Papers by Neda Severinski

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment [Working Title]
Polycystic ovary is part of an endocrine syndrome in which different pathophysiological mechanism... more Polycystic ovary is part of an endocrine syndrome in which different pathophysiological mechanisms lead to a similar reproductive outcome: anovulation, irregularity of the menstrual cycle, and infertility. Hormonal and metabolic disorders are associated with reproductive adverse outcomes, which represent a vicious circle with dysfunctional ovaries. Hyperandrogenemia, disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, and sex hormone synthesis led to reproductive abnormalities. One of the most crucial questions still remains, whether the polycystic ovary is the cause or the consequence of all known disorders. Inositols are in the treatment of PCOS capable of restoring ovulation with the impact on the carbohydrate metabolism, by increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which releases the sex hormones-binding protein and improves hyperandrogenemia. Nine stereoisomers of inositol are known, myo-inositol and chiro-inositol are the most studied in the reproductive age. By normalizing the level o...
Gynaecologia et perinatologia : journal for gynaecology, perinatology, reproductive medicine and ultrasonic diagnostics, Jul 21, 2009
Medicina Fluminensis : Medicina Fluminensis, Jul 13, 2009
Analiziran je neonatalni ishod blizanaca diskordantnog rasta u slucajevima pojavu zastoja fetalno... more Analiziran je neonatalni ishod blizanaca diskordantnog rasta u slucajevima pojavu zastoja fetalnog rasta kod jednog ili oba djeteta. Nepovoljan perinatalni ishod može se ocekivati ukoliko fetus u blizanackoj trudnoci razvije zastoj rasta. Diskordantni rast sma za sebe nije prognosticki nepovoljan cimbenik ukoliko nije udružen sa zastojem fetalnog rasta.

Sažetak. Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi i usporediti ishod trudnoće i poroda na početku i pri kraju ... more Sažetak. Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi i usporediti ishod trudnoće i poroda na početku i pri kraju reproduktivne dobi. Materijal i metode: U istraživanje je uključeno 59 prvorotkinja mlađih od 18 godina i 233 prvorotkinje starije od 35 godina, koje su rodile u našoj ustanovi tijekom dvogodišnjeg razdoblja (od 2006. do 2007. god.). Podaci su prikupljeni retrospektivno, pretra živanjem medicinske dokumentacije i rađaoničkog protokola hospitaliziranih rodilja. Rezultati: U starih prvorotkinja značajno je povećan broj medicinskih zahvata u trudnoći kao i učestalost komplikacija u trudnoći (36,48% vs. 16,94%, p<0,05). U starih prvorotkinja značajno je češća i učestalost operativnog dovršenja poroda carskim rezom (23,60% vs. 8,47%, p<0,05) iako nije uočena značajna razlika u nepravilnostima rađanja. Mlade prvorotkinje znatno češće rađaju uz epiduralnu analgeziju (32,20% vs. 25,32%, p<0,01). Ne postoji značajna razlika u trajanju gestacije, u srednjoj vrijednosti rodne mase, niti razlika u Apgar score novorođenčadi. Zaključak: Mlade i stare prvorotkinje su rizične skupine rodilja koje zahtijevaju posebnu opstetričku skrb i planiranje načina rađanja. Negativan učinak životne dobi na ishod trudnoće jače je izražen u starijih prvorotkinja. ključne riječi: porod, prvorotkinje, reproduktivna dob, trudnoća abStract. Aim: to determine and compare the frequency of the risk of pregnancy and delivery outcome at the beginning and ending of reproductive age. Methods: The study included 59 nulliparous adolescents younger than 18 years and 233 nulliparous women 35 years and older in the period of two years (20062007). Birth records and patient files were retrospectively analised and compared. Results: In the primiparae of 35 years or more, medical interventions during pregnancy were higher, and the risk of chronic diseases which complicated their pregnancies increased (36,48% vs. 16,94, p<0,05). The incidence of cesarean section was statistically higher in pregnancies above 35 years (32,20% vs. 25,32 % p<0,01). Birth weight, APGAR scores and, incidence of premature birth, were not significantly different between groups. Conclusion: Both adolescents and women of advanced reproductive age comprise distinct groups of obstetrics patients. Each has special needs and is susceptible to different obstetric risks. Nulliparous women of 35 years and older have higher risk of negative effect of age on their pregnancies.

