Papers by Mohd Manawi Mohd Akib
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

al-'Abqari, Sep 29, 2022
A firm belief in Allah SWT in praying to him can lead to the strengthening of a healthy soul and ... more A firm belief in Allah SWT in praying to him can lead to the strengthening of a healthy soul and spirituality thus will develop a good personality. This article aims to explain the concept and importance of prayer in strengthening the psychospiritual of a Muslim. This paper aims to explain the concept and importance of prayer in strengthening the psychospiritual of a Muslim. This study is qualitative and analyzed using content analysis methods through research on literature literacy. The results found that prayer, in particular, a prayer of Pophet Ibrahim AS in Quran is one of the methods of psychospiritual therapy where a Muslim can increase the level of awareness as a servant and as a reminder of Allah SWT almighty's infinite power and greatness as the creator. Essentially, while praying, a man can communicate directly with Allah SWT to achieve a sense of calmness in the soul of His provisions.
The concepts of psychology and soul receive a heated debate among early Muslim philosophers. Al-K... more The concepts of psychology and soul receive a heated debate among early Muslim philosophers. Al-Kindi, al-Fārābi, Ibn Sinā, al-Ghazāli and al-Rāzi were among the scholars that were engaged in the debate. Besides their discussion on the nature and inclination of the soul from the physical and spiritual view, the potential of the soul is also emphasized by them. From Islamic perspective, every human being needs to know the potential that exists in their soul so that they can utilize and take responsibility as a caliph in this world. Thus, this article highlights discussion on the potential of soul according to Ibn Sinā and al-Ghazāli based on their works. Among the issue highlighted on the potential of soul are the potential of plants, life and human. © 2019, University of Malaya. All rights reserved

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and th... more The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and the country. However, there is no denying that various parties such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private agencies and even individuals, each have played various roles in helping the government deal with this drug addiction problem. Academics, psychologists, counsellors and Islamic psychospiritual therapists are among those who contributed to this issue from theoretical and contextual aspects, including in the development of scale-based assessment instruments to drug addicts. Past studies explained that there is a close link between spiritual aridity and drug addiction. Recognizing the spiritual need to address drug addiction, this article discusses the Islamic Psychospiritual Scale (ZATIP) instrument for drug addicts to help researchers measure the addicts’ spiritual level and condition. This instrument is developed through a phase of validity and reliability emp...

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
There are both spiritual and physical aspects to every human being. Good spiritual health leads t... more There are both spiritual and physical aspects to every human being. Good spiritual health leads to good bodily health. In order to enjoy a long and prosperous life, these two parts must work together harmoniously. To have a healthy soul or spirituality means to have a strong spiritual component inside oneself. Due to its role as a centre of desires, the soul component is a driving force behind human bodily acts and behaviours. The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation of the notion and significance of prayer in a Muslim’s quest to cultivate a positive character. Through research on book literacy, data were analysed using content analysis methodologies. The study's findings revealed that prayer is one of the elements in the Islamic psychotherapy method that corresponds with Iman psychotherapy, ‘Ibadah psychotherapy, and Tasawwuf psychotherapy. Psychospiritual therapy is one of the ways a Muslim can develop his consciousness as a servant while also serving as a remind...

