Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2017
A finite element calculation has been utilized to investigate the plane symmetric double receding... more A finite element calculation has been utilized to investigate the plane symmetric double receding contact problem for a rigid stamp and two elastic layers. Elastic layers have different elastic constants and heights. The external load is applied to the upper elastic layer by means of a rigid stamp and the lower elastic layer is bonded to a rigid support. The external load is applied to the upper elastic layer by means of a rigid stamp and the lower elastic layer is bonded to a rigid support. The problem is solved under the assumptions that the contact between two elastic layers, and between the rigid stamp and the upper elastic layer are frictionless, the effect of gravity force is neglected. Numerical simulations are realized by the world wide code ANYS software based on FEM. The model provides dimensionless expressions for the contact areas and contact pressures. This paper presents comparison with numerical solutions and analytical solutions. Calculated contact areas and contact pressures may be used for the optimal design of layer system as well as together with analytical solutions.
This paper presents the elastostatic plane problem of a long strip containing an internal or edge... more This paper presents the elastostatic plane problem of a long strip containing an internal or edge crack perpendicular to its boundaries. The plane problem consists of an infinitely long strip of thickness h. The infinitely long strip is loaded by uniformly distributed load and rests on two simple supports. It is assumed that the effect of gravity is neglected. The finite element model of the problem is constituted using ANSYS software and the two dimensional analysis of the problem is carried out. Normalized stress-intensity factors for the cases with internal and edge crack, and normal stress ( x) for uncracked layer case are obtained for various dimensionless quantities. Finally, the results obtained from the finite element analysis are verified by comparing with analytical ones and it is seen that the results from finite element analysis indicate a good agreement with the analytical solution.
This paper presents a comparative study of finite element method (FEM) and analytical method for ... more This paper presents a comparative study of finite element method (FEM) and analytical method for the plane problem of a layered composite containing an internal perpendicular crack in literature. The layered composite consists of two elastic layers having different elastic constants and heights. External load is applied to the upper elastic layer by means o a rigid punch and the lower elastic layer rests on two simple supports. Numerical simulations are realized by the world wide code ANYS software. Two dimensional analysis of the problem is carried out and the results are verified by comparison with solutions reported in literature. Main goal of the numerical simulation is to investigate the normal stress ${\sigma}_x$(0, y), stress intensity factors at the crack factor and the crack opening displacements.
OZET Kemoterapotik ilaclar cesitli tumorlerde tedavi edici amacla veya hastayi radyoterapiye ya d... more OZET Kemoterapotik ilaclar cesitli tumorlerde tedavi edici amacla veya hastayi radyoterapiye ya da cerrahi girisime hazirlamak amaci ile kullanilirlar. Bu ilaclarin kullanimi ile oral mukoza ve labial minor tukruk bezlerinde (LMT) direk veya indirek etki ile % 40-80 oraninda degisikliklere neden olabilirler. Bu arastirma daha Once oral mukoza ve labial minor tukruk bezi (LMT) uzerine uzun sureli etkileri hic arastirilmamis olan Cisplatin ve 5-Florourasil gibi ke-moterapotiklerin etkilerini saptamak icin, cesitli kanser tiplerinden dolayi ortalama 3 ay once tedavi edilmis 13 kanser hastasi uzerinde yapildi. Hastalardan saglanan doku orneklerinde oral mukozada cesitli oranlarda parakeratoz, akantoz, displazi, atipi, mononukleer infiltrasyonu, fibro-zis ve atrofi gozlenirken LMT'de de mononukleer Infiltras-yon, atrofi, sekresyon da azalma, intersitisiel fibrozis saptandi. Calismanin sonucunda, kemoterapotik ilaclarla tedavi edilen kanser hastalarinin oral mukoza ve LMT bezlerinde t...
Turkish journal of haematology : official journal of Turkish Society of Haematology, Jan 5, 2002
We presented a 64-year-old male patient with T-large granular cell leukemia/lymphoma with an agre... more We presented a 64-year-old male patient with T-large granular cell leukemia/lymphoma with an agressive clinical course. Large granular lymphocytes were noted on peripheral blood smear. The phenotyping of the cells was typical T-cell lineage [CD2 (+), CD3 (+), CD5 (+)]. Clonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor gene (TCR) was demonstrated by DNA hybridization technique. Large granular cell leukemia/lymphoma is a distinct entity with spesific clinicobiological aspects. The clinical spectrum is wide and immunophenotyping and genotyping studies need to make a diagnosis.
