YÖK Tez No: 430823Küresel rekabet şartları yüksek teknoloji gerektiren birçok elektriksel aygıtın... more YÖK Tez No: 430823Küresel rekabet şartları yüksek teknoloji gerektiren birçok elektriksel aygıtın fiyatlarının makul seviyelere düşmesine ve bunun sonucunda yatırım maliyetlerinin azalmasına yol açmıştır. Özellikle, yenilenebilir enerji uygulamalarında bu durum bariz bir şekilde görülmektedir. Bu yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları içerisinde önem arz eden fotovoltaik enerjinin günümüzde konut, işyeri gibi birçok yerde elektrik enerjisi üretimi için gittikçe artan bir şekilde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Konutlardaki uygulamalarda genellikle çatıya yerleştirilen sabit fotovoltaik paneller ile elektrik enerjisi üretilmektedir. Ancak fotovoltaik paneller sıcaklık ve ışınım düzeyi gibi çevresel şartlardan ciddi bir şekilde etkilenmekte, sistem verimi buna bağlı olarak azalan yönde değişmektedir. Buradaki dezavantajlı durumu gidermek için fotovoltaik sistemde her daim maksimum gücü sağlayacak şekilde bir ayarlamanın yapılması gerekir. Bu durum genel olarak maksimum güç takip sistemi olarak ad...
This paper presents the simulation and analysis of hydraulic-pneumatic quadruple tank system, whi... more This paper presents the simulation and analysis of hydraulic-pneumatic quadruple tank system, which is generally used in industrial processes. The system is complex and has many variables. So, the program tool brings to examine the effects of the system parameters. In addition, this analysis and simulation program provides to teach graduate and undergraduate students without laboratory for hydraulic-pneumatic quadruple tank system. The linear dynamic model is used for the simulation and analysis under some operating conditions. Eventually, some simulation examples are exhibited for the parameter effects.
This paper presents a PID controller for water hydraulic servo motor systems. Ziegler-Nichols met... more This paper presents a PID controller for water hydraulic servo motor systems. Ziegler-Nichols method estimates the control parameters of the controller. Even though the highly nonlinear nature of water hydraulic servo motor systems makes the implementation of this controller a challenge with the help of linearization techniques it is been successful in controlling the system. Ease of use and simplicity are two big advantages of this control method in hydraulic servo motor systems.
Dogru akim (DC) ile calisan, degisik guclerde uretilebilen, akimin verilen yonune gore bir tarafi... more Dogru akim (DC) ile calisan, degisik guclerde uretilebilen, akimin verilen yonune gore bir tarafi asiri soguyan diger tarafi ise asiri isinan elektronik aletlere peltier denir. Peltier, elektriksel olarak seri bagli, isi olarak paralel bagli P ve N tipi yari iletken malzemelerden olusur. Alt ve ust yuzeyi seramik kaplidir. Seramik, isil olarak iletken, elektriksel olarak yalitkan ozelligi saglar. Genel olarak peltierlerin COP degerleri dusuktur. Yani uzaklastirmak istediginiz yuk icin konvansiyonel buzdolabi cevrimlerine (refrigeration cycle) oranla sisteme cok daha yuksek bir enerji vermeniz gerekmektedir. Avantajlari ise konvansiyonel buzdolabi cevrimlerine gore daha basit ve daha sorunsuz sistemlerdir. Bir de konvansiyonel buzdolabi cevrimlerinde kullanilacak olan kompresorde belli guclerin altina inildiginde fiyatlari artmakta ve verimlilikleri azalmaktadir (bu verimlilik azalmasi sonucu da sistemin COP’ si azalmaktadir). Bu calismada peltier malzemelerin elektrikli arac batarya...
