Papers by Mohammad Efendi
Journal of ICSAR, Jan 31, 2021
Interactive multimedia is an electronic system containing images, animation, and an interaction b... more Interactive multimedia is an electronic system containing images, animation, and an interaction between the media and students. It considered that dyslexic student needs multisensory methods and media in the learning process as well. This study aims designing interactive multimedia development for early reading of dyslexic student and finding out its effectiveness. The method used is William W. Lee and Diana L. Owens' (2004) development model. The procedures are: (1) Assessment / Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation and (5) Evaluation. The results of feasibility and effectiveness trials conducted by media experts scored 96% means "very feasible". In addition, the assessment of the material experts also obtained 91.3% and the practitioner gave 87%, both of them were in the "very decent" category. The results of the assessment on subject's early reading ability at baseline conditions (A1) ranging from 45% to 50%. Meanwhile, a significant increase was shown during the intervention condition (B), namely the subject's ability of early reading increased from 65% to 75%. In addition, to determine the effectiveness of the interactive multimedia (intervention) in subject's reading ability, it was added the baseline conditions (A2) ranged from 80% to 90%. Based on the analysis, it showed that interactive multimedia of early reading for dyslexic is feasible and effective to be used in the learning process of early reading for dyslexic students.
Journal of ICSAR, Jul 29, 2021
A total of 36 Students with Special Needs (SEN) spread across all faculties prove their acceptanc... more A total of 36 Students with Special Needs (SEN) spread across all faculties prove their acceptance at the State University of Malang (UM). However, there has been no assessment tailored to the student's needs or is still done traditionally. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an assessment tailored to students' special needs, help lecturers gather information, facilitate the decision-making process, and make fair assessments. In addition, by an appropriate assessment system, student understanding can be assessed in various ways and accurately measure student success rates. This study aims to develop formative and summative assessments for SEN in UM. Due to the pandemic conditions and research methods, the assessment developed will be implemented online.
This study aims to describe the influence of the use of picture and picture learning models on th... more This study aims to describe the influence of the use of picture and picture learning models on the ability to attend (brushing teeth) for Class 3 SDLB C This study uses quasi-experimental research methods (quasi experiment) a form of Time Series Design. The analysis technique used is hypothesis testing using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the data analysis show that the average learning outcomes of students of ten people are five people whose values are below the class average, it can be concluded that the picture and picture learning model can improve the ability of self-brushing teeth to brush third grade students of SDLB C
Agar konsep-konsep abstrak yang diajarkan pada matapelajaran IPA SD dapat diterima oleh siswa dip... more Agar konsep-konsep abstrak yang diajarkan pada matapelajaran IPA SD dapat diterima oleh siswa diperlukan sebuah media atau perantara untuk mengkonkretkan materi. Pengembangan media ini menggunakan model Sadiman (2008), dengan materi tentang pokok bahasan gaya. Validitas hasil pengembangan ditunjukkan oleh pemenuhan kriteria yang diperoleh dari hasil ujicoba, yaitu ahli media dengan tingkat validitas sebesar 90,56%, ahli materi sebesar 91,11% dan siswa perorangan sebesar 95,56%, siswa kelompok kecil sebesar 94,44% serta siswa kelompok besar sebesar 91,17%. Berdasarkan hasil validasi tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa media animasi pembelajaran interaktif pada matapelajaran IPA pokok bahasan gaya adalah valid atau layak. Kata kunci: pengembangan, animasi pembelajaran, interaktif.
Buku ini membahas mengenai pengantar, pengertian, klasifikasi dan jenis, prevalensi, etiologi, da... more Buku ini membahas mengenai pengantar, pengertian, klasifikasi dan jenis, prevalensi, etiologi, dampak, penyesuaian sosial, serta prinsip pendidikan pada perspektif anak berkelainan, anak berkelainan penglihatan, anak berkelainan pendengaran, anak berkelainan mental subnormal, anak berkelainan fungsi anggota tubuh, serta anak berkelainan perilaku.
