Papers by Mohammad Ghozali
Al-dakhil wa al-ashil adalah salah satu kajian studi al-Qur’an yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1980... more Al-dakhil wa al-ashil adalah salah satu kajian studi al-Qur’an yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1980-an oleh Ibrahim Khalifah melalui bukunya al-Dakhil fi al-Tafsir. Tujuan al-dakhil wa al-ashil adalah untuk memproteksi tafsir dari kesalahan dan penyimpangan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis-kritis dipahami bahwa konsep ini mengingatkan pembaca tafsir agar senantiasa sadar dan berhati-hati dalam menelaah buku-buku tafsir, sebab bisa jadi terdapat problem dan kesalahan dalam sumber dan referensi penafsirannya. Namun, di sisi lain, konsep ini melahirkan pembatasan pada gerak tafsir. Tafsir yang seharusnya dinamis dan adaptif seolah terpenjara dengan adanya konsep yang kaku ini. Di samping itu, konsep ini bermasalah pada pemegang otoritas kebenaran, siapakah yang berhak mengklaim bahwa tafsir kelompoknya benar, sementara yang lain salah? Dan di akhir, penulis mengungkapkan perlunya memperluas cakrawala tafsir dengan tidak melupakan bagaimana pemaknaan dan penafsiran terja...
This Community Service (PKM) focuses on providing counseling about the legal status of adopted ch... more This Community Service (PKM) focuses on providing counseling about the legal status of adopted children's inheritance rights from their adoptive parents. An adopted child is a child whose rights have been transferred from the family environment and authority of the biological parents, legal guardians, or other persons responsible for caring for, educating and raising the child. The legal status of adopted children in the perspective of laws in Indonesia and Malaysia is legal, however it then becomes an issue when faced with their rights within the inheritance assets of their adoptive parents. In Islamic inheritance law, adopted children do not have legal power over inheritance rights from their adoptive parents, except through obligatory wills (wasiat wajibah). Meanwhile, in positive law, adopted children obtain equal status as biological children, so that adopted children can become heirs. This PKM program is carried out for all USIM civitas (lecturers, staff, employees, workers) in collaboration with the USIM Faroid Study Center. This PKM program aims to provide an understanding of the inheritance rights status of adopted children. This PKM program uses socialization, counseling, and mentoring methods.
Fluktuasi kurs mata uang yang tidak menentu membuat para pelaku ekonomi harus membuat sebuah kons... more Fluktuasi kurs mata uang yang tidak menentu membuat para pelaku ekonomi harus membuat sebuah konsep untuk menghadapi hal tersebut, terutama bagi pelaku ekonomi pada taraf internasional. Pandemi Covid-19 berpengaruh besar terhadap naik turunnya ekonomi di seluruh dunia, terutama pada nilai tukar mata uang. Hedging adalah salah satu solusi untuk meminimalisir bahkan menghindari naik turunnya kurs mata uang. Hedging dapat digunakan dalam perusahaan manapun dan tingkat manapun dalam prakteknya. Hedging atau lindung nilai merupakan suatu hal baru dalam dalam ekonomi Islam, maka dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pendapat para ulama' tentang Hedging dan pelaksanaannya dalam pandangan Islam, dan bagaimana Hedging dalam pandangan teori Hifdz al-Maal. Namun pada penelitian ini hanya berfokus pada sudut pandang teori hifzul al Maal terhadap Instrumen Hedging, sehingga lebih membahas pada seberapa penting adanya hedging dalam ekonomi Syariah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitaif, dan jenis penelitian ini adalah pustaka (library researd). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah instrumen termasuk dalam kategori upaya hifdz al-maal, dan termasuk pada tingkatan daruriyat. Melindungi nilai aset-aset perusahaan sangat penting, karena jika tidak akan mengalami kerugian dan akan mengancam eksistensi aset harta yang dimilikinya.
Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Islam entered Europe for the first time in 711 M, brought by Tariq bin Ziyad via Spain. In Europe... more Islam entered Europe for the first time in 711 M, brought by Tariq bin Ziyad via Spain. In Europe Muslims are still classified as a minority because the largest religion in Europe is Christianity. Able to overcome various existing economic problems, especially the problem of the economic crisis, Islamic economics is present as an alternative to a capitalist economy and socialism. Islam comes with comprehensive and universal teachings. This research aims to discuss in depth the development of the Islamic economic system in Europe, using historical approaches and documentary methods in data collection techniques, namely by analyzing articles that have relevance to the topic being discussed. The conclusion of this research is that in the European continent itself, the development of an economy based on sharia, one of which is a factor in the increasing Muslim population in Europe. The growth and development of the Islamic economy in Europe can also be seen by the birth of Islamic banking, namely 22 banks that have been operating and 6 of them are certified full sharia. Sukuk are also getting more interest and ordering from the public, implants in Europe are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The development of Islamic insurance is also relatively fast because it has received a good response from the community. Other progress can be seen from the many scientific studies that discuss the Islamic economic system in several universities, such as at Harvard University.
Ijtihad : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Islam
Western domination over the last 300 years has made us feel the four main ideologies, namely capi... more Western domination over the last 300 years has made us feel the four main ideologies, namely capitalism, socialism, nationalism and the welfare state, all of which have failed in economics because the economic system tends towards secularism. All of these systems are based on the Western premise that religion and morality are irrelevant for solving economic problems. The search for scientists for the best economic system continues, until in the end economists begin to look at the Islamic economic system that has been implemented since the time of the Prophet. The Islamic economic system was created by Muslims not only for Muslims but also for all mankind. Which can be proven by the existence of several characteristics in the Islamic economic system that is universal. Until not a few of the Muslim minority countries have adopted this Islamic economic system to be used as an economic system to improve the welfare of their country. One of them is marked
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH), 2020
Kearifan lokal pada intinya kegiatan yang melindungi dan melestarikan alam dan lingkungan. Oleh k... more Kearifan lokal pada intinya kegiatan yang melindungi dan melestarikan alam dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengkaji dan melestarikan kearifan lokal yang berkembang di masyarakat. Karena Kearifan lokal terbentuk sebagai proses interaksi antara manusia dengan lingkungannya dalam rangka memenuhi berbagai kebutuhannya. Walaupun kearifan lokal bersifat lokal tapi mengandung nilai-nilai moral universal. Terbukti industri kreatif memiliki peran yang cukup signifikat terhadap perkembangan PDB Nasional. Pada tahun 2017 industri kreatif mampu menyumbang sekitar Rp 952 triliun atau 7,28% terhadap total PDB Nasional. Industri ekonomi kreatif tumbuh 4,95% pada tahun 2017, angka tersebut meningkat dibandingkan pada tahun 2016 yang hanya tumbuh sebesar 4,41%. Kontribusi terbesar berasal dari sektor kuliner sebanyak 41%, mode atau fashion 17% dan kerajinan 14,9%. Terkait pariwisata yang merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari ekonomi kreatif, oleh karena itu para pelaku ekonomi kreatif harus menciptakan daya tarik tersendiri. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat pada pelaku ekonomi kreatif berbasis kearifan lokal (batik) di Kota Malang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah anasilis AHP dan ANP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batik dapat dijadikan sebagai peluang bisnis yang menjajikan serta sebagai wadah pembelajaran dan pelestarian budaya dengan terciptanya motif batik berbasis kearifan lokal. Serta tumbuhnya ekonomi kreatif ditengah-tengah masyarakat tentunya sangat berdampak pada kehidupan masyarakat khususnya dalam segi perekonomiannya.
