Perda adalah peraturan untuk melaksanakan aturan-aturan hukum diatasnya dan menampung kondisi khu... more Perda adalah peraturan untuk melaksanakan aturan-aturan hukum diatasnya dan menampung kondisi khusus di daerah. Perda adalah Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang dibentuk oleh DPRD dengan persetujuan bersama Kepala Daerah. Kepala Daerah menetapkan Perda atas persetujuan DPRD dalam rangka penyelenggaraan Otonomi Daerah dan penjabaran lebih lanjut dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karena itu Perda tidak boleh bertentangan dengan kepentingan umum, Perda lainnya dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Dalam melaksanakan Perda dan atas kuasa peraturan perundang-undangan lain yang berlaku, maka Kepala Daerah menetapkan keputusan Kepala Daerah. Perda dan keputusan Kepala Daerah bersifat mengatur diundangkan dengan menempatkannya dalam Lembaran Daerah. Untuk pelaksanaan otonomi daerah, maka Perda berperanan untuk mengatur dan sekaligus sebagai instrumen pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang bertanggung jawab.
2019 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application (ICSEEA), 2019
Electricity is one of the most important sources of energy in the world. Its use is increasing ra... more Electricity is one of the most important sources of energy in the world. Its use is increasing rapidly for home appliances and industrial apparatus to support every activity in both developed and developing countries. Small-scale, distributed and autonomous power system are all developed in concern about the energy conservation as well as environmental problems. The effect of the home appliances and industrial apparatus which are classified as inductive-loads causes the terminal voltage of the generator to decrease significantly. This paper describes the performance analysis of the generator by using the analytical method when the generator is connected to the inductive-loads. To maintain the voltage regulation not exceed 10% under the influence of the inductive-loads, the designer of the generator must calculate the performance of the generator first before it will be made. The analysis results show that the generator is in good condition when supply the inductive-load at its rated value.
Indonesia's population growth prediction is estimated to be around 316 - 319 million (in 2025... more Indonesia's population growth prediction is estimated to be around 316 - 319 million (in 2025) from 255.6 million (in 2015), of course there are many problems. Lack of food can cause malnutrition. The purpose of this community service program is to use the yard to meet family food needs in preventing stunting. The location of the activity is in Tahele Village, East Popayato District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. The implementation period is September - October 2020. This program involves the community of Tahele Village, village apparatus and the people. They cooperate with college students in implementing the main program. The method of implementing the activity is participatory. The activities carried out are the socialization of the program plan, identification of land to be used as demonstration land, land clearing, nurseries and planting, seminars, program implementation in the community and maintenance of food crops. Of the 15 lands targeted, only 7 were successful...
X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications XIII, 2019
Conventional solid-density laser-plasma targets quickly ionize to make a plasma mirror, which lar... more Conventional solid-density laser-plasma targets quickly ionize to make a plasma mirror, which largely reflects ultra-intense laser pulses. This Fresnel reflection at the plane boundary largely wastes our efforts at ultra-intense laser/solid interaction, and limits target heating to nonlinear generation of high-energy electrons which penetrate inward. One way around this dual problem is to create a material with an anisotropic dielectric function, for instance by nanostructuring a material in such a way that it cannot support the material responses which generate a specularly reflected beam. We present linear theory for metallic and plasma nanowires, particle-incell simulations of the interaction of ultra-intense femtosecond pulses with nickel nanowires, showing penetration of laser light far deeper than a nickel skin-depth, helping to uniformly heat near-solid material to conditions of high energy-densities, and XFEL experiments giving insight into their ionization and excitation.
2017 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application (ICSEEA), 2017
The using of the transformer core for the permanent magnet generator (PMG) stator teeth provides ... more The using of the transformer core for the permanent magnet generator (PMG) stator teeth provides advantages in low manufacturing costs but on the other hand, causes the cogging torque to be high because of the wider slot opening. To enhance the PMG performance, the optimization of modular stator construction to improve permanent magnet generator characteristics for very low head hydropower application is discussed in this paper. Optimization was performed by comparing eight stator construction's combinations as well as the variation of pole arc to pole pitch ratio. Design and simulation were carried out analytically and numerically using FEMM 4.2. The construction with best characteristics i.e. the highest output and less temperature rise and cogging torque will be considered as the best option. The analysis showed that the best performance was achieved as the compromising of those characteristics and T-ST modular stator construction with pole arc to pole pitch ratio equal to 1 is the construction with the most optimum characteristic.
