Papers by Narcís Soler Masferrer
Boletín Geológico y …, 2010
Cypsela: revista de …, 2001
El registro fósil muestra una presencia abundante de Ursus spelaeus en el PaleolItico medio de Eu... more El registro fósil muestra una presencia abundante de Ursus spelaeus en el PaleolItico medio de Europa, mientras que durante el Pa/eolItico superior se detecta una pro gresiva disminuciOn hasta su extinciOn. Para explicar los motivos de Ia extincidn del Ursus spelaeus, aportaremos datos en n/paso del Paleolitico medio al Paleolitico superior en base a dos yacimientos arqueológicos:
Journal of Human Evolution, 2014
Since the late 1980s, northern Iberia has yielded some of the earliest radiocarbon dated Aurignac... more Since the late 1980s, northern Iberia has yielded some of the earliest radiocarbon dated Aurignacian assemblages in Western Europe, probably produced by anatomically modern humans (AMHs). This is at odds with its location furthest from the likely eastern entry point of AMHs, and has also suggested to some that the Châtelperronian resulted from cultural transfer from AMHs to Neanderthals. However, the accuracy of the early chronology has been extensively disputed, primarily because of the poor association between the dated samples and human activity. Here, we test the chronology of three sites in northern Iberia, L'Arbreda, Labeko Koba and La Viña, by radiocarbon dating ultrafiltered collagen from anthropogenically modified bones. The published dates from Labeko Koba are shown to be significant underestimates due to the insufficient removal of young contaminants. The early (c.44 ka cal BP [thousands of calibrated years before present]) Aurignacian chronology at L'Arbreda cannot be reproduced, but the reason for this is difficult to ascertain. The existing chronology of La Viña is found to be approximately correct. Together, the evidence suggests that major changes in technocomplexes occurred contemporaneously between the Mediterranean and Atlantic regions of northern Iberia, with the Aurignacian appearing around 42 ka cal BP, a date broadly consistent with the appearance of this industry elsewhere in Western Europe.
Geoarchaeology, 2001
During the last 10 years or so, magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements of cave sediments from ... more During the last 10 years or so, magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements of cave sediments from archaeological sites have been used for intrasite correlation and paleoclimate estimation. This is possible, if the context is appropriate, because the MS of these sediments result from climate processes active outside caves causing variations in magnetic properties of the sediments ultimately accumulating inside of caves. Once deposited, these materials are preserved, and their stratigraphy provides a climate proxy that can be extracted. Here, using the magnetosusceptibility event and cyclostratigraphy (MSEC) method and graphic correlation, we present a paleoclimatic framework for the last 40,000 years for southern Europe and demonstrate the intersite correlation power of the method. Our preliminary result for southern Europe represents climate fluctuations from ∼43,000 to ∼3,000 yr B.P. (we use here uncalibrated ages). The results correlate well with independent climate indicators, and...
Journal of Archaeological Science, 1989
The cultural transition from Mousterian to Aurignacian is abrupt at 1'Arbreda Cave and occurs wit... more The cultural transition from Mousterian to Aurignacian is abrupt at 1'Arbreda Cave and occurs within a homogeneous sedimentary unit with no visible lithologic changes. Fragments of milligram-size charcoal were collected immediately above and below the cultural boundary for radiocarbon dating by accelerator. Four charcoal fragments from the lowest basal Aurignacian level yielded dates of 37.7 + 1.0, 37.7+ 1.0, 39.9i 1.2, and 38.7 i. 1.2 ka bp (average 38.5 f 1.0 ka bp). These ages are similar to three dates from the same cultural horizon at El Castillo Cave in Cantabria and both sets of dates are significantly older than the earliest reported for the Aurignacian in the Aquitaine and in other parts of Central and Western Europe. The dates are in accord with similarly early dates for Aurignacian in Bulgaria and suggest that appearance of Aurignacian peoples is synchronous across Europe. Three fragments from the uppermost Mousterian level yielded dates of 394k 1.4, 34.1 i-0.75, and 41.4 k 1.6 ka bp. Discounting the spurious 34.1 ka bp result, these dates are slightly older (average 40.4 _+ 1.4 ka bp) but overlap with counting error the basal Aurignacian dates. The data show that the transition from Mousterian to Aurignacian was chronologically abrupt at this location. These results strongly support the replacement hypothesis.
