Monty Alfianto
Dan jika kamu mengikuti orang KEBANYAKAN didunia, mereka PASTI menjauhkanmu dari jalan Allah:QS6/116
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Papers by Monty Alfianto
As Almighty Allah has promised to protect the Quran from alteration, corruption, or distortion. Therefore, the scripture of the Quran has been subjected to various intense mathematically-based studies to reveal the protection mechanisms embedded in the composition of the Quran and to provide evidence of its credibility, authenticity, and divinity. Indeed, this study has discovered a mathematical framework in the Quran based on gematria (Abjad numerals) that provides substantial evidence of the Quran’s divine authorship and its perfect protection from human tampering. Essentially, this study has proposed a new research direction in numerological studies of the Quran. This study is textually based on the text delivered to Prophet Muhammad and drawn using the primary 28 alphabets of the Arabic language (Uthmanic manuscript), the 112 un-numbered Basmalahs, and the names of the Quran chapters. A numerical value (70.44911244) which is referred to in this study as the Quran Constant (QC) was derived to represent the mathematical design of the Quran. The Quran Constant has been found to be fundamental to the current study, whereby the Quran Constant manifests in all derived mathematical equations. The ratio of the total number of chapters in the Quran (114) which represents the physical design of the Quran divided by the Quran Constant (70.44911244) which represents the mathematical design of the Quran gives 1.6181893; it is amazingly almost equal to the golden ratio. This work has also discovered that Almighty Allah embedded mathematical equations in the composition of the Quran that can easily lead to the determination of the Quran’s primary statistics (words, verses, and chapters). This study has admirably discovered three elegant mathematical equations that determine the total number of words, verses, and chapters with great accuracy. More importantly, the letters/word ratio calculated in this work can be practically seen as a validation criterion of both the total number of letters and the total number of words in the Quran. Finally, what does this prove? It proves that the Quran’s miraculous mathematical structure discovered in this study provides unequivocal mathematical proof that the Quran was divinely authored and has been perfectly preserved from the day it was revealed. Indeed, we are witnessing a mathematical phenomenon of earth-shattering proportions~ a miracle beyond earthly justification and human comprehension.
In recent years, there has been a global growing demand for Islamic knowledge by both Muslims and non-Muslims. This has brought about a number of automated applications that ease the retrieval of knowledge from the Holy Book, being the major source of Knowledge in Islam. However, the current retrieval methods in the Quranic domain lack adequate semantic search capabilities; they are mostly based on the keywords matching approach. There is a lack of adequate linked data to provide a better description of concepts found in the Holy Quran. In this study we propose an Ontology assisted semantic search system in the Qur'an domain. The system makes use of Quran ontology and various relationships and restrictions. This will enable the user to semantically search for verses related to their query in Al-Quran. The system has improved the search capability of the Holy Quran knowledge to 95 percent accuracy level.
There is an immense need for information systems that rely on Arabic Quranic ontologies to provide a precise and comprehensive knowledge to the world. Since semantic relations are a vital component in any ontology and many applications in Natural Language Processing strongly depend on them, this motivates the development of our approach to extract semantic relations from the Quranic Arabic Corpus, written in Arabic script, and enrich the automatic construction of Quran ontology. We focus on semantic relations resulting from proposed conjunctive patterns which include two terms with the conjunctive AND enclosed in between. The strength of each relation is measured based on the correlation coefficient. Finally, we evaluate the significance of this method by using hypotheses testing and Student t-test. The obtained results are very promising since we combine an accurate Arabic grammar with strong statistical techniques to prove the existence and measure the strength of this type of semantic relations. Ó 2017 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keyword-based technique has low accuracy and always leads to wrong information retrieved. Therefore, many researchers implement semantic search to overcome the above problems. Many researchers have built different Quran ontology in various domains to facilitate the knowledge representation in the Quran. Nevertheless, there are many domain concepts mentioned in the Quran which are not yet covered, especially for the Medical and Health Science domain. Hence, this research presents the development of ontology for the Medical and Health Science domain in the Quran and implementation of ontology-based search method to answer related queries in the Quran. The development of ontology adopts the ontology 101 approach which later evaluated by Quran experts. Furthermore, a hybrid search tool was developed that encompassed semantic-based and keyword based technique to answer a user query. The search tool was evaluated using the Recall and Precision measurements, which shows high accuracy in retrieving the Medical and Health Science knowledge in the Quran. For future work, this research can be used as a reference and basis to answer user queries, data integration with other applications or existing ontology can be further expanded.
