The problems of climate change have always been important issues. Human history is full of import... more The problems of climate change have always been important issues. Human history is full of important events (sometimes tragic,) caused by climatic changes and catastrophes. In the past major migration waves have occurred as the result of long draughts, and in the late 20th century the potential for “manmade” climatic catastrophes has emerged as a grim consequence of the social and economic developments of recent decades. This is why international research programs on the human dimension of global change are increasingly addressing climate-related problems.
Part 1 Labour markets policies - country case studies successes and failures: the main factors in... more Part 1 Labour markets policies - country case studies successes and failures: the main factors influencing the changes in the Japanese labour market with specific reference to population ageing and technological progress, Naohior Yashiro the improbability of full employment - a perspective from India - of the emperor's new clothes, Ajeet N. Mathur the role of the private sector in employment-creation in Nigeria, Udo Udo-Aka labour market policies and programmes for counteracting unemployment in Poland, Mieczyslaw Kabaj the efficiency of retraining schemes in Hungary, Ervin Gombos the economic reform and the problem of unemployment in Russia, Alexander A. Tkachenko. Part 2 Regional studies: employment and unemployment issues in the African setting with particular reference to Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania, Derseh Endale employment and unemployment in the new market economies, Arvo Kuddo the politics and economics of global employment - a perspective from Latin America, Hernando Gomez Buendia employment and unemployment issues in the Middle East and North Africa, Moustafa Ahmed Moustafa employment and the comparative advantage of South Asia in the export of labour services, unaddressed issues in Uraguay round, Rehman Sobhan.
The author provides a systemic overview of the consequences of the recent financial and economic ... more The author provides a systemic overview of the consequences of the recent financial and economic crisis and of the anti-crisis activities both globally and in selected countries. Special attention is given to the post-crisis situation in the EU, in particular, in Hungary. The article assesses the results of various anti-crisis measures and describes various aspects of such urgent issues as national debt, international anti-crisis cooperation, changes in the international trade rules, Basel Accords on financial regulation, Doha Development Agenda, supervision on banking activities and some others. There is a detailed retrospective overview of the political component of Hungary's anti-crisis measures and the EU reaction to them. The conclusion gives an outlook of the longer term prospects of economic developments in the context of the crisis and the corresponding changes in economic and political patterns.
Egy ország képességét arra, hogy a fenntartható fejlődés útján haladjon, nagymértékben népességén... more Egy ország képességét arra, hogy a fenntartható fejlődés útján haladjon, nagymértékben népességének és intézményeinek kapacitása, valamint ökológiai és földrajzi feltételei határozzák meg. A kapacitás építés, specifikusan magában foglalja az ország emberi, tudományos, technikai, szervezeti, intézményi és erőforrás képességeit" (Agenda 21, 37. fejezet) 1. BEVEZETÉS A globális kormányzás fogalom bevezetésének egyik "úttörője",
désének döntő fontosságú "rendező ereje" a sajátos, sokszintű és többdimenziós hiperverseny. Enne... more désének döntő fontosságú "rendező ereje" a sajátos, sokszintű és többdimenziós hiperverseny. Ennek céljai, eszközei és következményei jelentősen növelik az alkotó és romboló hatások közti szakadékokat. A hiperverseny és a változások komplex tényezőinek, következményeinek és kockázati tényezőinek kezelése Magyarország számra is lényeges tudományos, politikai, gazdasági és kormányzati kihívás.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century there is a rare coincidence of profound transformati... more At the beginning of the twenty-first century there is a rare coincidence of profound transformations in a number of areas, in population dynamics, in human settlements, in science and technology, economics, social stratification, in the role and functions of the states and in the global power structure and in governance. The systemic transformation of the former socialist countries is an important component of the ongoing changes Political, economic, and social conditions vary immensely throughout the world, influenced by the size, natural endowments, development level, economic structure, political and institutional patterns, and competitiveness of the countries. The new state …/
The problems of climate change have always been important issues. Human history is full of import... more The problems of climate change have always been important issues. Human history is full of important events (sometimes tragic,) caused by climatic changes and catastrophes. In the past major migration waves have occurred as the result of long draughts, and in the late 20th century the potential for “manmade” climatic catastrophes has emerged as a grim consequence of the social and economic developments of recent decades. This is why international research programs on the human dimension of global change are increasingly addressing climate-related problems.
