Papers by Nattapong Hatchavanich

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Sep 1, 2023
Power transfer capability of the capacitive power transfer (CPT) system is dependent on the dimen... more Power transfer capability of the capacitive power transfer (CPT) system is dependent on the dimensions of capacitive coupler, which should be correctly designed to meet the required amount of output power. This paper presents a guideline to design the conductive plates used in CPT system to achieve a targeted output power. For a given operating frequency, resonant inductance, DC input voltage, load resistance, and the air gap between plates, the required cross-sectional area of conductive plates is obtained using this guideline. It has been guided through the design procedure which is explained in detail. A step-by-step guide to design a 5-watts CPT system is demonstrated as a design example. The proposed design guideline is verified by the experiment which shows the closeness between measured and targeted output power. Design error is obtained as low as 3.6 percent.

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research, Dec 15, 2021
The power transfer efficiency and output power of a wireless power transfer (WPT) system are main... more The power transfer efficiency and output power of a wireless power transfer (WPT) system are mainly affected by magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary coils. This paper presents a constant-current series-series compensated WPT system. Based on the bifurcation criteria, kcri and Lcri, the splitting zero phase angle (ZPA) frequencies is adopted as the operating frequency. The proposed system remains fully compensated even under coupling variations, and without ferrite. The current and voltage gains at the operating frequency can be estimated through the primary current and voltage. A phase-locked loop circuit is used to track the corresponding ZPA frequency due to the coil positioning variations. Experimental results have shown that the 1-kW of output power with the satisfied efficiency of 96%.
2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Nov 29, 2022
2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Nov 29, 2022
2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Nov 29, 2022

IEEE Access, 2020
In inductive power transfer (IPT) system, the magnetic coupling has significant effects on power ... more In inductive power transfer (IPT) system, the magnetic coupling has significant effects on power and system efficiency. The voltage and current on the secondary side are coupling dependent. Load measurements are not possible through sensors on the primary side. This article proposes the secondaryside voltage controller based on the primary-side control by means of bifurcation approach. The main advantage of operation under bifurcation is that the coupling and load on the secondary have no effect on the voltage gain. This enables the secondary voltage control through the primary voltage. With the proposed sensing coil on the primary side, the bifurcation detection is possible. The proposed control can utilize the frequency split phenomenon and track the bifurcation frequency to ensure maximum efficiency in various coupling conditions. In addition, the design guidelines of the parallel-parallel compensation configuration are introduced for a desired load profile and transfer distance. The constant voltage gain with respect to conditions of magnetic coupling variation is verified by using finite element analysis and experimental study. A 1-kW IPT prototype is constructed to validate the proposed bifurcation detection and voltage control. Experimental results show that the proposed IPT can achieve up to 90% of maximum efficiency while maintaining constant secondary voltage. INDEX TERMS Bifurcation, inductive power transfer, sensing coil.
This paper proposes a parallel-parallel resonant current source inverter with a series inductor. ... more This paper proposes a parallel-parallel resonant current source inverter with a series inductor. The main function of the additional series inductor is to limit the di/dt of the inverter current by adjusting the overlapped time while the order of the system remains intact. The ZCS operational region and frequency response of the resonant load with load variation are investigated. The parallel-parallel resonant circuit results in high primary pad current with low inverter current. The phase lock loop control with overlap angle adjustment is selected in order to support load changing and operate in ZCS condition. Finally, the presented topology is mainly validated by the experiments.

In the wireless power transfer (WPT) system for EV charger, the resonant inverter is mainly used ... more In the wireless power transfer (WPT) system for EV charger, the resonant inverter is mainly used as power converter. The LCL primary circuit can reduce the inverter current while amplifying the primary current by the ratio of Lb/Leq. This paper presents the LCL — LCCL resonant inverter. The effects of non-linear load and high order circuit are focused by considering the frequency response and diminished by adding series capacitor with secondary pad. The high order component elimination is validated by the frequency response. The switching patterns can be modified to control inverter current which affects the output power. The phase shift control is selected in this paper which is the symmetrical voltage property. The blocking capacitor is not needed. The modifying square wave voltage will affected to the phase between voltage and current of inverter. The phase protection is used for protect non — ZVS condition. Finally, the proposed topology is validated by the experiment.

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)
Performance of the wireless power transfer (WPT) system relies on the physical dimensions of the ... more Performance of the wireless power transfer (WPT) system relies on the physical dimensions of the coupled coil, which should be optimally designed to meet required system performance and reduce the operating cost. This paper presents an optimal design based on genetic algorithm (GA) for the transmitter coil used in wireless power transfer system. Physical parameters of the circular flat spiral coil, including wire’s cross-sectional area, coil’s inner diameter, coil’s outer diameter, coil’s turn number, and space between each turn of the coil are considered. The design objective is to minimize the total wire length required by the coil subjected to both linear and nonlinear constraints. The design process is implemented on MATLAB optimization toolbox which is simple and accurate. The validity of proposed optimal coil design is verified by the experiment, which indicates that total wire length of the optimized coil can be reduced by 5.5 percent compared to the conventional coil without...

