Papers by Mike Amelia MKE
Kendala yang dihadapi seiring berjalannya waktu pada sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang man... more Kendala yang dihadapi seiring berjalannya waktu pada sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur akan mengalami peningkatan jumlah produksi, maka seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah barang yang disimpan dalam gudang pun menjadi lebih banyak, sehingga timbul permasalahan dalam bagian gudang yakni belum terintegrasinya aplikasi pengolah data dengan database, pencatatan data persediaan yang masih belum optimal seperti penyajian laporan yang belum secara otomatis, informasi yang kurang cepat dihasilkan sehingga menimbulkan keterlambatan distribusi barang ke bagian produksi dan terlambatnya pengontrolan data persediaan material. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dalam penelitian ini penulis mengusulkan untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut serta untuk mendukung kegiatan bagian persediaan perusahaan. Perancangan sistem informasi warehouse ini penulis menggunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak dengan menerapkan metode RAD (Rapid Application Development) yakni sebuah metode pengembangan perangkat lunak dengan waktu yang relative singkat dalam tahapnya, dalam tahap pengujian sistemnya penulis menggunakan metode blackbox testing untuk menguji kesesuaian fungsionalitas sistem serta dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan beberapa metode yaitu, observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa sistem informasi warehouse management system berbasis website yang dirancang dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi serta kebutuhan perusahaan yang dibutuhkan dan dapat mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi pada bagian warehouse perusahaan.
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2019
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2021
Modality Journal, Jun 30, 2021
Karena pandemic COVID-19 dan kebijakan pemerintah untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran daring, mahasis... more Karena pandemic COVID-19 dan kebijakan pemerintah untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran daring, mahasiswa merasa mendapatkan tantangan baru dalam perkuliahan termasuk dalam mata kuliah Essay Writing. Kurangnya interaksi secara tatap muka dan keterbatasan pembelajaran daring membuat perkuliahan Essay Writing tidak maksimal dilakukan untuk praktek menulis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi mahasiswa terkait penggunaan Google Docs dalam perkuliahan Essay Writing yang telah dilakukan dosen. Data dikumpulkan dari tiga belas mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Essay Writing melalaui penyebaran angket dan wawancara semi terstuktur. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan Google Docs untuk praktek menulis essai kolaborasi. Di samping itu, Google Docs juga membantu menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang kolaboratif karena platform ini mendukung interaksi dosen dengan mahasiswa, begitupun mahasiswa dengan mahasiswa. Penggunaan Google Docs juga memberikan manfaat pada ketersediaan umpan balik dari dosen kepada mahasiswa serta mereka dengan mudah dapat melihat materi kuliah pada platform tersebut.
Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni, Apr 15, 2018
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness (Predict, Locate, Add, and Note) Strateg... more The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness (Predict, Locate, Add, and Note) Strategy in Teaching Reading Descriptive text to Junior High School at SMP N 1 Bukit Sundi. used experiment research design that consist of two group the sample groups. They were: an experimental class that used Strategy and the other was control class, used discovery learning strategy. The population of this research were eight grade students of SMP N 1 Bukit Sundi that have learn descriptive text. The samples of this research were class VIII.E as experimental class (20 Students) and class VIII.D as control class (20 students. Instruments that used in collecting the data was reading test. The result of the research showed trategy gave possitive effect on students' reading sion of descriptive text. It could be seen from mean scores s' test at experimental class was higher than mean scores of ents' reading test at controll class. This strategy challenging activities and develops students' autonomy and made students' easier in comprehending desriptive text. PLAN, Reading, Descriptive Text Abstrak penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efektivitas (Predict, Locate, Add, Note) dalam pengajaran reading teks deskriptiv di SMP N 1 Bukit Sundi. Penelitian ini merupkan penelitian experimen yang terdiri dari dua kelas sampel. Kelas eriment menggunakan strategi PLAN dan kelas kontrol menggunakan access article distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
Linguistic, English education and art (LEEA) journal, Aug 5, 2021
This research aimed to look at the effect of inquiry based learning strategy on students' ability... more This research aimed to look at the effect of inquiry based learning strategy on students' ability to write a descriptive text. The method of this research was quasiexperiment. The population of this research was eighth-grade students of MTsN Kota Solok. The total population was 65 students. The research results show that the pre-test means score in experimental and control classes was 46,8 and 44,4. The mean score of post-test in the experimental class was 55 and control class 51,6. Students' ability in writing descriptive text analyzed by using t-test statistical which t calculated= 2,04 and t table (0,975: 38) = 2,02 with significant level t calculated > t table. In conclusion, the students who were taught using an Inquiry based learning strategy have better results in writing descriptive text than those who were taught without inquiry based learning.
