ZusammenfassungAus Gründen der Praktikabilität kann auf eine orale Medikation von Antibiotika zur... more ZusammenfassungAus Gründen der Praktikabilität kann auf eine orale Medikation von Antibiotika zur Behandlung bakterieller Erkrankungen in Geflügelbeständen nicht verzichtet werden. Die Verabreichung von Antibiotika über das Futter oder das Trinkwasser ist jedoch mit vielen Problemen behaftet, wie Unterdosierung und Kontamination der Stalleinrichtungen, die eine Selektion von Antibiotikaresistenzen begünstigen. Auch die eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit zugelassener Arzneimittel für verschiedene Spezies des Wirtschaftsgeflügels erschwert die Therapie bakterieller Erkrankungen in der Geflügelpraxis. Dieser Beitrag soll einen Überblick über die Probleme im Praxisalltag und mögliche Lösungsansätze geben.
Der Arbeitskreis „Antibiotikaresistenz“ der Deutschen Veterinarmedizinischen Gesellschaft e. V. h... more Der Arbeitskreis „Antibiotikaresistenz“ der Deutschen Veterinarmedizinischen Gesellschaft e. V. hat unter dem Thema „Anwendung von Antibiotika bei Kleintieren“ verschiedene Aspekte dieses Themenkomplexes naher beleuchtet. In einer Einleitung wird die Rolle von Kleintieren in Deutschland aus einer statistischen Sichtweise beschrieben. Anschliesend werden zunachst die arzneimittelrechtlichen Vorgaben und Leitlinien erlautert, die den rechtlichen Rahmen fur den Einsatz antimikrobieller Wirkstoffe bei Kleintieren darstellen. Die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der wichtigsten fur Hund und Katze zugelassenen Wirkstoffe werden in einer Ubersicht dargestellt und beschrieben. Diese stellen eine wesentliche Grundlage fur die Auswahl des im Einzelfall einzusetzenden Antibiotikums dar. Die neuesten Daten aus dem Nationalen Resistenzmonitoringprogramm GERM-Vet geben wichtige Informationen zur Empfindlichkeitslage der an Infektionsprozessen von Hunden und Katzen beteiligten bakteriellen Erreger ...
Introduction: Nowadays the more accepted surgical option for treating early breast cancer is brea... more Introduction: Nowadays the more accepted surgical option for treating early breast cancer is breast conserving surgery. The main challenge in this type of surgery is to get free safety margins without need of second surgical operation, so many breast surgeons have started to depend on intraoperative frozen sections to ensure free safety margins. Aim of work: To assess our policy that we prefer to depend on intraoperative frozen section analysis to get free safety margin in breast conserving surgery from the 1st surgery, and its oncologic outcome. Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in Oncology Center—Mansoura University (OCMU), where the data of 219 patients with breast cancer, who were managed by breast conserving surgery with intraoperative frozen section analysis of the safety margins, was analyzed. Results: The intraoperative frozen section analysis of safety margin was negative from the start in 183 (83.6%) patients, while it was positive in 36 patient...
Infectious diseases in captive pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) are well known, but there is a lac... more Infectious diseases in captive pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) are well known, but there is a lack of knowledge about occurrence and distribution of pathogens in free-ranging pheasants in Germany. We investigated 604 sera from hunted pheasants and 152 sera from wild caught pheasants between 2011 to 2015, with the aim to determine the prevalence of specific antibodies against different viruses: Avian influenza virus (AIV) of subtypes H5, H7, H9, paramyxovirus type 1 (PMV-1), avian encephalomyelitis virus (AEV), infectious bursitis disease virus (IBDV), infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV), avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) and Salmonella sp., Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) and Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG). In addition, 178 caeca were investigated for Histomonas meleagridis. The study reveals an ongoing circulation of IBV in the wild pheasant population during the study. Also high seroprevalences of specific antibodies against aMPV depending on the area a...