Islam merupakan agama yang universal yang mengatur semua aspek kehidupan manusia, sehingga lahirl... more Islam merupakan agama yang universal yang mengatur semua aspek kehidupan manusia, sehingga lahirlah beberapa organisasi Islam di Indonesia seperti SI (syarikat Islam) yang berorientasi politik dengan cikal bakal dari syarikat Dagang Islam yang berorientasi bisnis yang tidak lepas dari motivasi kuat untuk mengimplementasikan ajaran-ajaran Islam dalam berbagai aspeknya, kemudian Muhammadiyah yang bergerak pada sosial keagamaan dan dakwah, dan Nahdatul Ulama (NU) yang sering dikatakan sebagai organisasi masa Islam tradisional yang mengembangkan ajaran empat mazhab. Dari beberapa ormas Islam yang ada di Indonesia, penulis mengambil ormas Islam yang sangat kuat pengaruhnya yaitu : N.U (Nahdatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah), dalam pengembangan Hukum Islam di Indonesia.
Proceedings of The 9th European VLBI Network Symposium on The role of VLBI in the Golden Age for Radio Astronomy and EVN Users Meeting — PoS(IX EVN Symposium), 2009
We show an archival 1.4-GHz Very Large Array (VLA) image of the core-dominated triple (CDT) radio... more We show an archival 1.4-GHz Very Large Array (VLA) image of the core-dominated triple (CDT) radio source J1628+3906, along with a recent high-resolution 5-GHz Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) image of its core. This core is resolved into two nearly symmetric components at ∼ 10 milli-arcsecond (mas) angular scale. The inner structure is markedly misaligned with respect to the large-scale structure. This morphology can be interpreted as a possible signature of once ceased and then restarted activity of the galactic nucleus, coupled with a rapid repositioning of the central radio jet axis. In a search for compact (< 5 ′′), optically identified, and highly redshifted (z > 3) quasars in the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) catalogues, we have also found two quasars associated with weaker two-sided radio lobes at ∼ 10 ′′ scale. We present archival 1.4-GHz VLA images of these quasars (J1036+1326 and J1353+5725). The compact cores of both of these CDT sources are likely to be detectable at mas scales. Future VLBI observations at the highest resolution could reveal if their inner radio structure is similar to that of the Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs). The characteristic directions of their arcsecond-scale and mas-scale structures are probably misaligned which could also support the "restarting and rapid repositioning" scenario.
The axial flux permanent magnet generator (AFPMG) has been widely used especially for electricity... more The axial flux permanent magnet generator (AFPMG) has been widely used especially for electricity generation. The effect of the air gap variation on the characteristic and performances of single rotor - single stator AFPMG has been described in this paper. Effect of air gap length on the magnetic flux distribution, starting torque and MMF has been investigated. The two dimensional finite element magnetic method has been deployed to model and simulated the characteristics of the machine which is based on the Maxwell equation. The analysis has been done for two different air gap lengths which were 2 mm and 4 mm using 2D FEMM 4.2 software at no load condition. The increasing of air gap length reduces the air-gap flux density. For air gap 2 mm, the maximum value of the flux density was 1.04 T while 0.73 T occured for air gap 4 mm.. Based on the experiment result, the increasing air gap also reduced the starting torque of the machine with 39.2 Nm for air gap 2 mm and this value decreased into 34.2 Nm when the ...
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2016
In response to a rapidly changing economic landscape in Western North Carolina, Western Carolina ... more In response to a rapidly changing economic landscape in Western North Carolina, Western Carolina University has taken steps to insure the delivery of a quality baccalaureate engineering technology program at locations other that the home campus. This paper will provide a brief overview of the evolution and delivery of the current offcampus Engineering Technology curriculum at Western Carolina University. Program curricula will be presented along with a description of successes and opportunities for the future.
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, Mar 9, 2012
Getaran pada generator merupakan faktor yang penting dalam pembuatan detail desain. Untuk mengeta... more Getaran pada generator merupakan faktor yang penting dalam pembuatan detail desain. Untuk mengetahui perilaku getaran yang terjadi, pengetesan dilakukan dengan vibratiometer. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk memperoleh acuan klasifikasi getaran yang sesuai dengan standar IEC 34-14 dan DIN EN 60034-14. Dalam tulisan ini respon hasil pengujian yaitu kecepatan dan percepatan akan diukur secara analitik sehingga mampu memunculkan nilai yang bisa dipakai untuk membandingkan antara nilai hasil pengujian dengan nilai pada standar IEC 34-14 dan DIN EN 60034-14. Kata kunci : Generator, getaran, kecepatan, percepatan.
Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2012
This paper discusses magnetic simulation and analysis of radial flux permanent magnet generator (... more This paper discusses magnetic simulation and analysis of radial flux permanent magnet generator (PMG) using finite element method (FEM) by utilizing open source software FEMM 4.2. The specification of generator is 25 V, 28 A, 3 phase, 300 rpm. The analyzed magnetic flux was in the air gap, stator teeth and slots to find out the distribusian pattern and its fluctuation. The simulations were conducted in no-load and nominal load (28 A) conditions. Furthermore, the maximum flux density of simulation (B g(sim)) was used to calculate phase voltage E ph to find out the magnitude of generated electromotive force (EMF). The calculation results were presented as voltage vs. rotation graph in no-load condition and voltage vs. current graph in nominal load condition. Both graphs were validated using E ph from experiment result (E ph(exp)) and E ph whose B g value was obtained from analytical calculation (E ph(calc)). The final results showed that in no-load condition, E ph graph with B g(sim) (E ph(sim)) was close to E ph(exp) and E ph(calc). The error rate with respect to the experiment was 6,9%. In nominal load condition, E ph(sim) graph almost coincided with E ph(calc.) graph, with the voltage drop of both was 0.441 V. Both graphs however were far different from E ph(exp) graph, which had 9 V of voltage drop. The overall results demonstrated that magnetic distribution pattern presented by FEM was very helpful to avoid magnetic flux accumulation in a particular segment. Besides, B g(sim) made the process to predict the value of E ph become easier.
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, 2011
The main source of heat in the permanent magnet generator (PMG) is the total losses which f come... more The main source of heat in the permanent magnet generator (PMG) is the total losses which f come from winding losses, core losses and rotational losses. Total heat arising from such these losses must be properly distributed and maintained so as not to exceed the maximum allowable temperature to prevent damage to insulation on the winding and demagnetization on the permanent magnet machines. In this research, we consider thermal analysis which is occurred on the radial flux PMG by using finite element method to determine the extent to which the heat generated can be properly distributed. The simulation results show that there are no points of heat concentration or hot spot. The simulation maximum temperatures of the permanent magnet and the winding are 39.1 o C and 72.5 o C respectively while the experimental maximum temperature of the winding is 62 o C. Keywordsgenerator, permanent magnet, radial flux, temperature, finite element methode AbstrakSumber utama panas dalam generator magnet permanen (GMP) adalah rugi-rugi yang terdiri dari rugi lilitan, rugi inti dan rugi rotasional. Panas total yang timbul dari rugi-rugi tersebut, harus terdistribusi secara merata dan dijaga supaya tidak melebihi temperatur maksimum yang diizinkan untuk mencegah kerusakan isolator pada lilitan dan demagnetisasi pada mesin magnet permanen. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan analisis termal pada GMP fluks radial menggunakan metoda elemen hingga untuk mengetahui sejauh mana panas yang ditimbulkan dapat terdistribusi secara merata. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi titik konsentrasi panas atau hotspot dalam generator. Temperatur maksimum magnet dan lilitan hasil simulasi adalah 39.1 o C dan 72.5 o C sedangkan temperatur maksimum hasil eksperimen pada lilitan adalah 62 o C.
Penentuan distribusi produksi ke daerah pemasaran merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi mana... more Penentuan distribusi produksi ke daerah pemasaran merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi manajer pemasaran. Terutama jika tidak terjadi keseimbangan antara permintaan dengan jumlah produk yang di distribusikan ke daerah-daerah pemasaran tertentu, oleh ...
This paper discusses the analytical design method of 3 kW, 200 rpm radial flux permanent magnet g... more This paper discusses the analytical design method of 3 kW, 200 rpm radial flux permanent magnet generator (PMG) for renewable energy power plant applications. The proposed design method is conducted in two stages, i.e. initiation and validation stages. In the initiation stage, some of the parameters should be specified with values, such as output power, specific magnetic loading, rotation, etc. Results of this stage are detail dimensions of the stator and rotor, which then serve as a reference to recalculate the flux density (entering validation phase). With the new value of specific magnetic loading, all related parameters should also be recalculated, such as the number and diameter of the turns. Furthermore, design is validated by testing the prototype of generator using water resistance load. The test results show that it produces 3043.64 W of power and 253.51 V of voltage at 200 rpm. Compared to the analytical calculation, the power is 0.86% lower and the voltage is 12.45% highe...