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH), Nov 8, 2019
Keberhasilan Ekonomi kreatif dalam sebuah negara telah terbukti dengan banyaknya kontribusi yang ... more Keberhasilan Ekonomi kreatif dalam sebuah negara telah terbukti dengan banyaknya kontribusi yang disumbangkan dalam PDB termasuk di Indonesia. Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Bekraf) mencatat, kontribusi ekonomi kreatif terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia pada 2015 adalah Rp 642 triliun dan pada 2016 menjadi Rp 922,59. Berangkat dari poin inilah, ekonomi kreatif berkembang pesat di Indonesia tak terkecuali di Malang Raya. Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif berbasis kearifan lokal (budaya lokal) yang menjadi kekhasan di pada masing-masing wilayah Malang Raya yakni Kota Malang, Kota Batu, dan Kabupaten Malang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni menemukan sub ekonomi kreatif berbasis kearifan lokal pada batik Malang untuk meningkatkan daya saing produk di pasar global. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di tahun sebelumnya terdapat 3 subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang memberikan kontribusi besar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi di Malang Raya yaitu subsektor kriya, fashion dan kuliner. Dari tiga subsektor tersebut peneliti akan fokus pada pengembangan ekonomi kretif berbasis kearifan lokal baik di Kota Malang, Kabupaten Malang, maupun di Kota Batu. Setelah dilakukan penelitian tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa Batik masuk kedalam tiga subsektor ekonomi kreatif diantaranya subsektor kriya, fashion dan desain produk.
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 2017
Islamic bank is an institution established in Indonesia recently, so most people still do not kno... more Islamic bank is an institution established in Indonesia recently, so most people still do not know and understand the mechanism, products and principles used by the Sharia banks. So there are many segments of society that should be targeted in an optimal socialization, including merchants and assessed as a driver of economic actors in society, the market traders have an important position for the optimization and business expansion efforts for Sharia banks. The method used in this research is to use a quantitative approach that seeks to draw the factors and information from field data encountered a number to be analyzed further by linking variables then be concluded. From the data analysis it can be concluded that 95.5% of the socioeconomic status Tegalgubug clothing wholesale market traders in terms of the dimensions of education, employment, wealth, including the accessibility and position in the intermediate category and overall response Tegalgubug clothing wholesale market traders against sharia bank was very positive, which is 91% categorized as good and 9% excellent category. While the socioeconomic status of the clothing wholesale market traders sharia banks there is a significant correlation.
Al-Muamalat Journal of Islamic Economic Law, Dec 1, 2018
Barang-barang yang dijual diperoleh dari para suplier yang memasok barang-barang ke koperasi pela... more Barang-barang yang dijual diperoleh dari para suplier yang memasok barang-barang ke koperasi pelajar dan koperasi pelajar membayar kepada para suplier setelah barang-barang tersebut terjual, maka pada dasarnya koperasi pelajar tidak memiliki modal untuk membeli seluruh barang-barang. Pengelolaan koperasi dengan pendapatan yang sedemikian besarnya oleh staf yang juga santri memang membutuhkan perjuangan dan loyalitas yang tinggi, selalu menjaga kejujuran dalam menjalankan amanah agar semuanya dapat berjalan seperti yang dinginkan. Kajian ini dengan menggunakan studi kasus (Case Study) dengan metode penelitian kualitatif (Qualitative Method) dan untuk pembahasan lebih mendalam untuk dapat mencapai tujuan penelitian, penulis berusaha mengumpulkan data-data baik primer maupun sekunder. Dengan menggunakan metode observasi (Observation Method) untuk melihat dan mendapatkan data yang diperlukan dengan cara mengamati secara langsung keadaan objek yang diteliti dan mengamati secara intensif buku-buku dan sumber lainnya. Selanjutnya penulis mengumpulkan data dengan menggunakan metode dokumentsi (WriĴ en Record) dan metode wawancara (Interview Method). Data yang terkumpul dianalisa dan ditarik kesimpulannya dengan menggunakan metode deduksi (Deductive method). Hasi lkajian menunjukkan wahwa akad dan aplikasi syirkah wujuh di koperasi pelajar sudah sesuai dengan syariat Islam dan berlandaskan Alqur'an dan As-Sunnah (mencakup unsur keadilan, kerjasama, tolong-menolong dan terhindar dari riba, maisir dan gharar), namun demikian masih banyak kekurangan dan butuh banyak perbaikan untuk koperasi pelajar agar bisa lebih baik lagi dan lebih berkembang lagi.
