Papers by Minushree Pattnaik
Bigotry in any form is a state of intense mental, intellectual, spiritual deprivation. The paper ... more Bigotry in any form is a state of intense mental, intellectual, spiritual deprivation. The paper focuses on police racism, social injustice, isolation and prevention of Civil Rights to minorities’. The paper aims at exploring how the culture of white racism, approves systemic racism and on the effectiveness of activism ‘Just Us for Justice’ in reforming the culture of police racism. The paper is on Angie Thomas work The Hate U Give (2017), which is about poverty, racism and police brutality. The young person is murdered during a roadside check-up by the young white officer as he supposed the black teen precarious. County officer’s deadly shot, in questionable situation raises anger among communities. The paper explores how and why Just Us for Justice combined with engaged resident activism, creatively and effectively engaged in organizing efforts to oppose police racism.

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2020
One of the political theory ever formulated was The Communist Manifesto by Marx was an epoch-maki... more One of the political theory ever formulated was The Communist Manifesto by Marx was an epoch-making philosophy that was presented before us; a war of class and materialism. The theory changed the dynamics of the 20th century. Marx gives an account of communism where they visualize a society devoid of class, state, and property that envisaged the theory of capitalism which has a huge impact on the life of million of which the genesis is the modernism. Marx crucial remarks "it is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social existence that determines their consciousness". There had been constant conflict between classes when it comes to marginalized. The question arises if there is any aesthetic of the marginalized or the oppressed that lived in the slum area. Not a single play from 1900-1920 was based on the life of marginalized. Marx as a philosopher believes that a human defines himself/herself through his consciousness and t...

International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2019
Dictionary compiling is one of the most challenging tasks for Lexicographers. They have to focus ... more Dictionary compiling is one of the most challenging tasks for Lexicographers. They have to focus on both logical and lexical semantics during the process of compiling the dictionary. The logical semantics includes sense, reference, presupposition and implication side of language whereas lexical semantics includes analysis of word meanings and relations between them. A good lexicographer strives to create a balance between logical and lexical semantics in order to compile a dictionary. The intensity of the challenge is mild in the case of monolingual dictionary but it shoots up when we have to compile a bilingual/trilingual dictionary. The reason behind this is that the differences in socio-cultural background come into the picture. The meaning of a word may differ because it varies from context to context, hence just jotting down literal meanings while compiling the dictionary may not solve the purpose. If we want to popularise tribal language then we have to produce a bilingual dictionary which will include English language. Compiling a dictionary from tribal language to English is a challenge because English is not the native language of the tribal community and in maximum cases the translator and lexicographer both are neither native speakers of that particular tribal language nor English. It is true that tribal language to English dictionary has been compiled but the credibility is at stake.
Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men, 2018
Papers by Minushree Pattnaik