International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to obs... more This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to observe its role in embodying social inclusion of older adults in attempts to prevent social exclusion. Social exclusion refers to the marginalization of individuals and groups from important economic and social opportunities in the society. Many aging societies are implementing social inclusion of older adults as one of their key policy agendas to create a more sustainable and healthy society, in recognition that age functions as one of the essential factors accelerating social exclusion and declining physical and mental health of those affected. In order to explore the pertinence of the WHO guidelines to social inclusion of older adults, content analysis was conducted on each checklist item in the WHO guideline to identify its relation to the four dimensions of social exclusion, which are social interaction, production, consumption, and political engagement. The results showed comprehensi...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to obs... more This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to observe its role in embodying social inclusion of older adults in attempts to prevent social exclusion. Social exclusion refers to the marginalization of individuals and groups from important economic and social opportunities in the society. Many aging societies are implementing social inclusion of older adults as one of their key policy agendas to create a more sustainable and healthy society, in recognition that age functions as one of the essential factors accelerating social exclusion and declining physical and mental health of those affected. In order to explore the pertinence of the WHO guidelines to social inclusion of older adults, content analysis was conducted on each checklist item in the WHO guideline to identify its relation to the four dimensions of social exclusion, which are social interaction, production, consumption, and political engagement. The results showed comprehensi...
The purpose of this study is to identify social network types in older Korean Americans and to ex... more The purpose of this study is to identify social network types in older Korean Americans and to examine their direct associations, as well as interactions with living arrangement, on mental distress. Drawn from the Study of Older Korean Americans (SOKA), participants were aged 60 or over and lived in five states. Analyses included 2,140 cases surveyed during 2017-2018. To identify social network types, latent profile analyses were conducted using 10 network-related criterion variables. A model with five social network types was identified as best fit. The groups were labeled as diverse, moderately diverse, family deficit, friend deficit, and restricted. As hypothesized, greater mental distress was associated with belonging to more deprived networks such as family deficit and restricted groups. Interaction effects also suggest that members of the restricted group were more distressed when they lived alone than when they lived with others. Implications based on the results are discussed.
Abstract Objectives: The present study examined the associations between immigration-related fact... more Abstract Objectives: The present study examined the associations between immigration-related factors and objective and subjective cognitive status with older Korean Americans’ concern about developing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). It was hypothesized that (1) AD concern would be associated with immigration-related factors and (2) self-rated cognitive status would mediate the relationship between cognitive performance (Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores) and concern about AD. Method: Using data from the Study of Older Korean Americans (n = 2061, mean age = 73.2; 66.8% female), the direct and indirect effect models were tested. Results: Korean American immigrants with a higher level of acculturation had better cognitive performance, more positive self-ratings of cognitive status, and a lower level of concern about AD. Both poor cognitive performance and negative self-ratings of cognitive status were associated with increased concern about AD. Supporting the mediation hypothesis, the indirect effect of cognitive performance on AD concern through self-rated cognitive status was significant (bias corrected 95% confidence interval for the indirect effect = −.012, −.003). Conclusion: The mediation model not only helps us better understand the psychological mechanisms that underlie the link between cognitive status and AD concern but also highlights the potential importance of subjective perceptions about cognitive status as an avenue for interventions.
The purposes of this study were to: (1) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in d... more The purposes of this study were to: (1) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in diverse groups of older Asian Americans using both structural and subjective criterion variables; and (2) examine the relationship of the social network types to the measures of the health and well-being (self-rating of health, mental distress, and life satisfaction). The participants included 533 older Asian Americans (Chinese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asians) who participated in the 2015 Asian American Quality of Life Survey in Central Texas. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted using seven social network-related variables. The identified typologies were then regressed on the indicators of health and well-being (poor rating of health, probable mental distress, and dissatisfaction with life). The LPA identified the model with four network types as being most optimal. The groups were named "diverse-integrated" (37.5%), "moderately diverse-integrate...
