Papers by Michał Piekarski
Konrad Zawiłowski (ur. 1880 r. w Krakowie, zm. 1952 w Berlinie) odznaczył się jako pierwszy polsk... more Konrad Zawiłowski (ur. 1880 r. w Krakowie, zm. 1952 w Berlinie) odznaczył się jako pierwszy polski muzykolog, absolwent Uniwersytetu Wiedeńskiego w 1902 r. Bardziej spektakularna była jednak jego kariera artystyczna. W 1903 r. debiutował na scenie Opery Warszawskiej, następnie występował w Teatrze Miejskim we Lwowie, po czym przez trzy sezony (1904–1907) był głównym barytonem wiedeńskiej Hofoper, do której zaangażowany został przez Gustava Mahlera. W tym czasie odznaczył się tez jako pierwszy Polak, solista Festspielhais w Bayreuth (1904 r.). Dziś postać Zawiłowskiego jest zapomniana, zarówno jako muzykologa, jak i artysty. Poświęcone Zawiłowskiemu hasło w Encyklopedii Muzycznej PWM jest wyjątkowo skromne i lakoniczne (bez podanej bibliografii). O Zawiłowskim nie pisano także z okazji Roku Moniuszkowskiego, choć jego praca doktorska poświęcona była właśnie Stanisławowi Moniuszce. Również w 2019 r. podczas wystawy zorganizowanej w Wiedniu z okazji jubileuszu 150-lecia Wiener Staatso...
Rodzina Węsławskich tworzyła w Wilnie przez ponad pół wieku dom o wyjątkowym znaczeniu dla tego m... more Rodzina Węsławskich tworzyła w Wilnie przez ponad pół wieku dom o wyjątkowym znaczeniu dla tego miasta. Do 1939 r. mieszkanie Węsławskich stanowiło jeden z najważniejszych prywatnych salonów muzycznych w II RP, w którym często brzmiały utwory kompozytorów Młodej Polski. Sam adres Węsławskich wiązał się z wcześniejszymi tradycjami muzycznymi zapoczątkowanymi przez Stanisława Moniuszkę, tworząc w ciągu stu lat (1840–1940) genius loci tej wileńskiej kamienicy. Muzyką interesował się zarówno Witold Węsławski (z zawodu lekarz), jak i jego syn Stanisław Węsławski (z zawodu prawnik), który był też znanym w Wilnie publicystą, kompozytorem i organizatorem życia muzycznego. W jego salonie, który prowadził wraz z żoną Adą z Hryszkiewiczów, spotykała się wileńska elita świata muzyki i sztuki II RP z Witoldem Hulewiczem, Tadeuszem Szeligowskim, Tadeuszem Sleńdzińskim i innymi. Do wyjątkowych gości należał Karol Szymanowski. Z muzykaliów rodziny Węsławskich do dziś zachowały się trzy zeszyty, w t...
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
ABSTRAKT From Studies on the Opera Repertoire of the National Theater in the Second Half of the 1... more ABSTRAKT From Studies on the Opera Repertoire of the National Theater in the Second Half of the 18th Century. Unknown MA Thesis Defended at the University of Warsaw in 1938 Julian Pulikowski was an associate professor of Musicology who lectured at the University of Warsaw from 1935–1939. The article proves that although there was no formal possibility to defend a Master’s thesis in this field, Pulikowski became an informal supervisor of Gustawa Zysman’s (Krystyna Żukotyńska’s) work. The idea for the topic was conceived in 1934. Stefan Czarnowski, professor at the Department of Cultural History at the University of Warsaw, became the official thesis supervisor. The work titled Opera repertoire of the National Theater as a contribution to the cultural life of Warsaw in the second half of the 18th century was defended in June 1938. It has hitherto remained unknown to researchers – extant only in a typescript stored in the University of Warsaw Archive – as has been the case with Pulikow...