Objective: There is an increase in the incidence of cancer, and consequently in mortality rates, ... more Objective: There is an increase in the incidence of cancer, and consequently in mortality rates, both in the world and in Turkey. The increase in the incidence and mortality rate of cancer are more prominent in our country as well as in other developing countries. The aim of this workshop was to determine the current status on prevention, screening, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer in our country, to identify related shortcomings, specify solutions and to share these with health system operators, and to aid in implementation of these systems. Developments on palliative care were also evaluated. Materials and Methods: The current situation in the practice of clinical oncology, related drawbacks, problems encountered during multidisciplinary approach and their solutions were discussed under several sub-headings during a 3-day meeting organized by the Turkish Ministry of Health (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı-TCSB) with participation of 16 scientists from Turkey and 6 from abroad, and the conclusions were reported. Results: It is expected that the newly established Turkish Health Institutes Association (Türkiye Sağlık Enstitüleri Başkanlığı-TÜSEB) and the National Cancer Institute (Ulusal Kanser Enstitüsü) will provide a new framework in the field of oncology. The current positive findings include the increase in the number of scientists who carry out successful trials in oncology both in Turkey and abroad, the implementation of the national cancer registry program by the Cancer Control Department and the breast cancer registry program by the Turkish Federation of Breast Diseases Societies (Türkiye Meme Hastalıkları Dernekleri Federasyonu-TMHDF), and introduction of Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening, and Training Centers (Kanser Erken Tanı, Tarama ve Eğitim Merkezi-KETEM) for the application of community-based cancer screening programs. In addition to these, obvious shortcomings related to education, implementation, management and research issues were also determined, and policy and project proposals to address these issues were presented. Collaboration with relevant organizations in the implementation of these studies was supported. Conclusion: Both the incidence and mortality rates of cancer are increasing in Turkey. The widespread deficiencies in population-based screening and in effective treatment lead to an increase in delay in diagnosis and mortality. Despite improvements in data recording, screening and treatment over the last 10 years, extensive, organized, population-based screening programs and fully equipped early diagnosis and treatment centers are required. Enhancement of basic cancer epidemiologic, translational, genetic and molecular research studies is essential in our country. Improvements on pain treatment and palliative care of patients with chronic and terminal cancer are also required.
Aim To evaluate the CD8?CD28-and CD4? CD25? regulatory T (Treg) cells in addition to other some l... more Aim To evaluate the CD8?CD28-and CD4? CD25? regulatory T (Treg) cells in addition to other some lymphocyte subgroups in peripheral blood of advanced stage lung cancer patients. Methods The study group (n = 28) comprised chemotherapy and radiotherapy naïve patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The control group (n = 22) consisted of age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers. Flow cytometry was used to count T cells, natural killer (NK) cells and CD4?CD25 Treg cells, and for CD8? T cell subgroup analysis. Flow cytometry was performed and annexin V binding was used for apoptotic cell evaluation. Results In patient group, the percentage of CD8?CD28cells among lymphocytes was elevated, and there was also an increase in the CD28-/CD28? cell ratio among CD8 lymphocyte population. The distribution of CD8 cells was different in lung cancer patients when compared with the control group. The absolute count of CD4?CD25 bright cells and the percentages of these cells among total lymphocytes were higher in the patient group. The Annexin V(?) cell percentages among CD8?CD28-and CD8?CD28? lymphocytes were higher in the patient group than in the control group. No differences were found between the NSCLC and SCLC patients with respect to the hematological parameters and the distribution of lymphocyte subgroups. In NSCLC patients, the percentage of CD8? CD28-cells among the lymphocyte population was higher in patients with stage IV than those with stage III. Conclusion These findings may reflect the possibility of tumor-induced immunosuppression and they should be complemented with further studies.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is the biomechanical investigation of the rotation, stress and... more Purpose: The purpose of this study is the biomechanical investigation of the rotation, stress and deformation caused in the talus, under a specific load, by various fixation methods in ankle which has supination external rotation (SER) injury and deltoid rupture. Method: Ankle of a healthy individual was analyzed with the help of a package program which was based on finite elements method (FEM). Then, SER injury model was created. Lateral malleolar plate was fixed with a screw and created different repair models for ankle fit. In the analysis section, forces obtained from the literature were applied to the healthy and repaired models. As the result of the analyses, mechanical values which occured in the talus were obtained. Results: As a result of this study, mechanical changes in talus, which were caused by, (in order) deltoid ligament repair, suture button syndesmosis fixation, syndesmosis fixation with transfixation screw, suture button fixation + deltoid ligament repair and tran...
