Papers by Maria Assunta Menniti

Natural and engineering sciences, Nov 17, 2022
The presence of Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) in Southern Calabrian waters of the Ionian Sea... more The presence of Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) in Southern Calabrian waters of the Ionian Sea is poorly known. During dedicated cetacean research started in the summer of 2019 in the stretch of Calabrian waters between Brancaleone and Botricello, a pod of Risso's dolphins was recorded for the first time. This observation occurred of Siderno and Locri at about 8.3 km from the shore where the sea depth is 720 m, a bathymetric feature that is in line with the known deeper water habitat preference of the species. This Risso's dolphin pod was composed of at least 14 individuals. The latter were photo-identified. One individual showed signs of a serious injury due to a probable vessel accident that severed partly into its back behind its dorsal fin. Most of the individuals observed were mature to old with their frontal area already light grey to white. This scientific report contributes new knowledge on the distribution of the species in the Central Mediterranean Sea which may better address effective conservation management efforts for the species. Further monitoring and management are needed for this endangered species, especially in a geographic area that was previously unstudied for an extended period, despite past stranding events and citizen sightings of cetaceans being recorded occasionally.

Academia Biology
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) suffer from multiple anthropogenic pressures due to thei... more Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) suffer from multiple anthropogenic pressures due to their habitat preference in coastal waters. As this vulnerable species is protected under the European Habitats Directive and various other conventions (Bern, Barcelona, Bonn) and agreements (ACCOBAMS), it requires MPAs (such as SCIs—Sites of Community Importance and SACs—Special Areas of Conservation) for their protection. Bottlenose dolphin research carried out in the stretch of the Southern Ionian Sea, between Brancaleone and Botricello, has reduced the gap in knowledge about the presence and distribution of cetacean species in this region. The first year-long study, in 2019, was developed through the regional operational program 2014–2020, 6.5.a.1-sub-action 2 “Conserving, restoring and protecting habitats and species of the Natura 2000”. The project involved a multi-action approach including scientific field research, citizen science in order to increase the knowledge and awareness regarding the marine environment and dolphins’ conservation, and removal of the marine litter in the SAC Fondali di Stalettì in order to reduce the negative impact these could have on the health of the bottlenose dolphins (entrapment in abandoned fishing ghost nets, plastic ingestion, etc.). Preliminary results on the presence and distribution of bottlenose dolphins scientifically investigated year-round are presented here. Similar scientific studies are necessary for cetacean protection providing necessary knowledge for the institution of marine protected areas (MPAs) and monitoring for effective conservation of marine mammals.

Academia Biology, Oct 27, 2023
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) suffer from multiple anthropogenic pressures due to thei... more Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) suffer from multiple anthropogenic pressures due to their habitat preference in coastal waters. As this vulnerable species is protected under the European Habitats Directive and various other conventions (Bern, Barcelona, Bonn) and agreements (ACCOBAMS), it requires MPAs (such as SCIs—Sites of Community Importance and SACs—Special Areas of Conservation) for their protection. Bottlenose dolphin research carried out in the stretch of the Southern Ionian Sea, between Brancaleone and Botricello, has reduced the gap in knowledge about the presence and distribution of cetacean species in this region. The first year-long study, in 2019, was developed through the regional operational program 2014–2020, 6.5.a.1-sub-action 2 “Conserving, restoring and protecting habitats and species of the Natura 2000”. The project involved a multi-action approach including scientific field research, citizen science in order to increase the knowledge and awareness regarding the marine environment and dolphins’ conservation, and removal of the marine litter in the SAC Fondali di Stalettì in order to reduce the negative impact these could have on the health of the bottlenose dolphins (entrapment in abandoned fishing ghost nets, plastic ingestion, etc.). Preliminary results on the presence and distribution of bottlenose dolphins scientifically investigated year-round are presented here. Similar scientific studies are necessary for cetacean protection providing necessary knowledge for the institution of marine protected areas (MPAs) and monitoring for effective conservation of marine mammals.
Papers by Maria Assunta Menniti