Bu üründe yer alan bilgiler sadece lisanslı tıbbi çalışanlar için kaynak olarak sunulmuştur. Herh... more Bu üründe yer alan bilgiler sadece lisanslı tıbbi çalışanlar için kaynak olarak sunulmuştur. Herhangi bir konuda profesyonel tıbbi danışmanlık veya tıbbi tanı amacıyla kullanılmamalıdır. Akademisyen Kitabevi ve alıcı arasında herhangi bir şekilde doktor-hasta, terapist-hasta ve/ veya başka bir sağlık sunum hizmeti ilişkisi oluşturmaz. Bu ürün profesyonel tıbbi kararların eşleniği veya yedeği değildir. Akademisyen Kitabevi ve bağlı şirketleri, yazarları, katılımcıları, partnerleri ve sponsorları ürün bilgilerine dayalı olarak yapılan bütün uygulamalardan doğan, insanlarda ve cihazlarda yaralanma ve/veya hasarlardan sorumlu değildir. İlaçların veya başka kimyasalların reçete edildiği durumlarda, tavsiye edilen dozunu, ilacın uygulanacak süresi, yöntemi ve kontraendikasyonlarını belirlemek için, okuyucuya üretici tarafından her ilaca dair sunulan güncel ürün bilgisini kontrol etmesi tavsiye edilmektedir. Dozun ve hasta için en uygun tedavinin belirlenmesi, tedavi eden hekimin hastaya dair bilgi ve tecrübelerine dayanak oluşturması, hekimin kendi sorumluluğundadır. Akademisyen Kitabevi, üçüncü bir taraf tarafından yapılan ürüne dair değişiklikler, tekrar paketlemeler ve özelleştirmelerden sorumlu değildir.
Özet: Odontojenik keratokist (OK); ağız epitelinin bazal hücrelerinden veya dental lamina artıkla... more Özet: Odontojenik keratokist (OK); ağız epitelinin bazal hücrelerinden veya dental lamina artıklarından meydana gelen gelişimsel, benign, lokal agresif davranışta bir odontojenik kisttir. Mandibulada daha sık görülmektedir. Lezyonlar sıklıkla posterior mandibular angulusta görülmekte ve mezio-distal yayılım göstermektedir. Lokal agresif yayılımı, internal büyüme potansiyeli ve uydu kistlerin nükse meyilli olmasından dolayı WHO tarafından 2005-2017 yılları arasında 'keratokistik odontojenik tümör' olarak adlandırılmış ve neoplazm sınıfında değerlendirilmiş ancak günümüzde tekrar kist sınıflamasına dahil edilmiştir. Bu olgu sunumunda daha önce lokal anestezi altında opere edilmeye çalışılmış, kronik enfeksiyondan ve lezyonun sinirin yerini de değiştirmesinden dolayı lokal anestezi sağlanamamış anksiyetik hastanın anestezi yönetiminden bahsedilmiştir.
Yüksek İhtisas Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
Introduction: Airway management can be a major concern, due to the possibility of encountering di... more Introduction: Airway management can be a major concern, due to the possibility of encountering difficult ventilation and intubation. The Modified Intubation Difficulty Scale (MIDS) is a quantitative scale that can objectively compare nasotracheal intubation. LEMON method which consists of following assessments; Look-Evaluate-Mallampati-Obstruction-Neck mobility and modified LEMON scores (LEON) are popular scoring systems described for airway management due to their easy usability. We aimed to evaluate usability of the LEMON and LEON scores in patients who underwent oral and maxillofacial surgery by studying correlation between each score and the MIDS. Materials and Methods: The records of 72 patients were reviewed retrospectively. At the pre-anesthetic evaluation; airway assessments were recorded according to LEMON, LEON scores; MIDS were recorded after intubation. Patients were allocated into two groups: Non-difficult (NonD; MIDS ≤5) and Difficult (D; MIDS >5). Correlations betw...