Perda adalah peraturan untuk melaksanakan aturan-aturan hukum diatasnya dan menampung kondisi khu... more Perda adalah peraturan untuk melaksanakan aturan-aturan hukum diatasnya dan menampung kondisi khusus di daerah. Perda adalah Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang dibentuk oleh DPRD dengan persetujuan bersama Kepala Daerah. Kepala Daerah menetapkan Perda atas persetujuan DPRD dalam rangka penyelenggaraan Otonomi Daerah dan penjabaran lebih lanjut dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karena itu Perda tidak boleh bertentangan dengan kepentingan umum, Perda lainnya dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Dalam melaksanakan Perda dan atas kuasa peraturan perundang-undangan lain yang berlaku, maka Kepala Daerah menetapkan keputusan Kepala Daerah. Perda dan keputusan Kepala Daerah bersifat mengatur diundangkan dengan menempatkannya dalam Lembaran Daerah. Untuk pelaksanaan otonomi daerah, maka Perda berperanan untuk mengatur dan sekaligus sebagai instrumen pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang bertanggung jawab.
2019 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application (ICSEEA), 2019
Electricity is one of the most important sources of energy in the world. Its use is increasing ra... more Electricity is one of the most important sources of energy in the world. Its use is increasing rapidly for home appliances and industrial apparatus to support every activity in both developed and developing countries. Small-scale, distributed and autonomous power system are all developed in concern about the energy conservation as well as environmental problems. The effect of the home appliances and industrial apparatus which are classified as inductive-loads causes the terminal voltage of the generator to decrease significantly. This paper describes the performance analysis of the generator by using the analytical method when the generator is connected to the inductive-loads. To maintain the voltage regulation not exceed 10% under the influence of the inductive-loads, the designer of the generator must calculate the performance of the generator first before it will be made. The analysis results show that the generator is in good condition when supply the inductive-load at its rated value.
Indonesia's population growth prediction is estimated to be around 316 - 319 million (in 2025... more Indonesia's population growth prediction is estimated to be around 316 - 319 million (in 2025) from 255.6 million (in 2015), of course there are many problems. Lack of food can cause malnutrition. The purpose of this community service program is to use the yard to meet family food needs in preventing stunting. The location of the activity is in Tahele Village, East Popayato District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. The implementation period is September - October 2020. This program involves the community of Tahele Village, village apparatus and the people. They cooperate with college students in implementing the main program. The method of implementing the activity is participatory. The activities carried out are the socialization of the program plan, identification of land to be used as demonstration land, land clearing, nurseries and planting, seminars, program implementation in the community and maintenance of food crops. Of the 15 lands targeted, only 7 were successful...
X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications XIII, 2019
Conventional solid-density laser-plasma targets quickly ionize to make a plasma mirror, which lar... more Conventional solid-density laser-plasma targets quickly ionize to make a plasma mirror, which largely reflects ultra-intense laser pulses. This Fresnel reflection at the plane boundary largely wastes our efforts at ultra-intense laser/solid interaction, and limits target heating to nonlinear generation of high-energy electrons which penetrate inward. One way around this dual problem is to create a material with an anisotropic dielectric function, for instance by nanostructuring a material in such a way that it cannot support the material responses which generate a specularly reflected beam. We present linear theory for metallic and plasma nanowires, particle-incell simulations of the interaction of ultra-intense femtosecond pulses with nickel nanowires, showing penetration of laser light far deeper than a nickel skin-depth, helping to uniformly heat near-solid material to conditions of high energy-densities, and XFEL experiments giving insight into their ionization and excitation.
2017 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application (ICSEEA), 2017
The using of the transformer core for the permanent magnet generator (PMG) stator teeth provides ... more The using of the transformer core for the permanent magnet generator (PMG) stator teeth provides advantages in low manufacturing costs but on the other hand, causes the cogging torque to be high because of the wider slot opening. To enhance the PMG performance, the optimization of modular stator construction to improve permanent magnet generator characteristics for very low head hydropower application is discussed in this paper. Optimization was performed by comparing eight stator construction's combinations as well as the variation of pole arc to pole pitch ratio. Design and simulation were carried out analytically and numerically using FEMM 4.2. The construction with best characteristics i.e. the highest output and less temperature rise and cogging torque will be considered as the best option. The analysis showed that the best performance was achieved as the compromising of those characteristics and T-ST modular stator construction with pole arc to pole pitch ratio equal to 1 is the construction with the most optimum characteristic.