Using data from the Asian American Quality of Life (AAQoL, n = 2609) survey, logistic regression ... more Using data from the Asian American Quality of Life (AAQoL, n = 2609) survey, logistic regression models of mental health service use and perceived unmet needs were estimated with background variables, ethnicity, and mental health status. More than 44% of the participants were categorized as having mental distress (Kessler 6 [K6] ≥ 6) and 6.1% as having serious mental illness (SMI, K6 ≥ 13). About 23% had used services (mental health specialist, general doctor, and/or religious leader) for their emotional concerns during the past year, and about 7% reported that there was a time that they needed mental health care but could not get it. In the multivariate analyses, the presence of mental distress and SMI increased the odds of using any service and having perceived unmet needs. Those who had used services exhibited higher odds of reporting unmet needs, calling concerns about the quality of services and user satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether loneliness mediates the relationship between soc... more The purpose of this study was to examine whether loneliness mediates the relationship between social engagement and depressive symptoms and to determine how age moderates the mediation effect. Data for this study came from the survey with community-dwelling adults aged 18 and older in South Korea, from March to April 2017. The total of 1,017 respondents were drawn from three age groups (18-44, 45-64, or 65 and older). The mediating effect of loneliness was tested between each of three social engagement-related variables (family network, friend network, and perceived community support) and depressive symptoms. The results showed age differences in mediation: the effect was most pronounced in the relationship of family network with loneliness for the older group, whereas the size of friend network significantly predicted loneliness for younger adults. Both younger and older groups felt less lonely when they had a higher level of perceived community support; the middle age group remained uninfluenced by the mediation effects. Our findings confirm that loneliness is one of the mechanisms by which social engagement exerts its effect on depressive symptoms. As the Korean society embraces its growing proportions of older adults, the results of the study provide implications for adaptive strategies for changing social engagement need and mental health associated with ageing.
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development
The purposes of this study were to (a) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in Ko... more The purposes of this study were to (a) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in Korean adults aged 18 years or older and (b) examine the relation of network types on depressive symptoms and satisfaction with life. Data for this study were drawn from the survey with 1,017 community-dwelling adults aged 18 years or older in South Korea representing three life stages: young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults. Latent profile analysis was conducted based on eight social network-related variables: marital status, living arrangement, number of family confidants, number of friend confidants, frequency of contact with friends using phone or social media, frequency of participation in social groups, frequency of conversation with neighbors, and perceived closeness of family. The identified typologies were then regressed on depressive symptoms and satisfaction with life. A model with four network types was identified as being the most optimal, and the groups were label...
The present study examined factors associated with the preference for patient-provider ethnic con... more The present study examined factors associated with the preference for patient-provider ethnic concordance in Asian Americans. With data drawn from the 2015 Asian American Quality of Life Survey (N = 2535), a logistic regression model of the preference for patient-provider ethnic concordance was tested with demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education), health and access (chronic medical conditions, self-rated health, health insurance coverage), immigration-related (place of birth, length of stay in the US, English proficiency, acculturation), and adverse experience (perceived discrimination, communication problems in healthcare settings) variables. Over half (52.4%) of those in the sample preferred to be treated by a healthcare provider from their own ethnic background. In a multivariate model, the odds for preferring ethnic concordance were 1.52-1.64 times higher among individuals in earlier stages of immigration, language acquisition, and acculturation. Individua...
Despite a high prevalence of mental health problems, racial/ethnic minorities are often reluctant... more Despite a high prevalence of mental health problems, racial/ethnic minorities are often reluctant to seek mental health services. Their reluctance may be shaped by cultural beliefs and stigma about mental health. The present study examined how beliefs and stigma about depression (e.g. disbelief in depression as a health-related condition, perception of depression as a normal part of aging, and/or depression as a sign of personal weakness/family shame) pose barriers to older Korean Americans' willingness to use mental health counseling and antidepressants. Data were drawn from surveys with 420 Korean American older adults (Mage= 71.6, SD = 7.6) living in the New York City metropolitan area in 2010. Using a separate logistic regression model, the role of beliefs and stigma about depression in predicting participants' willingness to receive mental health counseling and to take antidepressants was tested. Based on Andersen's behavioral health service use model, the analysis ...