PMSM motor are getting more common each day in industrial applications due to their superiorities... more PMSM motor are getting more common each day in industrial applications due to their superiorities such as lacking physical parts such as brushes or commutators, higher reliability and high efficiency and better life expectancy. Another advantage of a pmsm is that it can operate at speeds above 10,000 rpm in bot loaded and unloaded conditions. It is also capable of operating with less noise and electromagnetic interference than a brushed motor. Only disadvantage of a PMSM is that it needs for a control system which is complex. One of the common ways to control a PMSM is the field oriented control method. PMSM is used for the hydraulic servo motor systems. In this study, a PMSM is controlled with FOC method by using Simulink model and the Kp and KI coefficients of PI have been determined by using ZieglerNichols method.
This paper shows the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) control of coupled-tank system based on the... more This paper shows the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) control of coupled-tank system based on the linearized mathematical model. Although the system is nonlinear, it can be linearized at the operating points. Therefore, the temperature and level controller is designed via the method, which is applicable in practical. Also, the control method is known as an optimal control and it has good performance is obtained by determining some matrices of and designing of control for liquid level and temperature controls.
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2016
It is obvious that irradiation level and cell temperature are mainly influential on I-V character... more It is obvious that irradiation level and cell temperature are mainly influential on I-V characteristic of a PV module. A change in optimal operation point of voltage affects maximum electricity generation transferred to a load. Therefore, it is necessary to use a dc-dc converter to adjust PV output voltage to optimal point of it under constant load conditions. To do that I-V curve of the PV module should first be obtained at given insolation rate and temperature and the dc-dc converter is used to set the voltage to optimal point. In this study, at certain ranges of irradiation level and temperature the I-V curve was obtained through parameter extraction from the single diode model using the genetic algorithm. The duty ratio of the dc-dc converter is optimized until the input resistance of the converter equals the optimal resistance under varying irradiation level and temperature. The results are meaningful and encouraging compared to those of similar works.
2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), 2015
In this study, the mathematical models of two typical photovoltaic modules were obtained from a w... more In this study, the mathematical models of two typical photovoltaic modules were obtained from a widely used single diode circuit model. The unknown parameters such as the diode ideality factor and the parasitic resistances were estimated using short circuit current and open circuit voltage given in the manufacturer's data sheet through the circuit model under consideration. It is obvious that parameter extraction is a typical minimization problem which may be solved by deterministic or stochastic optimization techniques depending on complexity of it. Since the equation obtained from I-V characteristic of the circuit model was transcendental a newly developed meta-heuristic technique such as the shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) was employed to identify the unknown parameters at various irradiance levels and temperatures. The results indicated that application of the SFLA method produced meaningful and encouraging outcomes to deliver peak power to a load.
Endustri 4.0 ile hayatimiza girecek olan karanlik fabrikalarin sosyal hayatimizi etkilemesi kacin... more Endustri 4.0 ile hayatimiza girecek olan karanlik fabrikalarin sosyal hayatimizi etkilemesi kacinilmaz bir gercektir. Bu durumun sonucu olarak gunluk hayatimizda robotlarin vazgecilmez bir yerinin olacagi goz ardi edilemez. Bu calismada konuyla ilgilenen herkesin kendisinin yapabilecegi bir mobil robot uygulamasina yer verilerek robotlarin gunluk hayatimizda kullaniminin yayginlastirilmasi hedeflenmektedir. Kullanicinin istegine gore wi-fi veya bluetooth ile kolay kontrol edilebilme imkâni sunulmustur. Mobil robotumuzun govdesi ise 3D yazici kullanilarak olusturulmustur. Mikrodenetleyici olarak NodeMCU kullanilmis ve eklenmis olan mesafe sensoru ile aracin engellere carpmasi onlenmistir. Ayrica eklenen sicaklik, nem ve gaz sensorleri ile ortam verilerine uzaktan erisim saglanmistir. Gaz sensorunden okunan degerlerin nominal degerleri gecmesi durumunda kullaniciya bildirim gonderilmesi saglanmistir. Sensorlerden okunan bu degerler wi-fi modul araciligiyla uzaktan erisilebilir hale g...
