Papers by Muhammad Shehzad
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research

2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
The battery energy storage system’s integration with renewable energy (RE) micro-grids play an im... more The battery energy storage system’s integration with renewable energy (RE) micro-grids play an important role in solving power supply problems. To achieve reliable and economic operations of a RE micro-grid, in addition to maximize the integration of of renewable resources, the lifetime characteristics of a battery energy storage system also need to be fully investigated.This research study develops an optimization model that includes battery life loss cost, states switching costs, and operation and maintenance cost to obtain a set of optimal parameters of operation strategy. Considering the lifetime characteristics of battery storage system, a multi-objective optimization to maximize the power sold values, and to minimize the degradations concerning battery life cycles has been achieved being main control objectives of the research under study. Based on a model adopting mixed-integer constraints and dynamics, the problem of optimal load demand tracking, and electricity market participation is solved through the implementation of an model based predictive control (MPC) scheme. The efficacy of the proposed controller is proved through extensive simulations where the RE-based micro-grid running costs are minimized.

Journal of Food Quality
Growth substrates (polyester wool, rice husk, and wheat straw), along with soil as control treatm... more Growth substrates (polyester wool, rice husk, and wheat straw), along with soil as control treatment, were compared for vegetative growth, yield, and quality of strawberry cv. Chandler. All growth substrates tested showed good results in terms of growth rate as compared with control. Strawberry plants grown in polyester wool showed the highest (89.50%) survival rate as compared to rice husk (70.50%), wheat straw (64.63%), and control (67.56%). Moreover, a significant increase was observed among number of flowers, fruits, and yield in plants grown in polyester wool. Besides, a significant high amount of total soluble solids (TSS) (12.38 ºBrix), titratable acidity (TA) (1.21%), ash (0.72%), vitamin C (37.39 mg/100 g), total carotenoids (3.90 µg/100 g), and total anthocyanins (3.47 cyanidine-3-glucoside/100 g) was recorded in fruits grown in polyester wool as compared to control. From these results, it can be concluded that the use of polyester wool as a growth substrate for strawberri...
Modern Techniques of Rice Crop Production

Helia, 2020
Sunflower is cultivated around the globe to meet various nutritional, medicinal and industrial ne... more Sunflower is cultivated around the globe to meet various nutritional, medicinal and industrial needs. The seed is a rich source of edible oil, protein, vitamins, antioxidants and other micronutrients. It is considered a source of healthy diets and has been recommended to improve the human immune system as well as to cure various chronic diseases. Sunflower seed oil contained polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid), tocopherols and phytosterols, which tends to lower low-density lipid and improve immunity against various human diseases. Its seed and plants parts have been directly exploited as a source of herbal medicine. Methanolic extract of seed and other parts contained diterpene, carboxylic acid, aldehyde, steroid, polyphenol, vanillic acid, ferulic acid, trans-caffeic acid, coumaric acid, nicotinic acid, allelochemical and other aromatic compounds, which may help to cure several chronic human diseases without side effects as mentioned in this review. Future research should b...
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 2021

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of peripheral streptomycin injection in relieving the pain of... more Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of peripheral streptomycin injection in relieving the pain of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia Study Design: Quasi experimental study. Place and duration of Study: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry Rawalpindi, from 1 st June 2006 to 31 st December 2007. Patients and Methods: Thirty patients of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia were selected. They received five consecutive injections of streptomycin 1g in 3 ml of 2% Lignocaine (Septodont) with 1: 100,000 adrenaline at one week interval. Follow up was carried out at one, two and six months after the last injection. Results: Age ranged from 15-78 years (mean 44.67). Male to female ratio was 1:1.14. Right side of the face was involved in 70% and left side in 30% cases. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve was involved in 43.3% and maxillary division in 40% of the cases. In the rest both maxillary and mandibular divisions were involved. Pain was significantl...

This study compared frequency of depression, anxiety and stress in normal weight and overweight m... more This study compared frequency of depression, anxiety and stress in normal weight and overweight medical students. The study was a cross sectional study. Study duration was six months. Participants included 300 medical students from first year to final year MBBS of Bahria University Medical and Dental College. Depression, anxiety and stress levels were assessed using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, followed by 24 hour dietary recall. The scale included twenty one questions combined as three separate scales, measuring depression, anxiety and stress levels. SPSS version 23 was used for statistical analysis. Participants having normal weight were 119(39.66%) and overweight was 98(32.66%). Mean weight of participants was 64.72± 12.3. The mean height was 163.08± 9.17 and the mean value for body mass index was 24.455± 3.26. Majority of the participants 171 (55.5%) reported having more than eleven servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta group. The study revealed that overweight medical students had a higher predisposition towards depression compared to the normal weight medical students. The levels of anxiety and stress did not differ between the overweight and underweight medical students. The 24 hour dietary recall revealed erratic overall eating pattern of students.

Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2020
Oat (Avena sativa L.) is an important forage and grain crop of the world being cultivated in 78 c... more Oat (Avena sativa L.) is an important forage and grain crop of the world being cultivated in 78 countries and it occupies the largest area in Russian Federation (FAO, 2016). In Pakistan, oat crop is major winter grass forage. The crop has succulent soft leaves and stem with high palatability for the milk animals, horses and donkeys which may be fed as green or processed as silage and hay (Stevens et al., 2004). Average yield of the green forage oat crop was about 20-30 tons ha and was also affected by various biotic and abiotic factors (Peterson et al., 2005, Lodhi et al., 2009). However, improved varieties may be developed with the potential to provide 6080 tons ha due to better stability and resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. Increasing forage yield is an ambitious oat breeding objective. Breeders generally select high yielding cultivar through transgressive segregation and establish pure lines. However, oat forage or grain yield was threatened by various factors including ...

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021
To assess comparative losses of Trianthema portulacastrum (HP) relative to other weeds, the exper... more To assess comparative losses of Trianthema portulacastrum (HP) relative to other weeds, the experiment was set during consecutive summer seasons 2018 and 2019 at the Research Farm MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan. Experiment consisted three replications which were laid out under randomized complete block design. Experiment consisted of ten treatments viz: weeds free (whole season), HP free till 20 Days after emergence (DAE), HP free till 40 DAE, HP free till 60 DAE, all weeds free 20 DAE, all weeds free 40 DAE, all weeds free 60 DAE, weedy check (all weeds), weedy check except HP and weedy check containing only HP. During 2018 in all weeds weedy check, maximum HP relative density (33.33%) was observed while in 2019, plot where weeds were controlled from growing till 20 DAE showed (80%) relative density at 30 DAE. HP maximum frequency (66.67%, 77.78%) and relative frequency (66%, 100%) was recorded at 45 DAE in plots where HP was kept controlled till 20 DAE and all wee...

Annals of Applied Biology, 2020
Abiotic stresses such as drought and nutrient availability can affect invertebrate herbivores fee... more Abiotic stresses such as drought and nutrient availability can affect invertebrate herbivores feeding on plants, and potentially cascade up to impact their predators and parasitoids. Although these two factors separately been the subject of many studies, there are few tests of their combined effects in the context of pest species and their natural enemies on cultivated plants. Climate change models predict an increase in the frequency and severity of droughts, while the type and amount of fertiliser applied to crops is more under the control of growers. Understanding how these two abiotic factors may interact is key to utilising the potential of natural enemies to control pests under a future climate. To address this, a range of drought and fertiliser type treatments were applied to a model Brassica system in a factorial design, and the performance of two ubiquitous aphid species and their parasitoids was assessed. One aphid species was a specialist on Brassicas (Brevicoryne brassic...

Agriculture, 2021
Polyploidy means having more than two basic sets of chromosomes. Polyploid plants may be artifici... more Polyploidy means having more than two basic sets of chromosomes. Polyploid plants may be artificially obtained through chemical, physical and biological (2n gametes) methods. This approach allows an increased gene scope and expression, thus resulting in phenotypic changes such as yield and product quality. Nonetheless, breeding new cultivars through induced polyploidy should overcome deleterious effects that are partly contributed by genome and epigenome instability after polyploidization. Furthermore, shortening the time required from early chromosome set doubling to the final selection of high yielding superior polyploids is a must. Despite these hurdles, plant breeders have successfully obtained polyploid bred-germplasm in broad range of forages after optimizing methods, concentration and time, particularly when using colchicine. These experimental polyploids are a valuable tool for understanding gene expression, which seems to be driven by dosage dependent gene expression, alter...

Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad del Zulia, 2021
The farmers of hilly areas face severe fodder shortage in winter season except to have only dry s... more The farmers of hilly areas face severe fodder shortage in winter season except to have only dry stalks of summer cereals. The study aimed to evaluate the adaptability of winter forage cereals (barley, oats, rye and triticale) and to quantify the suitable dose of nitrogen (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg.ha-1) for the assessment of bio-metric and qualitative characteristics of winter forage cereals (WFCs) at booting stage (BS) and milking dough stage (MDS) grown under temperate conditions. Two years (2016-2017 and 2017-2018) field trials were executed at the University of Poonch Rawalakot, Pakistan. Harvested forage then preserved as silage by adding Formic acid and Molasses as additives at the rate of 5 kg.t-1. Rye crop in conjunction with 225 kg.ha-1 nitrogen out yielded greater plant height which led to the highest green fodder (55413 and 43542 kg.ha-1) and dry matter yield (188471 and 12440 kg.ha-1) during consecutive years 2017 and 2018, respectively. Whereas, oats cultivar performed bett...

14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, 2021
Several techniques including two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) calibration are used... more Several techniques including two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) calibration are used for the calibration of two-component two-dimensional (2C-2D) particle image velocimetry (PIV) and three-component two-dimensional (3C-2D) stereoscopic PIV (SPIV) systems. A major requirement of these techniques is to keep the calibration target exactly at the position of the laser sheet within the field of view (FOV), which is very difficult to achieve (Raffel et al., 2018). In 3C-2D SPIV, several methods offer different correction schemes based on the disparity between the FOV of two stereo cameras produced due to misalignment, to account for the misalignment error. These techniques adjust the calibration or the measured displacement field in different ways to reduce the error which may introduce an unintended error in the measurement position and/or velocity such as a bias in the measured three-component 3C displacements. This paper introduces a novel method to align the laser sheet w...
Experiments in Fluids, 2021

Experiments in Fluids, 2021
In the past decade, advances in electronics technology have made larger imaging sensors available... more In the past decade, advances in electronics technology have made larger imaging sensors available to the experimental fluid mechanics community. These advancements have enabled the measurement of 2-component 2-dimensional (2C-2D) velocity fields using particle image velocimetry (PIV) with much higher spatial resolution than previously possible. However, due to the large size of the sensor, the lens distortion needs to be taken into account as it will now have a more significant effect on the measurement quality that must be corrected to ensure accurate high-fidelity 2C-2D velocity field measurements. In this paper, two dewarping models, a second-order rational function (R2) and a bicubic polynomial (P3) are investigated with regards to 2C-2D PIV measurements of a turbulent boundary layer (TBL) using a large imaging sensor. Two approaches are considered and compared: (i) dewarping the images prior to the PIV cross-correlation analysis and (ii) undertaking the PIV crosscorrelation analysis using the original recorded distorted images then followed by using the mapping functions derived for image dewarping to provide the correct spatial location of the velocity measurement point. The results demonstrate that the use of P3 dewarping model to correct lens distortion yields better results than the R2 dewarping model. Furthermore, both approaches for the P3 dewarping model yield results which are statistically indistinguishable.

Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 2021
Cereal crops provide essential nutrients and energy in the everyday human diet through direct hum... more Cereal crops provide essential nutrients and energy in the everyday human diet through direct human consumption and meat production since they comprise a major livestock feed. In the current study, the Tornqvist Theil Index was used to compute the total output index, total input index, and total factor productivity index. The Tornqvist Index is exact for the homogenous translog production function that can deliver a second-order approximation to an arbitrary twice differentiable homogenous production function. This study has indicated moderate TFP in wheat (1.45percent), and the contribution of TFP to output growth was high, about 87 percent for wheat in Rajasthan state. The annual compound growth rate of the TFP of barley increased at the rate of 1.65 percent per annum (moderate growth), and the contribution of TFP to output growth was average, at about 63.47. In comparison, the compound growth rate of TFP of annual maize crop increased at 1.80 percent per annum (moderate growth), ...

Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 2021
Background The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is a noxiou... more Background The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is a noxious pest of cruciferous crops all over the world causing serious economic damage. Management of insect pest generally depends on chemical control; however, due to development of resistance against all types of insecticides, alternative approaches especially utilization of a microbial agent is inevitable. Results Potential of 2 entomopathogenic fungi (EPF), viz., Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, was evaluated against 2nd and 3rd larval instars of P. xylostella by adopting leaf dip and direct spraying methods under laboratory conditions. Significant mortality rate was achieved by each fungus under adopted methodologies. However, B. bassiana was found to be more effective in both conditions than M. anisopliae. Highest mean corrected mortality (77.80%) was recorded, when spores of B. bassiana were sprayed on the 2nd instar larvae (LC50=1.78×104/ml) after the 6th day of treatment....
Papers by Muhammad Shehzad