Sport i zdravlje se često smatraju povezanim. Olimpijski komitet Slovenije, Odeljenje Sport za sv... more Sport i zdravlje se često smatraju povezanim. Olimpijski komitet Slovenije, Odeljenje Sport za sve, željelo je da utvrdi da li je broj ljudi uključenih u organizovane sportske aktivnosti u regionu u korelaciji sa stepenom pojave različitih oblika bolesti. Opštinske vlasti obezbijedile su informacije o broju klubova i broju njihovih članova u 2009. godini. Statistički godišnjak iz 2009. godine Statističkog zavoda Republike Slovenije obezbijedio je demografske informacije u opštinama za 2009. godinu. Agencija za finansije dostavila je podatke o finansiranju sporta u opštinama Slovenije u 2009. godini. Institut za javno zdravstvo (Zdravstveni statistički godišnjak 2009) dao je pregled tretmana određenih bolesti u početnoj fazi koje su dijagnostifikovane u skladu sa međunarodnom MKB-10 klasifikacijom. Rezultati su pokazali da organizovani sport zaista smanjuje nivo određenih zdravstvenih problema (kao npr. respiratornih). Odnos javnih sredstava po članu sportskog društva je u korelaciji sa pojavom digestivnih bolesti, simptoma i abnormalnih kliničkih i laboratorijskih nalaza koja nisu nigdje drugo klasifikovana. Veće plate zaposlenih u tim klubovima takođe utiču na pojavu respiratornih bolesti, bolesti koštano-mišićnog aparata, gastrointestinalnih bolesti, kao i povreda i trovanja pod uticajem spoljašnjih faktora. Ovi rezultati podupiru činjenicu da sportski klubovi nekada djeluju kao prirodne apoteke. Povećano ulaganje sredstava u sportske klubove vjerovatno bi dovelo do poboljšanja zdravlja cijele nacije i sačuvalo resurse koji se sada koriste za liječenje.
The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future tea... more The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future teachers in Slovenia and Serbia towards inclusive education (IE). We were interested in finding out which types of education future teachers consider appropriate for different sensitive groups of pupils; whether they would be willing to include them in their classes; and how they assess the impact of various factors on the learning difficulties of these pupils. The sample included 319 first-year students of the Teachers‘ College in Ljubljana, Teachers‘ College in Jagodina, and the Teachers‘ College in Belgrade. The results showed the following: the majority of the examined students think that pupils with intellectual difficulties, visual and auditory impairments should attend special schools, while the poor, refugees, Roms and the pupils whose mother tongue is different from the language used in school should be admitted to regular schools; the majority of students would accept, in their classes, those groups of pupils for which they think that should be allowed in regular schools, but one out of five students would not accept those pupils for whom they think special schools are more appropriate; two thirds of the students think that disability is the factor which causes most learning difficulties of pupils with special needs. In conclusion it is stressed that the majority of students enter professional training with attitudes which do not support IE for all sensitive groups of pupils, which indicates to the need for the development of an educational discourse, i.e. the approach oriented towards sensitive groups of pupils and high quality teaching during initial pre-service teacher training.
The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future tea... more The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future teachers in Slovenia and Serbia towards inclusive education (IE). We were interested in finding out which types of education future teachers consider appropriate for different sensitive groups of pupils; whether they would be willing to include them in their classes; and how they assess the impact of various factors on the learning difficulties of these pupils. The sample included 319 first-year students of the Teachers‘ College in Ljubljana, Teachers‘ College in Jagodina, and the Teachers‘ College in Belgrade. The results showed the following: the majority of the examined students think that pupils with intellectual difficulties, visual and auditory impairments should attend special schools, while the poor, refugees, Roms and the pupils whose mother tongue is different from the language used in school should be admitted to regular schools; the majority of students would accept, in their cl...
