One of the most important elements influencing the functioning of internal combustion engines is ... more One of the most important elements influencing the functioning of internal combustion engines is the intake system, whose task is to supplycold, fresh and filtered air to the combustion chambers of the engine. So far, the capacity tests of the intake system have focused on the appropriate selection of its geometry and diameter, which had a direct impact on the airflow rate, and thus on the performance of the vehicle. In this article, the focus is on conducting research consisting of placing the airflow restriction element in a specific locationin the intake system of a naturally aspirated spark-ignition engine. After the necessary preparations, authors made measurements of the engine performance (power and torque) and airflow rate in the intake systemvia original MAF sensor mounted in intake system and Chassis Dynamometer Interface via OBD protocol. After the engine parameters were measured, the test results were compared with the reference characteristics obtained during the measurements prior to the modification of the stock intake system. The article is crowned by conclusions based on the results of the measurements.
poszczególne rodzaje hamowni stosowanych do określania charakterystyki ciągników kołowych. Opisan... more poszczególne rodzaje hamowni stosowanych do określania charakterystyki ciągników kołowych. Opisano ich budowę i zasadę działania. Stworzono algorytm wyznaczania charakterystyki zewnętrznej ciągnika kołowego z wykorzystaniem dynometru DK i wyznaczono w warunkach pracy charakterystyki ciągnika rolniczego John Deere 6930, które podano na wykresach w postaci zależności mocy oraz momentu od prędkości obrotowej. Słowa kluczowe: ciągnik kołowy, hamownia inercyjna, charakterystyki techniczne.
UKŁADY MECHATRONICZNE ZWIĘKSZAJĄCE BEZPIECZEŃSTWO CZYNNE POJAZDÓW Streszczenie W artykule omówion... more UKŁADY MECHATRONICZNE ZWIĘKSZAJĄCE BEZPIECZEŃSTWO CZYNNE POJAZDÓW Streszczenie W artykule omówione zostały mechatroniczne systemy bezpieczeństwa stosowane w pojazdach. Przedstawione zostały algorytmy działania poszczególnych układów, jak również wyniki obliczeń, jak poszczególne układy wpływają na poprawę bezpieczeństwa uczestników wypadków drogowych, bądź ograniczają ich liczbę. Słowa kluczowe: układy mechatroniczne, bezpieczeństwo pojazdów WSTĘP W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono budowę i zasady działania układów zwiększających bezpieczeństwo. Układy zostaną również ocenione pod względem uzależnienia ich skuteczności od innych czynników zewnętrznych takich jak: doświadczenie i umiejętności kierowcy, sytuacja na drodze podczas zaistnienia zagrożenia, warunki atmosferyczne itp. Teoretyczna poprawa bezpieczeństwa na drodze (przy zastosowaniu poszczególnych układów mechatronicznych) przedstawiona jest w niniejszej pracy na podstawie danych statystycznych wypadków drogowych zaistniałych na terenie Polski w roku 2008.
W artykule dokonano przegl du metod tuningu pojazdów samochodowych oraz przeprowadzono badania po... more W artykule dokonano przegl du metod tuningu pojazdów samochodowych oraz przeprowadzono badania pojazdu poddanego tuningowi elektronicznemu poprzez monta urz dzenia power box. Wykre lono charakterystyki pr dko ciowe silnika niepoddanego modyfikacjom oraz silnika po zamontowaniu urz dzenia power box. Na podstawie charakterystyk pr dko ciowych wykre lono charakterystyki dynamiczne pojazdu przed i po modyfikacjach. Przeprowadzono analiz porównawcz wyników.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2015
The effect of temperature on the viscoelastic behavior of chicken meat frankfurters was assessed ... more The effect of temperature on the viscoelastic behavior of chicken meat frankfurters was assessed by creep recovery tests. Compression creep-recovery tests were performed at room temperature (20 °C) and refrigeration (5°C) on samples of cylindrical shape. The viscoelastic behavior of samples was characterized based on the parameters of the fourelement Burgers Model. During the compression phase, greater deformation was observed in samples analyzed at higher temperature, and it was demonstrated by a drop in elastic modulus and internal viscosity values of Kelvin–Voigt elements with an increase in temperature. The final percentage recovery of frankfurter samples decreased with an increase in temperature. The differences in compliance between samples analyzed at different temperatures can be attributed to temperature-induced changes in the properties of frankfurter fat.