Despite advances in sequencing candidate genes and whole genomes, no method has accurately predic... more Despite advances in sequencing candidate genes and whole genomes, no method has accurately predicted who will or will not benefit from a specific antipsychotic medication among patients with schizophrenia. We propose a computational algorithm that utilizes a person-centered approach that directly identifies individual patients who will respond to a specific antipsychotic medication. The algorithm was applied to the data obtained from the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) study. The predictors were either (1) 13 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 53 baseline variables or (2) 25 SNPs and the same 53 baseline variables, depending on the existing findings and data availability. The outcome variables were either (1) improvement in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) (Yes/No) or (2) completion of phase 1/1A (Yes/No). Each of those four predictor-outcome combinations was tried for each of the five antipsychotic medications (Perphenazin...
This study presents an empirical typology of social activity and its association with the depress... more This study presents an empirical typology of social activity and its association with the depressive symptoms and self-rated health of community-dwelling older adults (n = 464) in South Korea. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to classify the types of social activities. Data analyses were conducted using Mplus 7.2 program for LCA and SPSS 22.0 for multiple regression analyses. LCA identified people who fell into one of the four activity groups: Diverse, Community Center/Disengaged, Religion Plus, and Friendship/Leisure. Membership in these four groups predicted differences in depressive symptoms and self-rated health. Results indicate that typologies of social activity could enhance practitioners' understanding of activity patterns and their associations with health and well-being.
Health & social care in the community, Mar 7, 2016
Although religious leaders in ethnic minority communities are often the first point of contact fo... more Although religious leaders in ethnic minority communities are often the first point of contact for mental health needs, little is known about their mental health literacy. The aim of the current study was to explore the knowledge and beliefs about depression held by Korean American clergy, using a qualitative approach. The Gateway Provider Model (GPM) and Jorm's conceptualisation of mental health literacy served as a framework for the enquiry. Seventeen clergy members serving in Korean communities in two U.S. metropolitan cities participated in an individual in-depth interview during the spring of 2013. Using the constant comparison method, the research team coded the data independently, compared and modified codes, and derived major categories and themes in consensus approach. Eight themes emerged from the interviews, and they were grouped into five categories: (i) the ability to identify the problem; (ii) knowledge about causes and risk factors; (iii) knowledge and beliefs abo...
The American journal of hospice & palliative care, Jan 11, 2015
Racial/ethnic minorities tend to underutilize hospice services. Guided by Andersen behavioral hea... more Racial/ethnic minorities tend to underutilize hospice services. Guided by Andersen behavioral health model, the purpose of this study was to explore the predictors of the willingness to use hospice services in racially/ethnically diverse older men and women. Data were drawn from the Survey of Older Floridians: 504 non-Hispanic whites, 360 African Americans, 328 Cuban Americans, and 241 non-Cuban Hispanics. In each group, logistic regression models of the willingness to use hospice were estimated. A greater likelihood of willingness was observed among younger non-Hispanic whites and among African Americans with fewer functional disabilities. In non-Cuban Hispanics, English proficiency increased the willingness by 3.1 times. Findings of the study identified group-specific factors contributing to the willingness to use hospice services and hold implications for tailored intervention programs.
The study explored predictors of dental care utilization and unmet dental needs in older Korean A... more The study explored predictors of dental care utilization and unmet dental needs in older Korean Americans, considering predisposing, enabling (dental insurance, acculturation, and family network), and need (self-rated oral health) variables. Multivariate regression models were used to evaluate the data from 209 Korean Americans (aged ≥ 60) surveyed in Central Texas. Participants with strong family networks and fair/poor self-ratings of oral health reported higher numbers of dental visits in the past year. The likelihood of having an unmet dental need increased when participants had less education, a shorter stay in the United States, no dental insurance coverage, lower levels of acculturation, more limited family networks, fair/poor self-ratings of oral health, and fewer numbers of dental visits. Our findings underscore the vulnerability of individuals who are culturally and linguistically isolated and lack family resources, and they highlight the importance of incorporating social ...
