Papers by Kartika Metafisika

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA, Nov 29, 2023
STEM-based learning implementation plan aims to integrate aspects of natural science, technology,... more STEM-based learning implementation plan aims to integrate aspects of natural science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a holistic learning activity. In the educational context, pre-service teachers have an important role in developing effective learning implementation plans to achieve learning goals and facilitate the student learning process. This study aimed to explore the cognitive abilities of prospective teachers in designing STEM-based learning implementation plans using the CODE-Plan model. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods involving several pre-service chemistry teachers as participants. Pre-service chemistry teachers design lesson plans based on the CATUR STEM guidebook (how to organize STEM Learning). This guidebook is a product developed by researchers. Data was collected through interviews, observations and analysis of documents related to learning implementation plans that pre-service chemistry teachers had made. The cognitive abilities of pre-service chemistry teachers in designing STEMbased learning implementation plans are assessed through several indicators, including clarity in formulating objectives, accuracy of integration of context and content, accuracy of a series of STEM-based learning activities, and completeness of the assessment. The results of the research show that most pre-service chemistry teachers have been able to make plans for implementing STEM-based learning by adapting the methods in the CATUR STEM guidebook. Some of the pre-service chemistry teachers have been able to formulate learning objectives in accordance with the chemistry curriculum, design STEMbased learning activities that are oriented towards learning objectives, and plan evaluations. Various chemistry issues in everyday life are correlated with chemistry material and presented in STEM-based learning activity plans by pre-service chemistry teacher students. However, pre-service chemistry teacher students still need to improve in planning the total lesson hours needed for each meeting, and some of the chemical issues used in these learning activities are difficult to implement in the classroom

Orbital: Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia
There are not many detailed explanations on how to design STEM learning in chemistry lesson scope... more There are not many detailed explanations on how to design STEM learning in chemistry lesson scope. This has made researchers and chemistry teachers not understand about its application in the classroom. Therefore, this study aims to develop a guidebook containing theories on how to design STEM learning. This research used Design and Development Research with these stages being carried out, namely (1) analysis of STEM concepts and lesson plans, (2) design of the CATUR STEM outline, (3) development of the contents of the CATUR STEM guidebook, and (4) assessment which includes validation of guidebook content. This guidebook has been declared very valid without revision by 12 validators involved with a validity value of 3.74 (out of a maximum score of 4.00). This guidebook contains information about STEM learning using modification of Engineering Design Process (EDP), how to create lesson plans based on Merdeka Belajar policy and STEM-EDP learning, and a collection of examples of STEM-E...

International Journal of STEM Education for Sustainability, 2021
In Indonesia, STEM education has been implemented in the learning process since 2014. The number ... more In Indonesia, STEM education has been implemented in the learning process since 2014. The number of researches on the implementation of STEM education are increasing from year to year. Therefore, this research was conducted to map the all articles published online with the theme of STEM education implementation in Indonesia. The scoping review was carried out following the framework from Arksey & O'Malley (2005), with the following steps: (1) formulating research questions, (2) exploring research results on Google Scholar database from 2015-2020 with the keyword “implementation” + "STEM education" + “Indonesia”, (3) sorting the collected articles with predetermined criteria and selecting them according to the PRISMA model, (4) discussion, and (5) conclusion. Found 597 articles that match to these keywords and 154 articles that meet the criteria as research data. The results showed that the STEM education is implemented as a learning strategy and approach, integrated wi...

Proceedings of the International Conference Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang - ICFTKUINIBP 2020, 2020
Early Childhoods have a curiosity about the surrounding environment. This time, they are also the... more Early Childhoods have a curiosity about the surrounding environment. This time, they are also the alpha generation who will enter the 4.0 industrial revolution who required to think critically, communicate, collaborate, be creative and have skills in mastering technology that can be trained and facilitated through the STEAM approach. STEAM for Early Childhood combines Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics with a simple context and is close to everyday life, which is a learning approach that is relevant to the 2013 curriculum because it is in line with the scientific approach. The need to develop STEAM content and approaches referring to the 2013 curriculum can facilitate early childhood educators to develop STEAM learning according to the 2013 curriculum. Therefore, the STEAM learning development design in the 2013 curriculum is produced through the Research and Development method accompanied by a prototype of the development results.

COMSERVA Indonesian Jurnal of Community Services and Development
Kendala dalam menghafal huruf hijaiyah pada kelas tilawati Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dapat... more Kendala dalam menghafal huruf hijaiyah pada kelas tilawati Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dapat menghambat proses pembelajaran Al-Qur’an hingga ke tahap berikutnya. Sandpaper letter merupakan media pembelajaran yang digunakan pada metode Montessori untuk pengenalan alfabet yang dapat digunakan sebagai media tambahan untuk pembelajaran Tilawati PAUD. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memudahkan Anak Usia Dini (AUD) menghafal huruf Hijaiyah. Berdasarkan hasil dampingan kepada pengajar dan 5 Anak Didik tilawati PAUD TPQ Amanah, kec. Gunung Anyar, kota Surabaya, didapatkan adanya kenaikan rata-rata huruf hijaiyah yang dapat dihafalkan anak selama 1 bulan. Hasil pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Qur’an lain yang ingin memudahkan AUD dalam menghafal huruf hijaiyah.
This study aims to understand how to analyze literacy content in Natural Sciences (IPA) textbooks... more This study aims to understand how to analyze literacy content in Natural Sciences (IPA) textbooks. The analysis was carried out on the thematic textbook of curriculum 2013 class 4th entitled “Indahnya Kebersamaan”. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method by mapping Knowledge of Science (KoS), Nature of Science (NoS), Science as The Way of Thinking (WoT), and Science Technology Society (STS) as elements that need to be met in IPA textbooks based on scientific literacy criteria build by Chiapetta. Based on the results of the search, it is known that the Thematic Book for class 4 Theme 1 has generally fulfilled the elements of scientific literacy.
This study aims to determine the accuracy of the concept used in Senior High school Chemistry tex... more This study aims to determine the accuracy of the concept used in Senior High school Chemistry textbooks grade XI that is used in the city of Bogor, especially on solubility concept. The research was conducted by surveying the titles of textbooks used by teachers and students in 10 senior high schools in Bogor city. The three books most widely used by the 10 schools were analyzed for the accuracy of the concept description compared to the content of four university chemistry textbooks on materials related to solubility and solubility products. The results of the analysis were validated by 2 experts. The result of the analysis of three textbooks in circulation indicates the imprecision of concept description and potentially lead to misconception.
Papers by Kartika Metafisika