This paper describes the influence of shock absorbers' technical condition on the vehicle bra... more This paper describes the influence of shock absorbers' technical condition on the vehicle braking process on two types of surface with the Anti-Lock Braking System activated and deactivated. During each of the road tests the vehicle stopping distance, the braking deceleration, and the force applied on the brake pedal were determined. The test plan includes various road surfaces and technical conditions of shock absorbers. The established characteristics of the stopping distance and the deceleration allow the determination of the relations between the technical condition of the shock absorbers, the road surface, and the efficiency of the braking system. In addition, this paper presents the principle of operation of the Anti-Lock Braking System, which is one of the basic active safety systems.
Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich con... more Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich control the operation of actuator systems. Such solutions require an on-board computer foronline monitoring of functional performance, exhaust gas emissions, safety and operating parameters.Mechatronic diagnostic systems identify the machine's actual operating load in different operatingmodes and under specific circumstances.Knowledge engineering methods have not yet been developed in the process of diagnosing a tractor'sdefects, but they seem to offer almost endless possibilities. A defect is defined as every event whichhas an adverse effect on tractor performance and which should be detected in the diagnostic processwith an indication of the type and place of damage as well as the magnitude and variability of damageover time. Diagnostic knowledge is a symbolic representation of empirical relations based on whichdiagnostic procedures are developed.The identification of diagnostic r...
Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich con... more Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich control the operation of actuator systems. Such solutions require an on-board computer foronline monitoring of functional performance, exhaust gas emissions, safety and operating parameters.Mechatronic diagnostic systems identify the machine's actual operating load in different operatingmodes and under specific circumstances.Knowledge engineering methods have not yet been developed in the process of diagnosing a tractor'sdefects, but they seem to offer almost endless possibilities. A defect is defined as every event whichhas an adverse effect on tractor performance and which should be detected in the diagnostic processwith an indication of the type and place of damage as well as the magnitude and variability of damageover time. Diagnostic knowledge is a symbolic representation of empirical relations based on whichdiagnostic procedures are developed.The identification of diagnostic r...
With the extremely advanced and complex design of modern vehicles, their high power and torque, i... more With the extremely advanced and complex design of modern vehicles, their high power and torque, it is necessary to employ advanced diagnostic systems. Quick detection and diagnosis of all defects will protect the vehicle against more serious failures, and will prevent excessive fuel consumption and harmful emissions, as well as prevent the reduction of the efficiency and functionality of vehicles. The mechatronic vehicle diagnostic system must include the diagnostic modules for the following components: engine, powertrain, steering, brake system, suspension and electrical equipment. The study discusses the hardware and software components of the mechatronic vehicle diagnostic system, and presents the sample sensors installed in the vehicle to monitor the parameters of components included in the diagnostic system. The vehicle diagnostics system has been presented using the example of diagnostics of wheeled tractors. For this purpose, two alternative diagnostic devices have been devel...
Opracowany w artykule model obliczeniowy doboru parametrów eksploatacyjnych pojazdu samochodowego... more Opracowany w artykule model obliczeniowy doboru parametrów eksploatacyjnych pojazdu samochodowego z napędem elektrycznym pozwala na wyznaczenie jego zasięgu w zależności od: prędkości jazdy, gabarytów pojazdu, jednostkowego zużycia energii [kJ/kg], jednostkowych oporów ruchu, współczynnika obciążenia pojazdu f, sprawności układu napędowego, realnej energii jednostkowej akumulatorów [kJ/kg]. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań eksploatacyjnych wyznaczono współczynnik β=0,24, który dla przyjętych pozostałych parametrów umożliwia wyznaczenie realnego zasięgu.
