international business needs to evolve and adapt in light of the rapid proliferation of the 'Global Internet Economy'. It also features step-by-step guidelines to developing, managing and ...
Companies with a presence on the Web are cur- ... This study provides a framework for analyzing t... more Companies with a presence on the Web are cur- ... This study provides a framework for analyzing the extent of a company's Web localization efforts ... Web-site localization efforts directed toward the US Hispanic online market. The results show that ... Correspondence to: Dr. Nitish ...
The standardizationlocalization debate, initiated by Elinder (1961) in the 1960s and Levitt (198... more The standardizationlocalization debate, initiated by Elinder (1961) in the 1960s and Levitt (1983) in the 1980s, still puzzles multinational companies in their attempts to define a logical level of standardization or localization strategies. Researchers have studied business ...
PurposeThe purpose of this commentary is to outline an extension of the position of the focal ar... more PurposeThe purpose of this commentary is to outline an extension of the position of the focal article regarding importance of location-based advantages, and to provide a critique related to conceptual development of country-level supply chain capability (SCC). Design/ ...
This paper reports on a survey of consumers in four emerging economies: Puerto Rico, Guatemala, P... more This paper reports on a survey of consumers in four emerging economies: Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Peru, and India. Results suggest that the purchase decision is influenced by factors directly related to the product or service such as price and quality and factors indirectly related to the product or service such as advertising and brand reputation. These business strategy factors were linked to marketing strategy factors such as price orientation, independence, and brand consciousness. In this sense, a firm's marketing perspective can be viewed as the basis for its competitive strategy. This link between strategies at the business and marketing levels is analyzed.
This series of reports is meant to be a primer on e-Business as well as a collection of language,... more This series of reports is meant to be a primer on e-Business as well as a collection of language, culture and website globalization facts by country. These reports are by no means a complete coverage of these topics. For more comprehensive or customized reports on ...
Marketers have increasingly employed positioning strategies to appeal to either global or local c... more Marketers have increasingly employed positioning strategies to appeal to either global or local consumer cultures. However, little is known about the characteristics of consumers most likely to respond to such positioning. The authors find that the collective identities of global and national identification are strongly related to responsiveness to global and local consumer culture positioning (GCCP and LCCP, respectively). The results also show that personality predisposes people to adopt collective identities. The personality traits of openness to experience and agreeableness are significantly related to global and national identity, respectively. On the basis of these findings, the authors present implications with regard to developing GCCP and LCCP strategies that are congruent with consumers’ personality and associated collective identity.
Klein Mechanisch Werkplaats Eindhoven (KMWE) is a precision manufacturing company situated in the... more Klein Mechanisch Werkplaats Eindhoven (KMWE) is a precision manufacturing company situated in the Netherlands and recently relocated to a new location known as the 'Brainport Industries Campus' (BIC). This move allowed KMWE to improve the performance of its manufacturing facility known as the 'Tool Service Center' (TSC) by investing in vertical automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RSs). However, these decisions needed to be made under input uncertainties since the move to BIC and modernization of existing equipment would cause changes in operating parameters inside the facility, over which little information was known in advance. In this study, we show how hybrid simulation modelling was used to assess the impact of input uncertainties (such as operator productivity, vertical storage height) on the throughput performance of TSC. Ultimately, the outcomes of this research project were used by KMWE to make an investment decision on new equipment acquisition quantity.
INTRODuCTION Research has established that web and digital media are important advertising channe... more INTRODuCTION Research has established that web and digital media are important advertising channels (e.g., Berthon, Pitt, and Watson, 1996), and the industry has recognized the potential of digital media. Despite the significance of digital advertising, however, many companies have yet to exploit it in the Arabic online world. Adweek cited a Middle East Media report showing that a disproportionately high number of Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and YouTube channels are in Arabic, yet there is a dearth of websites in Arabic (Cohen, 2016). Research also shows that in 2015 the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region accounted only for 0.3 percent of global digital-advertising spending, and digital advertisements represented only 10 percent of the total advertising revenues (Dennis, Martin, and Wood, 2016). These statistics are stunning given that Arabic is the fourth most common language on the web, the fourth most important language for business, and the fifth most common primary language
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014
The global online population has now surpassed 1.2 billon users and about seventy percent of thes... more The global online population has now surpassed 1.2 billon users and about seventy percent of these are not English speakers (internetworldstats.com, 2007). While English is still the language with the highest penetration rate on the Internet, other language Web sites show much greater usage growth rates (Internetworldstats.com). According to a recent survey across eight nations, more than half of consumers buy only from Web sites that present information in their local language (DePalma et al., 2006). Extending online business success beyond the national level may require online marketing adaptation to the needs and wants of culturally different target populations. A recent survey found that more than 88 percent of Internet executives of multinational companies think Web site cultural adaptation is important or somewhat important to their company, and most of them see it as an important strategic priority (Petro et al., 2007). A business example advocating a Web site localization strategy is that of Microsoft Network’s (MSN’s) UK Web sites which could not be internationally distributed because of its local British flavor (Ferranti 1999).