YÖK Tez No: 430823Küresel rekabet şartları yüksek teknoloji gerektiren birçok elektriksel aygıtın... more YÖK Tez No: 430823Küresel rekabet şartları yüksek teknoloji gerektiren birçok elektriksel aygıtın fiyatlarının makul seviyelere düşmesine ve bunun sonucunda yatırım maliyetlerinin azalmasına yol açmıştır. Özellikle, yenilenebilir enerji uygulamalarında bu durum bariz bir şekilde görülmektedir. Bu yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları içerisinde önem arz eden fotovoltaik enerjinin günümüzde konut, işyeri gibi birçok yerde elektrik enerjisi üretimi için gittikçe artan bir şekilde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Konutlardaki uygulamalarda genellikle çatıya yerleştirilen sabit fotovoltaik paneller ile elektrik enerjisi üretilmektedir. Ancak fotovoltaik paneller sıcaklık ve ışınım düzeyi gibi çevresel şartlardan ciddi bir şekilde etkilenmekte, sistem verimi buna bağlı olarak azalan yönde değişmektedir. Buradaki dezavantajlı durumu gidermek için fotovoltaik sistemde her daim maksimum gücü sağlayacak şekilde bir ayarlamanın yapılması gerekir. Bu durum genel olarak maksimum güç takip sistemi olarak ad...
This paper presents the simulation and analysis of hydraulic-pneumatic quadruple tank system, whi... more This paper presents the simulation and analysis of hydraulic-pneumatic quadruple tank system, which is generally used in industrial processes. The system is complex and has many variables. So, the program tool brings to examine the effects of the system parameters. In addition, this analysis and simulation program provides to teach graduate and undergraduate students without laboratory for hydraulic-pneumatic quadruple tank system. The linear dynamic model is used for the simulation and analysis under some operating conditions. Eventually, some simulation examples are exhibited for the parameter effects.
This paper presents a PID controller for water hydraulic servo motor systems. Ziegler-Nichols met... more This paper presents a PID controller for water hydraulic servo motor systems. Ziegler-Nichols method estimates the control parameters of the controller. Even though the highly nonlinear nature of water hydraulic servo motor systems makes the implementation of this controller a challenge with the help of linearization techniques it is been successful in controlling the system. Ease of use and simplicity are two big advantages of this control method in hydraulic servo motor systems.
Dogru akim (DC) ile calisan, degisik guclerde uretilebilen, akimin verilen yonune gore bir tarafi... more Dogru akim (DC) ile calisan, degisik guclerde uretilebilen, akimin verilen yonune gore bir tarafi asiri soguyan diger tarafi ise asiri isinan elektronik aletlere peltier denir. Peltier, elektriksel olarak seri bagli, isi olarak paralel bagli P ve N tipi yari iletken malzemelerden olusur. Alt ve ust yuzeyi seramik kaplidir. Seramik, isil olarak iletken, elektriksel olarak yalitkan ozelligi saglar. Genel olarak peltierlerin COP degerleri dusuktur. Yani uzaklastirmak istediginiz yuk icin konvansiyonel buzdolabi cevrimlerine (refrigeration cycle) oranla sisteme cok daha yuksek bir enerji vermeniz gerekmektedir. Avantajlari ise konvansiyonel buzdolabi cevrimlerine gore daha basit ve daha sorunsuz sistemlerdir. Bir de konvansiyonel buzdolabi cevrimlerinde kullanilacak olan kompresorde belli guclerin altina inildiginde fiyatlari artmakta ve verimlilikleri azalmaktadir (bu verimlilik azalmasi sonucu da sistemin COP’ si azalmaktadir). Bu calismada peltier malzemelerin elektrikli arac batarya...
