Papers by Mehmet Koçyiğit
Education and Information Technologies
This study aims to evaluate current locations of preschool education institutions and suggest alt... more This study aims to evaluate current locations of preschool education institutions and suggest alternative spatial arrangements in the Afyonkarahisar province in Turkey, using heuristic location-allocation modelling approaches to improve overall spatial accessibility. The population totals were generated by supplying a unique code for each spatial unit. The census information was joined with a vector layer to transfer the population values to source units. In order to better predict the school age population distribution structure within the source zones, an intelligent areal interpolation approach was performed. The digital boundaries of the central district and villages of the Afyonkarahisar province were used as the source zones. The population surfaces of the source units were modelled by using the Corine Land use/cover (2018 dated) dataset and dasymetric mapping method. The gridded population surface model with population estimates and 1199 grid points across the province were used to model the preschool aged population in need of preschool educational services. With the current distribution of preschools in Afyonkarahisar, the preschool aged population would have to travel an average distance of 4629.49 m to access the closest preschool to them. The results of this study show that the provision of alternative preschool locations decreased the average travel distance from each residential home to each preschool by 626.82 m, thereby improving overall accessibility to preschools.
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
The North Anatolian Fault System (NAFS) is an approximately 2-110-km-wide, 1600-km-long right-lat... more The North Anatolian Fault System (NAFS) is an approximately 2-110-km-wide, 1600-km-long right-lateral intra-continental transform fault boundary between the Anatolian platelet and the Eurasian plate. The Gerede fault zone is one of the major active structures in the western section of the NAFS. It is a 1-9-km-wide, 325-km-long and ENE-trending dextral strike-slip fault zone, with a total accumulated offset since its initiation (Late Pliocene) of about 43 km. This offset indicates an average geological slip rate of 16.5 mm/yr. The 1 February 1944 Gerede earthquake occurred within the Gerede fault zone. Based on recent field geological mapping of the rupture traces and offsets on it, the average and peak lateral offsets were measured to be 4.37 m and 7.16 m, respectively. A triangulation network covering the region was first set up between 1936 and 1943. Twentyeigth existing points of the network were reoccupied by GPS receivers between 1995 and 2004. Coseismic displacements for the February 1, 1944 Gerede earthquake were obtained at the reoccupation points by removing interseismic deformation and coseismic displacements of recent earthquakes. Modelling the coseismic displacements in elastic half space resulted in a rupture surface slippage of 4.40 ± 0.11 m and 1.02 ± 0.17 m in dextral and normal dip-slip directions, respectively. The 191-km-long and 16-km-deep rupture surface strikes N76°E and dips at 85° ± 5°both to north and south. In the present study the estimated geodetic scalar moment and moment magnitudes are M o = 4.02 × 10 20 Nm and M w = 7.74, respectively. The rupture surface was extended down dip to a depth of about 28 km, and a significant slip distribution was recovered. Based on both the geodetic and geological data, the recurrence intervals for great seismic events to be sourced from the Gerede fault zone were calculated as 232 ± 25 years and 266 ± 35 years, respectively.
Ahi evran üniversitesi kırşehir eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 2017
Manas Journal of Social Studies, 2018
The aim of this study is to examine the records of secondary education institutions' disciplinary... more The aim of this study is to examine the records of secondary education institutions' disciplinary committee decisions, and to put forth the reasons why high school students are punished, and which punishments are given. The distribution of these punishments in terms of students' grade, school type and gender is also explored in the study. In this qualitative case study, the data were collected through document analysis. The study group of the study consists of nine high schools located in a district of a province in the Aegean region of Turkey. The data in the study consist of 384 disciplinary cases recorded in the disciplinary board minute books and e-school between 2016-2020 years. Content analysis was performed on the data. In the 384 disciplinary cases registered in schools, the most frequent punishment is condemnation. The disciplinary punishments are mostly concentrated on male students by gender, in 9th grade students by grade level, and in vocational and technical high school types by school type.
This study examined the effect of school culture on student achievement. Firstly, a pool (303 stu... more This study examined the effect of school culture on student achievement. Firstly, a pool (303 studies) was formed of all studies which included the phrases “school culture” and “student achievement/success” in their titles. The abstracts of these studies were examined and 71 were found appropriate for the study. In the second phase, all 71 studies in the pool were examined in detail. As a result, 51 of the studies were found appropriate for inclusion, and the final sample included 66,391 subjects. The impact value of school culture on student achievement was found to be 0.49. This result shows that school culture has a medium level effect on student achievement. The moderators identified for the study were (i) type of publication, (ii) sample group, (iii) school subject or assessment type, (iv) tools of data collection, (v) the year of the studies, (vi) the country in which the research took place and (vii) sub-dimensions of school culture, of which data collection tools and the yea...