Background: Human epidermal growth factors receptors such as EGFR and HER2 play an important role... more Background: Human epidermal growth factors receptors such as EGFR and HER2 play an important role in tumorigenesis and are used as therapeutic targets. Their role in aggressive primary ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) is controversial. Aim: To study the expression of EGFR and HER2 in ovarian HGSC, to correlate their expression with other clinicopathological parameters and to study their prognostic value. Methods: Imunohistochemical staining of EGFR, HER2 and Ki-67 was done for 54 ovarian HGSC specimens. According to the used scoring methods, the expression of EGFR and HER2 was classified as high or low. Results: High expression of EGFR and HER2 was found in a minority of specimens; 39% and 15%, respectively. None of the studied clinicopathological parameters correlated significantly with the expression of EGFR and HER2, except for the carcinoembryonic antigen level which correlated positively with HER2 expression. Disease-free survival of patients did not differ significantly according to the level of expression of EGFR and HER2 (p =0.684 and 0.186, respectively). Similarly, overall survival did not differ significantly (p =0.911 and 0.346, respectively). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the prognostic value of EGFR and HER2 in ovarian HGSC is questionable.
The avian pathogen Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) has been implied in the etiology of poul... more The avian pathogen Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) has been implied in the etiology of poultry respiratory disease in recent years. To evaluate whether Whatman® Flinders Technology Associates (FTA®) cards can be used for hazard-free transport and storage of ORT samples for posterior DNA amplification, a controlled assay was performed. Three 10-fold dilutions of an ORT culture suspension were spotted on FTA cards and stored at room temperature (RT) for 6 mo. Sterile swabs were immersed in the same three 10-fold culture dilutions and stored at RT and 4 and -20 C without storage medium for the same time. DNA was extracted from both the FTA cards and swabs 1 day, 1 and 6 wk, and 6 mo following sample preparation and stored at -20 C. At the end of the experiment, real-time PCR amplification of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was performed from DNA extracted throughout a 6-mo period from all ORT samples stored on both FTA cards and swabs. The obtained threshold cycle values for each ORT DNA extraction date were within the same range for all samples in a dilution-dependent fashion, regardless of storage temperature or used material. Pure ORT colonies could be reisolated 1 day after sample preparation from the swab dilutions stored at all temperatures but not from the FTA cards. We conclude that the efficiency of ORT DNA amplification from samples stored on FTA cards or in swabs is similar. However, FTA cards have the advantage of preventing microorganism growth, thus allowing safe transport and storage, for at least 6 mo, for bacterial dilutions down to at least 104-105 colony-forming units/ml.
Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute, 2020
Background Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis and is the most co... more Background Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis and is the most common form of thyroid inflammatory diseases. The association of HT with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has been described. PTC is the most common form of malignancy associated with HT. When papillary carcinoma develops on top of Hashimoto thyroiditis, the disease tends to be less aggressive and lymph node and extra-thyroidal invasion are infrequent. Results We retrospectively examined the pathological features of our patients who were diagnosed with concomitant HT and thyroid cancer. In Egyptian patients, PTC was the main type of malignancy associated with HT (96.2%) and was often multifocal (46.2%). In contrast to the published literature, lymph node invasion and extra-thyroidal extension were as frequent in association with HT as in other cancer cohorts. We also observed the frequent occurrence of Hürthle cell metaplasia (23.1%) and the appreciable incidence of aggressive histologica...
wo field experiments were conducted to study the effect of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seed o... more wo field experiments were conducted to study the effect of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seed oil and seed cake on cucumber productivity (Prince cv.) and associated microorganisms. Seed cake was applied as soil addition before transplanting at rates of 0, 5, and 10 g per plant, while seed oil in 0, 0.5, 1and 1.5% solutions was applied as foliar application three times every 10 days beginning within 30 days of transplanting. Plants receiving the highest levels of seed cake (10 g) and seed oil (1.5%) showed high density of total bacterial counts; Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus megaterium, and high rates of CO 2 evolution. However, the same treatments gave the lowest density of total fungal counts, including some pathogenic fungi (Fusarium, Rhizopus and Aspergillus niger). Both soil amendment and foliar application improved the growth characters of the cucumber, including the percentage of stand, the number of branches, plant height, the number of flowers and total chlorophyll as well as, the yield and fruit size.