In this paper, a continuous contact problem for two bonded elastic layers resting on a Winkler fo... more In this paper, a continuous contact problem for two bonded elastic layers resting on a Winkler foundation and loaded by uniformly distributed load is solved using finite element method. Body forces of elastic layers are neglected in the problem. Thickness in z-direction is taken to be unit. The finite element model of the problem is constituted using ANSYS software and the two dimensional analysis of the problem is carried out. By reason of the fact that maximum value of the normal stress is on the symmetry axis, x and y stresses on the symmetry axis are determined for various dimensionless quantities. Finally, the results obtained from finite element method are verified by comparison with the analytical results. ÖZET Bu çalışmada, düzgün yayılı yük ile yüklenmiş ve Winkler zemine oturan birbirine yapışık elastik iki tabakanın sürekli temas problemi sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak çözülmüştür. Çözümde tabakaların kütle kuvvetleri ihmal edilmiştir. Problem düzlem hal için incelendiğinden z ekseni doğrultusundaki kalınlık birim olarak alınmıştır. Problemin sonlu eleman modeli ANSYS paket programı kullanılarak oluşturulmuş ve iki boyutlu analizi yapılmıştır. En büyük normal gerilmeler simetri ekseni üzerinde meydana geldiğinden, bu eksende oluşan x ve y gerilmeleri çeşitli boyutsuz büyüklükler için elde edilmiştir. Son olarak bulunan sonuçlar literatürdeki analitik sonuçlarla karşılaştırılarak doğrulanmıştır. GİRİŞ Temas problemleri pratik öneme sahip mühendislik yapılarında geniş uygulama alanları bulmuşlardır. Temeller, yol ve havaalanı üst yapıları, demiryolları, akaryakıt tankları, tahıl siloları, silindirik miller ve bilyeler bu uygulama alanları arasında yer aldığı söylenebilir. Bu nedenle temas problemlerine ilişkin literatürde çok sayıda analitik [1-5] ve nümerik [6-10] çalışma mevcuttur. Bu çalışmaların yanında, Adams ve Bogy [11] farklı elastik özelliklere sahip yarım düzlem ile yarı sonsuz tabaka arasındaki değme problemini incelemişlerdir. Dempsey vd. [12] Winkler temeline oturan sonsuz uzunluktaki elastik tabakanın değişik yüklemeler altındaki değme problemini ele almışlardır. Blázquez vd. [13] iki boyutlu temas problemleri için sınır elemanlar metoduyla çözümü irdelemişlerdir. Sürtünmeli temas problemi için sonlu elemanlar ve sınır elemanlar yöntemlerinin birleşimi Guyot vd. [14] tarafından ele alınmıştır. El-Borgi vd. [15] fonksiyonel derecelendirilmiş bir
In this paper, continuous and discontinuous contact problems for an elastic layer loaded by symme... more In this paper, continuous and discontinuous contact problems for an elastic layer loaded by symmetrical distributed loads whose lengths are 2a on an elastic semi-infinite plane is solved using finite element method. The elastic layer also subjected to uniform vertical body force because of effect of the gravity. Thickness in z direction is taken to be unit. It is assumed that the contact surfaces are frictionless, only normal tractions can be transmitted through the contact areas. The contact along the interface between elastic layer and half plane is continuous if the value of load factor is less than a critical value. In continuous and discontinuous contact cases, the stress distribution on the contact interface are plotted for different dimensionless quantities. The finite element model of the problem is constituted using ANSYS software and analysis of the problem is carried out. Finally, the results obtained from the finite element solution are verified by comprasion with the an...