International Review of Management and Marketing, 2018
Research has been conducted to examine the effect of work motivation, work environment and incent... more Research has been conducted to examine the effect of work motivation, work environment and incentives on employee job satisfaction at the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Office. The population taken for this study were all employees of the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Office, amounting to 78 employees. Of the population of 1178 employees, 300 respondents will be taken for the instrument test and 48 respondents as the research sample. Data analysis using SPSS version 17.0 for Windows shows that: (1) There is a positive and significant influence of work motivation on employee job satisfaction at the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Office, (2) There is a positive and significant influence on the work environment on job satisfaction of Service Officers Tax Jakarta, (3) There is a positive and significant effect of incentives on employee job satisfaction at the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Office, (4) There is a positive and significant influence on work motivation, work environment and incentives...
xv, 169 hal.: ill.; 23 cm
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Mar 10, 2017
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, 2015
Hearing impairment student has limited vocabulary mastery. It causes problems in their learning w... more Hearing impairment student has limited vocabulary mastery. It causes problems in their learning which make them difficult in understanding or comprehending teacher's explanation. The objective of this study is to describe the student's vocabulary mastery before and after using picture word card media and also to analyze the effect of the use of picture word card media on the student's vocabulary mastery with hearing impairment in the fourth grade. This study is a Single Subject Research (SSR) with A-B-A design. The data collecting were spoken test, written test, observation, documentation, and then they were analyzed by descriptive-statistic analysis. The result of this study showed that the use of picture word card media gave effect toward the student's vocabulary mastery with hearing impairment in the fourth grade.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Jan 22, 2019
Students with hearing impairment have difficulty in hearing due to stiffness in speak organs so ... more Students with hearing impairment have difficulty in hearing due to stiffness in speak organs so that their communication is hindered. The purpose of this research is to increase basic communication skill that is speech building. This research is quasi-experiment using interrupted time series design . The result showed that the value increased by 31,92 from 42,92 in pre-test to 74,88 in post-test. Intervention was in the form of prompting with reinforcement for motivating students. It is concluded that prompting technique significantly increases the speech building ability of students with hearing impairment. Teachers are suggested to use this technique as an alternative for increasing children communication skill.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, 2014
This study aims to produce graphic media tested and can be used to improve the language skills of... more This study aims to produce graphic media tested and can be used to improve the language skills of deaf children in the SDLB lower classes. Therefore, this study was conducted in two phases. Firstly, exploring and developing prototype of graphic media. Secondly, being experimental prototype of previously developed graphic media. Respondents of this study were SDLB low-grade teacher Malang,
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Jul 31, 2018
The children with hearing impairments have the difficulty of receiving information from outside, ... more The children with hearing impairments have the difficulty of receiving information from outside, so the students need an ineractive media for beginning reading to facilitate their understanding and tailore to their needs. This research and development used Lee & Owens (2004) method consists of assessment/analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The validation score was 94% from media experts, 80% from material expert, and 80% from practitioners' scores. While the field trial results were obtained 100% that reach the Minimum Completeness Criteria (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum/KKM) with highly effective qualification. Based on these data, it has been shown that interactive multimedia was quite valid and very effective to be used in learning. Suggestions for further researchers are expected to develop the learning media on subsequent material competence.
Prosiding SEHATI (Seminar Nasional Humaniora dan Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi), 2019
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini memaparkan secara kuantitatif perilaku merokok di kalangan remaja melalui ... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini memaparkan secara kuantitatif perilaku merokok di kalangan remaja melalui kajian multikasus. Berdasarkan informasi yang ditelaah, disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi perilaku merokok di kalangan remaja berada pada ambang yang memprihatinkan, karena secara kuantitas rentangan frekuensinya berkisar antara 15-50%. Determinan tumbuh-kembangnya perilaku merokok, terutama akibat pengaruh atau tekanan dari lingkungan dan pembelajaran lewat media massa. Untuk itu, disarankan kepada otorita pendidikan untuk meminimalkan frekuensi tumbuh-kembangnya perilaku merokok di kalangan anak dan remaja.
