Papers by Mohammadreza Shiri

Journal of Crop Breeding
To evaluate genetic diversity of 11 maize genotypes, an experiment based on complete randomized b... more To evaluate genetic diversity of 11 maize genotypes, an experiment based on complete randomized block design with three replications at the Moghan Agriculture Research Station during 2019 growing season. Analysis of variance showed that the significant differences among maize hybrids for ear yield, chlorophyll index, chlorophyll a, maximum fluorescence (Fm), variable fluorescence (Fv) and maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), but there were not significant differences among maize hybrids for leaf temperature, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and minimum fluorescence (Fo). KLM77021/4-1-2-1-2-4-1× K47/3 hybrid with high ear yield and photosynthetic system introduced the best hybrid to comparing with other hybrids. The range of heritability was from 14% for chlorophyll b to 87 % for variable fluorescence (Fv). Correlation between ear yield, leaf temperature, chlorophyll index, pigment contents and chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that ear yield was correlated with chlorophyll pigment (p< 0.05), and maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) was correlated with chlorophyll a (p< 0.05). The cluster analysis based Ward method, with ear yield and photosynthetic system, was classified maize genotypes in two different groups. It can be concluded that chlorophyll fluorescence can be used for selecting genotype with high yield.

Environmental Sciences
The adaptability of promising maize hybrids to environmental changes in different regions of Iran... more The adaptability of promising maize hybrids to environmental changes in different regions of Iran. Environmental Sciences. 19(4): 15-32. Introduction: The sustainability of agricultural systems plays a key role in adapting to climate change. There is ample evidence that biodiversity can increase the stability of ecosystem processes by changing environmental conditions. Therefore, the effectiveness of breeding programs requires a correct understanding of the reaction of breeding cultivars to environments with different climatic and soil conditions. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the response of some new maize hybrids to divergent environmental conditions and determine their grain yield stability. Material and methods: This study was conducted with 16 maize hybrids using a randomized complete block design with three replicates in six locations, during the 2017 cropping season. Considering significant differences in hybrid × environment (GxE) interaction, stability analyses were performed using AMMI and GGE-biplot methods to determine stable and high-yielding hybrids. Results and discussion: The results of the AMMI model showed that only the first two principal components of AMMI (AMMI1and AMMI2) were significant and described 68.53% of the variance of G×E interaction. Based on the results of statistics of the AMMI model (ASV and SPCA1), hybrids No. 16 (SC704) and 1 (KLM77002/3-1-1-1-1-1-1-3 × K18) were recognized as the most stable hybrids. Stability analysis by GGE biplot procedure explained 71.5% of grain yield variation due to two components of GGE. In addition, hybrids No. 16 and 1 were identified as superior and stable hybrids by the GGE biplot graphical method.
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 2022

Grain mold caused by Fusarium verticillioides is one of the most dangerous food and feed safety c... more Grain mold caused by Fusarium verticillioides is one of the most dangerous food and feed safety challenges in sorghum production. The most efficient solution for reducing the hazards of the disease is breeding resistant varieties. In order to find the resistant sorghum varieties, nine sorghum varieties were evaluated for their reaction to F. verticillioides and fumonisin accumulation in their kernels under field conditions in Ardabil Agricultural Research Station, Moghan region, Iran (39° 41' N 47° 32' E, with 40-50 m above sea level), using a randomized complete block design with three replications. For artificial inoculation, sorghum panicles were sprayed with the mixture of spore suspension at 50% flowering stage. Two months after inoculation, disease severity was evaluated based on disease progress in each panicle. In addition, total fumonisin produced on sorghum kernels was measured using ELISA kits. The results showed that among studied varieties, KGS12 and KGS15 were moderately resistant and the other eight varieties were highly susceptible or susceptible to grain mold. The mean grain yield under artificial infection showed a reduction of 46.2% in comparison to the natural infection condition (control). The fumonisin accumulation in grains varied from 0.35 ppm (in KGS11 variety) to 1.83 ppm (in Sepideh variety) at the artificial infection condition, while the range was from 0 ppm (in the Kimia variety) to 0.16 (in the KGS15 variety) at the natural infection condition. The mean fumonisin accumulation under natural and artificial infection conditions was 0.07 and 1.00 ppm, respectively, which showed an increase of 1328% in comparison to the control treatment. In general, KGS12 and KGS15 were identified as superior varieties due to their lower disease severity and fumonisin accumulation and acceptable grain yield as compared with other varieties.