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2017
A finite element calculation has been utilized to investigate the plane symmetric double receding... more A finite element calculation has been utilized to investigate the plane symmetric double receding contact problem for a rigid stamp and two elastic layers. Elastic layers have different elastic constants and heights. The external load is applied to the upper elastic layer by means of a rigid stamp and the lower elastic layer is bonded to a rigid support. The external load is applied to the upper elastic layer by means of a rigid stamp and the lower elastic layer is bonded to a rigid support. The problem is solved under the assumptions that the contact between two elastic layers, and between the rigid stamp and the upper elastic layer are frictionless, the effect of gravity force is neglected. Numerical simulations are realized by the world wide code ANYS software based on FEM. The model provides dimensionless expressions for the contact areas and contact pressures. This paper presents comparison with numerical solutions and analytical solutions. Calculated contact areas and contact pressures may be used for the optimal design of layer system as well as together with analytical solutions.
This paper presents the elastostatic plane problem of a long strip containing an internal or edge... more This paper presents the elastostatic plane problem of a long strip containing an internal or edge crack perpendicular to its boundaries. The plane problem consists of an infinitely long strip of thickness h. The infinitely long strip is loaded by uniformly distributed load and rests on two simple supports. It is assumed that the effect of gravity is neglected. The finite element model of the problem is constituted using ANSYS software and the two dimensional analysis of the problem is carried out. Normalized stress-intensity factors for the cases with internal and edge crack, and normal stress ( x) for uncracked layer case are obtained for various dimensionless quantities. Finally, the results obtained from the finite element analysis are verified by comparing with analytical ones and it is seen that the results from finite element analysis indicate a good agreement with the analytical solution.
This paper presents a comparative study of finite element method (FEM) and analytical method for ... more This paper presents a comparative study of finite element method (FEM) and analytical method for the plane problem of a layered composite containing an internal perpendicular crack in literature. The layered composite consists of two elastic layers having different elastic constants and heights. External load is applied to the upper elastic layer by means o a rigid punch and the lower elastic layer rests on two simple supports. Numerical simulations are realized by the world wide code ANYS software. Two dimensional analysis of the problem is carried out and the results are verified by comparison with solutions reported in literature. Main goal of the numerical simulation is to investigate the normal stress ${\sigma}_x$(0, y), stress intensity factors at the crack factor and the crack opening displacements.
OZET Kemoterapotik ilaclar cesitli tumorlerde tedavi edici amacla veya hastayi radyoterapiye ya d... more OZET Kemoterapotik ilaclar cesitli tumorlerde tedavi edici amacla veya hastayi radyoterapiye ya da cerrahi girisime hazirlamak amaci ile kullanilirlar. Bu ilaclarin kullanimi ile oral mukoza ve labial minor tukruk bezlerinde (LMT) direk veya indirek etki ile % 40-80 oraninda degisikliklere neden olabilirler. Bu arastirma daha Once oral mukoza ve labial minor tukruk bezi (LMT) uzerine uzun sureli etkileri hic arastirilmamis olan Cisplatin ve 5-Florourasil gibi ke-moterapotiklerin etkilerini saptamak icin, cesitli kanser tiplerinden dolayi ortalama 3 ay once tedavi edilmis 13 kanser hastasi uzerinde yapildi. Hastalardan saglanan doku orneklerinde oral mukozada cesitli oranlarda parakeratoz, akantoz, displazi, atipi, mononukleer infiltrasyonu, fibro-zis ve atrofi gozlenirken LMT'de de mononukleer Infiltras-yon, atrofi, sekresyon da azalma, intersitisiel fibrozis saptandi. Calismanin sonucunda, kemoterapotik ilaclarla tedavi edilen kanser hastalarinin oral mukoza ve LMT bezlerinde t...
Turkish journal of haematology : official journal of Turkish Society of Haematology, Jan 5, 2002
We presented a 64-year-old male patient with T-large granular cell leukemia/lymphoma with an agre... more We presented a 64-year-old male patient with T-large granular cell leukemia/lymphoma with an agressive clinical course. Large granular lymphocytes were noted on peripheral blood smear. The phenotyping of the cells was typical T-cell lineage [CD2 (+), CD3 (+), CD5 (+)]. Clonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor gene (TCR) was demonstrated by DNA hybridization technique. Large granular cell leukemia/lymphoma is a distinct entity with spesific clinicobiological aspects. The clinical spectrum is wide and immunophenotyping and genotyping studies need to make a diagnosis.