The purification of cell wall antigens of Chlamydia psittaci by affinity chromatography on polymy... more The purification of cell wall antigens of Chlamydia psittaci by affinity chromatography on polymyxin B agarose is described. Chlamydial cell wall antigens were prepared using different methods: heat treatment, ultrasonication and sodium deoxycholate treatment. The antigens were subsequently purified by gel chromatography. The highest amount of cell wall antigens was obtained by heat treatment of the chlamydiae at 90 degrees C and pH 8.5. The purified antigens showed molecular weights of 450 kDa to 700 kDa. Treatment of heat-extracted antigens with trypsin, pronase E or proteinase K did not destroy antigenic activity or alter the molecular weight. On the other hand, potassium metaperiodate treatment led to a significant decrease of both. Chlamydial cell wall antigens extracted by heat treatment and purified by affinity chromatography were used as ELISA-antigen. Using this ELISA and the complement fixation test (CFT), a total of 576 bovine sera was tested. 92 of these sera reacted positively in the ELISA and only 13 in the CFT. In addition, the prepared ELISA was compared with a commercial ELISA. 12 out of 15 sera tested were positive when using the ELISA described and 10 were positive when using the commercial ELISA.
In this study the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver of a fast growing, meat-type... more In this study the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver of a fast growing, meat-type turkey line (British United turkeys BUT Big 6, n = 25) and a wild-type turkey line (Wild Canadian turkey, n = 48) were compared at the age of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 wk. Because the growth plates of long bones were still detectable in the 20-week-old wild-type turkeys, indicating immaturity, a group of 8 wild-type turkeys at the age of 24 wk was included in the original scope of the study. Over the term of the study, the body and liver weights of birds from the meat-type turkey line increased at a faster rate than those of the wildtype turkey line. However, the relative liver weight of the meat-type turkeys declined (from 2.7 to 0.9%) to a greater extent than that of the wild-type turkeys (from 2.8 to 1.9%), suggesting a mismatch in development between muscle weights and liver weights of the meat-type turkeys. Signs of high levels of fat storage in the liver were detected in both lines but were greater in the wild-type turkey line, suggesting a better feed conversion by the extreme-genotype birds i.e., meat-type birds. For the first time, this study presents morphologic data on the structure and arrangement of the lymphatic tissue within the healthy turkey liver, describing two different types of lymphatic aggregations within the liver parenchyma, i.e., aggregations with and without fibrous capsules. Despite differences during development, both adult meat-type and adult wild-type turkeys had similar numbers of lymphatic aggregations.
Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift
Die Histomonose wird durch den protozooischen Parasiten Histomonas (H.) meleagridis verursacht un... more Die Histomonose wird durch den protozooischen Parasiten Histomonas (H.) meleagridis verursacht und führt bei Puten zu einer schweren Erkrankung mit hoher Mortalität. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das wiederholte Auftreten von Histomonose in einem Putenelterntierbetrieb beschrieben. Der erste Ausbruch trat im Jahr 2005 bei 17 Wochen alten Hennen und der zweite im Jahr 2009 bei 8 Wochen alten Hennen auf. Die Ausbrüche blieben auf einzelne Ställe bzw. ein durch Bauzaun aus Drahtgitterelementen abgetrenntes Stallabteil beschränkt. Die Mortalität stieg innerhalb weniger Tage auf 26 bzw. 65 % an, sodass die Tiere der betroffenen Ställe trotz Therapieversuchen mit verschiedenen Wirkstoffen, die keinen Erfolg zeigten, getötet wurden. Die nachgewiesenen H. meleagridis gehörten in beiden Fällen dem Genotyp A an. Die Quelle des Eintrags blieb in beiden Fällen unklar.
Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift
High prevalence of leg disorders in fattening meat turkey farm was observed. Four birds as well a... more High prevalence of leg disorders in fattening meat turkey farm was observed. Four birds as well as tracheal and joint swabs were submitted to the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority in Oberschleissheim and to the Institute of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Free University of Berlin. At the post-mortem, all birds showed an inflammation of the hock joints (intertarsal joint). The histopatholical investigations revealed a chronic inflammation of the joint and amyloid deposits in the joints in two cases as well as in different tissues (liver, spleen and kidneys) in another two cases. Using polymerase chain reaction, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale-DNA could be detected in the examined tracheal and joint swabs. On the other hand, Mycoplasma gallisepticum- and Mycoplasma synoviae-DNA could not be detected. A causal correlation between the detected infectious agent and amyloidosis in relation to the leg disorders were discussed.
