Papers by Nina Poloski Vokic
Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
University lecturers reached the consensus that more outcome oriented and visual teaching is favo... more University lecturers reached the consensus that more outcome oriented and visual teaching is favoured by Generation Y. However, it is crucial to assess students' perceptions about the effectiveness of various active and passive teaching methods, as their perceptions determine how students approach their learning, and as a result affect learning outcomes. In the theoretical part of the paper, previous empirical Þ ndings and conclusions about the effectiveness of different teaching methods (TM), as well as students' preferences of teaching methods related to their generational membership and other demographic characteristics are reviewed. In the empirical part of the paper, the effectiveness of various teaching methods was assessed by 99 graduate program students in Management from the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb. Students' perceptions are explored through a comprehensive list of 52 individual TM, as well as through TM bundles obtained through a factor analysis. As well, respondents' perceptions were related to their demographic characteristics (gender, undergraduate and graduate grade point average (GPA), (relevant) work experience, and extracurricular engagement).
Baltic Journal of Management
PurposeAlthough internal communication is perceived as one of the crucial elements for favorable ... more PurposeAlthough internal communication is perceived as one of the crucial elements for favorable internal evaluation of an employer brand (EB), the importance of internal communication for EB advocacy has been insufficiently theoretically problematized and related empirical evidence is almost non-existent. In this paper, the relationship between employees' satisfaction with internal communication and their perceptions of their employers' attractiveness is explored.Design/methodology/approachA questionnaire-based field research study was conducted on a sample of 3,457 Croatian employees. The Internal Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (ICSQ) (Tkalac Verčič et al., 2009) and the Employer Attractiveness (EmpAt) Scale (Berthon et al., 2005) were used for assessing internal communication satisfaction (ICS) and employer attractiveness (EA).FindingsFindings reveal that respondents' overall satisfaction with internal communication in their organizations is significantly po...
Education Sciences, 2020
Active teaching methods are emphasized as an important part of an effective teaching process for ... more Active teaching methods are emphasized as an important part of an effective teaching process for Generation Y students. Still, some individual characteristics, such as creativity and learning style, need to be considered as they can affect outcomes of the learning process. Empirical research on the students’ preferences for various active and passive teaching methods was done on a sample of graduate students from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb. Perceptions of students regarding 52 individual teaching methods, and teaching methods bundles were investigated. Findings reveal that more creative students, as well as activists and pragmatists, and especially reflectors while learning, do exhibit the greater inclination towards active teaching methods.
Ekonomski pregled, 2021
Rad empirijski istražuje obilježja i dimenzije koje poslodavce čine poželjnijima za najmlađu gene... more Rad empirijski istražuje obilježja i dimenzije koje poslodavce čine poželjnijima za najmlađu generaciju visokoobrazovanih ekonomista u Hrvatskoj, s obzirom na manjak istraživanja u ovom području. Također, istraženo je u kojoj je mjeri smisleno segmentirati signale koje poslodavci odašilju na tržište rada kako bi privukli pripadnike najmlađe generacije visokoobrazovanih ekonomista različitih socio-demografskih obilježja. Anketno istraživanje provedeno na uzorku 407 studenata sveučilišnih diplomskih studija korištenjem „Skale privlačnosti poslodavca“ Berthona, Ewinga i Haha (2005) je ukazalo da ispitanici preferiraju „Razvojnu dimenziju“ privlačnosti poslodavca. Dodatno, na temelju inferencijalne statistike zaključeno je da su dimenzije privlačnosti poslodavaca univerzalne, odnosno da u značajnoj mjeri ne ovise o socio-demografskim obilježjima ispitanika. Proizlazi da poslodavci koji žele privući i/ili zadržati u organizaciji visoko-obrazovane ekonomiste mlađih generacija trebaju isti...
Knjiga "Kontroling između profita i održivog razvoja" putem istraživanja i strucnih rad... more Knjiga "Kontroling između profita i održivog razvoja" putem istraživanja i strucnih radova skupa autora istražuje obilježja i primjenu drustveno odgovornog i održivog razvoja, istražujuci normativnu, strategijsku i operativnu razinu poslovanja te istražuje aktualnu domacu poslovnu praksu, kao i ulogu kontrolinga u tome.