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of religiousness on the trajectories of diff... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of religiousness on the trajectories of difficulties with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental ADLs (IADLs) in community-dwelling older adults over a three-year period. Seven waves of data from the University of Alabama at Birmingham Study of Aging were analyzed using a hierarchical linear modeling method. The study was based on the 784 participants who completed interviews every six months between December 1999 and February 2004. Frequent religious service attendance was associated with fewer ADL difficulties and IADL difficulties at baseline. Furthermore, religious service attendance predicted slower increases for frequent churchgoers and steeper increases for less frequent churchgoers in IADL difficulties, controlling for variables related to demographics and resources. Religious service attendance was independently associated with ADL and IADL difficulties cross-sectionally. However, significant protective effect...
This study examined how social capital in ethnic communities (e.g., social cohesion, community su... more This study examined how social capital in ethnic communities (e.g., social cohesion, community support, community participation, and negative interaction) influences depressive symptoms of older Korean immigrants. Using survey data from 209 participants in Central Texas (M age = 69.6, SD = 7.50), hierarchical regression models of depressive symptoms were examined with the following sets of predictors: (1) demographics, (2) physical health, (3) sociocultural factors, and (4) ethnic community factors. After controlling for the multiple sets of individual-level variables previously known to be important predictors of mental health, ethnic community factors made a substantial contribution. Higher levels of depressive symptoms were observed among individuals who received lower levels of community support (β = -0.14, p < 0.05), had limited participation in ethnic community events and activities (β = -0.15, p < 0.05), and reported more frequent negative interactions with ethnic community members (β = 0.12, p < 0.05). Findings highlight the importance of social capital in ethnic communities and hold implications for improving older ethnic immigrants' mental well-being.
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to obs... more This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to observe its role in embodying social inclusion of older adults in attempts to prevent social exclusion. Social exclusion refers to the marginalization of individuals and groups from important economic and social opportunities in the society. Many aging societies are implementing social inclusion of older adults as one of their key policy agendas to create a more sustainable and healthy society, in recognition that age functions as one of the essential factors accelerating social exclusion and declining physical and mental health of those affected. In order to explore the pertinence of the WHO guidelines to social inclusion of older adults, content analysis was conducted on each checklist item in the WHO guideline to identify its relation to the four dimensions of social exclusion, which are social interaction, production, consumption, and political engagement. The results showed comprehensi...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to obs... more This study analyzed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Guide to observe its role in embodying social inclusion of older adults in attempts to prevent social exclusion. Social exclusion refers to the marginalization of individuals and groups from important economic and social opportunities in the society. Many aging societies are implementing social inclusion of older adults as one of their key policy agendas to create a more sustainable and healthy society, in recognition that age functions as one of the essential factors accelerating social exclusion and declining physical and mental health of those affected. In order to explore the pertinence of the WHO guidelines to social inclusion of older adults, content analysis was conducted on each checklist item in the WHO guideline to identify its relation to the four dimensions of social exclusion, which are social interaction, production, consumption, and political engagement. The results showed comprehensi...
The purpose of this study is to identify social network types in older Korean Americans and to ex... more The purpose of this study is to identify social network types in older Korean Americans and to examine their direct associations, as well as interactions with living arrangement, on mental distress. Drawn from the Study of Older Korean Americans (SOKA), participants were aged 60 or over and lived in five states. Analyses included 2,140 cases surveyed during 2017-2018. To identify social network types, latent profile analyses were conducted using 10 network-related criterion variables. A model with five social network types was identified as best fit. The groups were labeled as diverse, moderately diverse, family deficit, friend deficit, and restricted. As hypothesized, greater mental distress was associated with belonging to more deprived networks such as family deficit and restricted groups. Interaction effects also suggest that members of the restricted group were more distressed when they lived alone than when they lived with others. Implications based on the results are discussed.
