Papers by Natasha Sanchez
He can read my writing but he sho' can't read my mind": Zora Neale Hurston and the Anthropologica... more He can read my writing but he sho' can't read my mind": Zora Neale Hurston and the Anthropological Gaze Natasha Sanchez This thesis explores the life and anthropological merits of Zora Neale Hurston's literary works. I focus specifically on Hurston's autobiography Dust Tracks on a Road to bring to light her critique of Western society. This thesis argues that Hurston purposefully utilized anthropology as a tool to switch the anthropological gaze upon white Western culture, thereby constructing the West as "other." She masterfully bridges the gap between two disciplines: literature and anthropology. Through this argument I highlight just how academia has overlooked Hurston's scholarly voice in Dust Tracks on a Road, as well as answer the question: how will our reading of Hurston change if we view her in this new light? Overall, this project establishes a different narrative regarding the life and legacy of Zora Neale Hurston, one of America's most controversial African American writers of the Twentieth Century. In this creation of a new narrative, it is my hope that this thesis will add to the field of Women's History.
Breakout Session 2 - \u27Fueron hijos nuestros...\u27 State Appropriation of Motherhood in Three ... more Breakout Session 2 - \u27Fueron hijos nuestros...\u27 State Appropriation of Motherhood in Three Contemporary Latin American Contexts Emilie Egger, Sarah Lawrence College Mothering as Activist Strategy in Contemporary Peru Erin Hagen, Sarah Lawrence College Maternalist Discourses in Neoliberal Chile Natasha Sanchez, Sarah Lawrence College Reyita: Mother of Cuba Mom
Sea turtles are reptiles of great antiquity, they have inhabited the earth for more than 110 mill... more Sea turtles are reptiles of great antiquity, they have inhabited the earth for more than 110 million years, these species are threatened due to the increase of anthropogenic activities. The purpose was to corroborate the importance of Lagarto beach as a sea turtles nesting site and to determine the main anthropogenic factors that affect them. Data collection comprised August 2016 to February 2017, humidity, grain size and organic content, and censuses of females, tracks and nests were measured. A higher organic content (15.5 %) and humidity (9.0 %) were obtained in the upper zone where the greatest nesting occurred, with predominance of fine sand (0.125 mm) with 52.5 % and median (0.250 mm) with 39 % of the total. The olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) with 11 nests and 1,013 eggs and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) with four nests and 398 eggs were identified. The olive ridley turtle obtained an average of 66.2 LCC, 66.9 ACC, 75.6 HE and 43.4 HI, while the green turtle w...
He can read my writing but he sho' can't read my mind": Zora Neale Hurston and the Anthropologica... more He can read my writing but he sho' can't read my mind": Zora Neale Hurston and the Anthropological Gaze Natasha Sanchez This thesis explores the life and anthropological merits of Zora Neale Hurston's literary works. I focus specifically on Hurston's autobiography Dust Tracks on a Road to bring to light her critique of Western society. This thesis argues that Hurston purposefully utilized anthropology as a tool to switch the anthropological gaze upon white Western culture, thereby constructing the West as "other." She masterfully bridges the gap between two disciplines: literature and anthropology. Through this argument I highlight just how academia has overlooked Hurston's scholarly voice in Dust Tracks on a Road, as well as answer the question: how will our reading of Hurston change if we view her in this new light? Overall, this project establishes a different narrative regarding the life and legacy of Zora Neale Hurston, one of America's most controversial African American writers of the Twentieth Century. In this creation of a new narrative, it is my hope that this thesis will add to the field of Women's History.
Papers by Natasha Sanchez