Papers by Michele Nascimento
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
BACKGROUND Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are multifactorial, and high levels of stress seem t... more BACKGROUND Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are multifactorial, and high levels of stress seem to increase symptoms. The association with exposure to violence has not been explored in adolescent populations. OBJECTIVE To examine the association of self-reported symptoms of temporomandibular pain and jaw dysfunction with child physical abuse, intimate partner violence, forced sexual intercourse, and bullying victimization. METHODS An epidemiological, cross-sectional, school-based study was conducted in Olinda, northeast Brazil. The sample comprised 2,431 adolescents aged 14-19 years. TMD-related symptoms and exposure to violence were assessed with questions from the 3Q/TMD screener and queries on exposure to different forms of violence. Multilevel logistic regressions were conducted to evaluate how 3Q screen-positive responses are associated with self-reported exposure to violence. RESULTS Self-reported TMD-related symptoms had a prevalence of 40.5%. Significantly more females than males screened positive to all 3Q/TMD questions (P < .001). Adolescents experiencing intimate partner violence (P = .012) and bullying (P < .001) had significantly higher odds of 3Q positive responses than those who reported no exposure to violence. Significant associations of TMD-related symptoms with forced sexual intercourse (P = .014) and with bullying (P = .007) were observed. CONCLUSION Adolescents with self-reported symptoms of temporomandibular pain and jaw dysfunction were significantly more often exposed to some type of violence. The number of adolescents reporting TMD-related symptoms increased in a dose-response manner with the number of violence forms the individual had experienced.
Psicologia, Saúde & Doença
Pain is multidimensional in its nature, so its perception includes sensory, emotional, social and... more Pain is multidimensional in its nature, so its perception includes sensory, emotional, social and symbolic aspects. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of painful symptoms among dental students and to verify their association with self-reported femininity. This is a cross-sectional study in two public dentistry universities in Recife, Pernambuco. The sample comprised 387 female undergraduate students between 21 and 24 years old. Data collected included socio-demographic characteristics, number of painful sites (McGill Pain questionnaire), pain intensity (VAS), and need to communicate pain. Femininity was assessed using the Traditional Femininity and Masculinity (TMF-s) scale, recently developed to identify central facets of self-attributed masculinity-femininity. Pearson's chi-square test and binary logistic regression were performed to analyze differences regarding the degree of femininity and pain characteristics. The results showed that the regions with the highest frequency of pain were head (56%), spine (50%), shoulder (43%) and face (35%). Participants with greater femininity score reported more painful body regions. Back pain, pain in more than three body sites, and need to communicate pain were significantly associated with greater femininity. Cultural and psychosocial aspects related to pain experience and communication should be considered in the analysis of gender differences within a biological samesex group.
Research, Society and Development
A violência é um fenômeno complexo e de raízes profundas, multifacetado e que atinge todos os gru... more A violência é um fenômeno complexo e de raízes profundas, multifacetado e que atinge todos os grupos sociais, instituições e faixas etárias. É histórica e incide em homens e mulheres de forma diferenciada, uma vez que o sexo feminino é significativamente mais atingido. Por ocorrer preferencialmente no ambiente doméstico, é vista pela sociedade como um problema individual do casal ou da mulher que sofre violência e, por muitas vezes, causa danos que permanecem com a vítima ao longo de toda sua vida. Dentre as consequências de tais abusos é destaca-se as dores craniofaciais, dores crônicas que atingem estruturas da face. A literatura descreve uma relação direta entre a violência e o desenvolvimento e agravamento de dores crônicas, contudo, poucos estudos na área de DTM e Dor Orofacial (DOF) foram feitos. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão integrativa dos textos já publicados sobre o assunto, avaliando assim, a repercussão da violência no desenvolvi...
Research, Society and Development, 2022
Referido no passado como Síndrome do Minotauro, a hipertrofia do masseter é uma condição relativa... more Referido no passado como Síndrome do Minotauro, a hipertrofia do masseter é uma condição relativamente rara, com cerca de 130 casos relatados na literatura, acometendo adultos entre vinte e trinta anos, podendo ser diagnosticado no final da adolescência, sem predisposição por gênero. O paciente pode apresentar entre os achados clínicos uma incapacidade funcional e queixa de desarmonia oclusal, embora na maioria dos casos, a queixa estética é a mais comum. Tem crescimento lento, progressivo, uni ou bilateral e na grande maioria dos casos apresenta ausência de quadro álgico associado. Estudos demostram que a intervenção com o Agulhamento Seco possui benefícios em diversos casos além da dor miofascial, como hemiparesias de membro superior, dedo em gatilho, fibromialgia e disfunções orofaciais. Diante disso o presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso clinico onde a técnica do agulhamento seco foi utilizada para alivio da algia da paciente diagnosticada com hipertrofia dos múscu...