Abstract Objectives: The present study examined the associations between immigration-related fact... more Abstract Objectives: The present study examined the associations between immigration-related factors and objective and subjective cognitive status with older Korean Americans’ concern about developing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). It was hypothesized that (1) AD concern would be associated with immigration-related factors and (2) self-rated cognitive status would mediate the relationship between cognitive performance (Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores) and concern about AD. Method: Using data from the Study of Older Korean Americans (n = 2061, mean age = 73.2; 66.8% female), the direct and indirect effect models were tested. Results: Korean American immigrants with a higher level of acculturation had better cognitive performance, more positive self-ratings of cognitive status, and a lower level of concern about AD. Both poor cognitive performance and negative self-ratings of cognitive status were associated with increased concern about AD. Supporting the mediation hypothesis, the indirect effect of cognitive performance on AD concern through self-rated cognitive status was significant (bias corrected 95% confidence interval for the indirect effect = −.012, −.003). Conclusion: The mediation model not only helps us better understand the psychological mechanisms that underlie the link between cognitive status and AD concern but also highlights the potential importance of subjective perceptions about cognitive status as an avenue for interventions.
The purposes of this study were to: (1) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in d... more The purposes of this study were to: (1) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in diverse groups of older Asian Americans using both structural and subjective criterion variables; and (2) examine the relationship of the social network types to the measures of the health and well-being (self-rating of health, mental distress, and life satisfaction). The participants included 533 older Asian Americans (Chinese, Asian Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asians) who participated in the 2015 Asian American Quality of Life Survey in Central Texas. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted using seven social network-related variables. The identified typologies were then regressed on the indicators of health and well-being (poor rating of health, probable mental distress, and dissatisfaction with life). The LPA identified the model with four network types as being most optimal. The groups were named "diverse-integrated" (37.5%), "moderately diverse-integrate...
Using data from the Asian American Quality of Life (AAQoL, n = 2609) survey, logistic regression ... more Using data from the Asian American Quality of Life (AAQoL, n = 2609) survey, logistic regression models of mental health service use and perceived unmet needs were estimated with background variables, ethnicity, and mental health status. More than 44% of the participants were categorized as having mental distress (Kessler 6 [K6] ≥ 6) and 6.1% as having serious mental illness (SMI, K6 ≥ 13). About 23% had used services (mental health specialist, general doctor, and/or religious leader) for their emotional concerns during the past year, and about 7% reported that there was a time that they needed mental health care but could not get it. In the multivariate analyses, the presence of mental distress and SMI increased the odds of using any service and having perceived unmet needs. Those who had used services exhibited higher odds of reporting unmet needs, calling concerns about the quality of services and user satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether loneliness mediates the relationship between soc... more The purpose of this study was to examine whether loneliness mediates the relationship between social engagement and depressive symptoms and to determine how age moderates the mediation effect. Data for this study came from the survey with community-dwelling adults aged 18 and older in South Korea, from March to April 2017. The total of 1,017 respondents were drawn from three age groups (18-44, 45-64, or 65 and older). The mediating effect of loneliness was tested between each of three social engagement-related variables (family network, friend network, and perceived community support) and depressive symptoms. The results showed age differences in mediation: the effect was most pronounced in the relationship of family network with loneliness for the older group, whereas the size of friend network significantly predicted loneliness for younger adults. Both younger and older groups felt less lonely when they had a higher level of perceived community support; the middle age group remained uninfluenced by the mediation effects. Our findings confirm that loneliness is one of the mechanisms by which social engagement exerts its effect on depressive symptoms. As the Korean society embraces its growing proportions of older adults, the results of the study provide implications for adaptive strategies for changing social engagement need and mental health associated with ageing.