Article history: Received: April 2015 Received in the revised form: May 2015 Accepted: July 2015 ... more Article history: Received: April 2015 Received in the revised form: May 2015 Accepted: July 2015 The wheeled tractors that are widely used in various branches of the national economy have a superior design. Various types of faults affect the efficiency of work, increase emissions of hazardous substances and fuel consumption, and affect the safety level and the dynamics of the vehicle. To ensure the appropriate and timely location and repair of faults it is necessary to employ complex diagnostic systems. The study outlines the design of a device used in the diagnostics of the condition of a wheeled tractor. Also, examples of diagnostic algorithms and procedures are also presented. The diagnostic system for the wheeled tractor presented herein considerably improves the reliability of the vehicle and limits the consequences of potential defects. The operator of the tractor is notified immediately after the occurrence of a fault, which prevents further damage to other components of the ...
The existing diagnostic systems are applied to monitor and optimize a tractor's performance a... more The existing diagnostic systems are applied to monitor and optimize a tractor's performance and effectiveness, while there is no consumption monitoring systems in terms of damage. A malfunction can be analyzed at different levels of complexity, including systems, kinematic pairs and components. Based on the generated consequences, defects can be classified into the following groups. Are the following classes of damage: damage to functional, emission, unsafe deteriorating dynamics, which are assigned to certain effects. The study was prepared simulation model wheeled tractor, which incorporates traction characteristics describe physical phenomena associated with the operation of the tractor and having an impact on the process of degradation under certain loading cycles. An algorithm for determining fuel consumption during simulated defects in a wheeled tractor is presented in this paper. Most tractor malfunctions affect fuel consumption. Fuel consumption is one of the key diagnos...
Determining the exact values of the rolling radii of the wheels is extremely important in terms o... more Determining the exact values of the rolling radii of the wheels is extremely important in terms of the functioning of the safety systems of modern vehicles. It is on the basis of the rotational speed of the vehicle wheels that the traction parameters of the vehicle are determined, as well as the warning about the existence of low tire pressure. The precision of determining the turning radius significantly improves the accuracy of calculations of the slip value, driving force, and also plays a key role in determining the linear speed of a motor vehicle. This article presents the method of determining the value of the rolling radius of a tire and tests of changes in its value under the influence of changes in the value of vertical load and tire pressure. Based on the performed measurements, a mathematical model of changes in the value of the effective wheel rolling circumference from the above-mentioned parameters was determined. The results of the regression analysis indicate a very good fit of the developed model to the results of the conducted experimental research. Keywords: turning radius of the wheel, wheel load, tire pressure. METODA WYZNACZANIA EFEKTYWNYCH OBWODÓW TOCZENIA KÓŁ POJAZDÓW Streszczenie Określenie dokładnych wartości promieni toczenia kół jest niezwykle istotne w aspekcie funkcjonowania systemów bezpieczeństwa nowoczesnych pojazdów. To na podstawie prędkości obrotowych kół pojazdu określane są parametry trakcyjne pojazdu, jak również generowane jest ostrzeżenie o byt niskim ciśnieniu w ogumieniu. Precyzja określania promienia toczenia wpływa na znaczną poprawę dokładności obliczeń wartości poślizgu, siły napędowej, jak również odgrywa kluczową rolę w przypadku określania liniowej prędkości ruchu pojazdu samochodowego. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania wartości promienia toczenia koła ogumionego oraz przeprowadzono badania zmian jego wartości pod wpływem zmian wartości obciążenia pionowego oraz ciśnienia w ogumieniu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiarów, wyznaczono model matematyczny zmian wartości efektywnego obwodu toczenia koła od wymienionych parametrów. Wyniki analizy regresji wskazują na bardzo dobre dopasowanie opracowanego modelu do wyników przeprowadzonych badań eksperymentalnych. Słowa kluczowe: promień toczenia koła, obciążenie koła, ciśnienie w ogumieniu.
