Papers by Mestika Sekarwinahyu
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA
This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the influence of the use of Relating, Experien... more This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the influence of the use of Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring (REACT) strategies on science learning outcomes in terms of students' critical thinking skills. In this research, it discusses the importance of teacher accuracy in choosing learning strategies, namely between REACT and conventional strategies and the importance of teachers to know student characteristics, one of which is the ability to think critically in improving student learning outcomes. The population in this study was all fifth grade elementary school students in Ciruas District, Serang Regency, Banten Province. Samples were taken using purposive sampling techniques totaling 62 students. Data on science learning outcomes are collected using the test method. Meanwhile, data on students' critical thinking ability were collected using the questionnaire method as preliminary data to identify students' critical thinking abilitie...
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Guru Sekolah Dasar (JPPGuseda)
This quasi-experimental study aims to determine the effect of the guided inquiry method on scienc... more This quasi-experimental study aims to determine the effect of the guided inquiry method on science process skills in terms of students' learning styles. The population of this study was all fifth grade students at SDN Leuwiliang 04, Bogor Regency, even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year as many as 68 people. When the research was carried out in June 2022 for 4 face-to-face meetings. The statistical test used is in the form of a 2x2 ANOVA inferential test. The results showed that the F_(count) price was 29.044 the F_table(1:59) price was 4.00 and the sig. = 0.00 0.05, so there are differences in science processing skills between students with introverted and extroverted learning styles. The second hypothesis shows that the F_(count) price is 1.859 the F_table(1:59) price is 4.00 and the sig. = 0.00 0.05, there is a difference in the science processing skills of the group of students who were treated with conventional methods and guided inquiry. In the third hypothesis, it sh...
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA
This study aims to produce a reflective learning program that can be applied to the online tutori... more This study aims to produce a reflective learning program that can be applied to the online tutorial in the Biology Education Department which can improve the reflective thinking skills of Biology Education students. The study was conducted in three years with using the research and development (R & D) which adapts the 4 D model from Thiagarajan et al. The research steps carried out preliminary studies, program design, program development -which includes program trials and program revisions-, and program implementation. What will be discussed in this paper is limited to how the program development process goes from the start until the right prototype is obtained to help students hone their reflective thinking skills. Reflective learning programs in online tutorials require several stages to arrive at the most appropriate prototype that is able to increase student participation in reflection which has the potential to increase reflective thinking skills. After going through several st...
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA
This study describes the science literacy of elementary school students who are taught using the ... more This study describes the science literacy of elementary school students who are taught using the science practical work method. The research was conducted on grade 4 and grade 5 students at six public and private elementary schools in South Tangerang City, Banten. Data collection was carried out using tests, observation sheets, student activity sheets, and questionnaires. The results showed that students had good understandings, good performance, high interest, and high self-confidence. Moreover, students indicated good scientific attitudes and positive attitudes towards science. The conclusion is that learning science using the science practical work method can provide elementary school students fourth grades and fifth grades showed science literacy characteristics.
Jurnal ilmiah sekolah dasar, Jun 4, 2022
Keterampilan inkuiri adalah keterampilan yang penting dimiliki oleh seorang guru. Tujuan peneliti... more Keterampilan inkuiri adalah keterampilan yang penting dimiliki oleh seorang guru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keterampilan inkuiri yang dimiliki oleh guru sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain survei. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 49 orang guru. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen tes yang diberikan kepada partisipan dan wawancara mengenai pemahaman mereka mengenai pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri. Kemudian jawaban tersebut dianalisis dan diklasifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keterampilan inkuiri guru perlu ditingkatkan karena dari empat kelompok keterampilan inkuiri baik itu mengkonsepsi dan merencanakan desain, implementasi, analisis dan interpretasi, serta mengkomunikasikan semuanya berada pada kategori "lemah" hal ini ditunjukkan dengan persentase rata-rata responden pada setiap kelompok dibawah 50%. Mayoritas responden bukan berlatar belakang pendidikan sains. Mereka juga tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang mumpuni mengenai pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri apalagi dalam menggunakannya dalam proses pembelajaran. Namun, mereka sepakat bahwa keterampilan inkuiri merupakan keterampilan yang penting untuk dikembangkan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan sebuah program perkuliahan yang dapat memfasilitasi guru SD untuk dapat mengembangkan keterampilan inkuirinya agar pembelajaran sains di SD dapat menjadi lebih optimal lagi.
Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka Dan Jarak Jauh
This study aims to produce a reflective learning program that can be applied to the online tutori... more This study aims to produce a reflective learning program that can be applied to the online tutorial for the final project to improve students' reflective thinking skills. Through a series of phased activities, a reflective learning program using discussion as the core of activities followed by reflection activities using the Gibbs’ reflective cycle has produced a reflective learning program in an online tutorial that is ready to be tested. The test was conducted to measure the students' reflective thinking level before and after using the program using the Kember reflective thinking level instrument. The study show that the program has the main characteristic of sharpening students' reflective thinking skills. After using the program, students' reflective thinking skills showed an increase in the highest score at the critical reflection level. The program has the advantage that students will get used to doing reflection and can practice higher-order thinking skills ...
The study describes how to conduct instruction and assess student perception and understanding of... more The study describes how to conduct instruction and assess student perception and understanding of life science in primary school. Primary school students have to be involved in science instruction using the student active learning approach based on observations and experiments. Relevant assessment and evaluation have to be provided as well. The learning abilities and skills that result from this instruction are considered as the basis and provision for further science learning as well as being needed to deal with the challenges of the twenty first century. The purpose of the study was to analyze the teaching and learning process and assessment activities in relation to science abilities and skills in practical applications of plant adaptation and protection in primary school. The study was conducted from September to December 2013 in the fifth grade class of three public and private elementary schools in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Data of student’s readiness for learning, p...
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan penelitian Reasearch and Development (R & D). T... more Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan penelitian Reasearch and Development (R & D). Tujuan khusus penelitian adalah mendapatkan (a) pola peta kompetensi, pengalaman belajar praktikum, dan metode penilaian yang relevan, (b) suatu rancangan program praktikum untuk mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi, dan (c) 3 (tiga) prototipe program praktikum noncetak. Manfaat penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas konten dan pelaksanaan praktikum serta meningkatkan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa. Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Terbuka dan Perguruan Tinggi Mitra pada bulan Maret sampai dengan November 2014. Sumber informasi dan responden pada penelitian ini adalah 5 orang dosen dan 61 orang mahasiswa. Informasi dan data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan analisis dokumen, wawancara, angket dan tes. Hasil utama penelitian berupa (1) pengelompokkan dan penjelasan jenis kegiatan praktikum berdasarkan kompetensi, yang akan dicapai yang terdiri atas praktikum (a) yang memerlukan lab dan instr...
This paper analyzes the results of a descriptive study of practical work at the Biology Education... more This paper analyzes the results of a descriptive study of practical work at the Biology Education Program. It was based on distance learning and showed the student's perception of biology practical. Data were collected using document analysis sheets, observations, and questionnaires. The results of the study indicated that assessment is conducted before, during, and after practical work by instructors, lab assistants, or lecturers. The assessment of the skills and abilities was carried out using an observation sheet and document analyses form. Also, an assessment of readiness to carry out the practicum examined the purpose of lab work, description or explanation of equipment and materials used, and work procedures or steps. This study showed that students had positive attitudes towards practical and assumed that all the activities involved, as well as writing reports, were easy, enjoyable, and useful. In general, practical works enhance science knowledge and improve skill
Kecemasan akan keberlangsungan proses belajar didaerah rawan banjir sering menghantui siswa dan g... more Kecemasan akan keberlangsungan proses belajar didaerah rawan banjir sering menghantui siswa dan guru pada musim penghujan. Curah hujan yang cukup tinggi, alih fungsi daerah resapan menjadi pemukiman, serta pendangkalan sungai Bengawan Solo menjadi pemicu terjadinya banjir di daerah Sragen, Jawa Tengah. Pada saat banjir tiba, proses pembelajaran di daerah Sragen tidak dapat berlangsung, karena jalan menuju sekolah sulit ditempuh oleh guru dan siswa, ruang kelas digenangi air dan lumpur, dan beberapa fasilitas sekolah lainnya rusak. Makalah ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian Model Pembelajaran Mandiri Kreatif Produktif Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Bagi Siswa SD Kelas V di daerah Rawan Banjir. Makalah ini akan mendiskusikan hasil penelitian tentang salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan di daerah rawan banjir. Model Pembelajaran ini dapat memotivasi peserta didik untuk bersikap kreatif dan produktif. Kearifan lokal khususnya hal-hal yang tabu dilakukan masyarakat Ja...