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development
The purposes of this study were to (a) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in Ko... more The purposes of this study were to (a) develop an empirical typology of the social networks in Korean adults aged 18 years or older and (b) examine the relation of network types on depressive symptoms and satisfaction with life. Data for this study were drawn from the survey with 1,017 community-dwelling adults aged 18 years or older in South Korea representing three life stages: young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults. Latent profile analysis was conducted based on eight social network-related variables: marital status, living arrangement, number of family confidants, number of friend confidants, frequency of contact with friends using phone or social media, frequency of participation in social groups, frequency of conversation with neighbors, and perceived closeness of family. The identified typologies were then regressed on depressive symptoms and satisfaction with life. A model with four network types was identified as being the most optimal, and the groups were label...
The present study examined factors associated with the preference for patient-provider ethnic con... more The present study examined factors associated with the preference for patient-provider ethnic concordance in Asian Americans. With data drawn from the 2015 Asian American Quality of Life Survey (N = 2535), a logistic regression model of the preference for patient-provider ethnic concordance was tested with demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education), health and access (chronic medical conditions, self-rated health, health insurance coverage), immigration-related (place of birth, length of stay in the US, English proficiency, acculturation), and adverse experience (perceived discrimination, communication problems in healthcare settings) variables. Over half (52.4%) of those in the sample preferred to be treated by a healthcare provider from their own ethnic background. In a multivariate model, the odds for preferring ethnic concordance were 1.52-1.64 times higher among individuals in earlier stages of immigration, language acquisition, and acculturation. Individua...
Despite a high prevalence of mental health problems, racial/ethnic minorities are often reluctant... more Despite a high prevalence of mental health problems, racial/ethnic minorities are often reluctant to seek mental health services. Their reluctance may be shaped by cultural beliefs and stigma about mental health. The present study examined how beliefs and stigma about depression (e.g. disbelief in depression as a health-related condition, perception of depression as a normal part of aging, and/or depression as a sign of personal weakness/family shame) pose barriers to older Korean Americans' willingness to use mental health counseling and antidepressants. Data were drawn from surveys with 420 Korean American older adults (Mage= 71.6, SD = 7.6) living in the New York City metropolitan area in 2010. Using a separate logistic regression model, the role of beliefs and stigma about depression in predicting participants' willingness to receive mental health counseling and to take antidepressants was tested. Based on Andersen's behavioral health service use model, the analysis ...
Despite advances in sequencing candidate genes and whole genomes, no method has accurately predic... more Despite advances in sequencing candidate genes and whole genomes, no method has accurately predicted who will or will not benefit from a specific antipsychotic medication among patients with schizophrenia. We propose a computational algorithm that utilizes a person-centered approach that directly identifies individual patients who will respond to a specific antipsychotic medication. The algorithm was applied to the data obtained from the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) study. The predictors were either (1) 13 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 53 baseline variables or (2) 25 SNPs and the same 53 baseline variables, depending on the existing findings and data availability. The outcome variables were either (1) improvement in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) (Yes/No) or (2) completion of phase 1/1A (Yes/No). Each of those four predictor-outcome combinations was tried for each of the five antipsychotic medications (Perphenazin...
This study presents an empirical typology of social activity and its association with the depress... more This study presents an empirical typology of social activity and its association with the depressive symptoms and self-rated health of community-dwelling older adults (n = 464) in South Korea. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to classify the types of social activities. Data analyses were conducted using Mplus 7.2 program for LCA and SPSS 22.0 for multiple regression analyses. LCA identified people who fell into one of the four activity groups: Diverse, Community Center/Disengaged, Religion Plus, and Friendship/Leisure. Membership in these four groups predicted differences in depressive symptoms and self-rated health. Results indicate that typologies of social activity could enhance practitioners' understanding of activity patterns and their associations with health and well-being.