Psicologia, Saúde & Doença, 2021
How can society live with anxiety and pain? The discussion about anxiety goes through dentistry a... more How can society live with anxiety and pain? The discussion about anxiety goes through dentistry as it affects the oral condition. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a very prevalent condition in the population, and mental disorders are often associated with disabilities that affect various activities, also being associated with various diseases and syndromes that present chronic pain, such as chronic Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). Interactions of exposure to adverse psychosocial events and mental disorders can make the etiological diagnosis of chronic pain a major challenge. Chronic pain is an important public health problem, affecting a relevant portion of the population, interfering with psychological status, social activities and work. Therefore attention and care is needed to control anxiety and promote the quality of life of the population.
Objetivo: identificar os principais fatores relacionados ao estresse entre universitarios de odon... more Objetivo: identificar os principais fatores relacionados ao estresse entre universitarios de odontologia. Metodos: As bases de dados eletronicas escolhidas foram: Base Eletronica Brasileira Biblioteca Virtual em Saude (BVS) e Base de Dados Internacional PubMed (U.S. National Library of Medicine – NLM), utilizando-se os descritores “estresse psicologico”, “estudantes de odontologia”. Foram selecionados artigos nos idiomas portugues, ingles ou espanhol, no periodo compreendido entre janeiro de 2005 a novembro de 2014. A busca inicial identificou 190 artigos, dos quais 19 foram selecionados para a analise. Resultados: Dentre os fatores relacionados ao estresse, a maioria das pesquisas (57,9%) referem os processos avaliativos e a sobrecarga academica como as variaveis mais citadas pelos estudantes como importantes fontes geradoras de estresse. Conclusoes: A compreensao de fatores que podem interferir no bem-estar dos estudantes representa uma base de informacoes para questionamentos fut...
Domestic violence has a negative impact on development, general health, and quality of life of ch... more Domestic violence has a negative impact on development, general health, and quality of life of children and adolescents. This study aimed to revise knowledge regarding the consequences on oral health and its related outcomes of children and adolescents exposed to domestic violence. We conducted this systematic review in line with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, adhering to a published protocol in PROSPERO. This review systematically searched the literature using the MEDLINE, PsycINFO, LILACS, SciELO databases and Grey Literature, for articles published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, with no publication date limits. Quality of studies was assessed using New Castle Ottawa scale and its modified version. All process was carried out independently by two researchers. Fourteen studies were included. Nine studies were cross-sectional, four were case-control, and one was a retrospective cohort. All studies included in this review f...
Introdução: A ansiedade odontológica interfere nos cuidados com a saúde bucal, causa resistência ... more Introdução: A ansiedade odontológica interfere nos cuidados com a saúde bucal, causa resistência em ir ao consultório odontológico e dificulta o trabalho do cirurgião-dentista. Objetivo: determinar a prevalência de ansiedade relacionada ao tratamento odontológico em adolescentes, por meio de uma revisão da literatura. Material e método: Revisão da literatura, realizada através da busca ativa de informações na “Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde” ( nas bases de dados MEDLINE e LILACS, totalizando a produção bibliográfica de um período de 25 anos. Foram adotados os seguintes descritores: "ansiedade ao tratamento odontológico" e "prevalência", de forma integrada. Foram incluídos estudos originais que avaliaram prevalência de ansiedade ao tratamento odontológico, conduzidos com indivíduos entre 10 e 19 anos de idade, com amostra representativa da população estudada. A busca foi limitada a publicações nos idiomas inglês, português ou espanhol; e do tipo artigo ci...