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2019
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2018
JELL (Journal of English Language Learning), Jun 20, 2022
This study looked into the use of Indoglish as a Sociolinguistic Phenomenon by English Department... more This study looked into the use of Indoglish as a Sociolinguistic Phenomenon by English Department students of UMMY Solok. The indoglish utterances were collected using a descriptive qualitative approach in this study. The participants in this study were all English Department students in UMMY Solok's sociolinguistic class. The data for this study are snippets of speech gathered from the use of language in the sphere of daily education of students in the campus setting as a whole over the course of three months. Direct speech in everyday communication, which is supposed to contain the forms of 'Indoglish' is used to observe closely. Speech inducements are also used to collect data for this study. This method can be enhanced by recording directly or indirectly, publically or secretly. The interview will then proceed to describe the causes that led to the creation of Indoglish used by students. The study's findings suggest that 53 English words were recognized as Indoglish expressions from students' non-academic conversation. The data indicates that the likelihood of using Indoglish at the word level is higher than the likelihood of using phrases, clauses, or sentences. Meanwhile, the findings of the investigation revealed that this occurrence was caused by a number of variables. The majority of students utilize Indoglish in their conversations to build closeness, relaxed friendliness, and intimacy with their interlocutors, according to the findings. Second, the speaker is having trouble locating the correct term in Indonesia. Finally, this phenomena arose as a result of students' desire to improve their English language skills by employing Indoglish in regular discourse.
Many Studies in language learning have indicated that listening becomes one of neglected literacy... more Many Studies in language learning have indicated that listening becomes one of neglected literacy skill in learning English. This happen because it is the most difficult skill to teach. The purpose of the present article is to define the use of Balabolka as a current media which could help teacher in teaching listening in the classroom. Balabolka is one of an application that can be downloaded from internet, this program uses various versions of Microsoft Speech API (SAPI), it allows to alter voice's parameters including rate an pitch. The user can apply special substitution list to improve the quality of the voice's articulation. When an audio file is played with players on a computer or on modern digital audio players, the text is displayed synchronously (at the same way, as lyrics for songs). By utilizing this media, it can facilitate teachers to be creative in designing their teaching listening materials.
Simpatik: Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika
Teknologi berkembang sangat pesat disetiap aspek kehidupan. Salah satu pemanfaatan perkembangan t... more Teknologi berkembang sangat pesat disetiap aspek kehidupan. Salah satu pemanfaatan perkembangan teknologi yaitu dengan penggunaan sistem informasi. Pada penelitian ini , PT Kimberly-Clark Indonesia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada produk perawatan diri berbasis kertas. Produk Unggulannya adalah masker softties. Dalam proses produksinya masih terdapat beberapa permasalahan diantaranya dalam proses penginputan data baik dari hasil produksi maupun material yang digunakan sebagai penunjang berjalannya produksi yang masih harus diinput secara manual sehingga memakan waktu yang lama untuk merekap hasil produksi dan menyajikan laporan. Penelitian ini Merancang Sistem yang terkomputerisasi menggunakan model waterfall yangmampu memberikan kemudahan, efektifitas dan efisien dalam proses produksi baik pada proses penginputan data ataupun penyajian laporan.