Tutorial Online mata kuliah Perkembangan Tumbuhan dan matakuliah Evolusi dan Sistematika Mahluk H... more Tutorial Online mata kuliah Perkembangan Tumbuhan dan matakuliah Evolusi dan Sistematika Mahluk Hidup telah ditawarkan sejak tahun 2007. Tugas yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa berupa tugas dalam bentuk uraian dimana mahasiswa diminta untuk memberikan jawaban terhadap pertanyaan yang diberikan. Dari jawaban yang diterima menggambarkan mahasiswa menjawab sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan dan jawaban mahasiswa cenderung memiliki pola jawaban yang sama, dan seringkali ada beberapa mahasiswa yang memberikan jawaban yang sama persis sehingga tidak menggambarkan sejauh mana mereka memahami keterkaitan antara konsep-konsep yang telah mereka pelajari dan apakah belajar bermakna telah berlangsung pada diri mereka. peta konsep merupakan salah satu teknik evaluasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur pemahaman mahasiswa pada konsep-konsep yang telah dipelajarinya. Selain itu, peta konsep merupakan salah satu alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah pada diri seseorang (terutama pada kem...
Capaian pembelajaran di dalam mata kuliah mikrobiologi umum adalah mahasiswa calon guru biologi d... more Capaian pembelajaran di dalam mata kuliah mikrobiologi umum adalah mahasiswa calon guru biologi dapat memahami dasar-dasar keilmuan tentang mikroba dan aplikasinya dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan, memiliki ketrampilan dasar laboratorium untuk menunjang pemahaman konsep dan melatih kerja ilmiah, serta memahami dunia mikroba. Mengacu pada capaian pembelajaran tersebut maka mahasiswa tersebut dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan psikomotor selain kemampuan kognitif. Penelitian deskriptif ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan keterampilan psikomotor mahasiswa calon guru biologi melalui praktikum kultivasi mikroorganisme. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa pada Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2016/2017. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah instrumen non tes berupa lembar observasi psikomotor siswa untuk mengetahui profil keterampilan psikomotor selama praktikum berlangsung. Keterampilan psi...
Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan literasi sains pada siswa sekolah ... more Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan literasi sains pada siswa sekolah dasar yang diharapkan pada masa dewasanya kelak mereka dapat berkontribusi dalam peningkatan kualitas kesejahteraan sosial dan ekonomi serta kelangsungan kehidupan dan alam sekitar. Target khusus yang diharapkan dicapai adalah Mengembangkan dan mengujicoba prototipe kelengkapan pembelajaran sains untuk metode praktikum yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran sains di SD, (2) Menjelaskan proses pembelajaran sains praktikum di SD dikaitkan dengan literasi sains guru SD, (3) Menjelaskan proses pembelajaran sains praktikum di SD terkait ketersediaan dan pemanfaatan fasilitas oleh guru untuk pembelajaran sains, (4) Menjelaskan proses pembelajaran sains praktikum di SD dikaitkan dengan minat dan kepercayaan diri siswa untuk belajar sains, dan (5) Mendeskripsikan pengaruh proses pembelajaran sains praktikum di SD terhadap literasi sains siswa di SD. Metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dengan pen...
In an ODL system, the interactivity among a course material and students is part of learning proc... more In an ODL system, the interactivity among a course material and students is part of learning process. The aim of this article is to get information from students of the quality of non printed course material as supplemented course material and to analyze the influence of the use of the non printed course material on students concept understanding. In this study, the non printed course materials are audio BMP of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Graphic audio of Biometry, and CAI of Biochemistry. Data was collected through instruments in forms of objective item test and questioners. The study showed that there were improvement of students understanding on concepts of Human Anatomy and Physiology by using audio BMP, concepts of Biometry by using Graphic audio, and concepts of Biochemistry by using CAI program. The gain of understanding between pre-test and post test was significant at ?=0.05. The quality of CAI of Biochemistry as interactive learning program was adequate. However, the qua...
