Papers by Mukhamad Angwar

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The product development from modified cassava flour (mocaf) cookies has not been done much. This ... more The product development from modified cassava flour (mocaf) cookies has not been done much. This research was done to find out the best formulation on the cookies from mocaf and to predict its shelf life on flexible packaging. Formula cookies using mocaf flour, eggtempe flour, green bean flour and catfish flour, each with a ratio: F1 (63%: 5%: 12%: 15%); F2 (63%: 5%: 12%: 20%); F3 (58%: 5%: 12%: 25%). Shelf life prediction using Accelerated Self Life Time (ASLT) method based on critical moisture content. The packaging that used is polyethylene, aluminum foil and metalizing. The results of this research showed the best formula was F2 containing protein 12.06 %, and energy 511.56 kcal / 100 g. The critical water content of cookies 6.89 %. Permeability of polyethylene, metalizing and aluminum foil were 0.05 gH2O / day.m2.mmHg, 0.006 gH2O / day.m 2 .mmHg and 0.006 gH2O / day.m 2 .mmHg respectively. That packaging was able to maintain the cookies quality for 1.5 months (polyethylene). 12 months (metalizing), and 19 months (aluminum foil).
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Percobaan mengenai TMR untuk sapi potong dengan menggunakan silase King Grass telah dilakukan di ... more Percobaan mengenai TMR untuk sapi potong dengan menggunakan silase King Grass telah dilakukan di UPT. BBOK LIPI Lampung pada tahun 2000. Sebanyak 16 ekor sapi jantan lokal diamati untuk mengetahui efek metabolisme dari rasio TMR dengan cara menggunakan disain blok acak dengan dua perlakuan dan delapan replikasi. Pengamatan ini meliputi karakteristik fisik dan kimia TMR. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan empat macam parameter yaitu : rata - rata pertumbuhan berat per hari, laju konsumsi TMR, laju konsumsi King Grass, laju konsumsi konsentrat dan laju konsumsi air. Telah dihasilkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan berarti yang terjadi (p

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ganyong (Canna edulis Kerr) is a local tuber which highest amount of starch content, but has not ... more Ganyong (Canna edulis Kerr) is a local tuber which highest amount of starch content, but has not been fully utilized well at present. One way to improve the usefulness of canna is to process it into noodle, but it needs arenga starch which has high amylose content. The aim of this research was to study the sensory and textural properties of noodle made from canna flour and arenga starch. Research methodologies consist of: (i) characterization of canna flour and arenga starch, (ii) noodle production, and (iii) characterization sensory and textural properties of the noodle. Noodle was made with five ratio variations of canna flour and arenga starch, i.e. 100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; and 0:100. Sensory analysis was done by hedonic scoring method with attributes : color, stickiness, elasticity, firmness, surface smoothness and overall liking. Textural properties analyses consist of tensile strength, elongation, and stickiness measurements. The results showed that canna flour and arenga starch can be used in noodle making process. Noodle with 25% of canna flour was the most favored product and has the best textural properties. Factors which affect textural properties of product are the amylose and amylopectin amount in each starch. Tensile strength, elongation, and stickiness measurements of noodle with 25% of canna flour were 0,13 N; 41,61%; and 0,0115N respectively.

Reaktor, 2017
SHELF LIFE ESTIMATION OF COCOA POWDER-COATED BANANA CHIPS “PURBARASA” BASED ON TBA VALUE USING A... more SHELF LIFE ESTIMATION OF COCOA POWDER-COATED BANANA CHIPS “PURBARASA” BASED ON TBA VALUE USING ARRHENIUS MODEL OF ACCELERATED SHELF LIFE TEST (ASLT) METHOD. Cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" is a banana chips made from local banana in Nglanggeran Village and coated with local cocoa powder. The products are sold using polypropylene packaging with 0.08 mm thickness. The change in quality of cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" during storage might occur for its rancidity which is caused by fat contained in cocoa powder and absorbed oil within banana chips during deep frying processed. This deterioration can decrease its shelf life. However, the shelf life of cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" has not been studied yet, hence, it is really necessary to estimate shelf life of this products in order to comply with the requirements of food safety labeling on its package. The method which can be used to estimate the shelf life of c...

Penurunan kadar estradiol pada masa pra menopouse menyebabkan berbagai perubahan pada fisik dan p... more Penurunan kadar estradiol pada masa pra menopouse menyebabkan berbagai perubahan pada fisik dan psikis. Perubahan yang dirasakan antara lain perubahan pola mestruasi, hot flush (rasa panas), insomnia, depresi, sakit kepala, nyeri tulang dan vagina kering. Untuk mencegah hal ini maka diupayakan aternatif lain yang lebih bersifat natural yaitu dengan memberikan isoflavon alami. Kedelai mengandung isoflavon, salah satu bahan pangan yang terbuat dari kedelai adalah tempe. Pada tempe terdapat empat jenis isoflavon yaitu daidzein, glisitein dan genistein dan antioksidan faktor II (6,7,4- trihidroksi isoflavon). Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh isoflavon sari tempe kental manis terhadap peningkatan kadar estradiol serum pada ibu pra menopause di SDN dan SMPN Kecamatan Sukajadi Pekanbaru tahun 2016. Desain penelitian adalah quasy-eksperimen yang bersifat one group pretest-postest, observasional terhadap 13 orang ibu pra menopause di SDN dan SMPN Kecamatan Sukajadi Pekanbaru,...