Abstract-Extracting knowledge from text documents has become one of the main hot topics in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the era of information explosion. Arabic NLP is considered immature due to several reasons including the low available resources. On the other hand, automatically extracting reliable knowledge from specialized data sources as holy books is considered ultimately a challenging task but of great benefit to all humans. In this context, this paper provides a comprehensive Quranic Dataset as a first part (foundation) of an ongoing research that attempts to lay grounds for approaches and applications to explore the holy Quran. The paper presents the algorithms and approaches that have been designed to extract an aggregative data from massive Arabic text sources including the holy Quran and tightly associated books. Holy Quran text is transferred into structured multi-dimensional data records starting from the chapter level, the word level and then the character level. All these are linked with interpretations and meanings, parsing, translations, intonation roots and stems of words, all from authentic and reliable sources. The final dataset is represented in excel sheets and database records format. Also, the paper presents models of the dataset at all levels. Key ResultThe Quranic dataset presented in this paper was designed to be appropriate for: database, data mining, text mining and Artificial Intelligence applications; it is also designed to serve as a comprehensive encyclopedia of holy Quran and the Quranic Science books.
Translation by Jerry Ryan
Bloomsbury Academic
An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Even though this book deals with literary traits of the Qur’an that are still not generally recognized, it does not pretend to off er some sort of secret code or esoteric deciphering technique to the public – something that appeals to certain people nowadays.
More simply, it tries to systematically describe a certain number of literary procedures which assure the coherence of a Book that seems
incoherent to many. In other words, our book will explain the diff erent
rhetorical principles that enter into play in the composition of the Qur’anic text. It will be a ‘treatise of Qur’anic rhetoric’ but diff erent from treatises of rhetoric handed down by Arab (as well as by Western) literary traditions.
Under the Supervision of
Prof. Or. Mohammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui
There seems to be no sound basis for the distinction between the internal and the external principles of interpretation that Islahi makes in his Preface to Tadabbur-i-Qur'an.
Since human attempts to understand the Qur'an depend on personal effort, all these efforts must fall under the category of zanni.
For example, the search for the theme ('amud) of each Surah requires a capacity for sustained reflection (tadabbur). Similarly, all the principles of interpretation that Islahi uses in his commentary should be called zanni.
Lamia Kulenović
Prof. dr. Ivo Komšić
The book constitutes an introduction to a new and different approach to the Qur’anic text. We feel
certain that this will open up new perspectives and new areas of research into the poetic language
and the meaning itself of the Text, primarily by means ot the exact language of mathematics. It is a
significant enterprise, providing the reader with an insight into two diametrically opposite methods
of studying the Qur’an - the stylistic and the mathematical. We are of the view that it will greatly
alter the direction of interest in the phenomenon of the Text, for it places the study of the language
of the Qur`an in a wider context, which implies or explicitly raises the question of the power and
structure of this extraordinary text. The authors approach the Text in an original and unusual way,
not reducing it to a certain number of mathematical models, but revealing within it an entire gamut
of different relations, making the Text seem much richer. We believe that the book will prompt a
different approach to and further studies of the Qur’an, but that it will also induce a sense of unease
among the fearful, particularly those who are not ready for another and difterent approach to the
interpretation ofthe Text.
Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 UUM-Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Ontology have gained attention from various fields in the past years, especially in the area of artificial intelligence, a sub-area of computer science .This paper discusses about ontology, ontology languages, ontology tools and how it can be used in organising the knowledge in the Holy Quran. A simple example using ontology for Holy Quran is presented as work-inprogress.
Magic can be briefly described as the art of influencing the course of events by the occult control
of natural phenomena through the application of ritual observances acquired through a study
of esoteric and often closely guarded corpus of knowledge and traditions, oral and written, supposedly
achieving results not obtainable through ordinary means
Prime Numbers Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by themselves and “one” only.
Discovery of prime numbers is a challenge to mathematicians ever since primes were discovered.
Because of their complexity, primes are used in cryptography and computer security.
Many algorithms have been developed to find new and simple prime numbers.
