-Les tératomes buccaux sont rares. Ils peuvent engager le pronostic vital dès la naissance par dé... more -Les tératomes buccaux sont rares. Ils peuvent engager le pronostic vital dès la naissance par détresse respiratoire quand ils sont volumineux. De petite taille, ils ont un retentissement fonctionnel et entrainent des malformations craniofaciales d'origine mécanique. Le diagnostic anténatal et le traitement précoce améliorent le pronostic. Nous rapportons un cas original avec un tératome de la cavité buccale à double localisation : nasopharynx et plancher buccal.
ABSTRACT Qu’avez-vous retenu de cet article ? Testez si vous avez assimilé les points importants ... more ABSTRACT Qu’avez-vous retenu de cet article ? Testez si vous avez assimilé les points importants de cet article en répondant à ce questionnaire sous forme de QCM.
-L'ostéosarcome est une tumeur conjonctive maligne caractérisée par l'élaboration d'os ou de subs... more -L'ostéosarcome est une tumeur conjonctive maligne caractérisée par l'élaboration d'os ou de substance ostéoïde ayant un aspect tumoral malin. Il s'agit d'une tumeur maligne primitive qui touche rarement les maxillaires. L'ostéosarcome maxillo-mandibulaire est différent par ses aspects cliniques et histologiques. L'évolution est souvent grave en raison du potentiel agressif, du diagnostic souvent tardif et des difficultés rencontrées pour le traitement. La symptomatologie est comparable à celle des autres tumeurs. Radiologiquement, il se traduit par une image lytique, donnant parfois une image en feu d'herbes. L'aspect histologique n'est pas toujours spécifique. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical. Le pronostic de l'ostéosarcome reste sombre et dépend de plusieurs facteurs.
To report on the value of imaging in the diagnosis and assessment of aneurysmal cyst of the ethmo... more To report on the value of imaging in the diagnosis and assessment of aneurysmal cyst of the ethmoid bone. A 12-year-old girl with a stuffy nose, revealing an aneurysmal bone cyst of the ethmoid, explored by CT, MRI, who had a preoperative arteriography with embolization. Aneurysmal bone cyst is a benign bone lesion which rarely involves the facial bones. Imaging plays an important role in the diagnostic approach, the assessment of the lesions, and the treatment using the techniques of interventional radiology.
Annales d'Otolaryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale, 2009
Through a novel observation of parathyroid adenoma revealed by brown tumors of the jaws and a rev... more Through a novel observation of parathyroid adenoma revealed by brown tumors of the jaws and a review of the literature, the authors describe this rare mode of primary hyperparathyroidism discovery. The patient was a 23-year-old woman who consulted for a recurrent tumefaction of the maxillary; histology showed reparative giant cell granuloma. The clinical examination found an osseous tumefaction in continuity with the zygomatic bone and a gingival tumefaction on the mandible symphysis. The radiological findings showed two osteophytic lesions: mandibular and maxillary. The phosphocalcic metabolism was disturbed and the parathormone rate was high. The etiologic search consisted of a MRI of the neck, which showed a mass behind the thyroid gland, suggesting a parathyroid adenoma. The diagnosis was confirmed at surgical exploration. After removal of this tumor, the blood calcium rate dropped sharply and the bone tumefaction progressively regressed. Brown tumors are a rare mode of parathyroid adenoma discovery, and the jaw location is exceptional. The diagnosis is based on the parathormone rate, and radiological exams generally find the etiology. Treatment is based on surgery of the parathyroid adenoma.
Annales d'Otolaryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale, 2009
To report a case of papillary adenocarcinoma occurring on ectopic thyroid tissue in the hyoid bon... more To report a case of papillary adenocarcinoma occurring on ectopic thyroid tissue in the hyoid bone region. A 57-year-old patient consulted for a cervical mass appearing 1 year before, with no signs of compression. The thyroid function was normal. The examination showed a firm tumefaction, fixed on the hyoid bone, with undetermined limits, measuring approximately 8 cm. The thyroid gland was in the normal pretracheal position. The cervical tomodensitometry objectified an osteolytic process centered on the hyoid bone with a fleshy zone of tissue density and calcifications. Cervical MRI provided a more precise assessment of the extension of the mass and confirmed the integrity of the other structures, in particular the endo-larynx. The tumor was totally resected via a cervical approach. The pathologic study suggested a papillary adenocarcinoma on ectopic thyroid tissue. The treatment was completed by a total thyroidectomy with normal histological results. Papillary adenocarcinoma on ectopic thyroid is a very rare situation. Its diagnosis is histological. Its treatment is primarily surgical, sometimes associated with radioiodine I-131 therapy.