Jurnal Pengajian Islam, Jan 2, 2021
Iman merupakan tunjang utama dalam menentukan segala tindakan individu muslim. Keimanan yang bena... more Iman merupakan tunjang utama dalam menentukan segala tindakan individu muslim. Keimanan yang benar adalah berdasarkan kepada akidah dan pegangan yang jelas berpandukan sumber utama Islam iaitu al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah. Surah Yasin yang merupakan qalb al-Qur'an sudah menjadi amalan dan rutin mingguan bagi majoriti umat Islam di Malaysia, namun pemahaman dan penghayatan tafsirnya tidak didalami dan diamalkan. Disamping itu, pelbagai isu pemikiran dan akidah bermain dalam kelompok masyarakat, sekali gus mewujudkan kebimbangan dikalangan agamawan dengan kewujudan pelbagai aliran pemikiran islam yang berusaha untuk mengelirukan kefahaman umat Islam terhadap pegangannya sendiri. Oleh itu, tujuan utama kajian ini dibahas adalah untuk mengenalpasti elemen-elemen akidah yang terdapat di dalam surah Yasin. Kajian ini telah menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan análisis tematik dan deskriptif, dapatan kajian ini akan memaparkan beberapa elemen akidah yang terdapat dalam surah Yasin yang dilihat mampu mengukuhkan akidah individu Muslim sekiranya dihayati dengan sebaiknya. Di antara elemen akidah yang diketengahkan ialah berkaitan perkara ilahiyyat, nubuwwat & sam'iyyat. Elemen tersebut dilihat mampu memberi kesedaran kepada individu muslim dalam merancang dan melakukan setiap tindakan di dunia ini agar sejajar dengan tuntutan Islam yang membuahkan ganjaran pahala di akhirat kelak.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2022
The fundamental issue in Islam that has to be stressed is the topic of faith. Some streams or sec... more The fundamental issue in Islam that has to be stressed is the topic of faith. Some streams or sects dispute this topic using the arguments of naqal (revelation), 'aql (reason), and the way to comprehend the unique Quranic verses. Among them are the Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaah sects of Ash'arites, Mu'tazilites, and others. Among the topics covered are divinity, prophethood, and sam'iyyat, which are supernatural elements that every Muslim must be aware of and believe in. Thus, this study will address one of the aspects of sam'iyyat that is concerned with the subject of paradise according to Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, an important Ash'arite figure, based on his interpretation in his tafsir work, Mafatih al-Ghayb. Views on the issue from numerous different exegetes will also be discussed as a comparison to analyze the variances and similarities of their perspectives. In this article, certain viewpoints from other sects, especially Mu'tazilites, were also addressed to clarify the distinctions between Ash'arites. This study employed qualitative research using a content analysis approach. The data collected through a document analysis based on the problems faced and was analysed using a thematic descriptive method. The results showed that the paradise of reward for the believers has been created and it is located higher than the seventh stage of the sky. The rewards were referring to the bestowal of paradise and its enjoyments and the cause of human behavior to worship Allah Almighty, which is referred to as al-hidayah. The dwellers of the paradise can also see Allah Almighty in the hereafter through the sixth senses which will be given by Allah Almighty for the dwellers of the paradise.

Research dealing with various aspects of the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1987) is re... more Research dealing with various aspects of the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1987) is reviewed, and some unresolved issues are discussed in coping of COVID 19 disease in Malaysia. In broad terms, the theory is found to be well supported by empirical evidence. Intentions to perform behaviors of different kinds can be predicted with high accuracy from attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control; and these intentions, together with perceptions of behavioral control, account for considerable variance in actual behavior with religiosity aspect. Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control and religiosity are shown to be related to appropriate sets of salient behavioral, normative, and control beliefs about the behavior, but the exact nature of these relations is still uncertain. Expectancy. value formulations are found to be only partly successful in dealing with these relations. Optimal rescaling of expectancy and value mea...

This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of Sufi healing technique on drug addiction treatmen... more This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of Sufi healing technique on drug addiction treatment. Methodology: The participants of this study involved 19 male drug addicts who underwent a full 12 intervention sessions using the Sufi healing technique to treat their addiction. They completed the first part of instrument on demographic data at pre-intervention session. During post-intervention session they completed the second part of instrument on their views on the Sufi treatment technique and the effectiveness of the technique on themselves. Results: The study shows that religion and spiritual teachings specifically Sufi techniques are important to the rehabilitation of drug addicts. The Sufi Healing Therapy (SHT) Model is shown to be accepted by the participants. SHT is also deemed to be effective in building the self-awareness of the participants in drug addiction intervention.