No exact theory exists linking primes to the positional rank. For example, probably none here knows what the 1187th prime is without working his/her way up from the first prime to the 1187th.
Published Link
Jurnal UMK - Universitas Muria Kudus
Endang Supriyati
Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Teknik Informatika
Mohammad Iqbal
Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Teknik Elektro
Klasifikasi teks adalah proses mengkelompokan teks ke satu kelompok atau lebih dari daftar yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Statistik ayat-ayat Alquran dipelajari dan dijelaskan dalam literatur, seperti jumlah surah dan ayat, ukuran ayat menurut kata-kata, ukuran ayat dengan huruf dan hubungan ayat satu dengan lainnya. Ini memberi wawasan yang komprehensif tentang struktur ayat. Penelitian ini akan membahas kedekatan tema ayat-ayat pada juz 30 yang berkaitan dengan kiamat, hisab, surga dan neraka. Langkah-langkah penelitian yaitu (1) pengumpulan data (2) preprocessing, (3) klasifikasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan me-record keseluruhan ayat pada juz 30 dilanjutkan dengan mendefiniskan tema tiap ayat yang berkaitan dengan kiamat, hisab, surga dan neraka. Preposesing mempunyai tahapan tokenizing, filtering dan stemming. Kasifikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa algoritma seperti Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM) dan Naïve Bayes (NB). Dari hasil klasifikasi tersebut diperoleh hasil terbaik dengan klasifikasi decision tree akurasi 74,34%, SVM dengan akurasi 75,84%, dan Naïve Bayes dengan akurasi 66,29%. Kata kunci: data mining, teks klasifikasi, ayat Al Qur'an, similarity, algoritma klasifikasi. ABSTRACT Text classification is the process of grouping text into one or more groups of previously selected lists. The statistics of the Qur'anic verses studied and explained in the literature, such as the number of suras and verses, the size of the verse according to the words, the size of the verse with the letters and the relation of verse one. It provides a comprehensive insight into the structure of the verse. This study will discuss the proximity of the verse themes in juz 30 that relate to the apocalypse, reckoning, heaven and hell. The research steps are (1) completion data (2) preprosessing, (3) coverage. The data collection is done by recording the verses on juz 30 times with themes appropriate to the apocalypse, reckoning, heaven and hell. Preposesing give tokenizing stage, filtering and stemming. The classification is done using several algorithms such as Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes (NB). From the result of the difference with the decision result. 74,34%, SVM with acceptance 75,84%, and Naïve Bayes with acceptance 66,29%.
Jurnal UMK - Universitas Muria Kudus
Huroof ul Muqatta'at Text:
ALM (Alif Laam Meem) Tamplates in six Qur'anic chapters
This work collects data from the six Alif laam meem prefixed
chapters of the Holy Qur’an and subjects it to textual
analysis first for the presence of phoneme occurrences and
then for morphemes made of these phonemes. The three
alphabets are studied at the micro level that is the
composition of the letters themselves is also under
consideration in the survey of the said chapters. The macro
level is, then, studied which here means the overall
distribution of the phonemes of the alphabet in the six
Qur’anic chapters. Results have been presented in the table
form. Consistency has been found through various testing of
the text. The results showed an extra ordinary presence of
the phonemes related to the prefixed letters, then other
chapters were checked to see the difference of occurrence,
which showed that the surahs with prefixed letters were
more frequent in the occurrence of the related phonemes
while other surahs lacked in such occurrences. Having
established this the templates formed of these letters were
also checked and cross checked which showed similarity of
results that is the surahs with prefixed letters had the Alif
laam meem templates more while the surahs without these
letters did not. The significance of these occurrences has
been related to the sonority and melody of the Qur’anic text
in the final section of this work.
Dr. Ahsan ur Rehman
Translated by Mohammed R. Al Salah
In summary, the goal behind this work is to present a new type of evidence – literal, tangible
evidence, perhaps – that through the simple language of numbers, God Almighty has
structured the very foundations of the Noble Qur’an in a manner which cannot be imitated
by man. Crucially, since the detailed nature of this work requires even the Qur’anic letters
to be carefully studied (let alone the chapters, verses and words), one of the implications of
the numeric miracle is that the Qur’an is a Book that has never been tampered with.
