Papers by Mohammad Ridwan

SSRN Electronic Journal
This study employed the stochastic implications of regression on population, affluence, and techn... more This study employed the stochastic implications of regression on population, affluence, and technology (STIRPAT) methodology between 1972 and 2021. The main goal of this research is to look at how FDI, population growth, industrialization, and education affect the environment in Argentina. Methodology: The F-bound test and Johansen cointegration test are employed in this research to determine if there is a co-integration association among the variables. Additionally, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method is used to examine the short-run and long-run elasticity of the independent variable. This study also incorporated a pairwise Granger causality test to determine the direction of causation between the variables. After that, the study applied several diagnostic and stability tests. Findings: The empirical evidence demonstrates the presence of a co-integration association among CO 2 emissions, population, industrialization, and education. The findings indicate that population growth and industrialization harm the environment in Argentina in the long run. In addition, a significant inverse association was obtained between CO 2 emissions and educational expenditures in the short run. Practical implications: The existence of STIRPAT suggests that Argentina is capable of achieving sustained economic growth. To achieve the goal, countries must implement appropriate government policies and ensure their implementation. This paper argues strongly for more investment in education, renewable energy, sustainable industrialization, and research and development, all of which are essential for a green economy.
Proceedings of the First International Conference of Science, Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2019, November 23 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2020
With this rapid development, people, especially students, tend to spend more time just playing An... more With this rapid development, people, especially students, tend to spend more time just playing Android smartphones and not utilizing technological developments to create something useful but only for playing games, accessing social media and chatting that tend to be less useful. Digital Library is an application that can help students to be able to read books anytime and anywhere without having to come directly to the library, this application is built with the Android platform as an information page while for administrators using the JS Client. We use the Firebase cloud database for realtime data storage.

Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Kemasyarakatan (KKK) adalah suatu upaya mengasah soft skill dan implementas... more Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Kemasyarakatan (KKK) adalah suatu upaya mengasah soft skill dan implementasi mahasiswa pada masyarakat sesuai dengan disiplin ilmu yang mereka miliki. Kegiatan KKK ini dilaksanakan terkait sebagai perwujudan dan tanggung jawab lembaga perguruan tinggi dalam rangka ikut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, sebagai implementasi dan desiminasi kepada masyarakat dari berbagai temuan hasil penelitian/kajian yang dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi. Pada praktiknya Kegiatan ini memiliki banyak kendala dalam hal efisiensi biaya maupun waktu, penyebaran informasi secara realtime, Integrasi data yang berelasi, obyektif penilaian dan juga pemanfaatan media internet. Dengan kendala/masalah yang banyak ditemukan pada saat dilaksanakannya kegiatan KKK dari mulai pendaftaran, validasi, pengelompokan, kegiatan, sampai pada pelaporan maka diusulkan penelitian ini dalam rangka membangun Sistem KKK yang efisien, realtime, teritegritas, obyektif dan online. Dalam rancangan sistem KKK onlin...
Proceedings of the First International Conference of Science, Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2019, November 23 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2020
Computer servers are very important to provide resources to be used for computer users in a netwo... more Computer servers are very important to provide resources to be used for computer users in a network. T emperature and humidity in the server room are things that must be addressed to remain in normal, so as to minimize damage to server computer hardware, a system consisting of secure devices and hard devices using a microcontroller consisting of NodeMCU, DHT 11 temperature sensor, LCD I2C, temperature & humidity data will be displayed in real-time on the website and also get notifications via e-mail and telegram if the temperature and humidity exceed the normal limit .
Papers by Mohammad Ridwan