In order to evaluate the fresh weight, RWC, pigment content, total phenolics, proline and glycine... more In order to evaluate the fresh weight, RWC, pigment content, total phenolics, proline and glycine betaine responses of maize inbred lines to osmotic stress, a factorial experiment was carried out under laboratory conditions with two maize inbred lines (B73 and MO17) and two osmotic stress levels induced by PEG (control and -0.6 MPa). Fresh weight significantly decreased under drought stress. On the basis of percent inhibition in fresh weight at the osmotic stress MO17 was ranked as tolerant (inhibition 45.30%), and B73 drought sensitive (inhibition more than 50%). Leaf relative water content (RWC) was significantly decreased in both inbred lines under osmotic stress. The pigment concentrations were substantially declined in both maize inbreds under osmotic stressed conditions. However, this reduction was less in B73 than MO17. Osmoitc stress declined the levels of total phenolics in both maize inbreds. On the other hand, the osmotic stress markedly enhanced the levels of proline and...

Cereal Research Communications, 2021
This research was carried out to evaluate the yield and some resistance-related traits of three m... more This research was carried out to evaluate the yield and some resistance-related traits of three maize hybrids produced with B73 or Mo17 as the parents, against European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner). Two separate experiments (with and without insecticide spraying) were conducted as a factorial experiment with two factors including sowing date at three levels (25th April, 10th May, and 25th May) and hybrids at three levels [KSC704 (B73 × Mo17), KSC705 (K3640/3 × Mo17), and KSC706 (K3547/4 × Mo17)] based on randomized complete block design with four replications for two years in Moghan region, Iran (39° 41′ N 47° 32′ E, with 32 m above the sea level). The results showed that KSC706 with 12.19 and 13.41 t ha−1 had the highest grain yield in non-sprayed and sprayed conditions, respectively. In sprayed conditions, KSC705 and KSC706 showed the highest net income, while in non-sprayed conditions KSC706 showed the highest net income. Overall, KSC706 showed a reduction in net income due to insecticide application, while two other hybrids showed increasing net income due to insecticide use. This achievement demonstrated that KSC706 is relatively tolerant to ECB damage and insecticide application raises the cost of grain production while did not increase the yield. In sprayed conditions, KSC705 in the first sowing date showed the longest and KSC706 in the third sowing date showed the shortest tunnel length. In both sprayed and non-sprayed conditions, KSC706 in third sowing date showed the lowest stalk breakage percentage which could candidate KSC706 as a tolerant hybrid against ECB.

Bragantia, 2020
The genotype + genotype × environment (GGE) biplot methodology has the potential to determine com... more The genotype + genotype × environment (GGE) biplot methodology has the potential to determine combining ability effects, identify efficient testers, and distinct heterotic groups in a line × tester study. However, it has not been adequately applied for such analysis. Therefore, this study was done to assess the combining ability of some maize inbred lines and testers for grain yield, identify most efficient testers and classify inbred lines into heterotic groups using GGE biplot. Fifteen experimental single cross hybrids, generated from a 5 × 3 line by line × tester crosses procedure, were evaluated across seven sites in Iran in 2018 using a randomized complete block design with three replicates per entry at each site. According to the pooled analysis of variance, crosses showed significant differences for grain yield. Also, the differences observed among the testers, inbred lines, and interactions for the line × tester, crosses × environments, line × tester × environment was significant. The inbred line L4 was recognized as outstanding for its general combining ability (GCA) effect and the tester K18 was highly efficient based on its discriminating power. It can be concluded that the crosses of L4 × K47/3 and L4 × B73 are suggested to release high grain yield hybrids. Results of the GGE biplot analyses were close to the conventional line × tester method in combining ability and heterotic patterns of the yield of lines, grouping, and identification of testers.