The Paleolithic sites from the region of Serinyà, (Catalonia, Spain), provide a complete and impo... more The Paleolithic sites from the region of Serinyà, (Catalonia, Spain), provide a complete and important chronostratigraphic record for the Middle and Upper Paleolithic sequence of Northeast Iberian Peninsula. From this territory, the site of l'Arbreda Cave shows the most important evidence for the initial phase of the Upper Paleolithic, illustrated by Aurignacian and Gravettian occupations. Recently the origins and expansion of the Gravettian in Iberia has been one of the most debate topics, particularly regarding the meaning of the variability of the Gravettian lithic industries in this region. In this work we focus on the study of the Gravettian lithic assemblage from level E of Arbreda Cave dated from c.26 kaBP, combining techno-typological, use-wear analysis and raw material characterization and sourcing. Technological analysis shows that Gravettian lithic assemblage from Arbreda is characterized by prismatic reduction strategies focuses on laminar debitage, reflected in the high frequency of backed technology among retouched tools, including well-preserved La Gravette and Microgravette points. Preliminary use-wear analysis focused on macro analysis of the projectile points and preservation conditions of micro wear traces. Local flint, in NE Iberia, is characterized by small nodules with low quality, and during the Gravettian laminar debitage was preformed on imported raw materials from sources that are located north of the Pyrenees Basin Narbonne-Sigean (approx. 100 km away to the north of Arbreda) and Costières du Gard (about 240 km) in the Rhone river mouth. Combining all lithic analyses, our data shows that, during the Gravettian, the site occupation was likely characterized by the exploitation of local resources, during which, hunting might have been one of the most important human activities at the site. Data presented here contributes to our investigation on the lithic variability, in order to understand how humans adapt during the origins of the Gravettian in Iberia.
El Parc de les Coves Prehistòriques de Serinyà fue inaugurado oficialmente el 26 de julio de 1997... more El Parc de les Coves Prehistòriques de Serinyà fue inaugurado oficialmente el 26 de julio de 1997. Pero desde 1980 los yacimientos de las cuevas de Serinyà recibían grupos escolares gracias a la campaña Acció Cultural que organizaba la Diputació de Girona y también por medio de visitas concertadas. Dada la gran importancia arqueológica de los yacimientos, excavados ya desde 1944, en 1974 la Diputació de Girona adquirió los terrenos, que hasta aquel momento eran de propiedad privada, del que sería el futuro parque arqueológico. Poco después la Diputació de Girona cedió el 25% de la propiedad, indivisa, a los ayuntamientos de Serinyà y de Banyoles, y creó el patronato Germanes Genover Jofre, aunque en realidad nunca funcionó como órgano gestor. En 1992, dentro del marco de traspaso de competencias de las diputaciones catalanas, la Diputació de Girona cedió su parte de propiedad (el 75%) al Consell Comarcal del Pla de l'Estany, actual propietario mayoritario y gestor de las instala...
Treballs d'Arqueologia, 2009
African Archaeological Review, Nov 3, 2018
signes hautement spécifiques utilisant les deux techniques permet de remettre en question ce para... more signes hautement spécifiques utilisant les deux techniques permet de remettre en question ce paradigme. Enfin, la coïncidence thématique indiquée par la présence des «masques» dans des régions très éloignées les unes des autres fournit également des preuves supplémentaires pour réfuter aussi l'idée habituelle d'une absence de contacts culturels entre le nord et le sud du Sahara occidental avant l'adoption du cheval et du chameau.