One of the most important elements influencing the functioning of internal combustion engines is ... more One of the most important elements influencing the functioning of internal combustion engines is the intake system, whose task is to supplycold, fresh and filtered air to the combustion chambers of the engine. So far, the capacity tests of the intake system have focused on the appropriate selection of its geometry and diameter, which had a direct impact on the airflow rate, and thus on the performance of the vehicle. In this article, the focus is on conducting research consisting of placing the airflow restriction element in a specific locationin the intake system of a naturally aspirated spark-ignition engine. After the necessary preparations, authors made measurements of the engine performance (power and torque) and airflow rate in the intake systemvia original MAF sensor mounted in intake system and Chassis Dynamometer Interface via OBD protocol. After the engine parameters were measured, the test results were compared with the reference characteristics obtained during the measurements prior to the modification of the stock intake system. The article is crowned by conclusions based on the results of the measurements.
poszczególne rodzaje hamowni stosowanych do określania charakterystyki ciągników kołowych. Opisan... more poszczególne rodzaje hamowni stosowanych do określania charakterystyki ciągników kołowych. Opisano ich budowę i zasadę działania. Stworzono algorytm wyznaczania charakterystyki zewnętrznej ciągnika kołowego z wykorzystaniem dynometru DK i wyznaczono w warunkach pracy charakterystyki ciągnika rolniczego John Deere 6930, które podano na wykresach w postaci zależności mocy oraz momentu od prędkości obrotowej. Słowa kluczowe: ciągnik kołowy, hamownia inercyjna, charakterystyki techniczne.
UKŁADY MECHATRONICZNE ZWIĘKSZAJĄCE BEZPIECZEŃSTWO CZYNNE POJAZDÓW Streszczenie W artykule omówion... more UKŁADY MECHATRONICZNE ZWIĘKSZAJĄCE BEZPIECZEŃSTWO CZYNNE POJAZDÓW Streszczenie W artykule omówione zostały mechatroniczne systemy bezpieczeństwa stosowane w pojazdach. Przedstawione zostały algorytmy działania poszczególnych układów, jak również wyniki obliczeń, jak poszczególne układy wpływają na poprawę bezpieczeństwa uczestników wypadków drogowych, bądź ograniczają ich liczbę. Słowa kluczowe: układy mechatroniczne, bezpieczeństwo pojazdów WSTĘP W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono budowę i zasady działania układów zwiększających bezpieczeństwo. Układy zostaną również ocenione pod względem uzależnienia ich skuteczności od innych czynników zewnętrznych takich jak: doświadczenie i umiejętności kierowcy, sytuacja na drodze podczas zaistnienia zagrożenia, warunki atmosferyczne itp. Teoretyczna poprawa bezpieczeństwa na drodze (przy zastosowaniu poszczególnych układów mechatronicznych) przedstawiona jest w niniejszej pracy na podstawie danych statystycznych wypadków drogowych zaistniałych na terenie Polski w roku 2008.
W artykule dokonano przegl du metod tuningu pojazdów samochodowych oraz przeprowadzono badania po... more W artykule dokonano przegl du metod tuningu pojazdów samochodowych oraz przeprowadzono badania pojazdu poddanego tuningowi elektronicznemu poprzez monta urz dzenia power box. Wykre lono charakterystyki pr dko ciowe silnika niepoddanego modyfikacjom oraz silnika po zamontowaniu urz dzenia power box. Na podstawie charakterystyk pr dko ciowych wykre lono charakterystyki dynamiczne pojazdu przed i po modyfikacjach. Przeprowadzono analiz porównawcz wyników.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2015
The effect of temperature on the viscoelastic behavior of chicken meat frankfurters was assessed ... more The effect of temperature on the viscoelastic behavior of chicken meat frankfurters was assessed by creep recovery tests. Compression creep-recovery tests were performed at room temperature (20 °C) and refrigeration (5°C) on samples of cylindrical shape. The viscoelastic behavior of samples was characterized based on the parameters of the fourelement Burgers Model. During the compression phase, greater deformation was observed in samples analyzed at higher temperature, and it was demonstrated by a drop in elastic modulus and internal viscosity values of Kelvin–Voigt elements with an increase in temperature. The final percentage recovery of frankfurter samples decreased with an increase in temperature. The differences in compliance between samples analyzed at different temperatures can be attributed to temperature-induced changes in the properties of frankfurter fat.