Journal of Crop Improvement, 2017
ABSTRACT Crop breeders often have to consider multiple traits for selecting and advancing superio... more ABSTRACT Crop breeders often have to consider multiple traits for selecting and advancing superior genotypes. Under such circumstances, use of selection indices is considered superior to other selection approaches, such as tandem selection and independent culling. While many types of selection indices have been developed (e.g., Smith and Hazel index, Desired gain index, Brim index, and Robinson index), programs for computing some of them (e.g., Desired gain index, Brim index, and Robinson index) are not available. We have developed a comprehensive SAS (Statistical Analysis System) code to compute the following indices: Smith and Hazel index, Desired gain index, Brim index, and Robinson index. The program also computes efficiency and genetic gain associated with these indices. The computer program reported here is named Shiri-SAS-Index-Selection, which is simple and easy to use. We present examples of SAS output generated by the Shiri-SAS-Index-Selection program for two breeding strategies. The program can be accessed at:!ZqJVgaSQ!jdo6uWiEwV9pjV4GY9oo2v0s1R7odJDqL4ILnEE2CxI.

Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 2017
Reaction of 10 maize inbred lines against Fusarium verticillioides and fumonisin accumulation wer... more Reaction of 10 maize inbred lines against Fusarium verticillioides and fumonisin accumulation were evaluated under field conditions with three replications in Pars Abade-Moghan, Iran. For artificial inoculation, the inbred lines were inoculated with spore suspension in concentration of 1 × 10 6 ml −1 7-10 days after emergence of silk, using nail punch method. To evaluate the development of the disease, its severity percent and grain yield (g plant −1) was determined two months after inoculation. Total fumonisin produced on maize grains were also evaluated by ELISA kits. The results showed inbred lines K19, K19/1 and K74/1 were susceptible and the rest of the inbred lines were moderately resistant to the diseases. Among moderately resistant inbred lines, A679 and K18 had lowest fumonisin accumulation. Average of the fumonisin accumulation under natural infection condition (control) was 3.37 mg kg −1 while it was 29 mg kg −1 under artificial infection condition, which was 760% more than control.

Ear rots caused by different Fusarium spp. are one of the most dangerous foods and feed safety ch... more Ear rots caused by different Fusarium spp. are one of the most dangerous foods and feed safety challenges in maize production, and yield losses on the average of 20% (between 1.5-40%) have been registered from artificial inoculations. Growing resistant hybrids represents one of the most efficient solutions for reducing the yield losses caused by Fusarium spp on the maize. So, in order to find the resistant inbred line, ten inbred lines were evaluated for their reaction to Fusarium verticillioides under field conditions, at the Pars Abad-e-Moghan (39° 41' N 47° 32' E, Iran) 2011, using an RBCD design with three replications. For artificial inoculation, fungal inoculum consisting of a mixture of spores was applied to ear 2 to 5 days after silk stage by Nail Punch method. At harvesting time, disease severity based on disease progress in each ear, were evaluated. The results showed Mean grain yield under natural infection condition was 106.13 grams per plant, while mean grain yi...

Shiri, M. R., Choukan, R., and Aliyev, R. T. 2014. Study of genetic diversity among maize hybrids... more Shiri, M. R., Choukan, R., and Aliyev, R. T. 2014. Study of genetic diversity among maize hybrids using SSR markers and morphological traits under two different irrigation conditions. Crop Breeding Journal 4 (1): 65-72. Genetic diversity of 38 maize hybrids was studied using 12 SSR primers and morphological traits under two different irrigation conditions. The 38 hybrids were evaluated in two trials, one under well-watered (WW) conditions and one under drought-stress (DS) conditions, using an RBCD design with three replications for two years (2008-09) in Moghan, Iran. The total number of PCR-amplified products was 40 bands, all of them polymorphic. Primer Phi031 generated the highest number of bands (6). Among the studied primers, UMC2359, PHI031 and UMC1862 showed the maximum polymorphism information content (PIC) and the greatest diversity. These were the most informative primers and thus could be used to assess the diversity of maize hybrids. To determine the genetic relationship...
Papers by Mohammadreza Shiri