Papers by Nishi Kant Kumar

International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 2017
Software evolves, with new versions and patches being released frequently have always been a chal... more Software evolves, with new versions and patches being released frequently have always been a challenge. The conventional users refuse to upgrade their regular software application, relying instead on outdated versions flawed with vulnerabilities or missing useful features and bug fixes. Software engineering community improvises such requirement for version migrations and also is looking for analytical support system to scrutinise post convergence of version control. Hence, this paper presents a novel bio-inspired utility to analyse post convergence of version control of software applications and automatically tests each submitted patch, looking for potential bugs it introduces. The bio-inspired phenomena signifies a pheromone deposition and evaporation property of social insects and it demonstrates that how it largely effects the optimisation of local minima problem across the path of social insects. Similarly, here, the version control effect has been modelled with its parameters, which can yield useful post-version control paradigm, and may assist the software community with this developed application plug-in.
International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, Apr 1, 2019
ThemeasurementofthereliabilityofsuchIoTbasedapplicationrequiresanembeddedanalysis. Theparametersa... more ThemeasurementofthereliabilityofsuchIoTbasedapplicationrequiresanembeddedanalysis. Theparametersarethenumberofimpreciseorfaultymeasuresaswellastheidentificationofcore modules.Thisarticleinvestigatesthathowfarvisualintrospectioncanassistintroubleshootingof IoT-basedsoftwarebugs.Thisspecificrequirementimprovisesanewidea,wheretheshapeofthe plotswithactualdatacanindicatethecauseoftheerrorandfurthertheycanbepatchedifthesoftware repairingstrategiesareimplementedadjudgingthevisualanalytics.Itisquiteindifferenttoanalyze faultsforexistingapplicationsasavariationoftopologicalandpracticingparameterswhichtakes substantialnumbersofiterationsandobservations.Categorically,thepresentuse-caseestablishesthe facttoanalyzeandinferconcerningtheshapeofthevisualplotsderivedfromembeddedmodules.
Journal of Politics & Society, 2010
This paper examines the various ways Internet social media networks and new media were used in th... more This paper examines the various ways Internet social media networks and new media were used in the June 2009 Iranian demonstrations following the contentious presidential election, the effectiveness of these media in mobilizing and informing domestic and international audiences, and the implications for freedom of speech, democratic norms, and human rights in Iran. While social media played an important role in providing news and images to the global audience, its domestic use was limited due to widespread distrust and government censorship. Although new technology and digital activism enabled a flow of information that would not traditionally exist in a closed society, the contributions to Iranian democracy and human rights were negligible and possibly even harmful.

Int. J. Adv. Intell. Paradigms, 2017
Software evolves, with new versions and patches being released frequently have always been a chal... more Software evolves, with new versions and patches being released frequently have always been a challenge. The conventional users refuse to upgrade their regular software application, relying instead on outdated versions flawed with vulnerabilities or missing useful features and bug fixes. Software engineering community improvises such requirement for version migrations and also is looking for analytical support system to scrutinise post convergence of version control. Hence, this paper presents a novel bio-inspired utility to analyse post convergence of version control of software applications and automatically tests each submitted patch, looking for potential bugs it introduces. The bio-inspired phenomena signifies a pheromone deposition and evaporation property of social insects and it demonstrates that how it largely effects the optimisation of local minima problem across the path of social insects. Similarly, here, the version control effect has been modelled with its parameters, ...

Int. J. Distributed Syst. Technol., 2019
The measurement of the reliability of such IoT based application requires an embedded analysis. T... more The measurement of the reliability of such IoT based application requires an embedded analysis. The parameters are the number of imprecise or faulty measures as well as the identification of core modules. This article investigates that how far visual introspection can assist in troubleshooting of IoT-based software bugs. This specific requirement improvises a new idea, where the shape of the plots with actual data can indicate the cause of the error and further they can be patched if the software repairing strategies are implemented adjudging the visual analytics. It is quite indifferent to analyze faults for existing applications as a variation of topological and practicing parameters which takes substantial numbers of iterations and observations. Categorically, the present use-case establishes the fact to analyze and infer concerning the shape of the visual plots derived from embedded modules.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, Nov 30, 2015
It has become inevitable for every software developer to understand, to follow that how and why s... more It has become inevitable for every software developer to understand, to follow that how and why software fails, and to express reliability in quantitative terms. This has led to a proliferation of software reliability models to estimate and predict reliability. The basic approach is to model past failure data to predict future behavior. Most of the models have three major components: assumptions, factors and a mathematical function, usually high order exponential or logarithmic used to relate factors to reliability. Software reliability models are used to forecast the curve of failure rate by statistical evidence available during testing phase. They also can indicate about the extra time required to carry out the test procedure in order to meet the specifications and deliver desired functionality with minimum number of defects. Therefore there are challenges whether, autonomous or machine learning techniques like other predictive methods could be able to forecast the reliability measures for a specific software application. This chapter contemplates reliability issue through a generic Machine Learning paradigm while referring the most common aspects of Support Vector Machine scenario. Couples of customized simulation and experimental results have been presented to support the proposed reliability measures and strategies.
Papers by Nishi Kant Kumar