This paper describes the influence of shock absorbers' technical condition on the vehicle bra... more This paper describes the influence of shock absorbers' technical condition on the vehicle braking process on two types of surface with the Anti-Lock Braking System activated and deactivated. During each of the road tests the vehicle stopping distance, the braking deceleration, and the force applied on the brake pedal were determined. The test plan includes various road surfaces and technical conditions of shock absorbers. The established characteristics of the stopping distance and the deceleration allow the determination of the relations between the technical condition of the shock absorbers, the road surface, and the efficiency of the braking system. In addition, this paper presents the principle of operation of the Anti-Lock Braking System, which is one of the basic active safety systems.
Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich con... more Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich control the operation of actuator systems. Such solutions require an on-board computer foronline monitoring of functional performance, exhaust gas emissions, safety and operating parameters.Mechatronic diagnostic systems identify the machine's actual operating load in different operatingmodes and under specific circumstances.Knowledge engineering methods have not yet been developed in the process of diagnosing a tractor'sdefects, but they seem to offer almost endless possibilities. A defect is defined as every event whichhas an adverse effect on tractor performance and which should be detected in the diagnostic processwith an indication of the type and place of damage as well as the magnitude and variability of damageover time. Diagnostic knowledge is a symbolic representation of empirical relations based on whichdiagnostic procedures are developed.The identification of diagnostic r...
Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich con... more Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich control the operation of actuator systems. Such solutions require an on-board computer foronline monitoring of functional performance, exhaust gas emissions, safety and operating parameters.Mechatronic diagnostic systems identify the machine's actual operating load in different operatingmodes and under specific circumstances.Knowledge engineering methods have not yet been developed in the process of diagnosing a tractor'sdefects, but they seem to offer almost endless possibilities. A defect is defined as every event whichhas an adverse effect on tractor performance and which should be detected in the diagnostic processwith an indication of the type and place of damage as well as the magnitude and variability of damageover time. Diagnostic knowledge is a symbolic representation of empirical relations based on whichdiagnostic procedures are developed.The identification of diagnostic r...
With the extremely advanced and complex design of modern vehicles, their high power and torque, i... more With the extremely advanced and complex design of modern vehicles, their high power and torque, it is necessary to employ advanced diagnostic systems. Quick detection and diagnosis of all defects will protect the vehicle against more serious failures, and will prevent excessive fuel consumption and harmful emissions, as well as prevent the reduction of the efficiency and functionality of vehicles. The mechatronic vehicle diagnostic system must include the diagnostic modules for the following components: engine, powertrain, steering, brake system, suspension and electrical equipment. The study discusses the hardware and software components of the mechatronic vehicle diagnostic system, and presents the sample sensors installed in the vehicle to monitor the parameters of components included in the diagnostic system. The vehicle diagnostics system has been presented using the example of diagnostics of wheeled tractors. For this purpose, two alternative diagnostic devices have been devel...
Opracowany w artykule model obliczeniowy doboru parametrów eksploatacyjnych pojazdu samochodowego... more Opracowany w artykule model obliczeniowy doboru parametrów eksploatacyjnych pojazdu samochodowego z napędem elektrycznym pozwala na wyznaczenie jego zasięgu w zależności od: prędkości jazdy, gabarytów pojazdu, jednostkowego zużycia energii [kJ/kg], jednostkowych oporów ruchu, współczynnika obciążenia pojazdu f, sprawności układu napędowego, realnej energii jednostkowej akumulatorów [kJ/kg]. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań eksploatacyjnych wyznaczono współczynnik β=0,24, który dla przyjętych pozostałych parametrów umożliwia wyznaczenie realnego zasięgu.