Brazilian Journal Of Pain, 2020
Revista Internacional de Acupuntura, 2020
Objectives: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain, usually unilateral, affecting one or... more Objectives: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain, usually unilateral, affecting one or more trigeminal nerve innervation territories. The current study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in TN pain control. Methods: An integrative review was developed on Medline (Pubmed), LILACS (BVS) and Cochrane Library databases. Keywords "trigeminal neuralgia" AND "acupuncture" were combined in different ways to ensure a wide search of primary studies. Article reference lists were also screened. Inclusion criteria comprised clinical studies developed in humans, without date publication limit, published in languages English, Portuguese and Spanish, performing any type of acupuncture therapy for TN pain control. Results: Among the six studies selected, most were randomized controlled clinical trials, developed in China. Only one study performed a retrospective cross-sectional. To assess pain, most used the VAS scale. There were very similar methods concerning points selection and treatment protocols. All studies found a significant decrease in pain frequency or intensity, disregarding the type of acupuncture applied. Conclusion: Acupuncture therapy seems to decrease frequency and intensity of TN pain episodes, alone or in combination with gold standard medications. However, there is a need for standardizing methodological issues and prospective evaluations.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2020
BACKGROUND Self-perceived oral health (SPOH) is a summary of multiple determinants related to ora... more BACKGROUND Self-perceived oral health (SPOH) is a summary of multiple determinants related to oral health and has been suggested for use in clinical practice as a health-assessment tool. AIM To analyse determinants of SPOH among adolescents. DESIGN In 2018, we selected 1742 participants from eight high schools in Olinda/PE, Brazil, using a multistage stratified cluster sample. The main survey item of SPOH was "How would you rate your oral health". Determinants of were queried with a questionnaire and a clinical examination: socio-demographic variables, exposure to family violence, somatic symptoms, and orofacial and general health factors. Pearson's chi-square test and Logistic regressions evaluated associations between determinants and SPOH. RESULTS Very poor SPOH had a prevalence of 8.7%. Nearly half (43.5%) rated their oral health as "fair". Very poor SPOH were associated with poor self-perceived general health (OR = 2.60), anterior open bite (OR = 2.24), not cohabiting with one or both parents (OR = 2.40), caries experience (OR = 1.93), dental pain (OR = 1.91), and temporomandibular disorders (OR = 1.77). CONCLUSION Very poor self-perceived oral health indicates life stress and associates with poor oral conditions. Assessments should be used to explore individual treatment needs and abilities to comply with recommendations.
Brazilian Journal Of Pain, 2020
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Gender seems to play a role in influencing the response to experimenta... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Gender seems to play a role in influencing the response to experimental pain, although this influence is not very clear yet. Therefore, the objective of the present review was to investigate the contribution of the gender construct (gender identity/role) in the experience of pain through the selection and analysis of clinical studies on the subject. CONTENTS: A search was carried out in the databases Medline (via Pubmed), LILACS (via BVS), and PsycINFO. The search used the following descriptors: gender identity, pain, gender role combined by the Boolean operator AND/OR (gender identity) AND pain AND gender role AND pain, in English, Portuguese and Spanish. At the end of the selection, 11 studies were included for this review. All the investigations recovered on the subject are clinical laboratory studies. Regarding the influence of the gender identity and its role in pain perception, most of the studies (91%) show that this variable was a contributing factor to the differences observed in perception (tolerance/pain threshold) and the need to communicate the pain. CONCLUSION: In experimental pain, a higher degree of femininity or female social roles are associated with lower thresholds and less tolerance to pain, as well as a greater natural tendency to communicate pain sensation. These results are independent of the type of stimulus, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
Revista da ABENO, 2019
A desmotivação na universidade tem sido associada ao desempenho acadêmico insatisfatório e inadeq... more A desmotivação na universidade tem sido associada ao desempenho acadêmico insatisfatório e inadequado ajuste psicológico à vida no contexto universitário. As pesquisas sobre motivação como uma variável dependente na educação em Odontologia são escassas, e sugerem que o ambiente de aprendizagem desempenha um importante papel em fomentar a motivação, não obstante esteja relacionada a motivos intrínsecos e extrínsecos de cada pessoa. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a percepção de estudantes de Odontologia sobre os fatores relacionados à falta de motivação na Universidade. Foram realizadas duas entrevistas de grupos focais com estudantes concluintes de odontologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco (Campus Camaragibe/UPE). As discussões foram gravadas e transcritas, reproduzindo as perspectivas dos participantes, com posterior análise temática. De acordo com os resultados, houve preponderância de relatos negativos, principalmente referentes ao comportamento e ao método...
Revista Dor, 2015
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Auriculotemporal neuralgia is an uncommon condition. Symptoms are brie... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Auriculotemporal neuralgia is an uncommon condition. Symptoms are brief severe pain attacks, especially in the temporal region. Although many cranial neuralgias are related to nervous compression, they may be present without identifiable etiologic factors. This study aimed at describing a case of primary auriculotemporal neuralgia and respective therapeutic approach. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 72 years old, presented for assistance reporting severe pain in left temporal region, described as shock and of very short duration. After clinical evaluation and imaging exams, no significant changes were detected. Patient has satisfactorily responded to carbamazepine. CONCLUSION: This case shows that auriculotemporal neuralgia has clinical presentation similar to other neuralgias. Diagnosis is primarily obtained by pain characteristics evaluation and exclusion of possible secondary causes.