-Les tératomes buccaux sont rares. Ils peuvent engager le pronostic vital dès la naissance par dé... more -Les tératomes buccaux sont rares. Ils peuvent engager le pronostic vital dès la naissance par détresse respiratoire quand ils sont volumineux. De petite taille, ils ont un retentissement fonctionnel et entrainent des malformations craniofaciales d'origine mécanique. Le diagnostic anténatal et le traitement précoce améliorent le pronostic. Nous rapportons un cas original avec un tératome de la cavité buccale à double localisation : nasopharynx et plancher buccal.
ABSTRACT Qu’avez-vous retenu de cet article ? Testez si vous avez assimilé les points importants ... more ABSTRACT Qu’avez-vous retenu de cet article ? Testez si vous avez assimilé les points importants de cet article en répondant à ce questionnaire sous forme de QCM.
-L'ostéosarcome est une tumeur conjonctive maligne caractérisée par l'élaboration d'os ou de subs... more -L'ostéosarcome est une tumeur conjonctive maligne caractérisée par l'élaboration d'os ou de substance ostéoïde ayant un aspect tumoral malin. Il s'agit d'une tumeur maligne primitive qui touche rarement les maxillaires. L'ostéosarcome maxillo-mandibulaire est différent par ses aspects cliniques et histologiques. L'évolution est souvent grave en raison du potentiel agressif, du diagnostic souvent tardif et des difficultés rencontrées pour le traitement. La symptomatologie est comparable à celle des autres tumeurs. Radiologiquement, il se traduit par une image lytique, donnant parfois une image en feu d'herbes. L'aspect histologique n'est pas toujours spécifique. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical. Le pronostic de l'ostéosarcome reste sombre et dépend de plusieurs facteurs.
To report on the value of imaging in the diagnosis and assessment of aneurysmal cyst of the ethmo... more To report on the value of imaging in the diagnosis and assessment of aneurysmal cyst of the ethmoid bone. A 12-year-old girl with a stuffy nose, revealing an aneurysmal bone cyst of the ethmoid, explored by CT, MRI, who had a preoperative arteriography with embolization. Aneurysmal bone cyst is a benign bone lesion which rarely involves the facial bones. Imaging plays an important role in the diagnostic approach, the assessment of the lesions, and the treatment using the techniques of interventional radiology.
Annales d'Otolaryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale, 2009
Through a novel observation of parathyroid adenoma revealed by brown tumors of the jaws and a rev... more Through a novel observation of parathyroid adenoma revealed by brown tumors of the jaws and a review of the literature, the authors describe this rare mode of primary hyperparathyroidism discovery. The patient was a 23-year-old woman who consulted for a recurrent tumefaction of the maxillary; histology showed reparative giant cell granuloma. The clinical examination found an osseous tumefaction in continuity with the zygomatic bone and a gingival tumefaction on the mandible symphysis. The radiological findings showed two osteophytic lesions: mandibular and maxillary. The phosphocalcic metabolism was disturbed and the parathormone rate was high. The etiologic search consisted of a MRI of the neck, which showed a mass behind the thyroid gland, suggesting a parathyroid adenoma. The diagnosis was confirmed at surgical exploration. After removal of this tumor, the blood calcium rate dropped sharply and the bone tumefaction progressively regressed. Brown tumors are a rare mode of parathyroid adenoma discovery, and the jaw location is exceptional. The diagnosis is based on the parathormone rate, and radiological exams generally find the etiology. Treatment is based on surgery of the parathyroid adenoma.
Annales d'Otolaryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale, 2009
To report a case of papillary adenocarcinoma occurring on ectopic thyroid tissue in the hyoid bon... more To report a case of papillary adenocarcinoma occurring on ectopic thyroid tissue in the hyoid bone region. A 57-year-old patient consulted for a cervical mass appearing 1 year before, with no signs of compression. The thyroid function was normal. The examination showed a firm tumefaction, fixed on the hyoid bone, with undetermined limits, measuring approximately 8 cm. The thyroid gland was in the normal pretracheal position. The cervical tomodensitometry objectified an osteolytic process centered on the hyoid bone with a fleshy zone of tissue density and calcifications. Cervical MRI provided a more precise assessment of the extension of the mass and confirmed the integrity of the other structures, in particular the endo-larynx. The tumor was totally resected via a cervical approach. The pathologic study suggested a papillary adenocarcinoma on ectopic thyroid tissue. The treatment was completed by a total thyroidectomy with normal histological results. Papillary adenocarcinoma on ectopic thyroid is a very rare situation. Its diagnosis is histological. Its treatment is primarily surgical, sometimes associated with radioiodine I-131 therapy.
Papers by Misk Meziane