ZusammenfassungAus Gründen der Praktikabilität kann auf eine orale Medikation von Antibiotika zur... more ZusammenfassungAus Gründen der Praktikabilität kann auf eine orale Medikation von Antibiotika zur Behandlung bakterieller Erkrankungen in Geflügelbeständen nicht verzichtet werden. Die Verabreichung von Antibiotika über das Futter oder das Trinkwasser ist jedoch mit vielen Problemen behaftet, wie Unterdosierung und Kontamination der Stalleinrichtungen, die eine Selektion von Antibiotikaresistenzen begünstigen. Auch die eingeschränkte Verfügbarkeit zugelassener Arzneimittel für verschiedene Spezies des Wirtschaftsgeflügels erschwert die Therapie bakterieller Erkrankungen in der Geflügelpraxis. Dieser Beitrag soll einen Überblick über die Probleme im Praxisalltag und mögliche Lösungsansätze geben.
Der Arbeitskreis „Antibiotikaresistenz“ der Deutschen Veterinarmedizinischen Gesellschaft e. V. h... more Der Arbeitskreis „Antibiotikaresistenz“ der Deutschen Veterinarmedizinischen Gesellschaft e. V. hat unter dem Thema „Anwendung von Antibiotika bei Kleintieren“ verschiedene Aspekte dieses Themenkomplexes naher beleuchtet. In einer Einleitung wird die Rolle von Kleintieren in Deutschland aus einer statistischen Sichtweise beschrieben. Anschliesend werden zunachst die arzneimittelrechtlichen Vorgaben und Leitlinien erlautert, die den rechtlichen Rahmen fur den Einsatz antimikrobieller Wirkstoffe bei Kleintieren darstellen. Die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der wichtigsten fur Hund und Katze zugelassenen Wirkstoffe werden in einer Ubersicht dargestellt und beschrieben. Diese stellen eine wesentliche Grundlage fur die Auswahl des im Einzelfall einzusetzenden Antibiotikums dar. Die neuesten Daten aus dem Nationalen Resistenzmonitoringprogramm GERM-Vet geben wichtige Informationen zur Empfindlichkeitslage der an Infektionsprozessen von Hunden und Katzen beteiligten bakteriellen Erreger ...
Introduction: Nowadays the more accepted surgical option for treating early breast cancer is brea... more Introduction: Nowadays the more accepted surgical option for treating early breast cancer is breast conserving surgery. The main challenge in this type of surgery is to get free safety margins without need of second surgical operation, so many breast surgeons have started to depend on intraoperative frozen sections to ensure free safety margins. Aim of work: To assess our policy that we prefer to depend on intraoperative frozen section analysis to get free safety margin in breast conserving surgery from the 1st surgery, and its oncologic outcome. Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in Oncology Center—Mansoura University (OCMU), where the data of 219 patients with breast cancer, who were managed by breast conserving surgery with intraoperative frozen section analysis of the safety margins, was analyzed. Results: The intraoperative frozen section analysis of safety margin was negative from the start in 183 (83.6%) patients, while it was positive in 36 patient...
Infectious diseases in captive pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) are well known, but there is a lac... more Infectious diseases in captive pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) are well known, but there is a lack of knowledge about occurrence and distribution of pathogens in free-ranging pheasants in Germany. We investigated 604 sera from hunted pheasants and 152 sera from wild caught pheasants between 2011 to 2015, with the aim to determine the prevalence of specific antibodies against different viruses: Avian influenza virus (AIV) of subtypes H5, H7, H9, paramyxovirus type 1 (PMV-1), avian encephalomyelitis virus (AEV), infectious bursitis disease virus (IBDV), infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV), avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) and Salmonella sp., Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) and Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG). In addition, 178 caeca were investigated for Histomonas meleagridis. The study reveals an ongoing circulation of IBV in the wild pheasant population during the study. Also high seroprevalences of specific antibodies against aMPV depending on the area a...
