Papers by Muhammad shamsu Adamu

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
Research in HCI4D has continuously advanced a narrative of ‘lacks’ and ‘gaps’ of the African pers... more Research in HCI4D has continuously advanced a narrative of ‘lacks’ and ‘gaps’ of the African perspective in technoscience. In response to such misguided assumptions, this paper attempts to reformulate the common and perhaps unfortunate thinking about African practices of design in HCI4D – i.e., largely as a function of African societal predicaments and Western technocratic resolutions. Through critical reflection on a range of issues associated with post-colonialism and post-development, I examine the possibilities that various historical tropes might offer to the reinvention of the African perspective on innovation. This leads to the consideration of how engaging in critical discussions about the future dimensions of African HCI can allow for grappling with the effect of the coloniality of being, power and knowledge. Developing on the ideas of futuring as a way of dealing with the complexities of the present – in this case the coloniality of the imagination - the paper ends by disc...
Fieldwork is a complex form of work, whereas a software project can be considered largely as a co... more Fieldwork is a complex form of work, whereas a software project can be considered largely as a collaborative and sometimes distributed form of work. How then does the inevitably situated nature of work account for the subjective orderliness-messiness of socio-cultural attributes of the Nigerian context? This short reflection points to the implications of 'consciousness switching'-knowing and doing work as an understand-er and user which emphasises the need for focusing attention on the conditioning of the field in understanding occasions that can better inform project work.

Allelopathic effect of eucalyptus root extract on germination and growth of some varieties of cow... more Allelopathic effect of eucalyptus root extract on germination and growth of some varieties of cowpea (vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) was investigated. The experiment was conducted at the Botanical garden Federal University Dutse, Jigawa state (latitude 11.00 N to 13.00 N and longitude 8.00 E to 10.15 E). Two cowpea varieties; Dankaka, a local cowpea variety and IT08-150-12 an improved variety were collected from IITA, Kano station. The experimental design used was completely randomized block design. There were twelve replications per treatment. The treatments used consist of four different concentrations of eucalyptus root extract; 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and then the control. About 200mls of the different extracts concentrations were applied to the soil before sowing the seeds. The duration of the study was between June 6th- August 9th 2018. Data was collected on Germination and seedling growth namely; Plant height, Number of leaves, Plant fresh weight and Plant dry weight. Data was analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% significance level. The result showed that the germination rate and growth decreased with increasing concentration of the treatments. The overall germination and growth rate of seedlings were reduced with 100% eucalyptus root extract concentration treatment followed by 75% then 50%, the least was 25%. The cowpea variety dankaka was most susceptible to the allelophatic effect of eucalyptus extract with respect to germination, and IT08-150-12 was most susceptible with respect to seedling growth. Key word: Allelophatic, cowpea, eucalyptus, dankaka, IT08k-150-12

3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2021
Research in HCI4D has emphasized the need for a critical analysis of how conventional design para... more Research in HCI4D has emphasized the need for a critical analysis of how conventional design paradigms and analytical orientations work in non-western contexts. This necessitates an examination of how indigenous modes of knowing could inform the framing and making of technological innovation in Africa. This paper draws on four empirical cases to show how stereotypical (often colonial and neo-colonial) design paradigms might have hastily misrepresented the situated practices of designing and deploying educational technologies in Nigeria. The paper argues that a situated standpoint orientation provides a way of approaching and analysing the plurality of the African context-which in essence relies on indigenous practices and knowledge in designing operational interventions that can be adopted and used to support teaching and learning. Thus, the temporal analysis of the four cases points to the material implications of the interactivity between culture and locale in extending indigenous practices of design. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centred computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); Empirical studies in HCI.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2019

Bioresources, 2020
The effects of montmorillonite nanoclay and poly(ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride) via vacuum impreg... more The effects of montmorillonite nanoclay and poly(ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride) via vacuum impregnation technique in relation to the physicochemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of bamboo-reinforced nanocomposites were investigated. The functional groups in the raw bamboo and nanocomposites were identified using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction plots showed the prominent peak intensity at a diffraction angle of 73° due to the transformation of the amorphous structure to a crystalline structure in the prepared nanocomposite. The morphologies of the raw bamboo and the nanocomposites were compared using scanning electron microscopy analysis. There was an increase in the modulus of elasticity from 7.82 to 19.0 GPa (143%) and a corresponding increase in the modulus of rupture from 68.7 to 121.5 MPa (77%) of the raw bamboo to the nanocomposites, respectively. This increase implied a high increase in the mechanical properties of the developed nanocomposite....

