The performance of the Bombardier TTS/Pittsburgh Signalling group has been evaluated twice: first... more The performance of the Bombardier TTS/Pittsburgh Signalling group has been evaluated twice: first in November 2003 and again in January 2006. The 2003 evaluation established a baseline for the evaluation of progress made in 2006. During those visits, the same evaluation method was used to evaluate project performance and organizational change management, i.e. the people issues. Since 2003, there has been substantial improvement in both process maturity level and process performance. This experience report, at Bombardier Transportation, illustrates that process performance improvements are achievable when two key factors are involved, namely: a link between business goals and process improvement activities, and a sponsor committing the right level of resources to the improvement program. This paper explains the multi-dimensional methodology used to perform the evaluations, as well as the business goals and the quantitative performance improvements achieved since 2003.
On présente ici l’analyse et l’amélioration des définitions de rôles et également l’identificatio... more On présente ici l’analyse et l’amélioration des définitions de rôles et également l’identification des responsabilités appropriées, des connaissances, et des habilités requises pour chaque rôle d’une équipe de développement de logiciels. Le concept de rôle renvoie à un ensemble de responsabilités définies qui pourraient être assumées par une personne ou par les membres de l’équipe de développement qui sont supposées inte rvenir dans le processus d’ingé n i e rie logicielle. Durant un pro j et, les membres de l’équipe peuvent jouer diffé rents rôles. L’ a n a lyse des définitions de rôles est basée sur la norme IEEE/EIA 12207. 0 -Technologie de l’information - Processus de cycle de vie logiciel, le processus unifié de la société IBM Rational Software, le processus d’ingénierie logicielle de la société Bombardier Transport et le Guide du corpus de connaissances en génie logiciel (SW EBOK), IEEE/IEA 12207.
In this paper, we present the application of a set of software engineering roles. Role definition... more In this paper, we present the application of a set of software engineering roles. Role definitions were developed using internationally recognized software engineering reference documents for a major railway development organization: Bombardier Transportation. The description of the Software Architect role is explained. This paper will also illustrate how the role set could be used for project-specific needs during a typical project planning and launch session.
In this paper, we present the results of a project conducted to analyze the coverage of the roles... more In this paper, we present the results of a project conducted to analyze the coverage of the roles within the Bombardier Engineering System (BES) Software Engineering (SWE) process definition and subsequently improve the role definitions. This is the common software engineering process definition of Bombardier's Transportation division. Role definitions were analyzed using three internationally recognized software engineering reference documents: the Rational Unified Process (RUP) ,IEEE/EIA Standard 12207.0-1996, and the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide). 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to present a project, described in greater detail in [4], conducted to analyze and improve the role definitions within the Bombardier Engineering System-Software Engineering (BES SWE) process definition. The BES SWE is the common software engineering process definition of Bombardier's Transportation division, in which each role definition specifies the purpose of the role, identifies the core responsibilities assumed by the role, and the hard and soft skills needed to perform the role. Created in 1974 to provide subway wagons for the Montreal Transit Authority, Bombardier Transportation grew rapidly through acquisitions to become the world largest manufacturer of rail material for moving people. Recently, the company created a number of corporate Centres of Competence in various engineering specialties. The software engineering Centre of Competence, located just outside Montreal, is where this project was conducted. An important portion of the software produced or integrated by Bombardier Transportation is "safety or mission critical software". An erratic behavior of the control system activating brakes on a train, for example, could have potentially catastrophic consequences. In this context, the definition and usage of mature software engineering processes and practices is imperative. Precise role definitions are also essential to ensure that responsibilities to be assumed and activities to be performed are well understood by everyone, as are the hard and soft skills necessary to perform each role. This is especially true when software engineering projects are conducted across many international sites. The notion of the role is a core concept in the BES SWE, as it is in all software engineering process definitions, as shown in Figure 1 (excerpted from [13]). Roles perform activities that produce and consume artifacts. Roles are also responsible for artifacts. Of course, the same role may be performed in a given project by many people, and, conversely, one person may perform many roles. At the outset of the project, the BES SWE included 24 roles, as listed in Table 1, divided into four categories.
