Papers by Philip Naughton
FUTURE FAB International, 2007
Semiconductor Industry Energy Reduction In the past, energy efficiency was not a high priority fo... more Semiconductor Industry Energy Reduction In the past, energy efficiency was not a high priority for the semiconductor industry, since costs related to it historically represented a relatively small percentage of overall operating costs, and competition for capital resources relegated energy projects to the back of the line. But how quickly things can change. Many device manufacturers are now seeing double-digit increases in energy costs and there is little question that saving energy makes good business sense. According to SEMI, “Slashing energy consumption has become an unquestioned semiconductor industry goal” ( Recently, the World Semiconductor Council and SEMI issued a joint white paper on energy reduction, and International SEMATECH Manufacturing Initiative (ISMI) and SEMI have sponsored energy workshops in Europe, Asia and the United States
In the race to apply new technologies in ''high-tech'' facilities such as data ce... more In the race to apply new technologies in ''high-tech'' facilities such as data centers, laboratories, and clean rooms, much emphasis has been placed on improving service, building capacity, and increasing speed. These facilities are socially and economically important, as part of the critical infrastructure for pharmaceuticals,electronics, communications, and many other sectors. With a singular focus on throughput, some important design
Energy Efficiency, 2008
The high-technology sector characterized by facilities such as laboratories, cleanrooms, and da... more The high-technology sector characterized by facilities such as laboratories, cleanrooms, and data centers is often where innovation first occurs. These facilities are sometimes referred to as the racecars of the buildings sector because new technologies and ...
The 17th Annual Semi Ieee Asmc 2006 Conference, May 22, 2006
Resource consumption directly impacts the cost of semiconductor manufacturing and indirectly cont... more Resource consumption directly impacts the cost of semiconductor manufacturing and indirectly contributes to increases in global warming. Since 1996, several resource conservation projects and surveys have been performed at SEMATECH, its member companies, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment (SME) suppliers. Significant reductions in SME resource consumption are possible, but are they enough? The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) continues to challenge new fobs and SME designers to meet ever-decreasing energy goals. The World Semiconductor Council has issued their white paper on energy suggesting normalized energy reductions for wafer fabs. To achieve measurable reductions, both factory owners and SME suppliers will need to baseline their energy consumption and establish specific targets for improvement. Target setting must include the total energy requirements for process equipment, its support components (e.g., vacuum pumps, abatement devices, chillers), and all support utilities (e.g., power, water, compressed air, etc.). To measure, track, and report the progress towards improvement goals, a total equivalent energy (TEE) tool is presented. One of the key components of the TEE methods to be addressed is the use of energy conversion factors (ECFs)
ISSM 2005, IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2005., 2005
Resource consumption directly impacts the cost of semiconductor manufacturing and indirectly cont... more Resource consumption directly impacts the cost of semiconductor manufacturing and indirectly contributes to environmental pollution. Several resource conservation projects and surveys since 1996, have been performed at Sematech member companies and suppliers demonstrating significant reductions in tool and resource consumption are possible but are they enough? The ITRS roadmap continues to challenge new fabs to meet ever-decreasing energy goals. The World Semiconductor Council and SEMI have issued their white paper on energy suggesting normalized energy reductions for wafer fabs. In order to achieve measurable reductions both factory owners and tools suppliers need to baseline their energy consumption and establish specific targets for improvement
Papers by Philip Naughton