E-Commerce for Global Adoption, Resistance, and Cultural Evolution
Since Internet is the primary driving force of E-Commerce (EC), it has global phenomena. Conseque... more Since Internet is the primary driving force of E-Commerce (EC), it has global phenomena. Consequently, Internet market is diffusing from the west to the east. Nevertheless, cultural, political, economical, technological, social, and overall attitudinal diversity create irresistible barriers for free movement of EC. In this aspect, quality standardization for EC is utmost important. Because quality experts believe that only quality improvement and standardization can provide EC acceptance by global consumers. Expansion of EC from developed countries to developing countries creates an opportunity to redefine the paradigms of quality management practice (QMP) appropriate for global diffusion of EC. This chapter illustrates some related concepts of quality, quality improvement, and different aspects of quality for EC to shed light on QMP. 4.1. IntroductIon Quality management practice (QMP) is conceptualized as a set of paradigms, concepts, and interrelated practices documented by any organization to improve and
E-Commerce for Global Adoption, Resistance, and Cultural Evolution
As we have already mentioned in the Preface of this book, mentioning EC in this chapter will sign... more As we have already mentioned in the Preface of this book, mentioning EC in this chapter will signify and mean B2C EC unless it is mentioned otherwise. This chapter has primarily addressed, discussed, and conceptualized paradigms of three issues of diffusion of EC. First, we investigated the impacts of EC diffusion on overall social, political, cultural, technological, organizational, and economic relations. In this connection, we revealed seven types of prime relational changes on the effects of EC diffusion in a country context. Consequently, government-private organizations, consumers, and intermediaries (viz., the comprehensive relation of market characteristics) are reshaped. Then we traced the diffusion of EC and the role of different actors associated with this new economical and technological innovation, viz. EC, and their functional characteristics in the diffusion process. Based on the association of those stakeholders with the market economy, and the role and functions of ...
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 2009
Proactive companies analyze global megatrends to anticipate and leverage future opportunities in ... more Proactive companies analyze global megatrends to anticipate and leverage future opportunities in the marketplace. Limited body of academic research ex-ists to facilitate global megatrends forecasting. The objective of this paper is to identify important global megatrends that are being facilitated by the rise of the World Wide Web. An attempt is also made to explore how these global megatrends are leading to the emergence of various global consumer trends. This thought-piece identifies three major global mega-trends, namely Globalization, Rise of Networks and Open Innovation, which are being facilitated by the global expansion of the web.
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 2009
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to this special issue of DATA BASE for Advances in Info... more It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to this special issue of DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, the focus of which is on "Cultural Issues in Global E-commerce Diffusion, Adoption and Use." Electronic (e)-commerce is expanding at a rapid rate, with the online population approaching almost one and a half billion, and global online revenues being measured in trillions of dollars. This global expansion of e-commerce represents growth opportunities for businesses worldwide. However, one of the obstacles for companies attempting to extend their e-business internationally is to understand global consumers and overcome cultural barriers and language differences on the web (Singh and Pereira, 20051; Violino, 20012). Many companies are realizing that building an e-commerce website to suit an international audience is a more complex endeavor than they expected (Sheldon and Strader, 20023). As companies set up their global e-businesses, it is important for them to un...
ABSTRACT Positive effects of targeting and marketing to Hispanic-American consumers have been wel... more ABSTRACT Positive effects of targeting and marketing to Hispanic-American consumers have been well researched, but the potential negative effects have not been studied. This study uses a projective technique to uncover deep-seated feelings of consumer animosity created by the inclusion of a minority culture into the majority culture. The authors specifically explore situations where Anglo-American consumers may have a heightened sense of animosity toward Hispanics. The study cautions marketers against creating ethnic marketing communications that may be seen by the majority culture as pandering too much to minorities.
ABSTRACT This study aims to explore the depiction of cultural values on global websites. There ex... more ABSTRACT This study aims to explore the depiction of cultural values on global websites. There exists a research gap in terms of better understanding cross-cultural differences in web communications between the Arab and Western worlds. Thus, we conducted content analysis to examine the cultural values on websites from Arab countries and the U.S. The results suggest that local websites of Arab countries and the United States tend to differ significantly from each other on cultural contents. The proposed cultural findings can serve as a guide for creating culturally congruent international websites.