Kebijakan pemerintah memberikan kesempatan akses di sekolah umum secara inklusif beum diimbangi p... more Kebijakan pemerintah memberikan kesempatan akses di sekolah umum secara inklusif beum diimbangi penyediaan guru-guru pendidikan khusus yang sesuai kebutuhan, terutama berlatar Pendidikan prajabatan PLB/Pendidikan khusus. Tujuan studi ini untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas kegiatan pelatihan terhadap pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru pendidikan khusus. Intervensi yang digunakan dalam studi terhadap 38 orang guru wakil dari berbagai Sekolah Inklusif se Kabupaten Trenggalek adalah metode campuran. Hasil analisis studi ini menunjukkan, bahwa efektifitas pelatihan penerapan program layanan kompensatoris bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus menggunakan kombinasi daring dan luring, mampu meningkatkan kapabilitas guru Sekolah Inklusif di kabupaten Treanggalek sebesar 5,35 %. Lebih dari itu, mereka nampak menunjukkan sikap keaktifan, antusiasme, dan kreativitas dalam menghasilkan draf program pembelajaran kompensatoris yang inovatif untuk peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus.
Proceedings of the 1 st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE 2020), 2020
The research objective is to conduct a basic study related to the role of the Resource Center so ... more The research objective is to conduct a basic study related to the role of the Resource Center so that later it will be able to socialize its needs and roles in supporting the success of the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative research with the research design used in this study is the Grounded theory design. Grounded theory is a qualitative research design in which the researcher produces a general explanation (theory) of a process, action, or interaction that is formed by the views of the subject or participants. The strength of this research is that there is no study that underlies the role of the resource center in a standard manner, so that the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia is not optimal and right on target. The optimal and right target is in terms of facilities, services, and input procedures for students with special needs to enter educational institutions that provide inclusive education.
Di kelas siswa tunarungu, kesulitan belajar dialami ketika kegiatan pembelajaran mengenai nama bi... more Di kelas siswa tunarungu, kesulitan belajar dialami ketika kegiatan pembelajaran mengenai nama bilangan karena model pembelajaran yang digunakan berupa model pembelajaran langsung dan hanya satu arah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran make a match berbantuan puzzle pada peningkatkan kemampuan memori visual nama bilangan siswa tunarungu kelas II di SLB Negeri Seduri, Mojokerto. Metode yang digunakan adalah pre eksperimen dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu nilai rata-rata pretest sebesar 68,5 dan nilai rata-rata posttest sebesar 92. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian adalah hipotesis diterima, yang artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada penggunaan model pembelajaran make a match berbantuan puzzle untuk meningkatkan kemampuan memori visual nama bilangan bagi siswa tunarungu kelas II SLB Negeri Seduri, Mojokerto. Bagi guru digunakan sebagai referensi mengajar di kelas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan memori visual pada...
: A hearing impairment is someone suffering limitation of hearing. The limitation make student w... more : A hearing impairment is someone suffering limitation of hearing. The limitation make student with hearing impairment have some problem with comunication. Limitation of comunication make students with heraing impairment need instuctional media when studying in class. Natural science is one of the lessons that are verbal. The media is really needed to teach students with hearing imparment. The purpose of the study is developing natural science product of gaya material based on the flash style.this study used the method developed by Lee & Owens. The concluded of the reseacrh showed that the instructional media can be used in learning activity with show valid Key Word: Visual Media, Hearing impairment Abstrak :Tunarungu adalah seseorang yang mengalami keterbatasan dalam pendengarannya. Keterbatasan tersebut membuat siswa tunarungu mengalami hambatan dalam berkomunikasi, sehingga siswa tunarungu membutuhkan media dalam proses pembelajaran. IPA adalah salah satu pelajaran yang bersif...
This research aimed at describing the relationship between learning guidance and learning motivat... more This research aimed at describing the relationship between learning guidance and learning motivation and mentally retarded students. This study applied descriptive correlation researcher model. The results show that there is a correlation between variables tutoring and student achievement, with a value of R = 0773 and the correlation between the variable of learning motivation and the variable of the learning achievement, with a value R = 0767. Based on the results, this study concluded that there is a relationship learning guidance and learning motivation and mentally retarded student achievement, with a value of R = 0.891 and the value of R Square (R2) = 0.794, meaning that 79.4% of the variation in achievement is explained by a tutoring learning and motivation to learn, the rest 20.6% influenced by other factors. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara belajar bimbingan dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi siswa tunagrahita. Penelitian ini menggunakan metod...
Papers by Mohammad Efendi