Part 1 Labour markets policies - country case studies successes and failures: the main factors in... more Part 1 Labour markets policies - country case studies successes and failures: the main factors influencing the changes in the Japanese labour market with specific reference to population ageing and technological progress, Naohior Yashiro the improbability of full employment - a perspective from India - of the emperor's new clothes, Ajeet N. Mathur the role of the private sector in employment-creation in Nigeria, Udo Udo-Aka labour market policies and programmes for counteracting unemployment in Poland, Mieczyslaw Kabaj the efficiency of retraining schemes in Hungary, Ervin Gombos the economic reform and the problem of unemployment in Russia, Alexander A. Tkachenko. Part 2 Regional studies: employment and unemployment issues in the African setting with particular reference to Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania, Derseh Endale employment and unemployment in the new market economies, Arvo Kuddo the politics and economics of global employment - a perspective from Latin America, Hernando Gomez Buendia employment and unemployment issues in the Middle East and North Africa, Moustafa Ahmed Moustafa employment and the comparative advantage of South Asia in the export of labour services, unaddressed issues in Uraguay round, Rehman Sobhan.
The author provides a systemic overview of the consequences of the recent financial and economic ... more The author provides a systemic overview of the consequences of the recent financial and economic crisis and of the anti-crisis activities both globally and in selected countries. Special attention is given to the post-crisis situation in the EU, in particular, in Hungary. The article assesses the results of various anti-crisis measures and describes various aspects of such urgent issues as national debt, international anti-crisis cooperation, changes in the international trade rules, Basel Accords on financial regulation, Doha Development Agenda, supervision on banking activities and some others. There is a detailed retrospective overview of the political component of Hungary's anti-crisis measures and the EU reaction to them. The conclusion gives an outlook of the longer term prospects of economic developments in the context of the crisis and the corresponding changes in economic and political patterns.
Egy ország képességét arra, hogy a fenntartható fejlődés útján haladjon, nagymértékben népességén... more Egy ország képességét arra, hogy a fenntartható fejlődés útján haladjon, nagymértékben népességének és intézményeinek kapacitása, valamint ökológiai és földrajzi feltételei határozzák meg. A kapacitás építés, specifikusan magában foglalja az ország emberi, tudományos, technikai, szervezeti, intézményi és erőforrás képességeit" (Agenda 21, 37. fejezet) 1. BEVEZETÉS A globális kormányzás fogalom bevezetésének egyik "úttörője",
désének döntő fontosságú "rendező ereje" a sajátos, sokszintű és többdimenziós hiperverseny. Enne... more désének döntő fontosságú "rendező ereje" a sajátos, sokszintű és többdimenziós hiperverseny. Ennek céljai, eszközei és következményei jelentősen növelik az alkotó és romboló hatások közti szakadékokat. A hiperverseny és a változások komplex tényezőinek, következményeinek és kockázati tényezőinek kezelése Magyarország számra is lényeges tudományos, politikai, gazdasági és kormányzati kihívás.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century there is a rare coincidence of profound transformati... more At the beginning of the twenty-first century there is a rare coincidence of profound transformations in a number of areas, in population dynamics, in human settlements, in science and technology, economics, social stratification, in the role and functions of the states and in the global power structure and in governance. The systemic transformation of the former socialist countries is an important component of the ongoing changes Political, economic, and social conditions vary immensely throughout the world, influenced by the size, natural endowments, development level, economic structure, political and institutional patterns, and competitiveness of the countries. The new state …/
Papers by Mihaly Simai