Pemikiran Fakhr al-Din al-Razi Tentang Syurga Berdasarkan Tafsir Mafatih al-Ghayb adalah suatu ka... more Pemikiran Fakhr al-Din al-Razi Tentang Syurga Berdasarkan Tafsir Mafatih al-Ghayb adalah suatu kajian yang meneliti konsep syurga untuk menghuraikan persoalan berkaitan nama-nama dan sifat-sifat syurga serta penghuninya menurut Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (m 606 H). Kajian ini berupa kajian perpustakaan yang melibatkan dua metode utama: Pertama, pengumpulan data dan kedua, analisis data yang menggunakan tiga kaedah; kaedah deduktif, induktif dan perbandingan. Kajian ini juga mengemukakan perbandingan tafsiran al-Razi ini dengan pandangan beberapa ulama tafsir terpilih iaitu al-Tabari, Ibn Kathir, al-Baydawi dan al-Alusi yang masing-masing mewakili dua aliran tafsir utama iaitu tafsir bi al-ma’thur dan tafsir bi al-ra’yi. Ini di samping perbandingan dari sudut pandang Ilmu Kalam. Penelitian ini dibahagikan kepada lima bab; bab pertama adalah pendahuluan, bab kedua berkaitan nama-nama syurga menurut al-Razi, bab ketiga berkenaan sifat-sifat syurga menurut al-Razi, bab keempat pula mengu...

Discussion on the concept of human soul or human psychology should touch the spiritual and physic... more Discussion on the concept of human soul or human psychology should touch the spiritual and physical aspects in line with the nature of the human being which consists of those two aspects. But today's discussion on the discipline of psychology, which is dominated by western thinkers, does not imply to know the true nature of human beings as a result of the neglect of the spiritual aspect, and even unable to solve daily growing psychological problems. Therefore, a research has been conducted to present a discussion on the concept of soul based on Muslim thinkers’ thought who emphasize more on the spiritual aspect in order to accommodate the existing discussion on psychology. This research aims to analyse Fakhr al-Din al-Razi’s thoughts on the concept of soul based on his work Kitab al-Nafs wa al-Ruh wa Sharh Quwahuma. The thesis is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is on the introduction, the second chapter discusses about the concept of soul according to Muslim thinke...
Abstrak Syurga merupakan destinasi terakhir yang menjadi idaman orang yang beriman. Terdapat bany... more Abstrak Syurga merupakan destinasi terakhir yang menjadi idaman orang yang beriman. Terdapat banyak ayat al-Qur’an dan juga al-Hadith yang menceritakan mengenai syurga. Akibatnya, pelbagai huraian telah dikemukakan oleh para ahli tafsir dan ulama kalam untuk menggambarkan keindahan dan kenikmatan syurga serta suasana penghuninya. Makalah ini membahaskan sebahagian persoalan berkenaan suasana penghuni syurga menurut seorang ahli tafsir yang juga seorang tokoh ahli kalam iaitu Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. Makalah ini juga meneliti huraian beliau terhadap ayat-ayat berkenaan suasana syurga dan sifat penghuninya. Pandangan daripada beberapa ahli tafsir lain mengenai isu tersebut juga akan turut dikemukakan sebagai perbandingan bagi melihat perbezaan dan persamaan pandangan di kalangan ahli tafsir. Kata kunci: al-Rāzī, Mafātīḥ al-Ghayb, syurga, penghuni syurga
The International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Islamic theology is an important aspect of Islam in addition to sharia and morality. It is the mo... more Islamic theology is an important aspect of Islam in addition to sharia and morality. It is the most important aspect of Islam. The use of contemporary technology should be used to make it easier for Muslims to understand. This article aims to explain the importance of using the latest technology in the contemporary study of theology in Islam. This study uses library research methods to collect important data. This article concludes that the current situation presents a high need for contemporary technologies such as augmented reality (AR), games and others to explain the concept of Islamic theology.
Syurga merupakan destinasi terakhir yang menjadi idaman orang yang beriman.Terdapat banyak ayat a... more Syurga merupakan destinasi terakhir yang menjadi idaman orang yang beriman.Terdapat banyak ayat al-Qur’an dan juga al-Hadith yang menceritakan mengenai syurga. Akibatnya, pelbagai huraian telah dikemukakan oleh para ahli tafsir dan ulama kalam untuk menggambarkan keindahan dan kenikmatan syurga serta suasana penghuninya. Makalah ini membahaskan sebahagian persoalan berkenaan suasana penghuni syurga menurut seorang ahli tafsir yang juga seorang tokoh ahli kalam iaitu Fakhr al-Din al-Razi. Makalah ini juga meneliti huraian beliau terhadap ayat-ayat berkenaan suasana syurga dan sifat penghuninya. Pandangan daripada beberapa ahli tafsir lain mengenai isu tersebut juga akan turut dikemukakan sebagai perbandingan bagi melihat