BACKGROUND Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is increasingly recognised as being responsible for a sub... more BACKGROUND Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is increasingly recognised as being responsible for a substantial proportion of the global burden of disease. Neurosurgical interventions are an important aspect of care for patients with TBI, but there is little epidemiological data available on this patient population. We aimed to characterise differences in casemix, management, and mortality of patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for TBI across different levels of human development. METHODS We did a prospective observational cohort study of consecutive patients with TBI undergoing emergency neurosurgery, in a convenience sample of hospitals identified by open invitation, through international and regional scientific societies and meetings, individual contacts, and social media. Patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for TBI in each hospital's 30-day study period were all eligible for inclusion, with the exception of patients undergoing insertion of an intracranial pressure monitor only, ventriculostomy placement only, or a procedure for drainage of a chronic subdural haematoma. The primary outcome was mortality at 14 days postoperatively (or last point of observation if the patient was discharged before this time point). Countries were stratified according to their Human Development Index (HDI)-a composite of life expectancy, education, and income measures-into very high HDI, high HDI, medium HDI, and low HDI tiers. Mixed effects logistic regression was used to examine the effect of HDI on mortality while accounting for and quantifying between-hospital and between-country variation. FINDINGS Our study included 1635 records from 159 hospitals in 57 countries, collected between Nov 1, 2018, and Jan 31, 2020. 328 (20%) records were from countries in the very high HDI tier, 539 (33%) from countries in the high HDI tier, 614 (38%) from countries in the medium HDI tier, and 154 (9%) from countries in the low HDI tier. The median age was 35 years (IQR 24-51), with the oldest patients in the very high HDI tier (median 54 years, IQR 34-69) and the youngest in the low HDI tier (median 28 years, IQR 20-38). The most common procedures were elevation of a depressed skull fracture in the low HDI tier (69 [45%]), evacuation of a supratentorial extradural haematoma in the medium HDI tier (189 [31%]) and high HDI tier (173 [32%]), and evacuation of a supratentorial acute subdural haematoma in the very high HDI tier (155 [47%]). Median time from injury to surgery was 13 h (IQR 6-32). Overall mortality was 18% (299 of 1635). After adjustment for casemix, the odds of mortality were greater in the medium HDI tier (odds ratio [OR] 2·84, 95% CI 1·55-5·2) and high HDI tier (2·26, 1·23-4·15), but not the low HDI tier (1·66, 0·61-4·46), relative to the very high HDI tier. There was significant between-hospital variation in mortality (median OR 2·04, 95% CI 1·17-2·49). INTERPRETATION Patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for TBI differed considerably in their admission characteristics and management across human development settings. Level of human development was associated with mortality. Substantial opportunities to improve care globally were identified, including reducing delays to surgery. Between-hospital variation in mortality suggests changes at an institutional level could influence outcome and comparative effectiveness research could identify best practices. FUNDING National Institute for Health Research Global Health Research Group.
Odontojenik keratokist (OK); agiz epitelinin bazal hucrelerinden veya dental lamina artiklarindan... more Odontojenik keratokist (OK); agiz epitelinin bazal hucrelerinden veya dental lamina artiklarindan meydana gelen gelisimsel, benign, lokal agresif davranista bir odontojenik kisttir. Mandibulada daha sik gorulmektedir. Lezyonlar siklikla posterior mandibular angulusta gorulmekte ve mezio-distal yayilim gostermektedir. Lokal agresif yayilimi, internal buyume potansiyeli ve uydu kistlerin nukse meyilli olmasindan dolayi WHO tarafindan 2005-2017 yillari arasinda ‘keratokistik odontojenik tumor’ olarak adlandirilmis ve neoplazm sinifinda degerlendirilmis ancak gunumuzde tekrar kist siniflamasina dahil edilmistir. Bu olgu sunumunda daha once lokal anestezi altinda opere edilmeye calisilmis, kronik enfeksiyondan ve lezyonun sinirin yerini de degistirmesinden dolayi lokal anestezi saglanamamis anksiyetik hastanin anestezi yonetiminden bahsedilmistir.
