Papers by Nikolay Evtimov
European Urology Supplements, Nov 1, 2014
European Urology Supplements, Oct 1, 2013
![Research paper thumbnail of S163: Laparoscopic partial nephron sparing resection in kidneys at tumor stage T1a/b. Evtimov. N. Ganev. T. Department of Urology St. Ann. Hospital Varna Bulgaria](
European Urology Supplements, Nov 1, 2014
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: After first laparoscopic nephrectomy in 1991 by Claiman, more of opera... more INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: After first laparoscopic nephrectomy in 1991 by Claiman, more of operations are possible to be made laparoscopic. Through the last decade with the procreation of technology, nephron sparing operations are accepted "gold standard" in treatment for kidney tumor between 4-7 cm. size. The Aim of this study is a video-presentation a method, of laparoscopic sparing operative technique in treatment for kidney tumor in stag T1a/b. MATERIAL & METHODS: During 2011-2014 we have 24 completed laparoscopic nephron sparing procedures (LNSS) by elimination of the tumor with help of elektroresection. RESULTS: With this methods more nephrons are spared and the kidney function is preserved, cardiovascular incidents lessen, as well as the time of rehabilitation of patients and expenditure for medication of patients. That also facilitates subsequent chemotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: LNSS are always more preferable for tumor kidneys in stage T1a/b less 4 cm and also T1b between 4-7 cm. Using elektroresection effective for better oncologic results and diminishes intra operative bleeding.
![Research paper thumbnail of Да Скринираме Или Да Не Скринираме За Простатен Карцином? To Screen or Not to Screen for Prostate Cancer](
АBSTRACT Golden standard for prostate cancer screening are digital rectal examination, PSA screen... more АBSTRACT Golden standard for prostate cancer screening are digital rectal examination, PSA screening and transrectal ultrasound. The recommendations of U.S.Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) are based on review of medical literature which conclude that PSA screening leads to unnecessary treatment-related complications which are not justified by the number of the saved lives because: Low specifity of PSA-screening for cancer detection Medical complications, caused by unnecessary procedures, because of false-positive PSA. Increasing pressure to reduce the rate of growth of health care The end point of evaluation of the effect of the screening is decreasing of cancer-specific mortality and evaluation of the quality of life of the saved men. РЕЗЮМЕ Златен стандарт при скриниране за простатен карцином е ректално дигитално изследване на простата, изследване на PSA, трансректална ехография. Препоръката на U.S. Preventive Services TaskForce (USPSTF) се основа-ва на своя преглед на меди...
Varna Medical Forum, 2014
PSA е революция в диагнозата и мениджмънта на КП. Диагностичен, клиничен и прогностичен параметър... more PSA е революция в диагнозата и мениджмънта на КП. Диагностичен, клиничен и прогностичен параметър. Служи за диференциална диагноза на ДПХ и ПК (американската урологична асоциация). След изолирането му в серума през 1987 г. PSA се използва широко в клиничната практика за диагноза, стадиране и контрол на лечението при карцином на простатата. Ползата от рутинния скрининг на PSA е потвърдена в проучването ERSPC (Университет Eразмус, Ротердам)-21% редукция на смъртността от КП при редовен скрининг и 11-годишно проследяване. Проучването включва 182 160 мъже на възраст 50-74 години от 8 държави. Смъртността е 0,10/1000, докато в рандомизираната група тя е 1,07/1000; карцином е открит в 9,6% срещу 6%.
Varna Medical Forum, 2020
Отделението по детска хирургия на МБАЛ "Св. Анна-Варна" при 61 пациенти на възраст от 2 месеца до... more Отделението по детска хирургия на МБАЛ "Св. Анна-Варна" при 61 пациенти на възраст от 2 месеца до 17 г. е извършена диагностична доплерова сонография по повод на остър скротум с помощта на ултразвуков апарат Sonoscape S2, оборудван с високочестотен 7-11 MHz линеарен трансдюсер. Торзия на хидатиди са регистрирани при 49 деца, 6 от пациентите са имали торзия на тестис, като при четирима се е наложила орхиектомия. Орхиепидидимит са имали 5, докато при трима острият скротум е вследствие на различна по вид травма. Анализирахме честотата на острия скротум в детска възраст, неговата етиология, както и изключителното значение на доплеровото изследване в диференциално-диагностичен план.