That is, most of the numeric arrangements that will be presented involve dealing with
letters, and if these letters were ever meddled with at any point during the last 1400 years
since the Qur’an was revealed, the vast majority of numeric arrangements discovered in the
Qur’an would practically cease to exist (making this work rather pointless!). As a
consequence, any numeric result that is subsequently found could be attributed to
coincidence, because the Qur’an’s numeric system would no longer be a system; it would
instantly lose the consistency and harmony that make it so miraculous.
Published Link:
Prime numbers have baffled mathematicians over 2300 years of
recorded history and currently The Clay Mathematics Institute,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA is offering a $1,000,000 prize to
whoever can solve their distribution mystery amongst the natural
numbers. See
Due to this mysterious distribution, there is no easy way to tell if a
number is prime or where the next prime is. For this reason, prime
numbers are used as keys in public key cryptography (the RSA) to
encrypt messages into unreadable text without requiring to share a
common key to lock and unlock messages. When you buy a product
over the Internet, two large secret prime numbers are multiplied
together to produce a huge composite number that is made public to
enable your computer to wrap your credit card details with it before
sending your details to the computer hosting the website you buying
from, using the https protocol (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
No one can see your financial details except those who know the
private keys (the large primes) or can factor the huge composite
public key into its large prime factors which may require many years
making it impractical to hack. World governments use even larger
prime numbers (1000s of digits long) to secure their communication
channels which require billions of years to factor using supercomputers
because of the exponential factorization time.
In addition to prime numbers, the RSA algorithm uses modular
arithmetic, please see or download
Published at:
multivariate approach
Naglaa Thabet
School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics
University of Newcastle
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, NE1 7RU
Kais Dukes1 and Nizar Habash2
1 School of Computing, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom 2Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, New York, USA
(Classical Arabic Dictionaries Combined)
‘Abdul Mannân ‘Omar
Translator, The Holy Qur’ân (Arabic - English)
Subject Codifier:
Musnad Imâm Ahmad Bin Muhammad bin Hanbal
* Editor, Encyclopedia of Islam
Copyright ©
NOOR Foundation - International Inc.
13 DIGIT ISBN: 978-0-9632067-94
ISBN: 0963206796
Library of Congress Control No.: 2005298281
Because letters usually stand for consonants, it is classified as an abjad.
Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply.
Other Referrence:
A formula for finding a letter's corresponding number in Mispar Gadol
As Almighty Allah has promised to protect the Quran from alteration, corruption, or distortion. Therefore, the scripture of the Quran has been subjected to various intense mathematically-based studies to reveal the protection mechanisms embedded in the composition of the Quran and to provide evidence of its credibility, authenticity, and divinity. Indeed, this study has discovered a mathematical framework in the Quran based on gematria (Abjad numerals) that provides substantial evidence of the Quran’s divine authorship and its perfect protection from human tampering. Essentially, this study has proposed a new research direction in numerological studies of the Quran. This study is textually based on the text delivered to Prophet Muhammad and drawn using the primary 28 alphabets of the Arabic language (Uthmanic manuscript), the 112 un-numbered Basmalahs, and the names of the Quran chapters. A numerical value (70.44911244) which is referred to in this study as the Quran Constant (QC) was derived to represent the mathematical design of the Quran. The Quran Constant has been found to be fundamental to the current study, whereby the Quran Constant manifests in all derived mathematical equations. The ratio of the total number of chapters in the Quran (114) which represents the physical design of the Quran divided by the Quran Constant (70.44911244) which represents the mathematical design of the Quran gives 1.6181893; it is amazingly almost equal to the golden ratio. This work has also discovered that Almighty Allah embedded mathematical equations in the composition of the Quran that can easily lead to the determination of the Quran’s primary statistics (words, verses, and chapters). This study has admirably discovered three elegant mathematical equations that determine the total number of words, verses, and chapters with great accuracy. More importantly, the letters/word ratio calculated in this work can be practically seen as a validation criterion of both the total number of letters and the total number of words in the Quran. Finally, what does this prove? It proves that the Quran’s miraculous mathematical structure discovered in this study provides unequivocal mathematical proof that the Quran was divinely authored and has been perfectly preserved from the day it was revealed. Indeed, we are witnessing a mathematical phenomenon of earth-shattering proportions~ a miracle beyond earthly justification and human comprehension.