Aim:We aimed to identify and analyze the quality of YouTubeTM videos on dental sedation. Material... more Aim:We aimed to identify and analyze the quality of YouTubeTM videos on dental sedation. Materials and Methods:YouTube website was independently searched by researchers for videos on dental sedation published before December 27, 2020. Appropriate videos were determined according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the research. All data about each video was recorded. Included videos were classified according to standardized quality criteria. Results:106 of the first 202 videos reached were included in the study. Most of the videos were from health professionals (88.68%). It was determined that the video contents of 15 videos were poor (14.15%), 81 moderate (76.42%), and 10 excellent (9.43%). There was no significant relationship between the content quality of the videos and the interaction index (p=0.108) and viewing rates (p=0.302). Significantly greater quality difference was seen between video sources (p= .013) Conclusions: The videos on YouTubeTM about dental sedation pro...
Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlu... more Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlusion are inevitable and result in ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Nanomedicine uses the latest technology, which has emerged with interdisciplinary effects, such as biomedical sciences, physics, and engineering, to protect and improve human health. Interdisciplinary research has brought along the introduction of antioxidant nanoparticles as potential therapeutics. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of cerium oxide (CeO2) administration and desflurane anesthesia on liver tissue in liver IR injury. Material and methods Thirty rats were randomly divided into five groups: control (C), ischemia-reperfusion (IR), IR-desflurane (IRD), cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion (CeO2-IR), and cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion-desflurane (CeO2-IRD). In the IR, IRD, and CeO2-IRD groups, hepatic ischemia was induced after the porta hepatis was clamped for 120 min, followed by 120 min o...
Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlu... more Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlusion are inevitable and result in ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Nanomedicine uses the latest technology, which has emerged with interdisciplinary effects such as biomedical sciences, physics, and engineering, to protect and improve human health. Interdisciplinary research has brought along the introduction of antioxidant nanoparticles as potential therapeutics. This study’s goal was to investigate the effects of cerium oxide (CO) administration and desflurane anesthesia on liver tissue in liver IR injury. Material and Methods A total of 30 rats were randomly divided into five groups: control (C), ischemia-reperfusion (IR), IR-Desflurane (IRD), cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion (CO-IR), cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion-desflurane (CO-IRD). In the IR, IRD, and CO-IRD groups, hepatic ischemia was induced after the porta hepatis was clamped for 120 minutes, followed by 120 minutes of r...
Ischaemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, which can be encountered during surgical procedures involving ... more Ischaemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, which can be encountered during surgical procedures involving the abdominal aorta, is a complex process that affects distant organs, such as the heart, liver, kidney, and lungs, as well as the lower extremities. In this study, we aimed to contribute to the limited literature by investigating the protective effect of dexmedetomidine, which was administered through different routes, on kidney tissue in rats with spinal cord IR injury. Methods: A total of 30 rats were randomly divided into five groups: control (C group), IR (IR group), IR-intraperitoneal dexmedetomidine (IRIPD group), IR-intrathecal dexmedetomidine (IRITD group), and IR-intravenous dexmedetomidine (IRIVD group). The spinal cord IR model was established. Dexmedetomidine was administered at doses of 100 µg/kg intraperitoneally, 3 µg/ kg intrathecally, and 9 µg/kg intravenously. Histopathologic parameters in kidney tissue samples taken at the end of the reperfusion period and biochemical parameters in serum were evaluated. Results: When examined histopathologically, tubular dilatation was found to be significantly reduced in the IRIVD, IRITD, and IRIPD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.012, all). Vascular vacuolization and hypertrophy were significantly decreased in the IRIVD, IRITD, and IRIPD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.006, all). Tubular cell degeneration and necrosis were significantly reduced in the IRIVD, IRITD, and IRIPD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.008, p = 0.08, and p = 0.030, respectively). Lymphocyte infiltration was significantly decreased in the IRIVD and IRITD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.006 and p = 0.06, respectively). Conclusion: It was observed that dexmedetomidine administered by different routes improved the damage caused by IR in kidney histopathology. We think that the renoprotective effects of dexmedetomidine administered intravenously and intrathecally before IR in rats are greater.
