Books by Nistala V.E.S. Murthy
The aim of this paper is to study order properties of collections of soft substructures of a soft... more The aim of this paper is to study order properties of collections of soft substructures of a soft semigroup.

In this paper, first we generalize the existing notion of fuzzy subalgebra of an algebra in such ... more In this paper, first we generalize the existing notion of fuzzy subalgebra of an algebra in such a way that the fuzzy subalgebra of an algebra can be of a subtype of the type of the parent algebra and the underlying set of the fuzzy subalgebra can be a proper subset of the underlying set of the parent algebra via the notions of gf--algebra and gf--subalgebra of a gf--algebra and study some (lattice) algebraic properties of the collection of all gf--subalgebras of a gf-algebra and then using these notions we introduce the notions of pfs--algebra and pfs-subalgebra of a pfs--algebra which generalize the notions of p-soft -algebra, p-soft subalgebra of a p-soft -algebra and the currently existing notions of (normal) fuzzy soft group, fuzzy soft ring, fuzzy soft (left, right) ideal etcetera. Further, we study some (lattice) algebraic properties of pfs--subalgebras of a pfs--algebra.
In this pamplet, some elementary notions of Lattice Theory like poset, least and greatest element... more In this pamplet, some elementary notions of Lattice Theory like poset, least and greatest elements of a poset, (least) upper bound, (greatest) lower bound, maximal and minimal elements, (meet/join) complete (sub) lattice, (weak) sub poset, infinitely distributive lattice, were studied together with examples and some of their important properties which will be very useful, especially for, intuitionistic fuzzy set theory were stated and proved.
The aim of this talk is provide a motivation for Zadeh's Fuzzy Set Theory (ZFST), present element... more The aim of this talk is provide a motivation for Zadeh's Fuzzy Set Theory (ZFST), present elements of the same, present elements of Goguen's Fuzzy Set Theory (GFST) which generalizes ZFST and present elements of f-Set Theory which further generalizes GFST.
Papers by Nistala V.E.S. Murthy
AIP Conference Proceedings
AIP Conference Proceedings
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In this paper, we show that the association, the associated soft subset for a subset of a semigro... more In this paper, we show that the association, the associated soft subset for a subset of a semigroup, is substructure preserving.

Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
The main issue in the present situation is how to secure the data in the online digital world. Mo... more The main issue in the present situation is how to secure the data in the online digital world. Most of the online accounts are protected using text passwords, OTP, and biometric systems. But they have their own limitations. Therefore to increase the security in a different direction, three different approaches are proposed. And they are Convolutional Neural Network, Levenshtein Distance, and Sequence Matcher. These three are used to implement the FreeHand Sketch-based Authenticated Security System to check the image password similarity for authentication purposes. These three proposed methodologies commonly request the user to draw the image password for registration and if all the credentials are satisfied then the image password will be stored in the system database. The user gets login with his/her image password if it got matched with the registered image password. The accurate results of each proposed approach are compared with the recall and precision metrics.
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2019
In this paper we present some of the main developments in the soft set theory as well as in the t... more In this paper we present some of the main developments in the soft set theory as well as in the theory of algebraic structures and soft topology as a review of literature motivated by Molodsov.

EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things, 2018
In general information retrieval has taken vast diversions in visualizing the content presentatio... more In general information retrieval has taken vast diversions in visualizing the content presentation for the users who generates the queries for the system, where it includes the concept of content based Image Retrieval to provide the results in a better way by adapting the approaches like Text Based Image Retrieval(TBIR) and Sketch Based Image Retrieval(SBIR). Nowadays the concept of search engines relies on deeper vision of content and perhaps interested in providing the results effectively by employing several algorithms from the areas like machine learning, neural networks, Fuzzy Logic and deep learning concept. As the digital world is spreading its dimensions, the supporting environments have been diversified from traditional computers to the mobile based environments. The idea of this paper is to present the survey on sketch based image retrieval adapting deep learning concept on the mobile platforms, by presenting various methodologies and techniques.