In recent years, there has been a global growing demand for Islamic knowledge by both Muslims and non-Muslims. This has brought about a number of automated applications that ease the retrieval of knowledge from the Holy Book, being the major source of Knowledge in Islam. However, the current retrieval methods in the Quranic domain lack adequate semantic search capabilities; they are mostly based on the keywords matching approach. There is a lack of adequate linked data to provide a better description of concepts found in the Holy Quran. In this study we propose an Ontology assisted semantic search system in the Qur'an domain. The system makes use of Quran ontology and various relationships and restrictions. This will enable the user to semantically search for verses related to their query in Al-Quran. The system has improved the search capability of the Holy Quran knowledge to 95 percent accuracy level.
There is an immense need for information systems that rely on Arabic Quranic ontologies to provide a precise and comprehensive knowledge to the world. Since semantic relations are a vital component in any ontology and many applications in Natural Language Processing strongly depend on them, this motivates the development of our approach to extract semantic relations from the Quranic Arabic Corpus, written in Arabic script, and enrich the automatic construction of Quran ontology. We focus on semantic relations resulting from proposed conjunctive patterns which include two terms with the conjunctive AND enclosed in between. The strength of each relation is measured based on the correlation coefficient. Finally, we evaluate the significance of this method by using hypotheses testing and Student t-test. The obtained results are very promising since we combine an accurate Arabic grammar with strong statistical techniques to prove the existence and measure the strength of this type of semantic relations. Ó 2017 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keyword-based technique has low accuracy and always leads to wrong information retrieved. Therefore, many researchers implement semantic search to overcome the above problems. Many researchers have built different Quran ontology in various domains to facilitate the knowledge representation in the Quran. Nevertheless, there are many domain concepts mentioned in the Quran which are not yet covered, especially for the Medical and Health Science domain. Hence, this research presents the development of ontology for the Medical and Health Science domain in the Quran and implementation of ontology-based search method to answer related queries in the Quran. The development of ontology adopts the ontology 101 approach which later evaluated by Quran experts. Furthermore, a hybrid search tool was developed that encompassed semantic-based and keyword based technique to answer a user query. The search tool was evaluated using the Recall and Precision measurements, which shows high accuracy in retrieving the Medical and Health Science knowledge in the Quran. For future work, this research can be used as a reference and basis to answer user queries, data integration with other applications or existing ontology can be further expanded.
Abstract-Extracting knowledge from text documents has become one of the main hot topics in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the era of information explosion. Arabic NLP is considered immature due to several reasons including the low available resources. On the other hand, automatically extracting reliable knowledge from specialized data sources as holy books is considered ultimately a challenging task but of great benefit to all humans. In this context, this paper provides a comprehensive Quranic Dataset as a first part (foundation) of an ongoing research that attempts to lay grounds for approaches and applications to explore the holy Quran. The paper presents the algorithms and approaches that have been designed to extract an aggregative data from massive Arabic text sources including the holy Quran and tightly associated books. Holy Quran text is transferred into structured multi-dimensional data records starting from the chapter level, the word level and then the character level. All these are linked with interpretations and meanings, parsing, translations, intonation roots and stems of words, all from authentic and reliable sources. The final dataset is represented in excel sheets and database records format. Also, the paper presents models of the dataset at all levels. Key ResultThe Quranic dataset presented in this paper was designed to be appropriate for: database, data mining, text mining and Artificial Intelligence applications; it is also designed to serve as a comprehensive encyclopedia of holy Quran and the Quranic Science books.
Translation by Jerry Ryan
Bloomsbury Academic
An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Even though this book deals with literary traits of the Qur’an that are still not generally recognized, it does not pretend to off er some sort of secret code or esoteric deciphering technique to the public – something that appeals to certain people nowadays.
More simply, it tries to systematically describe a certain number of literary procedures which assure the coherence of a Book that seems
incoherent to many. In other words, our book will explain the diff erent
rhetorical principles that enter into play in the composition of the Qur’anic text. It will be a ‘treatise of Qur’anic rhetoric’ but diff erent from treatises of rhetoric handed down by Arab (as well as by Western) literary traditions.
Under the Supervision of
Prof. Or. Mohammad Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui
There seems to be no sound basis for the distinction between the internal and the external principles of interpretation that Islahi makes in his Preface to Tadabbur-i-Qur'an.
Since human attempts to understand the Qur'an depend on personal effort, all these efforts must fall under the category of zanni.