Acta Poloniae Historica
The musical milieu of Lwów in the first half of the twentieth century was characterised by dynami... more The musical milieu of Lwów in the first half of the twentieth century was characterised by dynamic activities of women, particularly as music school students, which was the reverse of the situation prevailing in the other schools-particularly, tertiary schools. This fostered the female students' keen interest in musicology, especially that Musicology was launched as a new major at the local university in 1912. Bronisława Wójcik-Keuprulian was its first graduate ever (in 1917). In 1934, she was the first woman in the history of Polish science to receive a post-doctoral degree (so-called habilitation) in Musicology at a Polish university. This was accompanied by multiple complications, including those caused by the Head of the Chair of Musicology. Yet, the applicant's resolve brought about a successful end.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania, Oct 12, 2018
Father Wacław Sierakowski: Propagator of Musical Knowledge and Organiser of Musical Education in ... more Father Wacław Sierakowski: Propagator of Musical Knowledge and Organiser of Musical Education in the Times of the Commission of National Education In the second half of the 18 th century, musical education in Poland was poor. The Commission of National Education (1773-1793) did not take music into account in its projects. The individual willing to change the situation was Father Wacław Sierakowski (1741-1806), provost of the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow. He played a significant role in the musical life of the city as an organiser of public concerts and founder of a private music school. In 1795-1796, he published a three-volume musical textbook, The Art of Music for Young Polish People (Sztuka muzyki dla młodzieży krajowej), one of the first musical textbooks in the Polish language. In Sierakowski's publication the stress was put on the social and national value of music. The first volume also featured Sierakowski's petition from 1792, intended for submission before the Sejm (Polish Parliament), in which the author propounded the idea of the state taking over musical education and establishing a major statesponsored music school in Krakow (Alumnatus Vocalistarum). These plans were never carried out as the third partition of Poland ensued in 1795.
Musicology made its appearance on Polish universities before World War One in Krakow and Lwow, sh... more Musicology made its appearance on Polish universities before World War One in Krakow and Lwow, shortly after it was formally established at German-speaking universities. An idea to establish musicology in Stefan Batory University in Wilno was strictly connected with father Hieronim Feicht, who graduated from Faculty of Musicology of Lwow University. He came to Wilno in 1926 as a head of Missionaires Seminary. In the same time he made a contact with USB. Despite the plans connected with father Feicht never carried out, from 1933 the course of musicology was conducted by Tadeusz Szeligowski.
The musical milieu of Lwów in the first half of the twentieth century was character-ised by dynam... more The musical milieu of Lwów in the first half of the twentieth century was character-ised by dynamic activities of women, particularly as music school students, which was the reverse of the situation prevailing in the other schools – particularly, tertiary schools. This fostered the female students' keen interest in musicology, especially that Musicology was launched as a new major at the local university in 1912. Bronisława Wójcik-Keuprulian was its first graduate ever (in 1917). In 1934, she was the first woman in the history of Polish science to receive a post-doctoral degree (so-called habilitation) in Musicology at a Polish university. This was accompanied by multiple complications, including those caused by the Head of the Chair of Musicology. Yet, the applicant's resolve brought about a successful end. Characteristic about the musical milieu of Lwów in the first half of the twentieth century were dynamic activities of women, particularly as students of local schools of music. The number of females attending such schools significantly outnumbered the attending men, which was opposite to the proportion prevalent at the University of Lwów (not to mention of other Polish tertiary schools). A variety of factors contributed to the situation in question. 1 First, in the beginning of the twentieth century Lwów was a city where musical life was flourishing. In the period referred to as the
Book Reviews by Michał Piekarski
"Rozprawy z Dziejów Oświaty", 2023
So far, little is known about the Polish intelligentsia that stayed in USSR after 1945. Therefore... more So far, little is known about the Polish intelligentsia that stayed in USSR after 1945. Therefore, the publication of the biographical dictionary "Zostali na Wschodzie" is an excellent idea. However , this publication is not free from shortcomings. The most important one is that no distinction was made between former citizens of the Second Polish Republic and Poles who had lived in the remaining vast areas of the USSR.
Papers by Michał Piekarski
Book Reviews by Michał Piekarski