Islam merupakan agama yang universal yang mengatur semua aspek kehidupan manusia, sehingga lahirl... more Islam merupakan agama yang universal yang mengatur semua aspek kehidupan manusia, sehingga lahirlah beberapa organisasi Islam di Indonesia seperti SI (syarikat Islam) yang berorientasi politik dengan cikal bakal dari syarikat Dagang Islam yang berorientasi bisnis yang tidak lepas dari motivasi kuat untuk mengimplementasikan ajaran-ajaran Islam dalam berbagai aspeknya, kemudian Muhammadiyah yang bergerak pada sosial keagamaan dan dakwah, dan Nahdatul Ulama (NU) yang sering dikatakan sebagai organisasi masa Islam tradisional yang mengembangkan ajaran empat mazhab. Dari beberapa ormas Islam yang ada di Indonesia, penulis mengambil ormas Islam yang sangat kuat pengaruhnya yaitu : N.U (Nahdatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah), dalam pengembangan Hukum Islam di Indonesia.
Proceedings of The 9th European VLBI Network Symposium on The role of VLBI in the Golden Age for Radio Astronomy and EVN Users Meeting — PoS(IX EVN Symposium), 2009
We show an archival 1.4-GHz Very Large Array (VLA) image of the core-dominated triple (CDT) radio... more We show an archival 1.4-GHz Very Large Array (VLA) image of the core-dominated triple (CDT) radio source J1628+3906, along with a recent high-resolution 5-GHz Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) image of its core. This core is resolved into two nearly symmetric components at ∼ 10 milli-arcsecond (mas) angular scale. The inner structure is markedly misaligned with respect to the large-scale structure. This morphology can be interpreted as a possible signature of once ceased and then restarted activity of the galactic nucleus, coupled with a rapid repositioning of the central radio jet axis. In a search for compact (< 5 ′′), optically identified, and highly redshifted (z > 3) quasars in the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) catalogues, we have also found two quasars associated with weaker two-sided radio lobes at ∼ 10 ′′ scale. We present archival 1.4-GHz VLA images of these quasars (J1036+1326 and J1353+5725). The compact cores of both of these CDT sources are likely to be detectable at mas scales. Future VLBI observations at the highest resolution could reveal if their inner radio structure is similar to that of the Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs). The characteristic directions of their arcsecond-scale and mas-scale structures are probably misaligned which could also support the "restarting and rapid repositioning" scenario.
The axial flux permanent magnet generator (AFPMG) has been widely used especially for electricity... more The axial flux permanent magnet generator (AFPMG) has been widely used especially for electricity generation. The effect of the air gap variation on the characteristic and performances of single rotor - single stator AFPMG has been described in this paper. Effect of air gap length on the magnetic flux distribution, starting torque and MMF has been investigated. The two dimensional finite element magnetic method has been deployed to model and simulated the characteristics of the machine which is based on the Maxwell equation. The analysis has been done for two different air gap lengths which were 2 mm and 4 mm using 2D FEMM 4.2 software at no load condition. The increasing of air gap length reduces the air-gap flux density. For air gap 2 mm, the maximum value of the flux density was 1.04 T while 0.73 T occured for air gap 4 mm.. Based on the experiment result, the increasing air gap also reduced the starting torque of the machine with 39.2 Nm for air gap 2 mm and this value decreased into 34.2 Nm when the ...
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2016
In response to a rapidly changing economic landscape in Western North Carolina, Western Carolina ... more In response to a rapidly changing economic landscape in Western North Carolina, Western Carolina University has taken steps to insure the delivery of a quality baccalaureate engineering technology program at locations other that the home campus. This paper will provide a brief overview of the evolution and delivery of the current offcampus Engineering Technology curriculum at Western Carolina University. Program curricula will be presented along with a description of successes and opportunities for the future.
Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, Mar 9, 2012
Getaran pada generator merupakan faktor yang penting dalam pembuatan detail desain. Untuk mengeta... more Getaran pada generator merupakan faktor yang penting dalam pembuatan detail desain. Untuk mengetahui perilaku getaran yang terjadi, pengetesan dilakukan dengan vibratiometer. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk memperoleh acuan klasifikasi getaran yang sesuai dengan standar IEC 34-14 dan DIN EN 60034-14. Dalam tulisan ini respon hasil pengujian yaitu kecepatan dan percepatan akan diukur secara analitik sehingga mampu memunculkan nilai yang bisa dipakai untuk membandingkan antara nilai hasil pengujian dengan nilai pada standar IEC 34-14 dan DIN EN 60034-14. Kata kunci : Generator, getaran, kecepatan, percepatan.
Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology, 2012
This paper discusses magnetic simulation and analysis of radial flux permanent magnet generator (... more This paper discusses magnetic simulation and analysis of radial flux permanent magnet generator (PMG) using finite element method (FEM) by utilizing open source software FEMM 4.2. The specification of generator is 25 V, 28 A, 3 phase, 300 rpm. The analyzed magnetic flux was in the air gap, stator teeth and slots to find out the distribusian pattern and its fluctuation. The simulations were conducted in no-load and nominal load (28 A) conditions. Furthermore, the maximum flux density of simulation (B g(sim)) was used to calculate phase voltage E ph to find out the magnitude of generated electromotive force (EMF). The calculation results were presented as voltage vs. rotation graph in no-load condition and voltage vs. current graph in nominal load condition. Both graphs were validated using E ph from experiment result (E ph(exp)) and E ph whose B g value was obtained from analytical calculation (E ph(calc)). The final results showed that in no-load condition, E ph graph with B g(sim) (E ph(sim)) was close to E ph(exp) and E ph(calc). The error rate with respect to the experiment was 6,9%. In nominal load condition, E ph(sim) graph almost coincided with E ph(calc.) graph, with the voltage drop of both was 0.441 V. Both graphs however were far different from E ph(exp) graph, which had 9 V of voltage drop. The overall results demonstrated that magnetic distribution pattern presented by FEM was very helpful to avoid magnetic flux accumulation in a particular segment. Besides, B g(sim) made the process to predict the value of E ph become easier.
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, 2011
The main source of heat in the permanent magnet generator (PMG) is the total losses which f come... more The main source of heat in the permanent magnet generator (PMG) is the total losses which f come from winding losses, core losses and rotational losses. Total heat arising from such these losses must be properly distributed and maintained so as not to exceed the maximum allowable temperature to prevent damage to insulation on the winding and demagnetization on the permanent magnet machines. In this research, we consider thermal analysis which is occurred on the radial flux PMG by using finite element method to determine the extent to which the heat generated can be properly distributed. The simulation results show that there are no points of heat concentration or hot spot. The simulation maximum temperatures of the permanent magnet and the winding are 39.1 o C and 72.5 o C respectively while the experimental maximum temperature of the winding is 62 o C. Keywordsgenerator, permanent magnet, radial flux, temperature, finite element methode AbstrakSumber utama panas dalam generator magnet permanen (GMP) adalah rugi-rugi yang terdiri dari rugi lilitan, rugi inti dan rugi rotasional. Panas total yang timbul dari rugi-rugi tersebut, harus terdistribusi secara merata dan dijaga supaya tidak melebihi temperatur maksimum yang diizinkan untuk mencegah kerusakan isolator pada lilitan dan demagnetisasi pada mesin magnet permanen. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan analisis termal pada GMP fluks radial menggunakan metoda elemen hingga untuk mengetahui sejauh mana panas yang ditimbulkan dapat terdistribusi secara merata. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi titik konsentrasi panas atau hotspot dalam generator. Temperatur maksimum magnet dan lilitan hasil simulasi adalah 39.1 o C dan 72.5 o C sedangkan temperatur maksimum hasil eksperimen pada lilitan adalah 62 o C.
Penentuan distribusi produksi ke daerah pemasaran merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi mana... more Penentuan distribusi produksi ke daerah pemasaran merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi manajer pemasaran. Terutama jika tidak terjadi keseimbangan antara permintaan dengan jumlah produk yang di distribusikan ke daerah-daerah pemasaran tertentu, oleh ...
This paper discusses the analytical design method of 3 kW, 200 rpm radial flux permanent magnet g... more This paper discusses the analytical design method of 3 kW, 200 rpm radial flux permanent magnet generator (PMG) for renewable energy power plant applications. The proposed design method is conducted in two stages, i.e. initiation and validation stages. In the initiation stage, some of the parameters should be specified with values, such as output power, specific magnetic loading, rotation, etc. Results of this stage are detail dimensions of the stator and rotor, which then serve as a reference to recalculate the flux density (entering validation phase). With the new value of specific magnetic loading, all related parameters should also be recalculated, such as the number and diameter of the turns. Furthermore, design is validated by testing the prototype of generator using water resistance load. The test results show that it produces 3043.64 W of power and 253.51 V of voltage at 200 rpm. Compared to the analytical calculation, the power is 0.86% lower and the voltage is 12.45% highe...
Papers by Muhammad Kasim