Revista Dor, 2015
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This was a randomized clinical trial to compare the analgesic effect o... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This was a randomized clinical trial to compare the analgesic effect of acupuncture and percutaneous electric nerve stimulation for chronic masseter muscle masticatory myalgia. METHODS: Participated in the study 23 patients with unilateral or bilateral masticatory myalgia, who were selected according to Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders and were distributed in two groups. Acupuncture and percutaneous electric nerve stimulation groups were made up of 12 and 11 patients, respectively. In each group, patients were submitted to two weekly treatment sessions lasting 20 minutes, in a total of 9 sessions. Selected points for the acupuncture group were IG4, E36, F3, ShemMen (bilateral auricular), VG20 and Yintang. Needles were inserted and stimulated until "De Qi" was obtained, then remaining without stimulation until procedure completion. In the electric stimulation group, symptomatic points were identified by manual palpation and electric stimulation was applied. Both groups have described pain intensity by means of the visual analog scale, before the first, fifth and ninth sessions. Results were evaluated with Student t and F (ANOVA) tests. RESULTS: There has been mean visual analog scale scores decrease in both groups at each measurement, being that in the last measurement the acupuncture group had statistically lower mean as compared to the percutaneous electric nerve stimulation group. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture and percutaneous electric nerve stimulation are effective methods to improve masseter muscle masticatory myalgia in the short term.
Research, Society and Development, 2021
O estresse financeiro, gerado comumente após pandemias e posteriores crises econômicas, contribui... more O estresse financeiro, gerado comumente após pandemias e posteriores crises econômicas, contribui negativamente no cenário psicossocial e na saúde coletiva. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a tradução, adaptação linguística e cultural do instrumento “In Charge Financial Distress/ Financial Well-Being Scale.” para o idioma português brasileiro. As principais etapas recomendadas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde para validação de questionários entre diferentes idiomas foram seguidas. O pré-teste foi realizado em uma amostra de 49 participantes. Para a verificação preliminar da confiabilidade e consistência interna, foram utilizados o Coeficiente de Correlação de Concordância (CCC), o índice de Kappa de Cohen, e o Alfa de Cronbach, em 60 voluntários entre 18 e 60 anos. A confiabilidade da escala por teste-reteste apresentou-se forte (CCC=0,73), além de boa consistência interna (α=0,878). A versão adaptada ao português do instrumento, apresenta equivalência linguística e cultu...
Revista de Extensão da UPE
Introdução: A violência é um crescente problema de saúde pública, que afeta indivíduos, famílias,... more Introdução: A violência é um crescente problema de saúde pública, que afeta indivíduos, famílias, comunidades e países. Considerando a relevância da exposição à violência na saúde dos adolescentes. Objetivo: Identificar as prevalências de diferentes tipos de violência nessa faixa etária. Percurso Metodológico: Trata-se de um estudo de revisão da literatura, cuja busca foi realizada nas bases de dados LILACS e MEDLINE, e foram adotados os seguintes descritores: "adolescente", "violência", "epidemiologia" e "prevalência", combinados pelos operadores booleanos AND e OR. Foram incluídos estudos originais que tenham avaliado a prevalência da violência entre adolescentes brasileiros, considerando os sujeitos com idades entre 10 e 19 anos, de ambos os sexos. Resultados: A busca foi limitada a publicações nos idiomas inglês e português; e o período de publicação considerado foi de 2016 a 2018. Com relação ao tipo de violência, observou-se que o maior ...
Objective: Violence is a public health problem, with important consequences for those involved, i... more Objective: Violence is a public health problem, with important consequences for those involved, in particular adolescents, individuals in the process of physical, social, cognitive and emotional changes. Considering the alarming data regarding the exposure to violence by adolescents, this study aims to assess the risk situation of Brazilian young people in the last years through the literature review. Methods: Data source: The search was performed in the LILACS and MEDLINE databases, and the following descriptors were used: "adolescent", "violence", "epidemiology" and "prevalence", combined by the Boolean operators AND and OR. We included original studies that evaluated the epidemiology of violence among Brazilian adolescents, considering subjects between the ages of 10 and 19 years. The search was limited to publications in English and Portuguese; and the publication period considered was from 2016 to 2018. Results: Regarding to the topic of ...
Papers by Michele Nascimento