International journal of scientific research in computer science, engineering and information technology, Feb 28, 2018
The growth in the adaptation of the cloud services for various purposes as education, research, s... more The growth in the adaptation of the cloud services for various purposes as education, research, social networking, medical research and financial managements is extending the use of cloud based services and client applications to access those services. The client applications can be deployed in various types of devices and this encourages the business scalability for the industry. Hence, the service providers enforces to the policy of allowing access from various devices and locations. These locations or devices are sometimes trusted and most of the situations are untrusted. The cloud based data centres face a major challenge in granting the access for these requests from the client applications. In order to satisfy the business demands, the cloud based data centre providers are forced to allow all access from those applications. Thus, making the data centre virtual infrastructure vulnerable for attacks. The data centres configure various firewall rules to prevent this condition. Nevertheless, these firewalls are static and cannot replace the need for dynamically changing business, application and customer policies with the variable location based access. Hence, the demands from the current researches are to build a dynamic firewall framework to satisfy these needs. This work demonstrates a novel theoretical framework for remote mobile clouds. Another major outcome of this work is to analyse and justify the research requirements for mobile clouds.
Solid State Technology, May 26, 2021
Several objects like poset,(complete) semi-lattice, (complete) lattice, graph etc., have the unde... more Several objects like poset,(complete) semi-lattice, (complete) lattice, graph etc., have the underlying object, a set with a binary relation. In this paper morphisms between such sets with binary relations, called bresets, are exclusively studied. Since bresets have an underlying set and a binary relation, notice that for homomorphisms, one can consider both functions and relations on the underlying sets, giving rise to function based homomorphisms and relation based homomorphisms. This paper introduces the notions of function (relational)(co,strong) homomorphism, (weak-co,full) homomorphism and studies lattice algebraic properties of (inverse) images and inverse images of various sub structures of bresets under these homomorphisms in detail.

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2020
Sentiment Classification is a continuing area of research in text mining. Sentiment Analysis the ... more Sentiment Classification is a continuing area of research in text mining. Sentiment Analysis the automatic representation of the ideas, emotions and subjectivity of text, whose purpose is to define the polarity of the content of text, and opinion of the expresses in the form of binary ratings such as likes or dislikes, or a more granular set of choices, such as a 1 to 5 rating. This paper focuses primarily on high-level, end-to-end workflow to solve text classification problems using machine learning algorithm such as Naive-Bayes classifier for text classification issues to mining opinions and Amazon User Reviews. Keywords Sentiment analysis Á Text classification Á Machine learning Á Opinions mining Á Naive Bayes Classification Á Amazon Product Reviews 1 Introduction Much of the world's data is in the form of free-text some forms are Small in tweets, Medium in emails, product reviews, and largely in documents and Very largely in books [1]. Some Applications of Text Analytics used in Search engines, Spam classification, News feed management, Document summarization, Language translation and Speech-to-text conversion.

International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 2019
We apply linked cluster expansion techniques to study the polarized high-field phase of a spinhal... more We apply linked cluster expansion techniques to study the polarized high-field phase of a spinhalf antiferromagnet on the Kagome lattice with Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI). We find that the Dirac points of the single-magnon spectrum without DMI are robust against arbitrary DMI when the magnetic field lies in the Kagome plane. Unlike the typical case where DMI gaps the spectrum, here we find that varying the DMI merely shifts the location of the Dirac points. In contrast, a magnetic field with a component out of the Kagome plane gaps the spectrum, leading to topological magnon bands. We map out a topological phase diagram as the couplings are varied by computing the band Chern numbers. A pair of phase transitions are observed and we find an enhanced thermal Hall conductivity near the phase boundary.

International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2016
In this paper, we p ropose a proficient method for knowledge management in Edaphology to assist t... more In this paper, we p ropose a proficient method for knowledge management in Edaphology to assist the edaphologists and those related with agricu lture in a big way. The proposed method mainly consists two sections of wh ich the first one is to build the knowledge base using XML and the latter part deals with informat ion retrieval by searching using fuzzy. Initially, the relational database is converted to the XML database. The paper discusses two algorith ms, one is when the soil characteristics are inputted to have the plant list and in the other, plant names are inputted to have the soil characteristics suited for the plant. While retrieving the query result, the crisp numerical values are converted to fuzzy using the triangular fu zzy membership function and matched to those in database. And those which satisfy are added to the result list and subsequently the frequency is found out to rank the result list so as to obtain the final sorted list. Performance metrics used in order to evaluate the method and compare it to baseline paper are nu mber of plants retrieved, ranking efficiency, and computation time and memory usage. Results obtained proved the validity of the method and the method obtained average computation time of 0.102 seconds and average memory usage of 2486 Kb , which all are far better than the previous method results.
Continuing the study of nu-sub modules of a mu-module, in this paper, the notion of f-homomorphis... more Continuing the study of nu-sub modules of a mu-module, in this paper, the notion of f-homomorphism between a left mu-module and a left nu-module is introduced. Further, the First, Second and Third Isomorphism theorems and the Correspondence theorems for mu-modules are established, from which the corresponding study of mu-vector spaces is redundant.
Continuing the study of f-rings and f-homomorphism between f-rings -possibly with truth values in... more Continuing the study of f-rings and f-homomorphism between f-rings -possibly with truth values in completely different complete lattices, with f-direct and f-inverse images, both of which are generalizations, by Murthy, of fuzzy sub ring and crisp homomorphism between crisp rings with fuzzy direct and inverse images, in this paper, we establish First, Second and Third Isomorphism theorems and Correspondence theorem for f-rings and f-homomorphisms.
Books by Nistala V.E.S. Murthy
Papers by Nistala V.E.S. Murthy