The e-commerce industry has experienced spectacular growth, change and development. This situatio... more The e-commerce industry has experienced spectacular growth, change and development. This situation has initiated an enormous business revolution that has affected the process of globalization tremendously. The goal of this study was to analyze the Web sites of localization companies that provide localization and translation services to other companies and see if they themselves are practicing what they are preaching. The results suggest that localization companies are indeed not practicing what they are preaching. Analysis shows that localization company Web sites are less localized than the Web sites of their clients, the multinational companies. The findings provide some implications to domestic and international marketers who currently operate in or are planning to enter into the global markets in the near future.
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 2012
The main purpose of this study is to propose and apply an analytical framework to help B2B market... more The main purpose of this study is to propose and apply an analytical framework to help B2B marketers assess and develop web sites that are localized not only for the B2B marketplace but also for international markets. This study deals with an area that has not received much attention in academic research as previous studies have mainly focused on B2C web sites. The study focuses on B2B web sites and provides a framework to assess web site localization. A content analysis of American and Korean web sites was conducted to analyze the proposed framework. The overall results show that U.S. companies have not accomplished a high degree of localization for B2B markets. The study results indicate that most U.S. companies focus primarily on the translation of web content from English to Korean to create web sites.While it is true that globalization has brought us closer than ever to Mcluhan's (1964) idea of a global village, major differences across countries and regions exist and play ...
A Collection of 13 Scholarly Titles The World Wide Web has proven to be an important medium for t... more A Collection of 13 Scholarly Titles The World Wide Web has proven to be an important medium for tourism and e-commerce in today's society. The Online Tourism and Digital Economies collection is a specialized reference compilation that supports research in the field of global and economic technologies. This valuable set of titles includes 13 scholarly texts focusing on hospitality, travel and tourism management, consumer management, e-commerce, and the digital divide and developing countries. These titles represent IGI Global's unique coverage of the impact and effective use of electronic commerce technologies in modern organizations.
The acceleration of globalization and the growth of emerging economies present significant opport... more The acceleration of globalization and the growth of emerging economies present significant opportunities for business expansion. One of the quickest ways to achieve effective international expansion is by leveraging the web, which allows for technological connectivity of global markets and opportunities to compete on a global basis. To systematically engage and thrive in this networked global economy, professionals and students need a new skill set; one that can help them develop, manage, assess and optimize efforts to successfully launch websites for tapping global markets. This book provides a comprehensive, non-technical guide to leveraging website localization strategies for global e-commerce success. It contains a wealth of information and advice, including strategic insights into how international business needs to evolve and adapt in light of the rapid proliferation of the 'Global Internet Economy'. It also features step-by-step guidelines to developing, managing and ...
Companies with a presence on the Web are cur- ... This study provides a framework for analyzing t... more Companies with a presence on the Web are cur- ... This study provides a framework for analyzing the extent of a company's Web localization efforts ... Web-site localization efforts directed toward the US Hispanic online market. The results show that ... Correspondence to: Dr. Nitish ...
The standardizationlocalization debate, initiated by Elinder (1961) in the 1960s and Levitt (198... more The standardizationlocalization debate, initiated by Elinder (1961) in the 1960s and Levitt (1983) in the 1980s, still puzzles multinational companies in their attempts to define a logical level of standardization or localization strategies. Researchers have studied business ...
PurposeThe purpose of this commentary is to outline an extension of the position of the focal ar... more PurposeThe purpose of this commentary is to outline an extension of the position of the focal article regarding importance of location-based advantages, and to provide a critique related to conceptual development of country-level supply chain capability (SCC). Design/ ...
This paper reports on a survey of consumers in four emerging economies: Puerto Rico, Guatemala, P... more This paper reports on a survey of consumers in four emerging economies: Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Peru, and India. Results suggest that the purchase decision is influenced by factors directly related to the product or service such as price and quality and factors indirectly related to the product or service such as advertising and brand reputation. These business strategy factors were linked to marketing strategy factors such as price orientation, independence, and brand consciousness. In this sense, a firm's marketing perspective can be viewed as the basis for its competitive strategy. This link between strategies at the business and marketing levels is analyzed.
This series of reports is meant to be a primer on e-Business as well as a collection of language,... more This series of reports is meant to be a primer on e-Business as well as a collection of language, culture and website globalization facts by country. These reports are by no means a complete coverage of these topics. For more comprehensive or customized reports on ...
Marketers have increasingly employed positioning strategies to appeal to either global or local c... more Marketers have increasingly employed positioning strategies to appeal to either global or local consumer cultures. However, little is known about the characteristics of consumers most likely to respond to such positioning. The authors find that the collective identities of global and national identification are strongly related to responsiveness to global and local consumer culture positioning (GCCP and LCCP, respectively). The results also show that personality predisposes people to adopt collective identities. The personality traits of openness to experience and agreeableness are significantly related to global and national identity, respectively. On the basis of these findings, the authors present implications with regard to developing GCCP and LCCP strategies that are congruent with consumers’ personality and associated collective identity.
Papers by Nitish Singh