Proceedings of the 2019 Ahmad Dahlan International Conference Series on Pharmacy and Health Science (ADICS-PHS 2019), 2019
Chronic energy deficiency (CED) and anemia in pregnant women, is still a significant public healt... more Chronic energy deficiency (CED) and anemia in pregnant women, is still a significant public health problem in Indonesia. CED on pregnant women the risk of low birth weight on newborn. Tempe and catfish are available for daily consumption and rich in protein and Fe but has been understudied to prevent low birth weight in pregnant mothers with CED Objective: The study aims to investigate the effect of biscuits substitution from mixed soybean fermentation (Tempe) and catfish flour in increasing birth weight of infants born from mothers with CED. Methods: This was quasi-experimental design involving 62 pregnant mothers in third trimester, but 10 mothers discontinued participation. At the follow-up study, the intervention group comprised 26 mothers, whereas the control group included 26 mothers. The intervention group received daily biscuits substitution from mixed tempe and catfish flour (70 grams) during 60 days, whereas the control group received daily supplementary feeding according to the national standard. The research subject was monitored until delivery. MUAC and hemoglobin were remeasured at the end of the intervention (60 days). The data from both groups compared using independent sample t-test. Results: The average of infant birth weight in the intervention group (3163.46; 414.622) was higher than the control group (2680.77; 521.551), p 0.001. Biscuits substitution with soy bean fermented (tempe) and catfish flour increased the birth weight of infants born from mothers with CED and anemia. Therefore, these biscuits should be promoted to prevent low birth weight in babies born from mothers with CED and anemia.

Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri, 2019
Saat ini, stunting menjadi salah satu permasalahan nasional yang harus segera dicari pemecahannya... more Saat ini, stunting menjadi salah satu permasalahan nasional yang harus segera dicari pemecahannya. Pemberian makanan tinggi kalori, protein dan zat gizi mikro dapat menurunkan resiko balita stunting. Permasalahannya, makanan selingan dengan spesifikasi tersebut biasanya mahal sehingga perlu dicari alternatif makanan yang murah dan mudah mendapatkanya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan karakteristik kimia, fisika dan sensoris cookies dari campuran tepung mocaf, tempe, kacang hijau dan ikan lele. Formula bahan tepung campuran yaitu F1 (mocaf 68%, tepung tempe telur 5%, tepung kacang hijau 12%, tepung ikan lele 15%), F2 (mocaf 63%, tepung tempe telur 5%, tepung kacang hijau 12%, tepung ikan lele 20%), dan F3 (mocaf 58%, tepung tempe telur 5%, tepung kacang hijau 12%, tepung ikan lele 25%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cookies yang paling disukai panelis adalah formula F1 dan F2. Hasil analisis fisik menunjukkan bahwa ketiga formula cookies memiliki kisaran warna merah kekuningan, serta memiliki tingkat kekerasan yang tidak berbeda nyata. Formula terpilih sebagai cookies potensial menurunkan resiko stunting adalah cookies F2 yang dapat dikonsumsi 5-10 keping per hari, mempunyai komposisi gizi yaitu protein 12,06%, lemak 20,99% ,karbohidrat 59,17% dan energy 511,56 kkal/100 g.

The competition in industry is getting harder, where companies face changes in their environment.... more The competition in industry is getting harder, where companies face changes in their environment. So that organization must increase their performance and show their ability to win the competition. This tight competition makes organization has to own innovation where employees grow according to change. In the effort of improving organization performance, it must be an harmony between organization and individual objectives. This research in the oil company Indonesia aims to harmonize it based on Total Performance Scorecard (TPS). This harmonization is done through several phases with the results of a communication among organizational Balance scorecard, scorecard section and Individual Performance plan. These things become a integrated strategic planning of the company. This integrated plan means in the process of planning, it involves departments, sections, and all employees. The advantages are to make sure all employees understand the objective of their departments and their sectio...

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017
Coleus tuberosus is one of local commodities in Indonesia which contains high carbohydrate. Howev... more Coleus tuberosus is one of local commodities in Indonesia which contains high carbohydrate. However, its utilization isn’t done maximally. Therefore, C. tuberosus made into flour by grater method, and then be used for noodle making with arenga strach as substituting material. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of C. tuberosus flour substitution in the noodle preparation from arenga starch on its cooking properties. In this study, noodle was made in some variations which were 100% arenga starch; 75% arenga starch:25% C. tuberosus flour; 50% arenga starch:50% C. tuberosus flour; 25% arenga starch:75% C. tuberosus flour and 100% C. tuberosus flour. Characterization of noodle were investigated including water content, cooking time, cooking loss, swelling index, and expansion ratio Noodle was compared with two commercial products. The result showed that arenga starch substitution in C. tuberosus noodle affect cooking properties of noodle. The higher concentration of C. tuberosus flour caused swe...
Papers by Mukhamad Angwar