Yuzunci Yil Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 2021
Öz: Akademik Örgütlerde Kindarlık Ölçeği'nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmalarının gerçekleştiril... more Öz: Akademik Örgütlerde Kindarlık Ölçeği'nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmalarının gerçekleştirilmesi bu araştırmanın amacıdır. Türkiye'de 51 farklı ildeki üniversitelerde görev yapmakta olan ve amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme yolu ile seçilen 352 öğretim elemanı çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Yapı geçerliğinin sınanması için veriler üzerinde açımlayıcı faktör analizi ve sonrasında da güvenirlik analizleri uygulanmıştır. Bulgulara göre ölçek 34 madde ve altı faktörden oluşmaktadır. Ortaya çıkan yapı varyansın %66.45'ini açıklamaktadır. Ölçeğin güvenirlik analizleri için Cronbach Alpha katsayısı yanında Guttman ve iki-yarı güvenirlik değerleri hesaplanmış ve ölçeğin geneli için Cronbach Alpha katsayısı .95 olarak bulunmuştur. Bulgular ışığında Akademik Örgütlerde Kindarlık Ölçeği'nin güvenilir ve geçerli bir ölçek olduğu söylenebilir.
Metodoloji ve tema odakli yapilan sistematik derleme calismalarinin sayisi gun gectikce artmaktad... more Metodoloji ve tema odakli yapilan sistematik derleme calismalarinin sayisi gun gectikce artmaktadir. Bu tur calismalarin sayisinin artmasi, arastirmacilarin kendi alanlarinda yapilan calismalarin konusal yonelimlerinin ve dagilimlarinin takibini kolaylastirmasi bakimindan onemlidir. Ayrica, sistematik derlemeler, bir alanda yapilan calismalarin metodolojik egilimlerinin belirli bir zaman icinde ugradigi potansiyel degisimleri de arastirmacilara etkin bir sekilde sunar. Bu calisma, ogretmen egitimi alaninda uluslararasi duzeyde one cikan uc onemli dergide son 20 yilda (1997-2016) yayimlanmis olan Ingilizce ogretmeni egitimi alanindaki arastirma makalelerinin sistematik bir incelemesidir (N=139). Elde edilen makaleler arastirma deseni, orneklem, veri toplama araclari, veri analiz yontemleri ve konu dagilimlari bakimindan incelenmistir. Makaleler, arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan makale siniflama sablonu kullanilarak isbirlikli kodlama yontemiyle siniflandirilmis ve analiz edilmist...
Bu calismada ogretim elemanlarinin ogretim surecinde karsilastiklari sinif-ici istenmeyen ogrenci... more Bu calismada ogretim elemanlarinin ogretim surecinde karsilastiklari sinif-ici istenmeyen ogrenci davranislari ve bu davranislarla basa cikma sureclerinin ortaya konmasi amaclanmistir. Nitel betimsel bir durum calismasi olarak tasarlanan bu arastirmada veriler ilgili alanyazindaki calismalardan yararlanilarak arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen bir yari-yapilandirilmis gorusme formu araciligi ile toplanmistir. Katilimcilar cesitli universitelerde gorev yapan ve uygun ornekleme yoluyla secilen farkli alanlarda derslere giren ogretim elemanlarindan olusmaktadir. Gorusme formu araciligi ile ogretim elemanlarinin istenmeyen ogrenci davranislari ile ilgili bir anilarini anlatmalari istenmis ve istenmeyen davranislarin neler oldugu, bu davranislarla basa cikma yollari, bu surecteki duygu durumlari, istenmeyen davranislarin nedenleri ve bu tur davranislarin yinelenmemesi icin alinan onlemler gibi konularda sorular sorulmustur. Verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz yontemi tercih edilmist...