Properties of Borneo sago starch reinforced poly-(lactic acid) (PLA) composites were evaluated, w... more Properties of Borneo sago starch reinforced poly-(lactic acid) (PLA) composites were evaluated, with attention to the effects of treatment with acrylic acid, benzene diazonium chloride, and tetrahydrofuran. The PLAsago composites treated with tetrahydrofuran had the highest tensile strength, with a maximum value of 0.85 MPa at 20 wt%; whereas the PLAsago composites treated with benzene diazonium chloride had the highest modulus of elasticity, with a maximum modulus of elasticity of 28 kPa at 5 wt%. Scanning electron microscopy images of the surfaces showed good interfacial contact between the PLA and the sago starch treated with benzene diazonium chloride. The Fourier-transform infrared spectra revealed the functional group characteristics of the chemicals composition of the materials. According to the thermogravimetric analysis results, all of the composites displayed thermal stability up to a temperature of 300 °C. The differential scanning calorimetry analysis revealed that the p...
In recent times, HCI has widens its horizon to a broad range of theoretical perspective and cultu... more In recent times, HCI has widens its horizon to a broad range of theoretical perspective and cultural stances that direct design practices. However, there appears to be a continual subjugation of 'Other' modes of knowing and theorizing in contemporary discourse, which unfortunately finds solace in postcolonial approaches to HCI, and computing more generally. In this position paper, I outline the preliminary ideas about a transatlantic approach to cultural engagement in African design practices. In particular, it focuses on identifying and analysing the integrative aspect of the trinities of African cultures as to bring about an approximate adaptation (to new design context) and translation (to new design conditions) of diverse perspectives in African cultures of design.

BioResources, 2021
Microwave pyrolysis of finely ground jatropha seed biochar was used as bio-filler to develop bioc... more Microwave pyrolysis of finely ground jatropha seed biochar was used as bio-filler to develop biocomposites. Effects influencing the mechanical properties of the biocomposites were investigated based on varied material ratio. Ratios by percentage of weight were determined by D-optimal (custom) mixture design using the Stat Ease “Design Expert”. The mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and microhardness, were the dependent variables (response). Bio-filler content was optimised to attain the overall best mechanical properties for the biocomposites. The optimized biocomposite that showcased good tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and microhardness biocomposite ratio’s predicted mechanical properties mean values were tensile strength (9.53 MPa), modulus of elasticity (0.730 GPa), and microhardness (20.4 HV) for polylactic acid and biofiller mixture; and tensile strength (7.92 MPa), modulus of elasticity (0.668 GPa), and microhardness (18.7 HV) for...
Bamboo Polymer Nanocomposites, 2021
The effect of poly (ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride) with nanoclay on bamboo nanocomposite was repo... more The effect of poly (ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride) with nanoclay on bamboo nanocomposite was reported in this chapter. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to characterize the nanocomposites. The mechanical test was conducted and reported in this chapter. The poly (ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride) with nanoclay enhanced the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of manufactured nanocomposites.
This chapter explores the bamboo species and possibility of its nanocomposites, which is directly... more This chapter explores the bamboo species and possibility of its nanocomposites, which is directly correlated with the desirable physical and mechanical performance. The distribution of bamboo and the anatomy of bamboo was reported based on the region. The chemical composition of bamboo and its extraction process were described in this report. The preparation of nanocomposites in the present of montmorillonite was also investigated.
The research involves investigating, from an African, specifically Nigerian perspective, what exa... more The research involves investigating, from an African, specifically Nigerian perspective, what exactly might constitute education technology design best practices that will bring about developing a knowledgeable individual? Substantive progress has been made with regards to identifying gaps in the literature regarding the notion of education with technology in Africa, notably blended learning and some work on the relevance of indigenous knowledge and methodologies in providing some better understanding of the peculiarities of an African context. Initial fieldwork has been completed in Nigeria, thematically analyzed and interpreted the data; conducting a follow-up field work (a participatory observational study), and also evaluating and disseminating the early results from the initial analysis.