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 2001
In 1996 new school legislation outlining the ed.ucation strategies in Slovenia for the future, in... more In 1996 new school legislation outlining the ed.ucation strategies in Slovenia for the future, including education of children with special needs, was passed in Parliament. Contrary to the former legislation that advocated segregation of children with special needs, the new one promotes integration in mainstream classes provided that this is in the'ir best interest. This has raised many, not only practical, but also philosophical and political questions which I intend to discuss in my paper. To mention some of them: Who are the children with special educational needs? Which discourse can we use to discuss children with special needs? Who are the children with special needs that can be integrated in mainstream classes and what do we have to do to realise not only locational but also social and educational integration? How do we have to redesign teacher training courses to prepare class teachers and special teachers to work together successfully? Introdnction 11 n the developed world, the idea of integrating children with special needs in
Sport i zdravlje se često smatraju povezanim. Olimpijski komitet Slovenije, Odeljenje Sport za sv... more Sport i zdravlje se često smatraju povezanim. Olimpijski komitet Slovenije, Odeljenje Sport za sve, željelo je da utvrdi da li je broj ljudi uključenih u organizovane sportske aktivnosti u regionu u korelaciji sa stepenom pojave različitih oblika bolesti. Opštinske vlasti obezbijedile su informacije o broju klubova i broju njihovih članova u 2009. godini. Statistički godišnjak iz 2009. godine Statističkog zavoda Republike Slovenije obezbijedio je demografske informacije u opštinama za 2009. godinu. Agencija za finansije dostavila je podatke o finansiranju sporta u opštinama Slovenije u 2009. godini. Institut za javno zdravstvo (Zdravstveni statistički godišnjak 2009) dao je pregled tretmana određenih bolesti u početnoj fazi koje su dijagnostifikovane u skladu sa međunarodnom MKB-10 klasifikacijom. Rezultati su pokazali da organizovani sport zaista smanjuje nivo određenih zdravstvenih problema (kao npr. respiratornih). Odnos javnih sredstava po članu sportskog društva je u korelaciji sa pojavom digestivnih bolesti, simptoma i abnormalnih kliničkih i laboratorijskih nalaza koja nisu nigdje drugo klasifikovana. Veće plate zaposlenih u tim klubovima takođe utiču na pojavu respiratornih bolesti, bolesti koštano-mišićnog aparata, gastrointestinalnih bolesti, kao i povreda i trovanja pod uticajem spoljašnjih faktora. Ovi rezultati podupiru činjenicu da sportski klubovi nekada djeluju kao prirodne apoteke. Povećano ulaganje sredstava u sportske klubove vjerovatno bi dovelo do poboljšanja zdravlja cijele nacije i sačuvalo resurse koji se sada koriste za liječenje.
The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future tea... more The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future teachers in Slovenia and Serbia towards inclusive education (IE). We were interested in finding out which types of education future teachers consider appropriate for different sensitive groups of pupils; whether they would be willing to include them in their classes; and how they assess the impact of various factors on the learning difficulties of these pupils. The sample included 319 first-year students of the Teachers‘ College in Ljubljana, Teachers‘ College in Jagodina, and the Teachers‘ College in Belgrade. The results showed the following: the majority of the examined students think that pupils with intellectual difficulties, visual and auditory impairments should attend special schools, while the poor, refugees, Roms and the pupils whose mother tongue is different from the language used in school should be admitted to regular schools; the majority of students would accept, in their classes, those groups of pupils for which they think that should be allowed in regular schools, but one out of five students would not accept those pupils for whom they think special schools are more appropriate; two thirds of the students think that disability is the factor which causes most learning difficulties of pupils with special needs. In conclusion it is stressed that the majority of students enter professional training with attitudes which do not support IE for all sensitive groups of pupils, which indicates to the need for the development of an educational discourse, i.e. the approach oriented towards sensitive groups of pupils and high quality teaching during initial pre-service teacher training.
The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future tea... more The paper presents the results of a research aimed at determining the attitudes of the future teachers in Slovenia and Serbia towards inclusive education (IE). We were interested in finding out which types of education future teachers consider appropriate for different sensitive groups of pupils; whether they would be willing to include them in their classes; and how they assess the impact of various factors on the learning difficulties of these pupils. The sample included 319 first-year students of the Teachers‘ College in Ljubljana, Teachers‘ College in Jagodina, and the Teachers‘ College in Belgrade. The results showed the following: the majority of the examined students think that pupils with intellectual difficulties, visual and auditory impairments should attend special schools, while the poor, refugees, Roms and the pupils whose mother tongue is different from the language used in school should be admitted to regular schools; the majority of students would accept, in their cl...
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 2001
In 1996 new school legislation outlining the ed.ucation strategies in Slovenia for the future, in... more In 1996 new school legislation outlining the ed.ucation strategies in Slovenia for the future, including education of children with special needs, was passed in Parliament. Contrary to the former legislation that advocated segregation of children with special needs, the new one promotes integration in mainstream classes provided that this is in the'ir best interest. This has raised many, not only practical, but also philosophical and political questions which I intend to discuss in my paper. To mention some of them: Who are the children with special educational needs? Which discourse can we use to discuss children with special needs? Who are the children with special needs that can be integrated in mainstream classes and what do we have to do to realise not only locational but also social and educational integration? How do we have to redesign teacher training courses to prepare class teachers and special teachers to work together successfully? Introdnction 11 n the developed world, the idea of integrating children with special needs in
Papers by Mojca Peček