For example, the search for the theme ('amud) of each Surah requires a capacity for sustained reflection (tadabbur). Similarly, all the principles of interpretation that Islahi uses in his commentary should be called zanni.
Lamia Kulenović
Prof. dr. Ivo Komšić
The book constitutes an introduction to a new and different approach to the Qur’anic text. We feel
certain that this will open up new perspectives and new areas of research into the poetic language
and the meaning itself of the Text, primarily by means ot the exact language of mathematics. It is a
significant enterprise, providing the reader with an insight into two diametrically opposite methods
of studying the Qur’an - the stylistic and the mathematical. We are of the view that it will greatly
alter the direction of interest in the phenomenon of the Text, for it places the study of the language
of the Qur`an in a wider context, which implies or explicitly raises the question of the power and
structure of this extraordinary text. The authors approach the Text in an original and unusual way,
not reducing it to a certain number of mathematical models, but revealing within it an entire gamut
of different relations, making the Text seem much richer. We believe that the book will prompt a
different approach to and further studies of the Qur’an, but that it will also induce a sense of unease
among the fearful, particularly those who are not ready for another and difterent approach to the
interpretation ofthe Text.
Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 UUM-Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Ontology have gained attention from various fields in the past years, especially in the area of artificial intelligence, a sub-area of computer science .This paper discusses about ontology, ontology languages, ontology tools and how it can be used in organising the knowledge in the Holy Quran. A simple example using ontology for Holy Quran is presented as work-inprogress.
Magic can be briefly described as the art of influencing the course of events by the occult control
of natural phenomena through the application of ritual observances acquired through a study
of esoteric and often closely guarded corpus of knowledge and traditions, oral and written, supposedly
achieving results not obtainable through ordinary means
Prime Numbers Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible by themselves and “one” only.
Discovery of prime numbers is a challenge to mathematicians ever since primes were discovered.
Because of their complexity, primes are used in cryptography and computer security.
Many algorithms have been developed to find new and simple prime numbers.
No exact theory exists linking primes to the positional rank. For example, probably none here knows what the 1187th prime is without working his/her way up from the first prime to the 1187th.
Published Link
Jurnal UMK - Universitas Muria Kudus
Endang Supriyati
Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Teknik Informatika
Mohammad Iqbal
Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Teknik Elektro
Klasifikasi teks adalah proses mengkelompokan teks ke satu kelompok atau lebih dari daftar yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Statistik ayat-ayat Alquran dipelajari dan dijelaskan dalam literatur, seperti jumlah surah dan ayat, ukuran ayat menurut kata-kata, ukuran ayat dengan huruf dan hubungan ayat satu dengan lainnya. Ini memberi wawasan yang komprehensif tentang struktur ayat. Penelitian ini akan membahas kedekatan tema ayat-ayat pada juz 30 yang berkaitan dengan kiamat, hisab, surga dan neraka. Langkah-langkah penelitian yaitu (1) pengumpulan data (2) preprocessing, (3) klasifikasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan me-record keseluruhan ayat pada juz 30 dilanjutkan dengan mendefiniskan tema tiap ayat yang berkaitan dengan kiamat, hisab, surga dan neraka. Preposesing mempunyai tahapan tokenizing, filtering dan stemming. Kasifikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa algoritma seperti Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM) dan Naïve Bayes (NB). Dari hasil klasifikasi tersebut diperoleh hasil terbaik dengan klasifikasi decision tree akurasi 74,34%, SVM dengan akurasi 75,84%, dan Naïve Bayes dengan akurasi 66,29%. Kata kunci: data mining, teks klasifikasi, ayat Al Qur'an, similarity, algoritma klasifikasi. ABSTRACT Text classification is the process of grouping text into one or more groups of previously selected lists. The statistics of the Qur'anic verses studied and explained in the literature, such as the number of suras and verses, the size of the verse according to the words, the size of the verse with the letters and the relation of verse one. It provides a comprehensive insight into the structure of the verse. This study will discuss the proximity of the verse themes in juz 30 that relate to the apocalypse, reckoning, heaven and hell. The research steps are (1) completion data (2) preprosessing, (3) coverage. The data collection is done by recording the verses on juz 30 times with themes appropriate to the apocalypse, reckoning, heaven and hell. Preposesing give tokenizing stage, filtering and stemming. The classification is done using several algorithms such as Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes (NB). From the result of the difference with the decision result. 74,34%, SVM with acceptance 75,84%, and Naïve Bayes with acceptance 66,29%.