Bu üründe yer alan bilgiler sadece lisanslı tıbbi çalışanlar için kaynak olarak sunulmuştur. Herh... more Bu üründe yer alan bilgiler sadece lisanslı tıbbi çalışanlar için kaynak olarak sunulmuştur. Herhangi bir konuda profesyonel tıbbi danışmanlık veya tıbbi tanı amacıyla kullanılmamalıdır. Akademisyen Kitabevi ve alıcı arasında herhangi bir şekilde doktor-hasta, terapist-hasta ve/ veya başka bir sağlık sunum hizmeti ilişkisi oluşturmaz. Bu ürün profesyonel tıbbi kararların eşleniği veya yedeği değildir. Akademisyen Kitabevi ve bağlı şirketleri, yazarları, katılımcıları, partnerleri ve sponsorları ürün bilgilerine dayalı olarak yapılan bütün uygulamalardan doğan, insanlarda ve cihazlarda yaralanma ve/veya hasarlardan sorumlu değildir. İlaçların veya başka kimyasalların reçete edildiği durumlarda, tavsiye edilen dozunu, ilacın uygulanacak süresi, yöntemi ve kontraendikasyonlarını belirlemek için, okuyucuya üretici tarafından her ilaca dair sunulan güncel ürün bilgisini kontrol etmesi tavsiye edilmektedir. Dozun ve hasta için en uygun tedavinin belirlenmesi, tedavi eden hekimin hastaya dair bilgi ve tecrübelerine dayanak oluşturması, hekimin kendi sorumluluğundadır. Akademisyen Kitabevi, üçüncü bir taraf tarafından yapılan ürüne dair değişiklikler, tekrar paketlemeler ve özelleştirmelerden sorumlu değildir.
Özet: Odontojenik keratokist (OK); ağız epitelinin bazal hücrelerinden veya dental lamina artıkla... more Özet: Odontojenik keratokist (OK); ağız epitelinin bazal hücrelerinden veya dental lamina artıklarından meydana gelen gelişimsel, benign, lokal agresif davranışta bir odontojenik kisttir. Mandibulada daha sık görülmektedir. Lezyonlar sıklıkla posterior mandibular angulusta görülmekte ve mezio-distal yayılım göstermektedir. Lokal agresif yayılımı, internal büyüme potansiyeli ve uydu kistlerin nükse meyilli olmasından dolayı WHO tarafından 2005-2017 yılları arasında 'keratokistik odontojenik tümör' olarak adlandırılmış ve neoplazm sınıfında değerlendirilmiş ancak günümüzde tekrar kist sınıflamasına dahil edilmiştir. Bu olgu sunumunda daha önce lokal anestezi altında opere edilmeye çalışılmış, kronik enfeksiyondan ve lezyonun sinirin yerini de değiştirmesinden dolayı lokal anestezi sağlanamamış anksiyetik hastanın anestezi yönetiminden bahsedilmiştir.
Yüksek İhtisas Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
Introduction: Airway management can be a major concern, due to the possibility of encountering di... more Introduction: Airway management can be a major concern, due to the possibility of encountering difficult ventilation and intubation. The Modified Intubation Difficulty Scale (MIDS) is a quantitative scale that can objectively compare nasotracheal intubation. LEMON method which consists of following assessments; Look-Evaluate-Mallampati-Obstruction-Neck mobility and modified LEMON scores (LEON) are popular scoring systems described for airway management due to their easy usability. We aimed to evaluate usability of the LEMON and LEON scores in patients who underwent oral and maxillofacial surgery by studying correlation between each score and the MIDS. Materials and Methods: The records of 72 patients were reviewed retrospectively. At the pre-anesthetic evaluation; airway assessments were recorded according to LEMON, LEON scores; MIDS were recorded after intubation. Patients were allocated into two groups: Non-difficult (NonD; MIDS ≤5) and Difficult (D; MIDS >5). Correlations betw...