Background: Human epidermal growth factors receptors such as EGFR and HER2 play an important role... more Background: Human epidermal growth factors receptors such as EGFR and HER2 play an important role in tumorigenesis and are used as therapeutic targets. Their role in aggressive primary ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) is controversial. Aim: To study the expression of EGFR and HER2 in ovarian HGSC, to correlate their expression with other clinicopathological parameters and to study their prognostic value. Methods: Imunohistochemical staining of EGFR, HER2 and Ki-67 was done for 54 ovarian HGSC specimens. According to the used scoring methods, the expression of EGFR and HER2 was classified as high or low. Results: High expression of EGFR and HER2 was found in a minority of specimens; 39% and 15%, respectively. None of the studied clinicopathological parameters correlated significantly with the expression of EGFR and HER2, except for the carcinoembryonic antigen level which correlated positively with HER2 expression. Disease-free survival of patients did not differ significantly according to the level of expression of EGFR and HER2 (p =0.684 and 0.186, respectively). Similarly, overall survival did not differ significantly (p =0.911 and 0.346, respectively). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the prognostic value of EGFR and HER2 in ovarian HGSC is questionable.
The avian pathogen Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) has been implied in the etiology of poul... more The avian pathogen Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) has been implied in the etiology of poultry respiratory disease in recent years. To evaluate whether Whatman® Flinders Technology Associates (FTA®) cards can be used for hazard-free transport and storage of ORT samples for posterior DNA amplification, a controlled assay was performed. Three 10-fold dilutions of an ORT culture suspension were spotted on FTA cards and stored at room temperature (RT) for 6 mo. Sterile swabs were immersed in the same three 10-fold culture dilutions and stored at RT and 4 and -20 C without storage medium for the same time. DNA was extracted from both the FTA cards and swabs 1 day, 1 and 6 wk, and 6 mo following sample preparation and stored at -20 C. At the end of the experiment, real-time PCR amplification of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was performed from DNA extracted throughout a 6-mo period from all ORT samples stored on both FTA cards and swabs. The obtained threshold cycle values for each ORT DNA extraction date were within the same range for all samples in a dilution-dependent fashion, regardless of storage temperature or used material. Pure ORT colonies could be reisolated 1 day after sample preparation from the swab dilutions stored at all temperatures but not from the FTA cards. We conclude that the efficiency of ORT DNA amplification from samples stored on FTA cards or in swabs is similar. However, FTA cards have the advantage of preventing microorganism growth, thus allowing safe transport and storage, for at least 6 mo, for bacterial dilutions down to at least 104-105 colony-forming units/ml.
Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute, 2020
Background Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis and is the most co... more Background Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis and is the most common form of thyroid inflammatory diseases. The association of HT with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has been described. PTC is the most common form of malignancy associated with HT. When papillary carcinoma develops on top of Hashimoto thyroiditis, the disease tends to be less aggressive and lymph node and extra-thyroidal invasion are infrequent. Results We retrospectively examined the pathological features of our patients who were diagnosed with concomitant HT and thyroid cancer. In Egyptian patients, PTC was the main type of malignancy associated with HT (96.2%) and was often multifocal (46.2%). In contrast to the published literature, lymph node invasion and extra-thyroidal extension were as frequent in association with HT as in other cancer cohorts. We also observed the frequent occurrence of Hürthle cell metaplasia (23.1%) and the appreciable incidence of aggressive histologica...
wo field experiments were conducted to study the effect of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seed o... more wo field experiments were conducted to study the effect of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) seed oil and seed cake on cucumber productivity (Prince cv.) and associated microorganisms. Seed cake was applied as soil addition before transplanting at rates of 0, 5, and 10 g per plant, while seed oil in 0, 0.5, 1and 1.5% solutions was applied as foliar application three times every 10 days beginning within 30 days of transplanting. Plants receiving the highest levels of seed cake (10 g) and seed oil (1.5%) showed high density of total bacterial counts; Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus megaterium, and high rates of CO 2 evolution. However, the same treatments gave the lowest density of total fungal counts, including some pathogenic fungi (Fusarium, Rhizopus and Aspergillus niger). Both soil amendment and foliar application improved the growth characters of the cucumber, including the percentage of stand, the number of branches, plant height, the number of flowers and total chlorophyll as well as, the yield and fruit size.