Climate of the Past, 2014
The Arbreda Cave provides a detailed archaeological record of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic an... more The Arbreda Cave provides a detailed archaeological record of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic and is a key site for studying human occupation and cultural transitions in NE Iberia. Recently, studies of lake archives and archaeological sites presented new evidence on climate changes in NE Iberia correlating with Heinrich events. It, therefore, needs to be determined whether climate signals can be identified in the cave sequence of Arbreda, and if so, whether these signals can be correlated with stratigraphic indicators suggesting the continuity or discontinuity of human occupation. We conducted a high-resolution sedimentological and geochemical study, including micromorphological investigations, to shed light on stratigraphy, processes of sediment accumulation and post-depositional alteration in the cave. Seven major sediment units were distinguished which partly correlate with archaeological levels. The lower part of the sequence including Mousterian levels J and K consists of fluvial deposits truncated by a sharp erosional disconformity between Mousterian levels J and I. Strong enrichment with phosphorus and strontium reflect zoogenic inputs. The transition from Mousterian to Archaic Aurignacian in levels I and H, respectively, is reflected by more gradual changes in colour, grain size and geochemical composition. However, a peak in potentially wind-blown particles (40-125 µm in diameter) reflects higher aeolian input, and banded microstructure suggests reworking of sediments at the interface. Both properties correlate with low density of finds suggesting low intensity of human occupation related to a dry spell. More arid conditions than during the Holocene are indicated for the Gravettian to Solutrean levels. These findings are in agreement with previous palaeoclimatic interpretations as based on palaeontological proxies. The detailed multi-proxy analyses of the sequence adds to our understanding on sediment accumulation and alteration in the Arbreda Cave. The transition from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic probably includes a gap in human occupation. Assessing the significance and duration of this gap and correlating the climate signal requires three-dimensional reconstructions of find densities and more reliable geochronological control.
Quaternary International, 2016
Because of the scarcity and discontinuity of the archaeological excavations in the Western Sahara... more Because of the scarcity and discontinuity of the archaeological excavations in the Western Sahara, rockart appears to be one of the most relevant sources of information in order to discuss the subsistence, technology and ideology of the neolithic communities. However, in contrast to what we would expect from the evident pastoral scenes depicted on the Central Saharan rock art, the Western Saharan art of Neolithic age is dominated by wild or isolated animals. The pastoral scenes always are more uncertain to describe than the hunting scenes, which are also marginal but easier to interpret. In the current state of the research, the nature of the Western Saharan Neolithic, the putative age of the images, and the type of information expected from rock art should be questioned.
Cypsela: revista de prehistòria i …, 2008
NARCIS SOLER i MASFERRER (*) 1 JULIA MAROTO i GENOVER On presente dans ce travail les niveaux arc... more NARCIS SOLER i MASFERRER (*) 1 JULIA MAROTO i GENOVER On presente dans ce travail les niveaux archéologiques du Paléolithique Supérieur de la grotte de l'Arbreda (Serinyà, Girona), determines dans les fouilles qu'on a fait dépuis 1975. Ii y a quatre niveaux riches: Solutréen niveau supérieur, Gravettien niveau supérieur, Aurignacien évolué, le plus riche, et Aurignacien ancien; trois niveaux pauvres: Solutréen a pointes a cran, Solutréen niveau inférieur et Gravettien niveau inférieur; et un niveau post-solutréen presque sterile. On décrit pour chaque niveau ses principales caractéristiques: distribution, épaisseur, industrie (matières premieres et typologie), presence de galets brUlés, de plaquettes en gres et ocres, faurie, mollusques marins et datation. La cova de l'Arbreda és un dels jaciments arqueo-lOgics del Paratge del Reclau (Serinyà, Girona). Serinyà és un pobie de la