Linguistic, English Education and Art (LEEA) Journal
This research aimed to look at the effect of inquiry based learning strategy on students’ ability... more This research aimed to look at the effect of inquiry based learning strategy on students’ ability to write a descriptive text. The method of this research was quasi-experiment. The population of this research was eighth-grade students of MTsN Kota Solok. The total population was 65 students. The research results show that the pre-test means score in experimental and control classes was 46,8 and 44,4. The mean score of post-test in the experimental class was 55 and control class 51,6. Students’ ability in writing descriptive text analyzed by using t-test statistical which t calculated= 2,04 and t table (0,975: 38) = 2,02 with significant level t calculated > t table. In conclusion, the students who were taught using an Inquiry based learning strategy have better results in writing descriptive text than those who were taught without inquiry based learning. Keywords: Descriptive text, Inquiry Based Learning, Writing
The aim of this research is to describe languange learning strategies used by skillfull students ... more The aim of this research is to describe languange learning strategies used by skillfull students to improve english skills:Speaking ,Writing, Reading and Listening. This reseacrh used descriptive qualitative method. The participant of this research were the skillfull students who got A in English skill subject.It consist of: 3 student (speech and debate class), 9students( paper/Thesis Writing class), 20 students(Extensive Reading class), 11 students (listening comprehension II class). This research used Purposive Random sampling technique. The instrumentation of this research were questionaire and interview. The were some result of thi research: First, speaking skill. Based on the result of questionnaire it was found that students used six types of language learning strategy: cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategy, memory-related strategy, compensation strategy, affective strategy and social strategy and based on interview, there were some learning strategies used by...
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2020
Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni, 2018
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, and Note) Strat... more The aim of this study was to determine the effect of PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, and Note) Strategy in Teaching Reading Descriptive text to Junior High School at SMP N 1 Bukit Sundi. This research used experiment research design that consist of two groups as the sample groups. They were: an experimental class that used PLAN Strategy and the other was control class, used discovery learning strategy. The population of this research were eight grade students of SMP N 1 Bukit Sundi that have learn descriptive text. The samples of this research were class VIII.E as experimental class (20 Students) and class VIII.D as control class (20 students. Instruments that used in collecting the data was reading test. The result of the research showed that PLAN trategy gave possitive effect on students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text. It could be seen from mean scores of students’ test at experimental class was higher than mean scores of students’ reading test at controll class. This...
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2017
The dominant complexities of English Teaching at Junior High School in teaching reading are about... more The dominant complexities of English Teaching at Junior High School in teaching reading are about failing on the design of teaching instruction especially on learning materials and teaching methods which still could not give feedback on students' need (in particular how to acquire knowledge and select the most effective learning strategies). This paper is aimed at discussing the ways how to comprehend descriptive text through combining PLAN (Predict, Locate, Add, Note) and REAP (Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder) Strategy. Through these strategies students are pushed to use a number of strategies such as relating text to prior knowledge, predict, questioning, summarizing, using imagery, and setting a purpose for reading. This way is an interesting alternative solution to teachers' problem in teaching reading on decriptive text at Junior school. It should be understood by student in order that she/ he can comprehend a descriptive text completely. The student is not only demanded...
The dominant complexities of English Teaching at Junior High School in teaching reading are about... more The dominant complexities of English Teaching at Junior High School in teaching reading are about failing on the design of teaching instruction especially on learning materials and teaching methods which still could not give feedback on students’ need (in particular how to acquire knowledge and select the most effective learning strategies). This paper is aimed at discussing the ways how to comprehend descriptive text through combining PLAN ( Predict, Locate, Add, Note) and REAP (Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder) Strategy. Through these strategies students are pushed to use a number of strategies such as relating text to prior knowledge, predict, questioning, summarizing, using imagery, and setting a purpose for reading. This way is an interesting alternative solution to teachers’ problem in teaching reading on decriptive text at Junior school. It should be understood by student in order that she/ he can comprehend a descriptive text completely. The student is not only demanded to ide...
Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa, 2015
One effect of the development communication and technology is infinite space and time in doing co... more One effect of the development communication and technology is infinite space and time in doing communication. In the past, written communication was done by using letter, but nowadays communication can be done quickly, easily and cost-effective one. It could be done by using SMS (Short Massage Service). However, it shows the reality of the absence of a clear convention about how to write SMS text creating a style of language, especially among English students of UMMY Solok. Based on the observations and interviews, the writer found that the number of lectureres complained about the contents of SMS text messages sent by students primarily in asking permission to lecturers. This coupled with the increasingly widespread slang languange often used by students. This indicates that the language used in students’ SMS requested permission from the lecturers are still having problems. The aim of this study was to analyze the style of language used in SMS while student requested permission fr...
Papers by Mike Amelia MKE