Article history: Received: April 2015 Received in the revised form: May 2015 Accepted: July 2015 ... more Article history: Received: April 2015 Received in the revised form: May 2015 Accepted: July 2015 The wheeled tractors that are widely used in various branches of the national economy have a superior design. Various types of faults affect the efficiency of work, increase emissions of hazardous substances and fuel consumption, and affect the safety level and the dynamics of the vehicle. To ensure the appropriate and timely location and repair of faults it is necessary to employ complex diagnostic systems. The study outlines the design of a device used in the diagnostics of the condition of a wheeled tractor. Also, examples of diagnostic algorithms and procedures are also presented. The diagnostic system for the wheeled tractor presented herein considerably improves the reliability of the vehicle and limits the consequences of potential defects. The operator of the tractor is notified immediately after the occurrence of a fault, which prevents further damage to other components of the ...
The existing diagnostic systems are applied to monitor and optimize a tractor's performance a... more The existing diagnostic systems are applied to monitor and optimize a tractor's performance and effectiveness, while there is no consumption monitoring systems in terms of damage. A malfunction can be analyzed at different levels of complexity, including systems, kinematic pairs and components. Based on the generated consequences, defects can be classified into the following groups. Are the following classes of damage: damage to functional, emission, unsafe deteriorating dynamics, which are assigned to certain effects. The study was prepared simulation model wheeled tractor, which incorporates traction characteristics describe physical phenomena associated with the operation of the tractor and having an impact on the process of degradation under certain loading cycles. An algorithm for determining fuel consumption during simulated defects in a wheeled tractor is presented in this paper. Most tractor malfunctions affect fuel consumption. Fuel consumption is one of the key diagnos...
Determining the exact values of the rolling radii of the wheels is extremely important in terms o... more Determining the exact values of the rolling radii of the wheels is extremely important in terms of the functioning of the safety systems of modern vehicles. It is on the basis of the rotational speed of the vehicle wheels that the traction parameters of the vehicle are determined, as well as the warning about the existence of low tire pressure. The precision of determining the turning radius significantly improves the accuracy of calculations of the slip value, driving force, and also plays a key role in determining the linear speed of a motor vehicle. This article presents the method of determining the value of the rolling radius of a tire and tests of changes in its value under the influence of changes in the value of vertical load and tire pressure. Based on the performed measurements, a mathematical model of changes in the value of the effective wheel rolling circumference from the above-mentioned parameters was determined. The results of the regression analysis indicate a very good fit of the developed model to the results of the conducted experimental research. Keywords: turning radius of the wheel, wheel load, tire pressure. METODA WYZNACZANIA EFEKTYWNYCH OBWODÓW TOCZENIA KÓŁ POJAZDÓW Streszczenie Określenie dokładnych wartości promieni toczenia kół jest niezwykle istotne w aspekcie funkcjonowania systemów bezpieczeństwa nowoczesnych pojazdów. To na podstawie prędkości obrotowych kół pojazdu określane są parametry trakcyjne pojazdu, jak również generowane jest ostrzeżenie o byt niskim ciśnieniu w ogumieniu. Precyzja określania promienia toczenia wpływa na znaczną poprawę dokładności obliczeń wartości poślizgu, siły napędowej, jak również odgrywa kluczową rolę w przypadku określania liniowej prędkości ruchu pojazdu samochodowego. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania wartości promienia toczenia koła ogumionego oraz przeprowadzono badania zmian jego wartości pod wpływem zmian wartości obciążenia pionowego oraz ciśnienia w ogumieniu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiarów, wyznaczono model matematyczny zmian wartości efektywnego obwodu toczenia koła od wymienionych parametrów. Wyniki analizy regresji wskazują na bardzo dobre dopasowanie opracowanego modelu do wyników przeprowadzonych badań eksperymentalnych. Słowa kluczowe: promień toczenia koła, obciążenie koła, ciśnienie w ogumieniu.
Papers by Michał Janulin