Papers by Ningthoujam Sharmila Devi

Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, 2013
Aim: The present study aimed at reevaluating and providing a more comprehensive knowledge of posi... more Aim: The present study aimed at reevaluating and providing a more comprehensive knowledge of position and descent of the testis. Materials and methods: The position and descent of testis was studied on 104 male formalin fixed human fetuses in the Department of Anatomy, RIMS, Imphal. The fetuses were dissected and the location of the testes and the extent of the gubernaculum were noted. Special staining was done using Weigert's iron hematoxylin and Van Gieson's stain. Results: The testes were located, in the earliest specimen of the present series, retroperitoneally in the lower abdomen at L3e4 level. Left testis was usually at a lower level than the right. Testicular descent was observed earliest at 24 weeks of intra-uterine life (IUL) and 100% successful complete bilateral descent by 36 weeks IUL. Descent through the inguinal canal was rapid and no case of undescended testis was encountered. The testicular descent was symmetrical in majority of the cases except in 7 where the descent was asymmetrical with the left descending earlier. Structural changes in gubernaculum but not its contraction played a role in testicular descent. Conclusion: Thus, a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of the testicular descent will assist in management of cases related with testis, especially the undescended and ectopic testis.

Aim: The present study aimed at reevaluating and providing a more comprehensive knowledge of posi... more Aim: The present study aimed at reevaluating and providing a more comprehensive knowledge of position and descent of the testis. Materials and methods: The position and descent of testis was studied on 104 male formalin fixed human fetuses in the Department of Anatomy, RIMS, Imphal. The fetuses were dissected and the location of the testes and the extent of the gubernaculum were noted. Special staining was done using Weigert's iron hematoxylin and Van Gieson's stain. Results: The testes were located, in the earliest specimen of the present series, retroperitoneally in the lower abdomen at L3e4 level. Left testis was usually at a lower level than the right. Testicular descent was observed earliest at 24 weeks of intra-uterine life (IUL) and 100% successful complete bilateral descent by 36 weeks IUL. Descent through the inguinal canal was rapid and no case of undescended testis was encountered. The testicular descent was symmetrical in majority of the cases except in 7 where the descent was asymmetrical with the left descending earlier. Structural changes in gubernaculum but not its contraction played a role in testicular descent. Conclusion: Thus, a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of the testicular descent will assist in management of cases related with testis, especially the undescended and ectopic testis.
Papers by Ningthoujam Sharmila Devi