: The development of Islamic Economy in several Asian countries through many processes, among the... more : The development of Islamic Economy in several Asian countries through many processes, among them is the establishment of a Law or a Government Regulation. The development of Islamic economics in several Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Brunei Darussalam, can be seen from the growth of Banking in each of these countries. The method used in this writing is the Writing Method Library Reseach. This study yielded some important points, that the development of Islamic economics in the countries that become the object of research, originated from the seriousness of the Muslims to establish sharia-based banking, because in the minds of minority Muslims, that they have the right to consume halal banking products and in accordance with their religious teachings. The aspirations of these Muslims are not only heard by the local government, but the government's attention is on their aspirations. In the end, as a proof of the concern, a regulation was iss...
Al-Intaj : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah
This study aims to typify cooperatives in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. The data used as the ob... more This study aims to typify cooperatives in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. The data used as the object of the typology are 842 cooperative data. This study used a quantitative descriptive methodology with a typology approach. Data were collected using the documentation method and typologically using the descriptive analysis method. The results obtained are that there are 430 cooperatives that have been certified by NIK certtified and 412 cooperatives that have not been certified by NIK certified. Cooperatives in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia can be typified into 4 (four): (1) Based on level (primary cooperative, secondary cooperative, and cooperative center); (2) Based on activity (KSP, KSU, KBPR, producer cooperative, consumer cooperative, service cooperative, and handicraft industry cooperative); (3) Based on member (KPN-KPRI, employee cooperative, student cooperative, KUD, women's cooperative, and market cooperative); (4) Sharia entities (sharia cooperative, KJKS-KSPPS, Kopon...
Justicia Islamica
The increase of the tourism sector in the world, including Indonesia having various lands and cul... more The increase of the tourism sector in the world, including Indonesia having various lands and cultures, will captivate tourists’ attention. On the other side, with the majority Muslim population, Indonesia should keep its culture and tradition within the Islamic framework. This paper aims to develop Halal tourism in Indonesia by employing the Maqāṣid al-Sharῑa approach in four sectors: hotel, restaurant, tour, travel, and SPA. These sectors are the point of development of Halal tourism in Indonesia based on the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy regulation. This study explored the theories related to the five universals of Maqāṣid Al-Sharῑa, including the preservation of din (religion), life, intellect, descendants, and wealth. The analysis results indicate that if the four sectors are used in the five universals of Maqāṣid Al-Sharῑa, the implementation of Shariah tourism is about the Shariah label and the substance of the Shariah objectives. This study guides the developing h...
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the implementation of the final income tax ... more The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the implementation of the final income tax payments on acquisition of land and buildings based on Act No.34 of 2016 government regulation on Sustainable PT.Citra Lestari Propertindo in Cirebon regency, akibathukum for PPAT which have signed but not yet received evidence AJB PPH Final validation by the study used KPP Pratama. Methode is sociological juridical nature of this research using descriptive analysis, type and sources of data used are dataprimer obtained by interviews, data retrieval and datasekunder obtained from the law books, Regulations. Based on research and discussion can concluded that PPAT in running position Has Violated the signing of AJB first, in fact have not met the requirements of signing one of them has not received evidence PPH Final validation of KPP Pratama because PT.CLP having problems is the lack of complementary requirement form an attachment validation, causing delays in the issuance of evidence of...
Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, Oct 1, 2018
Nizam al-Mulk is not just a vizir that has aroused the downfall of the Abbasid Daula but he has a... more Nizam al-Mulk is not just a vizir that has aroused the downfall of the Abbasid Daula but he has also brought his era as the golden age. The success of Nizam al-Mulk in arousing the decline of the Abbasid Daula greatly influenced the development of Baghdad, especially in the area of Islamic politics and economics. Nizam al-Mulk's thoughts on Islamic politics and economics are outlined in his work "The Book of the Book of Government or Rules for Kings" which is now a very big focus. This paper is an analysis of descriptions of the thoughts of Nizam al-Mulk especially on Islamic Economics thought. Which aims to analyze the thoughts of Nizam al-Mulk on Islamic economics. Nizam al-Mulk is not just a vizier who has aroused the decline of the Abbasid Daula but he has also brought his era as the golden age. The success of Nizam al-Mulk in arousing the decline of the Abbasid Daula greatly influenced the development of Baghdad, especially in the area of Islamic politics and economics. Nizam al-Mulk's thoughts on Islamic politics and economics are outlined in his work "The Book of the Book of Government or Rules for Kings" which is now a very big focus. This paper is an analysis of descriptions of the thoughts of Nizam al-Mulk especially on Islamic Economics thought. Which aims to analyze Nizam al-Mulk's thoughts on Islamic economics.
Al-Muamalat Journal of Islamic Economic Law, Dec 1, 2018
Persoalan konsep syariah tidak membolehkan dua akad dalam satu transaksi akad (two in one). Ada p... more Persoalan konsep syariah tidak membolehkan dua akad dalam satu transaksi akad (two in one). Ada pendapat yang lain kaitan dengan larangan two in one hanya mengenai tiga kasus saja yang di sebutkan dalam hadist yang berkaitan dengan larangan penggunaan hybrid contract. Salah satu produk pembiayaan yang sekarang menjamur di masyarakat adalah produk kartu kredit yang didalamnya mengandung akad hybrid contract. Dalam Kajian ini, menggunakan kajian lapangan dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, untuk mengetahui tentang akad yang digunakan pada obyek yang diteliti. Dengan mengadakan wawancara, observasi serta pengumpulan data setelah itu akan di analisa atas multi akad yang terkandung dalam produk kartu kredit syariah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Pada konsep akad yang digunakan pada kartu kredit syariah ialah (a) kafalah terjadi pengambilan ujrah, maka tidak diperbolehkan dalam syara', akan tetapi menurut Wahbah Zuhaili, dalam situasi seperti ini, boleh memberikan imbalan atau kompensasi kepada kafi l karena memang terpaksa dan kondisi mendesak atau adanya hajat yang bersifat umum, akad yang kedua adalah akad (b) qardh pada akad ini, penerbit kartu (BNI Syariah) disini hanya berperan sebagai pemberi pinjaman (muqridh) kepada pemegang kartu (muqtaridh) sehingga konsep akad pada akad qardh ini sudah sesuai syariah. (c) ijarah terjadi pengambilan fee yaitu annual membership dan monthly membership, dalam akad pada dasarnya pengambilan ujrah diperbolehkan sehingga tidak melanggar syara'. 2) Aplikasi hybrid contract pada kartu kredit syariah Walaupun akad yang digunakan terpisah tetapi terdapat akad yang berdiri sendiri yang belum sesuai syariah, sehingga pada penggabungannya terdapat penyelewengan atas batasan-batasan kebolehan multi akad yaitu pada aplikasi akad qardh terjadi hutang tapi disyaratkan untuk menabung maka akadnya menjadi tidak jelas disamping itu masih terdapat pengambilan keuntungan dan terdapat biaya ta'widh tidak sesuai dengan biaya riil yang keluar, sehingga hal ini menjadi rekayasa untuk itu jatuh kedalam riba.
MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 2020
Real landslides management in Indonesia is formulated in the form of a resilient village (Destana... more Real landslides management in Indonesia is formulated in the form of a resilient village (Destana/Desa Tangguh Bencana). In Ponorogo, there is one village as a role model of Destana that is Tugurejo village. The purpose of this study is to explore the beneficial advantages of implementing the Destana program in Tugurejo. The other 11 disaster-resilient villages in Ponorogo area will also be explored in other programs. The method used in this study is grounded research. The results of the study show that Tugurejo village has a good management institution and the spirit of mutual cooperation. Furthermore, the village head's leadership that firmly maintains the local wisdom as a form of collaboration of social and cultural aspects was forcing the village development, at least in the case of Tugurejo Village, and built the ability to perform synergy with stakeholders.
Al-Iktisab: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
The development of Islamic banking and financial institutions in Indonesia is getting better from... more The development of Islamic banking and financial institutions in Indonesia is getting better from year to year. This development is a benchmark for the success of the Islamic economy. To become a new economic force in Indonesia, the Minister of State Owned Enterprises stated that there are plans to merge state owned Islamic banks namely BRI Syariah, BNI Syariah, and Bank Syariah Mandiri, as the total assets of Islamic banks will increase and become larger in Indonesia. This research aims to determine the impact of the merger of three Indonesian Islamic banks in the development of the Islamic economy. The research employed a qualitative method with a library research approach. The results have shown that the merger of three Islamic banks consisting of Bank BRI Syariah, Bank BNI Syariah, and Bank Syariah Mandiri into Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) has positive impacts on the Islamic economy development in Indonesia. Firstly, the increase in banking capital as a result of the merger of the three banks, the increase in economic activity in the field of Islamic capital markets, the promotion of the halal system in all service activities in banking. Secondly, the merger still allows customers to transact using their old accounts from their respective banks throughout the transaction period starting from e-Money, Tapcash, Brizzi, and or card based electronic money. Thirdly, all employees of the three banks are still employees of BSI and there are no layoffs despite the merger of three Islamic banks, and BSI opens talent development programs to all Indonesians to prepare Islamic bank leaders in the future. Fourthly, BSI created a talent development program for the Indonesian community
Human Falah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2020
Indonesian nation does’nt want to be positioned as a consumerist nation and the largest debtor co... more Indonesian nation does’nt want to be positioned as a consumerist nation and the largest debtor country in the world. The important thing that is needed by the people of Indonesia today is the emergence of hope for the optimization of BMT in the field of empowering the poor in developing the people's economy. This study aims to determine the role of BMT as an Islamic financial institution in developing the current economic community. The results showed that the role of the Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT) as a microfinance institution operated with a profit sharing concept, developed a sharia micro business that aimed to raise the degree and dignity and defend the interests of the poor and disadvantaged groups. As a sharia financial institution engaged in the economic development of the people, BMT must continue to evaluate each activity in order to improve the products offered. Therefore, BMT must now try to optimize development with a precise strategy so that people can continue to b...
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2018
Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Timur Tengah Sebelum lahirnya era minyak pada awal ke-20, kawasan... more Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Timur Tengah Sebelum lahirnya era minyak pada awal ke-20, kawasan Teluk utamanya di pesisir pantai selatan, berperan sebagai jalur penghubung ke pasar-pasar India dari Barat dan Somalia dari Timur. Salah satunya Aden, sebuah pelabuhan alamiah Yaman, di mana kapal-kapal dari Ethiopia dan India berlabuh. Jalur timur melalui pesisir pantai semenanjung Arab bagian selatan dan hingga teluk Persia merupakan jalur penguhubung melalui lautan dari Yaman ke Irak dan menerukan melalui darat ke Syam. Di jalur itu, para pedagang melintasi pasar-pasar Yaman, Irak, Palmyra, dan Syiria. Di setiap wilayah mereka menjual komoditas yang tidak ada di sana dan juga membeli komoditas wilayah itu untuk dibawa ke wilayah-wilayah lain. Oleh karena beberapa faktor, untuk sementara waktu, perkembangan ekonomi kawasan ini bisa dibilang stagnan dan luput dari perhatian dunia. Seiring perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada awal abad dua puluh, kebutuhan bahan bakar minya...
Papers by Mohammad Ghozali