European Urology Supplements, 2018
European Urology Supplements, 2018
![Research paper thumbnail of Neuroadipobiology of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. An immunohistochemical study of neurotrophins](
Adipobiology, 2017
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is an inherited disorder of cardiomyocyte-to-ca... more Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is an inherited disorder of cardiomyocyte-to-cardiomyocyte adhesion proteins associated with ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. It is a characterized by progressive fibrofatty replacement of right ventricular myocardium. The presence of adipose tissue either with or without fibrous tissue, scattered among cardiomyocytes is the histological hallmark of the disease. Being in the myocardium, adipocytes trigger damage to cardiomyocytes, thus causing electrical instability of the right ventricular myocardium, but the molecular pathogenesis of such an electrical instability in ARVD is still unclear. Since (i) adipose tissue replacement of cardiomyocytes is the most essential histological finding in ARVD, (ii) nerve growth factor (NGF) exerts an arrhythmogenic effect related to sudden cardiac death, and (iii) adipose tissue produces NGF and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the aim of the present study is to analyze immunohistochemically ARVD-related adipocytes with special attention to the expression of NGF and related neurotrophins, BDNF and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and their respective TrkA, TrkB and TrkC receptors. Eight cases with ARVD were autopsy proven. The present results demonstrate that the intramyocardial adipocytes and cardiomyocytes in ARVD express NGF/TrkA and NT-3/TrkC, suggesting that they may play a substantial part in life-threatening myocardial electrical instability.
Adipobiology, 2015
One of the biggest recent achievements in the study of cardiometabolic diseases (atherosclerosis,... more One of the biggest recent achievements in the study of cardiometabolic diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and Alzheimer's disease, which is recently viewed as type 3 diabetes, see below) is associated with the "rediscovery" of a neglected tissue, the adipose tissue. Here we will Dance Round four paradigm shi s in the study of adipose tissue. In 1962, omas S. Kuhn published his book e Structure of Scienti c Revolutions (1st edition, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA). Its publication was a landmark event in the history and philosophy of scienti c knowledge (epistemology). Kuhn challenged the prevailing view of "normal science" which DAN CE R OU N D We dance round in a ring and suppose, But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.
Lancet, Jan 2, 2012
Golden standard for prostate cancer screening are digital rectal examination, PSA screening and t... more Golden standard for prostate cancer screening are digital rectal examination, PSA screening and transrectal ultrasound. The recommendations of U.S.Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) are based on review of medical literature which conclude that PSA screening leads to unnecessary treatmentrelated complications which are not justified by the number of the saved lives because: Low specifity of PSA-screening for cancer detection Medical complications, caused by unnecessary procedures, because of false-positive PSA. Increasing pressure to reduce the rate of growth of health care The end point of evaluation of the effect of the screening is decreasing of cancer-specific mortality and evaluation of the quality of life of the saved men.
European Urology Supplements, 2013
![Research paper thumbnail of S163: Laparoscopic partial nephron sparing resection in kidneys at tumor stage T1a/b. Evtimov. N. Ganev. T. Department of Urology St. Ann. Hospital Varna Bulgaria](
European Urology Supplements, 2014
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: After first laparoscopic nephrectomy in 1991 by Claiman, more of opera... more INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES: After first laparoscopic nephrectomy in 1991 by Claiman, more of operations are possible to be made laparoscopic. Through the last decade with the procreation of technology, nephron sparing operations are accepted "gold standard" in treatment for kidney tumor between 4-7 cm. size. The Aim of this study is a video-presentation a method, of laparoscopic sparing operative technique in treatment for kidney tumor in stag T1a/b. MATERIAL & METHODS: During 2011-2014 we have 24 completed laparoscopic nephron sparing procedures (LNSS) by elimination of the tumor with help of elektroresection. RESULTS: With this methods more nephrons are spared and the kidney function is preserved, cardiovascular incidents lessen, as well as the time of rehabilitation of patients and expenditure for medication of patients. That also facilitates subsequent chemotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: LNSS are always more preferable for tumor kidneys in stage T1a/b less 4 cm and also T1b between 4-7 cm. Using elektroresection effective for better oncologic results and diminishes intra operative bleeding.
European Urology Supplements, 2014
Papers by Nikolay Evtimov