The performance of the Bombardier TTS/Pittsburgh Signalling group has been evaluated twice: first... more The performance of the Bombardier TTS/Pittsburgh Signalling group has been evaluated twice: first in November 2003 and again in January 2006. The 2003 evaluation established a baseline for the evaluation of progress made in 2006. During those visits, the same evaluation method was used to evaluate project performance and organizational change management, i.e. the people issues. Since 2003, there has been substantial improvement in both process maturity level and process performance. This experience report, at Bombardier Transportation, illustrates that process performance improvements are achievable when two key factors are involved, namely: a link between business goals and process improvement activities, and a sponsor committing the right level of resources to the improvement program. This paper explains the multi-dimensional methodology used to perform the evaluations, as well as the business goals and the quantitative performance improvements achieved since 2003.
On présente ici l’analyse et l’amélioration des définitions de rôles et également l’identificatio... more On présente ici l’analyse et l’amélioration des définitions de rôles et également l’identification des responsabilités appropriées, des connaissances, et des habilités requises pour chaque rôle d’une équipe de développement de logiciels. Le concept de rôle renvoie à un ensemble de responsabilités définies qui pourraient être assumées par une personne ou par les membres de l’équipe de développement qui sont supposées inte rvenir dans le processus d’ingé n i e rie logicielle. Durant un pro j et, les membres de l’équipe peuvent jouer diffé rents rôles. L’ a n a lyse des définitions de rôles est basée sur la norme IEEE/EIA 12207. 0 -Technologie de l’information - Processus de cycle de vie logiciel, le processus unifié de la société IBM Rational Software, le processus d’ingénierie logicielle de la société Bombardier Transport et le Guide du corpus de connaissances en génie logiciel (SW EBOK), IEEE/IEA 12207.
In this paper, we present the application of a set of software engineering roles. Role definition... more In this paper, we present the application of a set of software engineering roles. Role definitions were developed using internationally recognized software engineering reference documents for a major railway development organization: Bombardier Transportation. The description of the Software Architect role is explained. This paper will also illustrate how the role set could be used for project-specific needs during a typical project planning and launch session.
In this paper, we present the results of a project conducted to analyze the coverage of the roles... more In this paper, we present the results of a project conducted to analyze the coverage of the roles within the Bombardier Engineering System (BES) Software Engineering (SWE) process definition and subsequently improve the role definitions. This is the common software engineering process definition of Bombardier's Transportation division. Role definitions were analyzed using three internationally recognized software engineering reference documents: the Rational Unified Process (RUP) ,IEEE/EIA Standard 12207.0-1996, and the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide). 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to present a project, described in greater detail in [4], conducted to analyze and improve the role definitions within the Bombardier Engineering System-Software Engineering (BES SWE) process definition. The BES SWE is the common software engineering process definition of Bombardier's Transportation division, in which each role definition specifies the purpose of the role, identifies the core responsibilities assumed by the role, and the hard and soft skills needed to perform the role. Created in 1974 to provide subway wagons for the Montreal Transit Authority, Bombardier Transportation grew rapidly through acquisitions to become the world largest manufacturer of rail material for moving people. Recently, the company created a number of corporate Centres of Competence in various engineering specialties. The software engineering Centre of Competence, located just outside Montreal, is where this project was conducted. An important portion of the software produced or integrated by Bombardier Transportation is "safety or mission critical software". An erratic behavior of the control system activating brakes on a train, for example, could have potentially catastrophic consequences. In this context, the definition and usage of mature software engineering processes and practices is imperative. Precise role definitions are also essential to ensure that responsibilities to be assumed and activities to be performed are well understood by everyone, as are the hard and soft skills necessary to perform each role. This is especially true when software engineering projects are conducted across many international sites. The notion of the role is a core concept in the BES SWE, as it is in all software engineering process definitions, as shown in Figure 1 (excerpted from [13]). Roles perform activities that produce and consume artifacts. Roles are also responsible for artifacts. Of course, the same role may be performed in a given project by many people, and, conversely, one person may perform many roles. At the outset of the project, the BES SWE included 24 roles, as listed in Table 1, divided into four categories.
Papers by Mikel doucet