comarca de Banyoles, situat al nord-est de Catalunya. La situació geogràfica més detallada del Paratge del Reclau ja ha estat descrita en un altre treball d'aquest mateix volurn (Maroto et al., 1987), aixI corn la histOria de les investigacions i l'estratigrafia de la cova de l'Arbreda (Soler i Maroto, 1987). AquI ens ocuparem exciusivament de la descripció dels nivells del PaleolItic Superior de la cova de 1'Arbreda, ubicats entre ci "terra rossa" postglacial que fossilitza el jaciment i els nivells del PaleolItic Mitjà de Ia sequencia estratigràfica inferior. Aquests nivells del PaleolItic Superior han estat excavats durant els treballs de J. M. Corominas al 1972 en ci sector Alfa, i pels nostres, des de 1975, en el sector Beta, prolongació cap al sud de l'antenor. Els materials del sector Alfa van ésser excavats i agrupats en talles artificials de 20 cm. Aquests materials proporcionaren una visió general del contingut arqueolôgic del jacirnent, perô emmascaren la distribució real dels nivells, i per tant aquI no els tindrem
Treballs D Arqueologia, 1998
Annals De L Institut D Estudis Gironins, 1996
Sobre la civilitzacio solutriana, que des d'un punt de vista cronologic i cultural es va dese... more Sobre la civilitzacio solutriana, que des d'un punt de vista cronologic i cultural es va desenvolupar al bell mig del paleolitic superior, a Catalunya
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2006
Jean-Pierre DURAN et Narcís SOLER Variabilité des modalités de débitage et des productions lithiq... more Jean-Pierre DURAN et Narcís SOLER Variabilité des modalités de débitage et des productions lithiques dans les industries moustériennes de la grotte de l'Arbreda, secteur alpha (Serinyà, Espagne) Résumé L'Arbreda, secteur alpha, fouillé en 1972 par J.M. Corominas, présente une stratigraphie moustérienne de plus de 3 mètres (couches 30 à 44), comprise entre le début du stade isotopique 5 et le stade 3. Les sept ensembles stratigraphiques moustériens (G à A) se sont déposés durant des phases fortement humides et humides/fraîches (G à F), froides à extrêmement froides (E à C), puis plus tempéreés-fraîches (B à A). Les différents ensembles industriels de l'Arbreda peuvent être rattachés typologiquement au grand complexe du Moustérien typique méditerranéen de la frange orientale des Pyrénées, bien que fortement marqués par des influences charentiennes. L'abondance des collections (près de 14 000 pièces) et la variabilité des types de matières premières (porphyres, cornéennes, grès, calcaires, lydiennes et plusieurs types de quartz, quartzites et silex), toutes en quantités importantes, permettent différentes approches technologiques. Les patrimoines techniques hérités, les capacités d'adaptabilité et de compréhension des roches ainsi que leur mise en oeuvre, sont recherchés par la variabilité des méthodes et des techniques de production pour chaque type de roche à partir d'une approche diachronique. Selon une approche chronologique et toutes matières premières confondues sont décelées les évolutions générales des techniques et des modalités de production ainsi que leurs différentes associations intégrées par ces groupes moustériens sur une période de 80 000 ans. D'autant plus qu'une assez forte cohésion typologique se dessine tout au long de la stratigraphie. Cette continuité peut laisser entrevoir une certaine stabilité des groupes moustériens dans le sens de l'héritage et du patrimoine culturels. Ces études sont favorisées aussi par la continuité des grandes lignes technologiques de débitage qui s'articulent autour des méthodes discoïdes et Levallois. De ce fait, il est possible d'appréhender les évolutions et les associations technologiques importantes au travers de leurs différentes modalités.
Cypsela: revista de prehistòria i protohistòria, 2008
A lithic industry based on the use of chipped flint has been located in Bruguera (Liagostera, el ... more A lithic industry based on the use of chipped flint has been located in Bruguera (Liagostera, el Gironès, Catalonia, Spain). Due to its typological characteristics, especially for the number and morphology of its burins, it can be attributed to evolved Aurignacian. It has parallels with the lithic industry of Cal Coix (Maçanet de la Selva) and with Occitan and Breton sites, although this Aurignacian is different from the one which is known and well dated in the cave of l'Arbreda
Papers by Narcís Soler Masferrer