Medicina : glasilo Hrvatskoga liječničkoga zbora, Podružnica Rijeka, 2016
Sažetak. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi vrijednost rutinskog određivanja hormona štitnja... more Sažetak. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi vrijednost rutinskog određivanja hormona štitnjače, autoprotutijela (antiperoksidazna -A-TPO, antitireoglobilinska A-Tg) u serumu te ultrazvučnog (UZ) pregleda štitnjače u procjeni ishoda liječenja neplodnih parova postupcima medicinski pomognute oplodnje. Ispitanice i metode: U istraživanje su uključene pacijentice (n = 222) s dijagnozom neplodnosti liječene u razdoblju od 2009. do 2015. godine postupcima medicinski pomognute oplodnje na Zavodu za humanu reprodukciju i Kliničkom zavodu za nuklearnu medicinu Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Rijeci. Pacijenticama je uzeta anamneza, učinjen je klinički i ultrazvučni pregled štitnjače, a određene su i koncentracije hormona i protutijela u serumu. Rezultati: Udio spontanih pobačaja bio je 29 % kod pacijentica s urednom funkcijom štitnjače, a 52 % kod pacijentica s autoimunom ili supkliničkom bolesti štitnjače. Zaključak: Povišene vrijednosti serumskih mikrosomalnih protutijela povezane su s češćim spontanim pobačajima nakon postupka medicinski pomognute oplodnje i u pacijentica koje imaju normalne serumske vrijednosti hormona štitnjače. Rutinsko određivanje hormona štitnjače i antitireoidnih antitijela u serumu te UZ pregled štitnjače može pomoći u utvrđivanju uzroka neplodnosti, probiru pacijentica s rizikom za spontani pobačaj te praćenju i liječenju neplodnosti.

JBRA Assisted Reproduction
Case Report: A 35-yr-old patient suffering from secondary amenorrhea for two years before she was... more Case Report: A 35-yr-old patient suffering from secondary amenorrhea for two years before she was diagnosed. Secondary amenorrhea occurred after the first normal vaginal delivery, and it was initially associated with breastfeeding and a formerly diagnosed thyroid disease. Transvaginal ultrasound confirmed a tumorous mass of the right ovary. Blood hormone tests detected high serum inhibin B and Anti-Müllerian hormone levels and high androgen level with no signs of virilization. Surgical treatment was indicated for a definitive diagnosis of suspected sex cord-stromal tumor. Right-sided laparoscopic salpingooophorectomy was performed, and the histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of granulosa cell tumor adult type. The oncological team recommended adjuvant chemotherapy after the operation, but the patient did not give an informed consent. One month after surgical treatment, spontaneous menstrual bleeding occurred with normalization of sex hormone levels and the menstrual cycle. Nine months after surgical treatment, the patient was examined again due to secondary amenorrhea. Ultrasound confirmed a vital intrauterine pregnancy. The pregnancy course was normal, and the patient had a fullterm spontaneous vaginal delivery of her second child. Restoration of fertility after a temporary loss due to hormone-secreting granulosa cell tumor is possible after sparing surgical treatment. The role of adjuvant chemotherapy is controversial, particularly in patients with stage I-II disease because of the rarity of this tumor and the absence of prospective randomized studies.
Medicina-buenos Aires, 1997
Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 2005
Gynaecologia et perinatologia : journal for gynaecology, perinatology, reproductive medicine and ultrasonic diagnostics, 2009
Retrospektivnom analizom dokumentacije vaginalnih poroda nakon prethodno ucinjenog carskog reza u... more Retrospektivnom analizom dokumentacije vaginalnih poroda nakon prethodno ucinjenog carskog reza utvrđena je incidencija od 52%, sto je povecanje u odnosu na prethodno razdoblje. Priprema trudnice i rodilje za vaginalni prod nakon prethodnog carskog reza uvjet je za uspjesan vaginalni porod.

Sperm preparation techniques are an essential component of assisted reproductive technologies, an... more Sperm preparation techniques are an essential component of assisted reproductive technologies, and they are related to the success of infertility treatment. The aim of this study was to compare apoptosis and sperm DNA fragmentation between native and processed (after density gradient) sperm samples, and to explore the relation between apoptosis and DNA fragmentation in both sperm samples. The participants were 30 men undergoing fertility treatments in a public hospital. The results showed significantly higher percentage of apoptosis in native sperm sample than in processed sperm sample. The percentage of DNA fragmentation did not differ between native and processed sperm samples. The relation between apoptosis and DNA fragmentation in processed sperm sample and native sperm sample was very low and did not reach statistical significance. Apoptosis was not significantly associated with the number of normal and fragmented forms of sperm cells and this pattern of relations was the same ...
Papers by Neda Severinski