3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2021
Ontological and epistemological differences between Western and non-Western traditions makes inve... more Ontological and epistemological differences between Western and non-Western traditions makes investigating and understanding other cultures using stereotypical (Western) approaches and methods rather difficult. At the intersection of a crisis of identity, epistemic positionality and cultural adequacy, this paper reflects on the ethical and methodological implications of the practices of HCI4D fieldwork that seek to decode and deconstruct the mundane practices of designing and deploying educational technologies in Nigeria. The reflection identifies a range of issues concerning the limiting relevance of conventional methods of undertaking field studies in Africa, while also showing the appropriateness of indigenous approaches. This has significant importance for the practices of those wishing to work in/with African communities in design projects. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centred computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); HCI theory, concepts and models.

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2019
This position paper is concerned with understanding, evaluating and designing technologies to sup... more This position paper is concerned with understanding, evaluating and designing technologies to support learning in African higher education. Its central focus is on epistemological and methodological issues and commitmentsspecifically whether stereotypical and established Western methodological approaches are suited for investigating African contexts. Considering various ideas about 'indigenous knowledge' and sensitivities, an eclectic approach is adopted and deployed. The resulting 'method' presented can be adopted by those interested in finding indigeneity in conventional forms of investigation, and those that wish to engage in having a rather eclectic standpoint in research. This perspective has important implications for those investigating 'technology acceptance and adoption' in Africa; the use and development of learning technologies and the idea of 'blended learning' and those considering 'post-colonial' computing.

32nd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2020
Research in HCI and CSCW has consistently shown how software design approaches are an abstract id... more Research in HCI and CSCW has consistently shown how software design approaches are an abstract idealisation of work practices, raising questions regarding the appropriateness and applicability of what might be considered as 'best practice' or 'doable practice' in project work. Such issues have magnifed the fundamental need for examining exactly how conventional (and generally Western) constructs, approaches and methods, widely adopted in the process of producing and deploying technologies, actually work. The paper reports fndings from a study that seeks to understand the implications for adopting 'well-known' practices for framing, undertaking, and analysis distributed and collaborative software project in the context of Nigeria. Findings show that documenting and analysing what is often considered as 'best practice', supposedly prescriptive maps and scripts for accomplishing work, necessitates considering how they get adopted, interpreted, and extended as 'orderly' and occasionally 'messy' alternatives, ofering some sensitivities for understanding the translocal features and transitional meaning of agile project work. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); Empirical studies in HCI.
Microbes and Infectious Diseases, 2021
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020
While studies in HCI4D have been advanced by the shift of perspective from developmental studies ... more While studies in HCI4D have been advanced by the shift of perspective from developmental studies to a range of other discourses, current analytical concepts for understanding the sociality of society in Africa have arguably led to some misinterpretations of the place of technology. This provocation suggests that an 'African Standpoint' based on a combination of various standpoint positionalities and the Wittgensteinian approach of Winch can offer conceptual and analytical sensitivities for articulating social relations, transnational engagements and the conceptualisation of technological innovation. This provides an approach for seeing and accounting for things as they are-right here, right there and right now-and not some idealised conception of an African reality.

Construction and Building Materials, 2020
The effects of montmorillonite nanoclay and poly(ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride) via vacuum impreg... more The effects of montmorillonite nanoclay and poly(ethylene-alt-maleic anhydride) via vacuum impregnation technique in relation to the physicochemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of bambooreinforced nanocomposites were investigated. The functional groups in the raw bamboo and nanocomposites were identified using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction plots showed the prominent peak intensity at a diffraction angle of 73° due to the transformation of the amorphous structure to a crystalline structure in the prepared nanocomposite. The morphologies of the raw bamboo and the nanocomposites were compared using scanning electron microscopy analysis. There was an increase in the modulus of elasticity from 7.82 to 19.0 GPa (143%) and a corresponding increase in the modulus of rupture from 68.7 to 121.5 MPa (77%) of the raw bamboo to the nanocomposites, respectively. This increase implied a high increase in the mechanical properties of the developed nanocomposite. Both results from the differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis showed appreciable improvements in the thermal properties of the developed nanocomposite.
Papers by Muhammad shamsu Adamu