The purification of cell wall antigens of Chlamydia psittaci by affinity chromatography on polymy... more The purification of cell wall antigens of Chlamydia psittaci by affinity chromatography on polymyxin B agarose is described. Chlamydial cell wall antigens were prepared using different methods: heat treatment, ultrasonication and sodium deoxycholate treatment. The antigens were subsequently purified by gel chromatography. The highest amount of cell wall antigens was obtained by heat treatment of the chlamydiae at 90 degrees C and pH 8.5. The purified antigens showed molecular weights of 450 kDa to 700 kDa. Treatment of heat-extracted antigens with trypsin, pronase E or proteinase K did not destroy antigenic activity or alter the molecular weight. On the other hand, potassium metaperiodate treatment led to a significant decrease of both. Chlamydial cell wall antigens extracted by heat treatment and purified by affinity chromatography were used as ELISA-antigen. Using this ELISA and the complement fixation test (CFT), a total of 576 bovine sera was tested. 92 of these sera reacted positively in the ELISA and only 13 in the CFT. In addition, the prepared ELISA was compared with a commercial ELISA. 12 out of 15 sera tested were positive when using the ELISA described and 10 were positive when using the commercial ELISA.
In this study the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver of a fast growing, meat-type... more In this study the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver of a fast growing, meat-type turkey line (British United turkeys BUT Big 6, n = 25) and a wild-type turkey line (Wild Canadian turkey, n = 48) were compared at the age of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 wk. Because the growth plates of long bones were still detectable in the 20-week-old wild-type turkeys, indicating immaturity, a group of 8 wild-type turkeys at the age of 24 wk was included in the original scope of the study. Over the term of the study, the body and liver weights of birds from the meat-type turkey line increased at a faster rate than those of the wildtype turkey line. However, the relative liver weight of the meat-type turkeys declined (from 2.7 to 0.9%) to a greater extent than that of the wild-type turkeys (from 2.8 to 1.9%), suggesting a mismatch in development between muscle weights and liver weights of the meat-type turkeys. Signs of high levels of fat storage in the liver were detected in both lines but were greater in the wild-type turkey line, suggesting a better feed conversion by the extreme-genotype birds i.e., meat-type birds. For the first time, this study presents morphologic data on the structure and arrangement of the lymphatic tissue within the healthy turkey liver, describing two different types of lymphatic aggregations within the liver parenchyma, i.e., aggregations with and without fibrous capsules. Despite differences during development, both adult meat-type and adult wild-type turkeys had similar numbers of lymphatic aggregations.
Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift
Die Histomonose wird durch den protozooischen Parasiten Histomonas (H.) meleagridis verursacht un... more Die Histomonose wird durch den protozooischen Parasiten Histomonas (H.) meleagridis verursacht und führt bei Puten zu einer schweren Erkrankung mit hoher Mortalität. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das wiederholte Auftreten von Histomonose in einem Putenelterntierbetrieb beschrieben. Der erste Ausbruch trat im Jahr 2005 bei 17 Wochen alten Hennen und der zweite im Jahr 2009 bei 8 Wochen alten Hennen auf. Die Ausbrüche blieben auf einzelne Ställe bzw. ein durch Bauzaun aus Drahtgitterelementen abgetrenntes Stallabteil beschränkt. Die Mortalität stieg innerhalb weniger Tage auf 26 bzw. 65 % an, sodass die Tiere der betroffenen Ställe trotz Therapieversuchen mit verschiedenen Wirkstoffen, die keinen Erfolg zeigten, getötet wurden. Die nachgewiesenen H. meleagridis gehörten in beiden Fällen dem Genotyp A an. Die Quelle des Eintrags blieb in beiden Fällen unklar.
Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift
High prevalence of leg disorders in fattening meat turkey farm was observed. Four birds as well a... more High prevalence of leg disorders in fattening meat turkey farm was observed. Four birds as well as tracheal and joint swabs were submitted to the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority in Oberschleissheim and to the Institute of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Free University of Berlin. At the post-mortem, all birds showed an inflammation of the hock joints (intertarsal joint). The histopatholical investigations revealed a chronic inflammation of the joint and amyloid deposits in the joints in two cases as well as in different tissues (liver, spleen and kidneys) in another two cases. Using polymerase chain reaction, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale-DNA could be detected in the examined tracheal and joint swabs. On the other hand, Mycoplasma gallisepticum- and Mycoplasma synoviae-DNA could not be detected. A causal correlation between the detected infectious agent and amyloidosis in relation to the leg disorders were discussed.
Papers by Mohamed Hafez