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Shaykh Ihsan Dahlan is a Sufi scholar who is known for his expertise in the discipline of Sufism.... more Shaykh Ihsan Dahlan is a Sufi scholar who is known for his expertise in the discipline of Sufism. He is a Malay scholar who has produced numerous works in Arabic language. The purpose of this study is to identify the works of Shaykh Ihsan Dahlan. This is to highlight the studies that have been carried out in his works to examine the extent to which his essays have been studied. This study is employs a qualitative method in its approach, using documentation with reference to secondary sources in data collection. The study concludes that among his many well-written works is 'Siraj al-Talibin' through studies that focus on the analysis of his views or thoughts on the science of Sufism. In addition, Shaykh Ihsan Dahlan's thoughts are also seen as more inclined to the scope of Sufism as he incorporates Sufism in commenting on some of the debates in the 'Manahij al-Imdad'. He uses Sufism also in debating non-Sufi disciplines and issues.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Kubra al-Yaqiniyyat is the work of a contemporary scholar from Syria named Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan... more Kubra al-Yaqiniyyat is the work of a contemporary scholar from Syria named Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti where he discusses Islamic faith. This study emphasizes on the importance of using augmented reality (AR) technology in determining students' understanding of the debate in this book. The use of AR in this study is a utilization of the benefits of the latest technologies to be applied in Islamic studies, which are still relatively new and are not yet widely used. The methodology used is qualitative, using a library research method that uses documentation techniques for appropriate reference. This study concludes that, the use of current technologies such as augmented reality applications is very important for students in understanding Kubra al-Yaqiniyyat.

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam, 2017
Persoalan berkenaan konsep insan atau psikologi merupakan salah satu isu yang menjadi perbahasan ... more Persoalan berkenaan konsep insan atau psikologi merupakan salah satu isu yang menjadi perbahasan dalam kalangan ahli falsafah terdahulu seperti Plato dan Aristotle. Malah, ia juga turut dibahaskan oleh para ahli falsafah Muslim seperti Ibn SÊnÉ, al-GhazÉlÊ, al-RÉzÊ dan lain-lain yang bertepatan dengan worldview Islam. Mutakhir ini, perbahasan konsep insan menurut Barat yang hanya melihat insan dari aspek material semata-mata tanpa dikaitkan dengan agama lebih didedahkan kepada masyarakat. Konsep yang dibawa oleh Barat ini lebih menjurus kepada pengenalan berkaitan hakikat dan tabiat insan dari sudut fizikal tanpa melihat dari sudut spiritual. Artikel ini akan mengetengahkan penelitian awal beberapa persoalan berkaitan konsep insan menurut seorang sarjana Muslim yang juga dijolokkan sebagai ulama ensiklopedik iaitu Fakhr al-DÊn al-RÉzÊ menerusi karyanya KitÉb al-Nafs wa al-RËÍ wa SharÍ QuwÉhumÉ. Antara persoalan yang disentuh ialah mengenai definisi dan hakikat jiwa menurut al-RÉzÊ di mana beliau menjelaskan bahawa jiwa adalah suatu jawhar yang tersendiri dan ia berbeza dengan jasad. Selain itu, karya-karya beliau yang lain turut dirujuk bagi melihat kesinambungan pandangan beliau berkaitan isu tersebut.
Papers by Mohd Manawi Mohd Akib