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)
Power transfer capability of the capacitive power transfer (CPT) system is dependent on the dimen... more Power transfer capability of the capacitive power transfer (CPT) system is dependent on the dimensions of capacitive coupler, which should be correctly designed to meet the required amount of output power. This paper presents a guideline to design the conductive plates used in CPT system to achieve a targeted output power. For a given operating frequency, resonant inductance, DC input voltage, load resistance, and the air gap between plates, the required cross-sectional area of conductive plates is obtained using this guideline. It has been guided through the design procedure which is explained in detail. A step-by-step guide to design a 5-watts CPT system is demonstrated as a design example. The proposed design guideline is verified by the experiment which shows the closeness between measured and targeted output power. Design error is obtained as low as 3.6 percent.
2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS)
2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS)
2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS)
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
This paper proposed the operational region of novel multi-coil series-series compensation in wire... more This paper proposed the operational region of novel multi-coil series-series compensation in wireless power transfer (WPT) system specially designed for electric vehicle (EV) applications. The new idea of additional intermediate circuit increases zero phase angle (ZPA) frequencies. The proposed WPT system has two operational regions with three ZPA frequencies. The ZVS operational regions and the three ZPA frequencies are validated by the AC-sweep of actual load and the frequency response of system is presented. The suitable operational region has been validated by the experimental results. Finally, the experimental results show the two-operating condition under different power levels.
2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS)
This paper proposes a parallel-parallel resonant current source inverter with a series inductor. ... more This paper proposes a parallel-parallel resonant current source inverter with a series inductor. The main function of the additional series inductor is to limit the di/dt of the inverter current by adjusting the overlapped time while the order of the system remains intact. The ZCS operational region and frequency response of the resonant load with load variation are investigated. The parallel-parallel resonant circuit results in high primary pad current with low inverter current. The phase lock loop control with overlap angle adjustment is selected in order to support load changing and operate in ZCS condition. Finally, the presented topology is mainly validated by the experiments.

2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2017
In the wireless power transfer (WPT) system for EV charger, the resonant inverter is mainly used ... more In the wireless power transfer (WPT) system for EV charger, the resonant inverter is mainly used as power converter. The LCL primary circuit can reduce the inverter current while amplifying the primary current by the ratio of Lb/Leq. This paper presents the LCL — LCCL resonant inverter. The effects of non-linear load and high order circuit are focused by considering the frequency response and diminished by adding series capacitor with secondary pad. The high order component elimination is validated by the frequency response. The switching patterns can be modified to control inverter current which affects the output power. The phase shift control is selected in this paper which is the symmetrical voltage property. The blocking capacitor is not needed. The modifying square wave voltage will affected to the phase between voltage and current of inverter. The phase protection is used for protect non — ZVS condition. Finally, the proposed topology is validated by the experiment.

2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), 2021
In Dynamics Inductive Power Transfer (DIPT) applications, power pad is the main mechanism to tran... more In Dynamics Inductive Power Transfer (DIPT) applications, power pad is the main mechanism to transfer the power through air-gap. The power pad consists of multi-transmitters and a receiver that linked together by magnetic flux. In practice, position and number of transmitters on the ground affect the amount of energy pick-up that should be considered. This paper presents a study of the relationship between energy pick-up versus transmitters spacing and vehicle velocity in DIPT application. The spacing between the transmitters and vehicle velocity was optimized for the defined energy pick-up from a proposed mathematical model. The LCC-S topology and secondary auxiliary coil were adopted in the proposed system because the system can provide a constant magnetic coupling condition along with the distance. The proposed system was designed according to SAE J2954 WPT1/Z2 Standard. The feasibility of the proposed method was confirmed by COMSOL multiphysics (FEA) and LTspice simulations.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research, 2021
The power transfer efficiency and output power of a wireless power transfer (WPT) system are main... more The power transfer efficiency and output power of a wireless power transfer (WPT) system are mainly affected by magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary coils. This paper presents a constant-current series-series compensated WPT system. Based on the bifurcation criteria, kcri and Lcri, the splitting zero phase angle (ZPA) frequencies is adopted as the operating frequency. The proposed system remains fully compensated even under coupling variations, and without ferrite. The current and voltage gains at the operating frequency can be estimated through the primary current and voltage. A phase-locked loop circuit is used to track the corresponding ZPA frequency due to the coil positioning variations. Experimental results have shown that the 1-kW of output power with the satisfied efficiency of 96%.

IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2020
The bifurcation phenomenon is the usually found in inductive power transfer system (IPT). The cou... more The bifurcation phenomenon is the usually found in inductive power transfer system (IPT). The coupling and load on secondary side that induce the bifurcation cannot could not be directly measured. This paper presents the bifurcated detection by using the sensing coil. The sensing coil is placed on the secondary side. The phase of the sensing coil voltage is compared with the phase of secondary voltage to indicate the bifurcation. The frequency responses show that the phase difference between sensing coil voltage and secondary voltage is decreased when increased the secondary quality factor. The experimental results revealed that the bifurcation was detected from the secondary side in both perfect alignment and misalignment condition. By using the proposed circuit, the bifurcation detection from the secondary side is possible.
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2019
This paper mainly proposed the analysis of geometry variations of intermediate coil for triple co... more This paper mainly proposed the analysis of geometry variations of intermediate coil for triple coil seriesseries compensation in wireless power transfer (WPT) system for electric vehicle (EV) applications. The new idea of additional intermediate circuit increases the ratio between secondary and primary current (I2/I1) at the maximum power point. The I2/I1 will be increased when increasing the operation frequency. The slightly difference between I2 and I1 will increase the apparent coupling coefficient of the system. The optimal conditions for intermediate coil are validated by the simulated frequency responses (using LTSPICE software). Finally, the COMSOL finite element simulation software is used to analyze the magnetic flux density of the proposed system compared with the conventional SS compensation.
Papers by Nattapong Hatchavanich