Papers by Mela Davila Freire
Sobre prácticas artísticas y políticas de la edición, Jun 29, 2017
Art libraries journal, 2012
Revista De Occidente, 2013
Art libraries journal, 2013
Half a century after the 1960s, commonly considered to have been the period when artists’ publica... more Half a century after the 1960s, commonly considered to have been the period when artists’ publications expanded and consolidated, this genre seems to be experiencing a new ‘golden age’. In recent years, the number of books and printed matter produced by artists has grown exponentially, and so has the interest in them demonstrated by exhibition curators, public and private collectors, and even the media. The contemporary art scene in Spain is not immune to this phenomenon. On the contrary, over the last decade, artists’ publishing has undergone an explosion in quantity, quality and impact with no precedents in Spanish art history. The causes for such an explosion and its main traits are explored here, focusing on a number of significant examples and protagonists. Relevant sources of information documenting its course are offered, both online and in print.
The article gathers some of the ideas upon which Mela Davila based her contribution to the semina... more The article gathers some of the ideas upon which Mela Davila based her contribution to the seminary Memoria y desacuerdo: politicas del archivo, registro y album familiar (Huesca, October 20th-22nd, 2016). Through three case studies, Cronicas Mecas; Territorio archivo and Sammlung Mina Menz, by the German artist Gesa Lange, she considers how the notions of identity, archive and photography are influenced by the everyday act of picture taking. The first is a social project of family albums that the community of O Grove in Pontevedra is developing on Facebook. The second work began in Cerezales del Condado (Leon) and it is an online archive project. It compiles pictures from family albums that are organized by topics. This archive includes voices of the protagonists or their families, explaining the pictures they have contributed to the project. The last work is not strictly an archive, but an artists’ book that considers the notion of the passage of time, where classic ways of docume...
SOBRE. N03, 2017
RESUMEN: «Desfases del archivo, o cómo construir la imagen desde la memoria (y no a la inversa). ... more RESUMEN: «Desfases del archivo, o cómo construir la imagen desde la memoria (y no a la inversa). Tres casos de estudio», recoge las ideas en las que Mela Dávila basó su aportación al semina rio Memoria y desacuerdo: políticas del archivo, registro y álbum familiar (Huesca, 20-22 de octubre de 2016). Mela Dávila, a través de tres casos de estudio: Crónicas Mecas; Territorio archivo y Sammlung Mina Menz, de la artista alemana Gesa Lange, se plantea cómo las nociones de identidad, archivo y la fotografía se ven afectadas por la práctica fotográfica doméstica. El primero es un proyecto social de álbum familiar que, de manera pública, la comunidad de O Grobe en Pontevedra, hace para facebook. El segundo trabajo se inició en Cerezales del Condado, León y es un proyecto web de archivo, compuesto por imágenes de álbumes familiares agrupadas por temas. Este archivo incorpora las voces de los propios protagonistas de las imágenes o sus familiares, explicando las fotografías que han aportado a...
Revista De Occidente, 2013
Papers by Mela Davila Freire