Health & social care in the community, Mar 7, 2016
Although religious leaders in ethnic minority communities are often the first point of contact fo... more Although religious leaders in ethnic minority communities are often the first point of contact for mental health needs, little is known about their mental health literacy. The aim of the current study was to explore the knowledge and beliefs about depression held by Korean American clergy, using a qualitative approach. The Gateway Provider Model (GPM) and Jorm's conceptualisation of mental health literacy served as a framework for the enquiry. Seventeen clergy members serving in Korean communities in two U.S. metropolitan cities participated in an individual in-depth interview during the spring of 2013. Using the constant comparison method, the research team coded the data independently, compared and modified codes, and derived major categories and themes in consensus approach. Eight themes emerged from the interviews, and they were grouped into five categories: (i) the ability to identify the problem; (ii) knowledge about causes and risk factors; (iii) knowledge and beliefs abo...
The American journal of hospice & palliative care, Jan 11, 2015
Racial/ethnic minorities tend to underutilize hospice services. Guided by Andersen behavioral hea... more Racial/ethnic minorities tend to underutilize hospice services. Guided by Andersen behavioral health model, the purpose of this study was to explore the predictors of the willingness to use hospice services in racially/ethnically diverse older men and women. Data were drawn from the Survey of Older Floridians: 504 non-Hispanic whites, 360 African Americans, 328 Cuban Americans, and 241 non-Cuban Hispanics. In each group, logistic regression models of the willingness to use hospice were estimated. A greater likelihood of willingness was observed among younger non-Hispanic whites and among African Americans with fewer functional disabilities. In non-Cuban Hispanics, English proficiency increased the willingness by 3.1 times. Findings of the study identified group-specific factors contributing to the willingness to use hospice services and hold implications for tailored intervention programs.
The study explored predictors of dental care utilization and unmet dental needs in older Korean A... more The study explored predictors of dental care utilization and unmet dental needs in older Korean Americans, considering predisposing, enabling (dental insurance, acculturation, and family network), and need (self-rated oral health) variables. Multivariate regression models were used to evaluate the data from 209 Korean Americans (aged ≥ 60) surveyed in Central Texas. Participants with strong family networks and fair/poor self-ratings of oral health reported higher numbers of dental visits in the past year. The likelihood of having an unmet dental need increased when participants had less education, a shorter stay in the United States, no dental insurance coverage, lower levels of acculturation, more limited family networks, fair/poor self-ratings of oral health, and fewer numbers of dental visits. Our findings underscore the vulnerability of individuals who are culturally and linguistically isolated and lack family resources, and they highlight the importance of incorporating social ...
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of religiousness on the trajectories of diff... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of religiousness on the trajectories of difficulties with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental ADLs (IADLs) in community-dwelling older adults over a three-year period. Seven waves of data from the University of Alabama at Birmingham Study of Aging were analyzed using a hierarchical linear modeling method. The study was based on the 784 participants who completed interviews every six months between December 1999 and February 2004. Frequent religious service attendance was associated with fewer ADL difficulties and IADL difficulties at baseline. Furthermore, religious service attendance predicted slower increases for frequent churchgoers and steeper increases for less frequent churchgoers in IADL difficulties, controlling for variables related to demographics and resources. Religious service attendance was independently associated with ADL and IADL difficulties cross-sectionally. However, significant protective effect...
This study examined how social capital in ethnic communities (e.g., social cohesion, community su... more This study examined how social capital in ethnic communities (e.g., social cohesion, community support, community participation, and negative interaction) influences depressive symptoms of older Korean immigrants. Using survey data from 209 participants in Central Texas (M age = 69.6, SD = 7.50), hierarchical regression models of depressive symptoms were examined with the following sets of predictors: (1) demographics, (2) physical health, (3) sociocultural factors, and (4) ethnic community factors. After controlling for the multiple sets of individual-level variables previously known to be important predictors of mental health, ethnic community factors made a substantial contribution. Higher levels of depressive symptoms were observed among individuals who received lower levels of community support (β = -0.14, p < 0.05), had limited participation in ethnic community events and activities (β = -0.15, p < 0.05), and reported more frequent negative interactions with ethnic community members (β = 0.12, p < 0.05). Findings highlight the importance of social capital in ethnic communities and hold implications for improving older ethnic immigrants' mental well-being.
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing,
Papers by Nan Park