Papers by Mirosław Gerigk
The paper contains the preliminary results of the research connected with development of a small ... more The paper contains the preliminary results of the research connected with development of a small unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle. First of all a general description of research is introduced. Next, a concept of a vehicle is presented. Then, a brief description of a research method is given. Next, the current research problems under way are introduced. They concern the ballasting, motion and precise position stabilization system of the vehicle. Finally, some practical remarks and conclusions are given.
Logistyka, 2015
W artykule przedstawiono glowne problemy związane z opracowaniem koncepcji nowej generacji szybki... more W artykule przedstawiono glowne problemy związane z opracowaniem koncepcji nowej generacji szybkich bezzalogowych obiektow wodnych poruszających sie na granicy wody i powietrza w roznych warunkach operacyjnych, w tym stanow zaladowania. Przedstawiono problemy związane z modelowaniem ruchu tych obiektow oraz oceną ich zachowania sie w roznych fazach ruchu. W artykule opisano koncepcje wybranego obiektu, w tym jego ksztalt i podzial przestrzenny. Przedstawiono problem badawczy, metode badan i zadania badacze związane z badaniami, projektowaniem i budową demonstratora technologii. Przedstawiono podstawowe problemy związane z modelowaniem ryzyka wypadku i oceną bezpieczenstwa obiektu. W koncowej cześci pracy przedstawiono procedure projektowania szybkich bezzalogowych obiektow wodnych poruszających sie na granicy wody i powietrza. Informacje zawarte w artykule związane są z badaniami ukierunkowanymi na opracowanie dokumentacji technicznej i budowe demonstratora technologii. Prace prowadzone są na Politechnice Gdanskiej.
Polish Maritime Research, 2004
Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Transport, 2007
Archiwum Motoryzacji, 2012
The paper presents a method of computational and experimental analysis of the process of water en... more The paper presents a method of computational and experimental analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle. The computational method is based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE) solver and the experiment was carried out in the towing tank at Ship Design and Research Centre S.A. with the use of a scale model. The analysis was focused on the safety of water entry, i.e. the maximum pitch and roll angles, the maximum acceleration, as well as the occurrence and degree of flooding of bonnet and windscreen. Both the computations and the experiment have revealed that in the case of free water entry, i.e. without braking, the water covers the windscreen even at a moderate slope of the beach (10°); however, if braking of the wheels during the water entry process were possible, the flooding of the bonnet and windscreen could be avoided even at a steep slope (30°).
Journal of Polish CIMAC, 2014
The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive ... more The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive method of safety as-sessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation is the quantitative risk assess-ment. The matrix type risk model has been applied for estimation the riskand the measure of safety of ships level is based on the risk acceptance criteria from the risk matrix. After the risk assessment the method may be used for the safety management purposes using the risk control options.
W pracy omowiono metody oceny bezpieczenstwa statkow w stanie uszkodzonym w warunkach operacyjnyc... more W pracy omowiono metody oceny bezpieczenstwa statkow w stanie uszkodzonym w warunkach operacyjnych. Przedstawiono proponowana metode oceny bezpieczenstwa statku w stanie uszkodzonym opartą na ocenie zachowania sie statku i ocenie ryzyka. Opisano calościowy, macierzowy model ryzyka wypadku. Podano informacje na temat zastosowania proponowanej metody do oceny bezpieczenstwa uszkodzonego statku w czasie katastrofy na morzu.
The paper concerns the safety of ships in abnormal/damage conditions. Some conclusions following ... more The paper concerns the safety of ships in abnormal/damage conditions. Some conclusions following from the research associated with development of a method for safety assessment of ships in abnormal/damage conditions is presented in the paper. The method called SSAMADC (Ship Safety Assessment Method in Abnormal/Damage Conditions) is a risk-based method and is connected with application of the quantitative risk assessment QRA approach. The method is an alternative method of safety assessment of ships in abnormal/damage conditions in comparison with the method included within the SOLAS 2009 regulations. The aim of the research is to work out a proposal of an alternative method of safety assessment of ships in damaged conditions. There is a lack of such the method for the certain type of ships.
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2019
The paper presents some results on investigations concerning development of a hybrid model for as... more The paper presents some results on investigations concerning development of a hybrid model for assessment of performance of the ro-ro ships in damaged conditions. The model is devoted towards assessing the performance of the damaged ro-ro ships at the preliminary stage of design. The key problems associated with preparing of such the model are associated with working out a method of assessment of the damaged roro ships performance, investigating all the phenomena which associated with the flooding process of the damaged ro-ro ships and preparing the model itself. Introducing the method of assessment of the damaged roro ships performance it has been assumed that there is a dependence between the arrangement of internal spaces of a ro-ro ship and flooding process. The major phenomena which have been decided to take into account when considering flooding of the ro-ro ships are the flooding understood as the flow of external water into the data damaged compartment, impact of the flooding water on the ship structure and damaged ro-ro ship motion. Knowing the damaged ro-ro ship motion characteristics in time domain it is relatively easy to assess the damaged ro-ro ship performance according to the heeling angle and assess the ro-ro ship design according to the data arrangement of internal spaces. The last research issue is to investigate if the proposed model may be appropriate tool for assessing the performance of the ro-ro ships in damaged conditions at the preliminary stage of design. The aim of this paper is to show how to incorporate the dynamics of the damaged ro-ro ships when assessing the ship performance and safety at the preliminary stage of design. The basic information on the model for estimation of the damaged ro-ro ship behavior during the flooding process is presented. The complexity of this model is shown depending on the approach applied to consider the flooding process itself. The model is devoted towards assessment of performance of the damaged ro-ro ships and it is still under the development according to a Ph.D. research at the
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2016
Bezpieczeństwo transportu morskiego, bezpieczeństwo statków, ocena ryzyka wypadku, ryzyko nieprze... more Bezpieczeństwo transportu morskiego, bezpieczeństwo statków, ocena ryzyka wypadku, ryzyko nieprzetrwania kolizji przez statek. Recenzent: Stanisław GUCMA The assessment of the safety of a ship in damaged conditions during a catastrophe at sea Key words Safety of seaborne transportation, safety of ships, risk analysis and risk assessment of accident, risk of not surviving a collision by a ship.
TASK Quarterly : scientific bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, 1999
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Sep 20, 1999
The paper presents some results of investigations regarding the development of a method for ships... more The paper presents some results of investigations regarding the development of a method for ships safety estimation in critical conditions. The objectives of investigations are briefly described including the method introduction. Special attention is paid towards application of the direct and indirect methods. Four modules of the computational model are presented including those connected with the ship/environment definition, hazard identification, hazard and risk assessment. Then, the hazard and risk assessment modules are used to show an application. A simplified cargo type ship is defined to demonstrate how the computational model can enable the risk assessment to be done for the given initiating event and scenario development (it follows from the assumed scenario of flooding the watertight compartments). The risk assessment results can be used by both the risk reduction and risk management procedures. The preliminary practical remarks regarding the ships safety estimation in critical conditions using the presented method and computational model are given.
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 2015
The contemporary tasks of navy ships require to apply more and more advanced multi-task ships. De... more The contemporary tasks of navy ships require to apply more and more advanced multi-task ships. Despite of the size the multi-task ships are the platforms for the flying drones and unmanned waterborne vehicles. The unmanned maritime vehicles may be the remote operated vehicles and
Abstract: Traditional procedural approaches to computer aided ship design usually combine design ... more Abstract: Traditional procedural approaches to computer aided ship design usually combine design knowledge and processing information in such a manner that incremental advances in design expertise are rather cumbersome to incorporate without extensive re-...
Papers by Mirosław Gerigk