The aim of the paper is to explore the shift in key employer attractiveness (EA) attributes/dimen... more The aim of the paper is to explore the shift in key employer attractiveness (EA) attributes/dimensions in Croatia during the last decade, as well as to explore whether preferred EA attributes/dimensions differ based on individual characteristics. In the theoretical part of the paper the concept and attributes/dimensions of EA are briefly unfolded, together with the elaboration of the shift in potential and current employees’ EA attributes/dimensions preferences during the last period worldwide, and the elaboration of the impact of individual characteristics and contextual conditions on their preferences. In the empirical part of the paper, both the secondary data analysis and the primary research of preferred EA attributes/dimensions are presented. Firstly, 2006 to 2017 results of the national “Employer of the first choice” survey were longitudinally analysed. Secondly, a survey on a sample of 109 graduate management students from the Faculty of Economics and Business – Zagreb was c...
Poglavlje se bavi dnevnim redom sindikata odnosno razlicitim aktivnostima i zadacima sindikata i ... more Poglavlje se bavi dnevnim redom sindikata odnosno razlicitim aktivnostima i zadacima sindikata i clanova sindikata, a poseban je naglasak stavljen na kolektivno pregovaranje i sustave davanja pritužbi, kao mehanizme koji preraspodjeljuju dio moci poslodavaca na zaposlenike.
The paper provides insights about evasive knowledge hiding in the academic setting. We have explo... more The paper provides insights about evasive knowledge hiding in the academic setting. We have explored situational and individual-level antecedents of intentional knowledge retentions within dyadic academic relationships. An online questionnaire survey was completed by 207 scholars from public and private economic and business schools/faculties in Croatia. Our findings confirm the importance of interpersonal trust in work relationships and support the differential role of knowledge complexity in the evasive hiding behavior. We clearly show that scholars hide knowledge partially rather than universally. While in general they are more likely to hide tacit knowledge from their academic colleagues, specifically they seem to hide knowledge more often towards distrusted occupational and university colleagues than departmental ones. In addition, their personality traits have been recognized as important determinants of academic knowledge hiding behavior. Scholars who are prosocially motivate...
Gender Equality in the Workplace, 2019
The chapter discusses six main areas of gender segregation—essentialist segregation, educational ... more The chapter discusses six main areas of gender segregation—essentialist segregation, educational segregation, employment segregation, occupational segregation, hierarchical segregation and pay segregation. Various types of gender segregation coexist and are highly correlated, exhibiting the spillover effect. Therefore, this chapter details numerous elements of each type of segregation, such as biological differences between genders; supply and demand side of gender essentialism; gender roles socialisation; horizontal and vertical educational inequality; gendered division of labour; paid-work segregation; feminised sectors; tournament and queuing occupational theories; vertical competences’ presumptions; glaring of the gender gap at higher managerial levels; direct and indirect determinants of gender pay gap and institutionalised undervaluation of female work.
Iako iznimno važna karika u lancu ostvarivanja poslovnih rezultata suvremenih organizacija, MLJP ... more Iako iznimno važna karika u lancu ostvarivanja poslovnih rezultata suvremenih organizacija, MLJP je u dosadasnjoj hrvatskoj praksi bio nedovoljno rasprostranjena i razvijena funkcija i menadžerska aktivnost. Stoga je svrha ovog rada bila istražiti je li se praksa MLJP-a u Hrvatskoj u posljednjih pet godina poboljsala te kakova je ona u usporedbi s europskim i svjetskim standardima. Analiza stanja i napretka prakse MLJP-a provedena je na temelju: (1) usporedbe 41 pokazatelja MLJP-a za 2001. (N = 42) i 2005. godinu (N = 81) te (2) usporedbom tih pokazatelja s europskim i svjetskim standardima. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su velike hrvatske organizacije u zadnjih pet godina unaprijedile svoju praksu MLJP-a, da je ona zastupljena i u srednje velikim organizacijama, ali i da ju je potrebno dalje razvijati. Nadalje, pokazalo je kako hrvatske organizacije podjednako kvalitetno obavljaju aktivnosti MLJP-a kao europske organizacije, no znacajno zaostaju za najboljom svjetskom praksom po tom ...
U poglavlju je prikazana SWOT analiza sindikalnoga pokreta u 21. stoljecu. Predloženo je i sto si... more U poglavlju je prikazana SWOT analiza sindikalnoga pokreta u 21. stoljecu. Predloženo je i sto sindikati mogu uciniti kako bi njihova buducnost bila ispunjena doprinosom vlastitom clanstvu, poslodavcima i drustvu opcenito odnosno predložena je vizija sindikata buducnosti.
Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 2021
PurposeThe study examines the psychometric properties of internal communication satisfaction ques... more PurposeThe study examines the psychometric properties of internal communication satisfaction questionnaire (ICSQ), an instrument originally developed in Croatian. A need for a contemporary instrument validated among a non-English-speaking population of employees who use English as their second language motivated the authors to translate the scale.Design/methodology/approachICSQ was validated on a sample of 507 employees of a large Croatian subsidiary of a multinational bank, where English is the official corporate language.FindingsICSQ displayed satisfactory levels of psychometric properties, retaining the psychometric properties of the original version of the instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed the acceptable model–data fit of the eight-factor model. Additionally, findings supported the reliability and construct validity of the English version of the instrument. Good internal consistencies of all eight internal communication satisfaction (ICS) dimensions and the tot...
Revija za socijalnu politiku, 2017
The starting point of the paper is that highly educated women suffer less inequality in the workp... more The starting point of the paper is that highly educated women suffer less inequality in the workplace. To test it, both secondary and primary researches were conducted. Secondary data refer to the field of education, participation in knowledge-intensive activities, hierarchical status, and pay gap of highly educated women compared to men in selected European countries, while primary data reveal perceptions of highly educated women on women's contextual career factors and personal critical incidents' experiences concerning equality. The primary research was conducted on a sample of 675 highly educated women in Croatia. Results are tested for statistical differences according to respondents' demographics and compared with highly educated men's perceptions (n = 177). The secondary data reveal that gender segregation is less present among highly educated women. In general, the primary data imply that highly educated women do not perceive contextual factors to negatively influence their careers, even though they had some negative gender-related experiences. Paper concludes with equality initiatives recommendations based on research results, and interviews conducted with HRM and general directors from MNCs with best equality practices.
Public Relations Review, 2017
Engagement is becoming one of the more popular concepts in various social sciences including psyc... more Engagement is becoming one of the more popular concepts in various social sciences including psychology, organizational behavior, human resource management, and of course public relations. Even though engagement is applied in several areas of public relations, it is most commonly explored in connection to internal communication. The purpose of this paper is to make a contribution to the growing body of research exploring the relationship between internal communication satisfaction (as a part of internal communication) and employee engagement. Principally we wanted to test the relationship between the eight dimensions of internal communication satisfaction and three employee engagement dimensions. 1. Introduction Engagement is becoming one of the more popular paradigms in describing the way organizations try to collaborate with their stakeholders. Worryingly, research shows that today there are more disengaged employees then engaged ones. According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report conducted in 142 countries, only 13% of questioned employees state that they feel engaged at their workplace (Gallup, 2016). This, rather disheartening result means that actively disengaged workers (negative and potentially hostile to the organization they work for) outnumber engaged employees almost 2-1. Having in mind potential benefits of employee engagement such as greater work performance (Gruman & Saks, 2011), reduced absenteeism and turnover (Brunetto, Teo, Shacklock & Farr-Wharton, 2012), and higher customer loyalty (Salanova, Agut & Peiro, 2005), it also adds importance to the approach in which engagement is an important source of competitive advantage, as it allows the organization to innovate and compete on the market (Welch, 2011). In public relations engagement is studied in various contexts, is defined in multiple terms and has different operationalizations. It is used as the umbrella term that includes a wide array of organizational attempts to involve stakeholders in its activities and decisions. In spite of a certain confusions of definitions, there are numerous studies that report a strong connection between engagement, employee performance and business outcomes. Key drivers of employee engagement include nature of the job and work environment, recognition of one's work, social climate, personality traits, and most important for this particular studyinternal communication satisfaction, as an integral part of internal communication. However, in spite of the importance of the relationship between internal communication and employee engagement, the association has not been widely empirically tested.
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 2014
This article explores different stakeholders’ perceptions of the future of trade unions in Croati... more This article explores different stakeholders’ perceptions of the future of trade unions in Croatia. Findings reveal that respondents (managers, HR experts, trade union officials, government representatives and employees) are not optimistic about the future of trade unions in Croatia, agreeing that they will face many obstacles in the near future, such as a lack of consensus between the five trade union federations, a lack of agreement among the unions within a federation, and further union disintegration. However, survey respondents believe that there are many strategies capable of revitalizing the union movement in Croatia, including networking, ‘organizing unionism’ and union modernization.
Evolving organizational and public work context has generated a shift from a traditional to a new... more Evolving organizational and public work context has generated a shift from a traditional to a new public human resource management (HRM) within the most developed countries. The aim of the paper was to empirically investigate whether Croatian public-sector organizations followed the same path and moved away from the state- towards a corporate-HRM model. The comparative HRM research was conducted on the sample of 125 privately- and 36 publicly-owned organizations with more than 200 employees (32.9% of the total population). The analysis of 83 HRM indicators confirmed our hypothesis that public-sector organizations in Croatia have not yet accepted a new public HRM philosophy.
Papers by Nina Poloski Vokic