PMSM motor are getting more common each day in industrial applications due to their superiorities... more PMSM motor are getting more common each day in industrial applications due to their superiorities such as lacking physical parts such as brushes or commutators, higher reliability and high efficiency and better life expectancy. Another advantage of a pmsm is that it can operate at speeds above 10,000 rpm in bot loaded and unloaded conditions. It is also capable of operating with less noise and electromagnetic interference than a brushed motor. Only disadvantage of a PMSM is that it needs for a control system which is complex. One of the common ways to control a PMSM is the field oriented control method. PMSM is used for the hydraulic servo motor systems. In this study, a PMSM is controlled with FOC method by using Simulink model and the Kp and KI coefficients of PI have been determined by using ZieglerNichols method.
This paper shows the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) control of coupled-tank system based on the... more This paper shows the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) control of coupled-tank system based on the linearized mathematical model. Although the system is nonlinear, it can be linearized at the operating points. Therefore, the temperature and level controller is designed via the method, which is applicable in practical. Also, the control method is known as an optimal control and it has good performance is obtained by determining some matrices of and designing of control for liquid level and temperature controls.
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2016
It is obvious that irradiation level and cell temperature are mainly influential on I-V character... more It is obvious that irradiation level and cell temperature are mainly influential on I-V characteristic of a PV module. A change in optimal operation point of voltage affects maximum electricity generation transferred to a load. Therefore, it is necessary to use a dc-dc converter to adjust PV output voltage to optimal point of it under constant load conditions. To do that I-V curve of the PV module should first be obtained at given insolation rate and temperature and the dc-dc converter is used to set the voltage to optimal point. In this study, at certain ranges of irradiation level and temperature the I-V curve was obtained through parameter extraction from the single diode model using the genetic algorithm. The duty ratio of the dc-dc converter is optimized until the input resistance of the converter equals the optimal resistance under varying irradiation level and temperature. The results are meaningful and encouraging compared to those of similar works.
2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), 2015
In this study, the mathematical models of two typical photovoltaic modules were obtained from a w... more In this study, the mathematical models of two typical photovoltaic modules were obtained from a widely used single diode circuit model. The unknown parameters such as the diode ideality factor and the parasitic resistances were estimated using short circuit current and open circuit voltage given in the manufacturer's data sheet through the circuit model under consideration. It is obvious that parameter extraction is a typical minimization problem which may be solved by deterministic or stochastic optimization techniques depending on complexity of it. Since the equation obtained from I-V characteristic of the circuit model was transcendental a newly developed meta-heuristic technique such as the shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) was employed to identify the unknown parameters at various irradiance levels and temperatures. The results indicated that application of the SFLA method produced meaningful and encouraging outcomes to deliver peak power to a load.
Endustri 4.0 ile hayatimiza girecek olan karanlik fabrikalarin sosyal hayatimizi etkilemesi kacin... more Endustri 4.0 ile hayatimiza girecek olan karanlik fabrikalarin sosyal hayatimizi etkilemesi kacinilmaz bir gercektir. Bu durumun sonucu olarak gunluk hayatimizda robotlarin vazgecilmez bir yerinin olacagi goz ardi edilemez. Bu calismada konuyla ilgilenen herkesin kendisinin yapabilecegi bir mobil robot uygulamasina yer verilerek robotlarin gunluk hayatimizda kullaniminin yayginlastirilmasi hedeflenmektedir. Kullanicinin istegine gore wi-fi veya bluetooth ile kolay kontrol edilebilme imkâni sunulmustur. Mobil robotumuzun govdesi ise 3D yazici kullanilarak olusturulmustur. Mikrodenetleyici olarak NodeMCU kullanilmis ve eklenmis olan mesafe sensoru ile aracin engellere carpmasi onlenmistir. Ayrica eklenen sicaklik, nem ve gaz sensorleri ile ortam verilerine uzaktan erisim saglanmistir. Gaz sensorunden okunan degerlerin nominal degerleri gecmesi durumunda kullaniciya bildirim gonderilmesi saglanmistir. Sensorlerden okunan bu degerler wi-fi modul araciligiyla uzaktan erisilebilir hale g...
Papers by Melih Aktaş