Jurnal UMK - Universitas Muria Kudus
Huroof ul Muqatta'at Text:
ALM (Alif Laam Meem) Tamplates in six Qur'anic chapters
This work collects data from the six Alif laam meem prefixed
chapters of the Holy Qur’an and subjects it to textual
analysis first for the presence of phoneme occurrences and
then for morphemes made of these phonemes. The three
alphabets are studied at the micro level that is the
composition of the letters themselves is also under
consideration in the survey of the said chapters. The macro
level is, then, studied which here means the overall
distribution of the phonemes of the alphabet in the six
Qur’anic chapters. Results have been presented in the table
form. Consistency has been found through various testing of
the text. The results showed an extra ordinary presence of
the phonemes related to the prefixed letters, then other
chapters were checked to see the difference of occurrence,
which showed that the surahs with prefixed letters were
more frequent in the occurrence of the related phonemes
while other surahs lacked in such occurrences. Having
established this the templates formed of these letters were
also checked and cross checked which showed similarity of
results that is the surahs with prefixed letters had the Alif
laam meem templates more while the surahs without these
letters did not. The significance of these occurrences has
been related to the sonority and melody of the Qur’anic text
in the final section of this work.
Dr. Ahsan ur Rehman
Translated by Mohammed R. Al Salah
In summary, the goal behind this work is to present a new type of evidence – literal, tangible
evidence, perhaps – that through the simple language of numbers, God Almighty has
structured the very foundations of the Noble Qur’an in a manner which cannot be imitated
by man. Crucially, since the detailed nature of this work requires even the Qur’anic letters
to be carefully studied (let alone the chapters, verses and words), one of the implications of
the numeric miracle is that the Qur’an is a Book that has never been tampered with.
That is, most of the numeric arrangements that will be presented involve dealing with
letters, and if these letters were ever meddled with at any point during the last 1400 years
since the Qur’an was revealed, the vast majority of numeric arrangements discovered in the
Qur’an would practically cease to exist (making this work rather pointless!). As a
consequence, any numeric result that is subsequently found could be attributed to
coincidence, because the Qur’an’s numeric system would no longer be a system; it would
instantly lose the consistency and harmony that make it so miraculous.
Published Link:
Prime numbers have baffled mathematicians over 2300 years of
recorded history and currently The Clay Mathematics Institute,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA is offering a $1,000,000 prize to
whoever can solve their distribution mystery amongst the natural
numbers. See
Due to this mysterious distribution, there is no easy way to tell if a
number is prime or where the next prime is. For this reason, prime
numbers are used as keys in public key cryptography (the RSA) to
encrypt messages into unreadable text without requiring to share a
common key to lock and unlock messages. When you buy a product
over the Internet, two large secret prime numbers are multiplied
together to produce a huge composite number that is made public to
enable your computer to wrap your credit card details with it before
sending your details to the computer hosting the website you buying
from, using the https protocol (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
No one can see your financial details except those who know the
private keys (the large primes) or can factor the huge composite
public key into its large prime factors which may require many years
making it impractical to hack. World governments use even larger
prime numbers (1000s of digits long) to secure their communication
channels which require billions of years to factor using supercomputers
because of the exponential factorization time.
In addition to prime numbers, the RSA algorithm uses modular
arithmetic, please see or download
Published at:
multivariate approach
Naglaa Thabet
School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics
University of Newcastle
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, NE1 7RU
Kais Dukes1 and Nizar Habash2
1 School of Computing, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom 2Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, New York, USA
(Classical Arabic Dictionaries Combined)
‘Abdul Mannân ‘Omar
Translator, The Holy Qur’ân (Arabic - English)
Subject Codifier:
Musnad Imâm Ahmad Bin Muhammad bin Hanbal
* Editor, Encyclopedia of Islam
Copyright ©
NOOR Foundation - International Inc.
13 DIGIT ISBN: 978-0-9632067-94
ISBN: 0963206796
Library of Congress Control No.: 2005298281
Because letters usually stand for consonants, it is classified as an abjad.
Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply.
Other Referrence:
A formula for finding a letter's corresponding number in Mispar Gadol