BACKGROUND Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is increasingly recognised as being responsible for a sub... more BACKGROUND Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is increasingly recognised as being responsible for a substantial proportion of the global burden of disease. Neurosurgical interventions are an important aspect of care for patients with TBI, but there is little epidemiological data available on this patient population. We aimed to characterise differences in casemix, management, and mortality of patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for TBI across different levels of human development. METHODS We did a prospective observational cohort study of consecutive patients with TBI undergoing emergency neurosurgery, in a convenience sample of hospitals identified by open invitation, through international and regional scientific societies and meetings, individual contacts, and social media. Patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for TBI in each hospital's 30-day study period were all eligible for inclusion, with the exception of patients undergoing insertion of an intracranial pressure monitor only, ventriculostomy placement only, or a procedure for drainage of a chronic subdural haematoma. The primary outcome was mortality at 14 days postoperatively (or last point of observation if the patient was discharged before this time point). Countries were stratified according to their Human Development Index (HDI)-a composite of life expectancy, education, and income measures-into very high HDI, high HDI, medium HDI, and low HDI tiers. Mixed effects logistic regression was used to examine the effect of HDI on mortality while accounting for and quantifying between-hospital and between-country variation. FINDINGS Our study included 1635 records from 159 hospitals in 57 countries, collected between Nov 1, 2018, and Jan 31, 2020. 328 (20%) records were from countries in the very high HDI tier, 539 (33%) from countries in the high HDI tier, 614 (38%) from countries in the medium HDI tier, and 154 (9%) from countries in the low HDI tier. The median age was 35 years (IQR 24-51), with the oldest patients in the very high HDI tier (median 54 years, IQR 34-69) and the youngest in the low HDI tier (median 28 years, IQR 20-38). The most common procedures were elevation of a depressed skull fracture in the low HDI tier (69 [45%]), evacuation of a supratentorial extradural haematoma in the medium HDI tier (189 [31%]) and high HDI tier (173 [32%]), and evacuation of a supratentorial acute subdural haematoma in the very high HDI tier (155 [47%]). Median time from injury to surgery was 13 h (IQR 6-32). Overall mortality was 18% (299 of 1635). After adjustment for casemix, the odds of mortality were greater in the medium HDI tier (odds ratio [OR] 2·84, 95% CI 1·55-5·2) and high HDI tier (2·26, 1·23-4·15), but not the low HDI tier (1·66, 0·61-4·46), relative to the very high HDI tier. There was significant between-hospital variation in mortality (median OR 2·04, 95% CI 1·17-2·49). INTERPRETATION Patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for TBI differed considerably in their admission characteristics and management across human development settings. Level of human development was associated with mortality. Substantial opportunities to improve care globally were identified, including reducing delays to surgery. Between-hospital variation in mortality suggests changes at an institutional level could influence outcome and comparative effectiveness research could identify best practices. FUNDING National Institute for Health Research Global Health Research Group.
Odontojenik keratokist (OK); agiz epitelinin bazal hucrelerinden veya dental lamina artiklarindan... more Odontojenik keratokist (OK); agiz epitelinin bazal hucrelerinden veya dental lamina artiklarindan meydana gelen gelisimsel, benign, lokal agresif davranista bir odontojenik kisttir. Mandibulada daha sik gorulmektedir. Lezyonlar siklikla posterior mandibular angulusta gorulmekte ve mezio-distal yayilim gostermektedir. Lokal agresif yayilimi, internal buyume potansiyeli ve uydu kistlerin nukse meyilli olmasindan dolayi WHO tarafindan 2005-2017 yillari arasinda ‘keratokistik odontojenik tumor’ olarak adlandirilmis ve neoplazm sinifinda degerlendirilmis ancak gunumuzde tekrar kist siniflamasina dahil edilmistir. Bu olgu sunumunda daha once lokal anestezi altinda opere edilmeye calisilmis, kronik enfeksiyondan ve lezyonun sinirin yerini de degistirmesinden dolayi lokal anestezi saglanamamis anksiyetik hastanin anestezi yonetiminden bahsedilmistir.