Objective: There is an increase in the incidence of cancer, and consequently in mortality rates, ... more Objective: There is an increase in the incidence of cancer, and consequently in mortality rates, both in the world and in Turkey. The increase in the incidence and mortality rate of cancer are more prominent in our country as well as in other developing countries. The aim of this workshop was to determine the current status on prevention, screening, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer in our country, to identify related shortcomings, specify solutions and to share these with health system operators, and to aid in implementation of these systems. Developments on palliative care were also evaluated. Materials and Methods: The current situation in the practice of clinical oncology, related drawbacks, problems encountered during multidisciplinary approach and their solutions were discussed under several sub-headings during a 3-day meeting organized by the Turkish Ministry of Health (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı-TCSB) with participation of 16 scientists from Turkey and 6 from abroad, and the conclusions were reported. Results: It is expected that the newly established Turkish Health Institutes Association (Türkiye Sağlık Enstitüleri Başkanlığı-TÜSEB) and the National Cancer Institute (Ulusal Kanser Enstitüsü) will provide a new framework in the field of oncology. The current positive findings include the increase in the number of scientists who carry out successful trials in oncology both in Turkey and abroad, the implementation of the national cancer registry program by the Cancer Control Department and the breast cancer registry program by the Turkish Federation of Breast Diseases Societies (Türkiye Meme Hastalıkları Dernekleri Federasyonu-TMHDF), and introduction of Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening, and Training Centers (Kanser Erken Tanı, Tarama ve Eğitim Merkezi-KETEM) for the application of community-based cancer screening programs. In addition to these, obvious shortcomings related to education, implementation, management and research issues were also determined, and policy and project proposals to address these issues were presented. Collaboration with relevant organizations in the implementation of these studies was supported. Conclusion: Both the incidence and mortality rates of cancer are increasing in Turkey. The widespread deficiencies in population-based screening and in effective treatment lead to an increase in delay in diagnosis and mortality. Despite improvements in data recording, screening and treatment over the last 10 years, extensive, organized, population-based screening programs and fully equipped early diagnosis and treatment centers are required. Enhancement of basic cancer epidemiologic, translational, genetic and molecular research studies is essential in our country. Improvements on pain treatment and palliative care of patients with chronic and terminal cancer are also required.
Aim To evaluate the CD8?CD28-and CD4? CD25? regulatory T (Treg) cells in addition to other some l... more Aim To evaluate the CD8?CD28-and CD4? CD25? regulatory T (Treg) cells in addition to other some lymphocyte subgroups in peripheral blood of advanced stage lung cancer patients. Methods The study group (n = 28) comprised chemotherapy and radiotherapy naïve patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The control group (n = 22) consisted of age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers. Flow cytometry was used to count T cells, natural killer (NK) cells and CD4?CD25 Treg cells, and for CD8? T cell subgroup analysis. Flow cytometry was performed and annexin V binding was used for apoptotic cell evaluation. Results In patient group, the percentage of CD8?CD28cells among lymphocytes was elevated, and there was also an increase in the CD28-/CD28? cell ratio among CD8 lymphocyte population. The distribution of CD8 cells was different in lung cancer patients when compared with the control group. The absolute count of CD4?CD25 bright cells and the percentages of these cells among total lymphocytes were higher in the patient group. The Annexin V(?) cell percentages among CD8?CD28-and CD8?CD28? lymphocytes were higher in the patient group than in the control group. No differences were found between the NSCLC and SCLC patients with respect to the hematological parameters and the distribution of lymphocyte subgroups. In NSCLC patients, the percentage of CD8? CD28-cells among the lymphocyte population was higher in patients with stage IV than those with stage III. Conclusion These findings may reflect the possibility of tumor-induced immunosuppression and they should be complemented with further studies.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is the biomechanical investigation of the rotation, stress and... more Purpose: The purpose of this study is the biomechanical investigation of the rotation, stress and deformation caused in the talus, under a specific load, by various fixation methods in ankle which has supination external rotation (SER) injury and deltoid rupture. Method: Ankle of a healthy individual was analyzed with the help of a package program which was based on finite elements method (FEM). Then, SER injury model was created. Lateral malleolar plate was fixed with a screw and created different repair models for ankle fit. In the analysis section, forces obtained from the literature were applied to the healthy and repaired models. As the result of the analyses, mechanical values which occured in the talus were obtained. Results: As a result of this study, mechanical changes in talus, which were caused by, (in order) deltoid ligament repair, suture button syndesmosis fixation, syndesmosis fixation with transfixation screw, suture button fixation + deltoid ligament repair and tran...