Landslides are natural disasters that often occurs in Indonesia. The main triggers landslide is r... more Landslides are natural disasters that often occurs in Indonesia. The main triggers landslide is rainwater and human behavior that are not wise to the environment. On the other hand, recently a lot of high school students who are less familiar with local culture. Efforts recognition and preservation of culture needs to be encouraged back in schools. Therefore, this paper will elaborate on West Java culture-based learning in the context of landslide mitigation for elementary school students. Culture of West Java which is integrated into the learning avalanche response is in the form of traditional games, and children's songs (stanzas) of West Java. This paper is part of a national strategic research titled Development Package Learning for Elementary Students in disaster prone regions. The results showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes obtained by elementary school students, and learning becomes more interesting and fun for them.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2020
Science practical work has to be carried out with due regard to the availability of resources and... more Science practical work has to be carried out with due regard to the availability of resources and has to facilitate student learning, but in accordance with the instructional goals. A practical work manual need to be supplemented with relevant visualization programs in order to improve students’ understanding of practical work on health education topics. The objectives of the research were to identify practical topics that need visualization programs and to develop an example of a visualization program for the practical work. The results of the research were models of visualizing practical work procedures in biology on the topics of health education. The study carried out using the design of qualitative research method. The source of data and information consisted of five lecturers and sixteen students of the Biology Education Program. The instruments consisted of focus group discussion, interviews, document analyses, questionnaires, and test. The results indicated that practical works manual require programs to visualize practical instructions that students must undertake. The visualization programs are to provide a more detailed explanation of the components of the topic discussed, such as in the respiratory system, to provide a detailed description of the procedures that must be carried out, for example in practicums of measuring respiration rates, and to detail observations, for example in practicums of the sex determination of fruit flies. In addition, the results specified that in the development of programs that visualize practical instructions and biological concepts could use the Dick & Carey Systems Approach Model for Designing Instruction. The programs are to increase students’ understanding of practical work and towards the content discussed. However, further researchs need to conduct in order to explore and analyze the level of student understanding.
The study describes about how to teach science lesson using various plants close to the students.... more The study describes about how to teach science lesson using various plants close to the students. The purpose of the study was to analyze the process and outcomes of learning science through observing plants that were around the students. The study was conducted in September to December 2013 in the fourth grade class of 3 public and private elementary schools in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. The results of the study revealed that (1) the students seemed ready to learn through observing plants that were around them, (2) they were very enthusiastic and passion for learning, although still frequent search for confirmation to their teacher during process learning and observations, so that the teacher seemed difficult to facilitate their students, (3) the students seemed to be trying to implement all tasks and noted all results, (4) the learning outcomes that were measured after the end of the study showed that the students demonstrated average results for the ability doing science practicum in observing, and poorly results for ability in formulating conclusion, in addition (5) they showed have fairly attitude and interest, as well as fairly self confidence and perceptions to science and learn science. The conclusion is that teacher can use various things close to the students and prepare their own lesson plans and worksheets in order to develop student abilities and skills in science.
Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Disertasi ini tidak boleh diperbanyak seluruhya atau sebagian... more Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Disertasi ini tidak boleh diperbanyak seluruhya atau sebagian, dengan dicetak ulang, difoto kopi, atau cara lainnya tanpa ijin dari penulis.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
This study is part of the development of problem-based learning research in plant development usi... more This study is part of the development of problem-based learning research in plant development using the Gibbs’ reflective cycle and e-portfolio, namely the program implementation phase The Study aims to find out the problem-based learning skills and reflection skills of biology education students. The study conducted in the semester 2018.1 involving 24 biology education students participating in the Plant Development online tutorial. The study was conducted by providing discourse related to differences in Algae and Moss and asking students to carry out problem-based learning processes (PBL) and reflect on what they had done in the PBL process. The instruments used were the rubric of PBL and reflection skills five scales (range 0-4). The results showed that the average PBL skills score of biology education students is lower than their average reflection skills score. Of the six PBL components assessed, the students’ ability to formulate problems is the highest ability, and the abilit...
Papers by Mestika Sekarwinahyu