Aim:We aimed to identify and analyze the quality of YouTubeTM videos on dental sedation. Material... more Aim:We aimed to identify and analyze the quality of YouTubeTM videos on dental sedation. Materials and Methods:YouTube website was independently searched by researchers for videos on dental sedation published before December 27, 2020. Appropriate videos were determined according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the research. All data about each video was recorded. Included videos were classified according to standardized quality criteria. Results:106 of the first 202 videos reached were included in the study. Most of the videos were from health professionals (88.68%). It was determined that the video contents of 15 videos were poor (14.15%), 81 moderate (76.42%), and 10 excellent (9.43%). There was no significant relationship between the content quality of the videos and the interaction index (p=0.108) and viewing rates (p=0.302). Significantly greater quality difference was seen between video sources (p= .013) Conclusions: The videos on YouTubeTM about dental sedation pro...
Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlu... more Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlusion are inevitable and result in ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Nanomedicine uses the latest technology, which has emerged with interdisciplinary effects, such as biomedical sciences, physics, and engineering, to protect and improve human health. Interdisciplinary research has brought along the introduction of antioxidant nanoparticles as potential therapeutics. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of cerium oxide (CeO2) administration and desflurane anesthesia on liver tissue in liver IR injury. Material and methods Thirty rats were randomly divided into five groups: control (C), ischemia-reperfusion (IR), IR-desflurane (IRD), cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion (CeO2-IR), and cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion-desflurane (CeO2-IRD). In the IR, IRD, and CeO2-IRD groups, hepatic ischemia was induced after the porta hepatis was clamped for 120 min, followed by 120 min o...
Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlu... more Introduction During liver surgery and transplantation, periods of partial or total vascular occlusion are inevitable and result in ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Nanomedicine uses the latest technology, which has emerged with interdisciplinary effects such as biomedical sciences, physics, and engineering, to protect and improve human health. Interdisciplinary research has brought along the introduction of antioxidant nanoparticles as potential therapeutics. This study’s goal was to investigate the effects of cerium oxide (CO) administration and desflurane anesthesia on liver tissue in liver IR injury. Material and Methods A total of 30 rats were randomly divided into five groups: control (C), ischemia-reperfusion (IR), IR-Desflurane (IRD), cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion (CO-IR), cerium oxide-ischemia reperfusion-desflurane (CO-IRD). In the IR, IRD, and CO-IRD groups, hepatic ischemia was induced after the porta hepatis was clamped for 120 minutes, followed by 120 minutes of r...
Ischaemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, which can be encountered during surgical procedures involving ... more Ischaemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, which can be encountered during surgical procedures involving the abdominal aorta, is a complex process that affects distant organs, such as the heart, liver, kidney, and lungs, as well as the lower extremities. In this study, we aimed to contribute to the limited literature by investigating the protective effect of dexmedetomidine, which was administered through different routes, on kidney tissue in rats with spinal cord IR injury. Methods: A total of 30 rats were randomly divided into five groups: control (C group), IR (IR group), IR-intraperitoneal dexmedetomidine (IRIPD group), IR-intrathecal dexmedetomidine (IRITD group), and IR-intravenous dexmedetomidine (IRIVD group). The spinal cord IR model was established. Dexmedetomidine was administered at doses of 100 µg/kg intraperitoneally, 3 µg/ kg intrathecally, and 9 µg/kg intravenously. Histopathologic parameters in kidney tissue samples taken at the end of the reperfusion period and biochemical parameters in serum were evaluated. Results: When examined histopathologically, tubular dilatation was found to be significantly reduced in the IRIVD, IRITD, and IRIPD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.012, all). Vascular vacuolization and hypertrophy were significantly decreased in the IRIVD, IRITD, and IRIPD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.006, all). Tubular cell degeneration and necrosis were significantly reduced in the IRIVD, IRITD, and IRIPD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.008, p = 0.08, and p = 0.030, respectively). Lymphocyte infiltration was significantly decreased in the IRIVD and IRITD groups compared with the IR group (p = 0.006 and p = 0.06, respectively). Conclusion: It was observed that dexmedetomidine administered by different routes improved the damage caused by IR in kidney histopathology. We think that the renoprotective effects of dexmedetomidine administered intravenously and intrathecally before IR in rats are greater.
Papers by Necmiye Şengel