In this paper, a continuous contact problem for two bonded elastic layers resting on a Winkler fo... more In this paper, a continuous contact problem for two bonded elastic layers resting on a Winkler foundation and loaded by uniformly distributed load is solved using finite element method. Body forces of elastic layers are neglected in the problem. Thickness in z-direction is taken to be unit. The finite element model of the problem is constituted using ANSYS software and the two dimensional analysis of the problem is carried out. By reason of the fact that maximum value of the normal stress is on the symmetry axis, x and y stresses on the symmetry axis are determined for various dimensionless quantities. Finally, the results obtained from finite element method are verified by comparison with the analytical results. ÖZET Bu çalışmada, düzgün yayılı yük ile yüklenmiş ve Winkler zemine oturan birbirine yapışık elastik iki tabakanın sürekli temas problemi sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak çözülmüştür. Çözümde tabakaların kütle kuvvetleri ihmal edilmiştir. Problem düzlem hal için incelendiğinden z ekseni doğrultusundaki kalınlık birim olarak alınmıştır. Problemin sonlu eleman modeli ANSYS paket programı kullanılarak oluşturulmuş ve iki boyutlu analizi yapılmıştır. En büyük normal gerilmeler simetri ekseni üzerinde meydana geldiğinden, bu eksende oluşan x ve y gerilmeleri çeşitli boyutsuz büyüklükler için elde edilmiştir. Son olarak bulunan sonuçlar literatürdeki analitik sonuçlarla karşılaştırılarak doğrulanmıştır. GİRİŞ Temas problemleri pratik öneme sahip mühendislik yapılarında geniş uygulama alanları bulmuşlardır. Temeller, yol ve havaalanı üst yapıları, demiryolları, akaryakıt tankları, tahıl siloları, silindirik miller ve bilyeler bu uygulama alanları arasında yer aldığı söylenebilir. Bu nedenle temas problemlerine ilişkin literatürde çok sayıda analitik [1-5] ve nümerik [6-10] çalışma mevcuttur. Bu çalışmaların yanında, Adams ve Bogy [11] farklı elastik özelliklere sahip yarım düzlem ile yarı sonsuz tabaka arasındaki değme problemini incelemişlerdir. Dempsey vd. [12] Winkler temeline oturan sonsuz uzunluktaki elastik tabakanın değişik yüklemeler altındaki değme problemini ele almışlardır. Blázquez vd. [13] iki boyutlu temas problemleri için sınır elemanlar metoduyla çözümü irdelemişlerdir. Sürtünmeli temas problemi için sonlu elemanlar ve sınır elemanlar yöntemlerinin birleşimi Guyot vd. [14] tarafından ele alınmıştır. El-Borgi vd. [15] fonksiyonel derecelendirilmiş bir
In this paper, continuous and discontinuous contact problems for an elastic layer loaded by symme... more In this paper, continuous and discontinuous contact problems for an elastic layer loaded by symmetrical distributed loads whose lengths are 2a on an elastic semi-infinite plane is solved using finite element method. The elastic layer also subjected to uniform vertical body force because of effect of the gravity. Thickness in z direction is taken to be unit. It is assumed that the contact surfaces are frictionless, only normal tractions can be transmitted through the contact areas. The contact along the interface between elastic layer and half plane is continuous if the value of load factor is less than a critical value. In continuous and discontinuous contact cases, the stress distribution on the contact interface are plotted for different dimensionless quantities. The finite element model of the problem is constituted using ANSYS software and analysis of the problem is carried out. Finally, the results obtained from the finite element solution are verified by comprasion with the an...
Papers by Murat YAYLACI