Metodoloji ve tema odakli yapilan sistematik derleme calismalarinin sayisi gun gectikce artmaktad... more Metodoloji ve tema odakli yapilan sistematik derleme calismalarinin sayisi gun gectikce artmaktadir. Bu tur calismalarin sayisinin artmasi, arastirmacilarin kendi alanlarinda yapilan calismalarin konusal yonelimlerinin ve dagilimlarinin takibini kolaylastirmasi bakimindan onemlidir. Ayrica, sistematik derlemeler, bir alanda yapilan calismalarin metodolojik egilimlerinin belirli bir zaman icinde ugradigi potansiyel degisimleri de arastirmacilara etkin bir sekilde sunar. Bu calisma, ogretmen egitimi alaninda uluslararasi duzeyde one cikan uc onemli dergide son 20 yilda (1997-2016) yayimlanmis olan Ingilizce ogretmeni egitimi alanindaki arastirma makalelerinin sistematik bir incelemesidir (N=139). Elde edilen makaleler arastirma deseni, orneklem, veri toplama araclari, veri analiz yontemleri ve konu dagilimlari bakimindan incelenmistir. Makaleler, arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan makale siniflama sablonu kullanilarak isbirlikli kodlama yontemiyle siniflandirilmis ve analiz edilmist...
The purpose of this study is to define the digital cheating behaviours and ethical tendencies of ... more The purpose of this study is to define the digital cheating behaviours and ethical tendencies of education faculty students and to test if there is a significant correlation between these two. The study is designed as a quantitative correlational study. The data is collected through two scales; one of them is developed by Stephens, Young and Calabrese (2007) and was adapted into Turkish by the researchers and the second one is the Ethical Tendencies Scale developed by Kocyigit & Karadag (2016). The population of the study is 274 university students enrolled to the summer term school of an education faculty in the Aegean region of Turkey. The sample of the study consists of 101 students, 72 (71.3%) of whom are female and 29 (28.7%) are male. The sample was taken using convenience sampling technique. After the data was collected, the validity and reliability of the scales were tested, and they were found to be valid and reliable. According to the findings there is a significant correl...
The aim of this study is to define the problems, expectations and suggestions of graduate and pos... more The aim of this study is to define the problems, expectations and suggestions of graduate and postgraduate international students at a state university in Newcastle upon Tyne, the United Kingdom (henceforth UK). Internationalization has recently become the trend and a major component in the current and future graduate education throughout the world. Consequently, studying this area in a country, the UK, which has a long experience of international education will be a considerable contribution to the field. In this study, problems, expectations and suggestions for solutions mentioned by international students studying at a state university in Newcastle upon Tyne are examined. This is a qualitative and descriptive survey research. For data collection, snowball sampling method is used. The sample consists of 21 voluntary students studying at a state university in Newcastle upon Tyne in the academic year of 2014-2015. A semistructured interview form adapted from a previous study (Koçyiğ...
IEDSR Association, 2021
The purpose of this study is to examine classroom management skills of education faculty students... more The purpose of this study is to examine classroom management skills of education faculty students. This study is a qualitative one designed as a case study. The study took place in classroom management courses at a faculty of education of one of the state universities in Turkey in the academic year of 2020-2021. The participants were identified through purposive sampling method. 3rd grade education faculty students taking the classroom management course were selected as participants. The application took nearly three months. The data were collected through a rubric developed by the researcher, field notes and participant feedbacks. The data were analyzed through content analysis. the data from the observation notes and participant feedback interviews were coded and the results, including the results from the scoring of the rubric, are presented with frequencies and percentages. The results showed that education faculty students have difficulty especially about introduction to lesson...
Anatolian Journal of Education, 2020
This study set out to examine student misbehaviors confronted in preschool classrooms, interventi... more This study set out to examine student misbehaviors confronted in preschool classrooms, intervention types to these misbehaviors, and the problematic areas that pre-service teachers experienced in preschool classroom management during teaching practice based on senior preservice preschool teachers' observation and experiences during teaching practice course. To this end, in this case study, data were collected from six pre-service preschool teachers through a semi-structured form and weekly meetings. The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis. Some of the basic findings of the study indicate that: peer violence, bad language, not participating to activities and constant yelling/crying are the most prevalent misbehaviors at preschool level; relaxing/punishment corner, one-to-one talking/forcing to apology, and raising voice are the most frequent intervention types. The number of students and catering to children's levels are the most frequent problems the pre-service teachers experience in teaching practice. The problems are related to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The results are discussed with the literature and recommendations are made.
Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye ve İsviçre'de (Zürih kantonu) okul aile birliği [OAB] kurumunun yapıs... more Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye ve İsviçre'de (Zürih kantonu) okul aile birliği [OAB] kurumunun yapısını ve işleyişini ülkelerin ilgili mevzuatlarını inceleyerek ve her bir ülkeden birer okul müdürü, okul aile birliği başkanı ve öğrenci velisinin görüşlerini karşılaştırarak benzerlik ve farklılıklarını ortaya koymaktır. Nitel bir araştırma olarak tasarlanan bu çalışmada veriler doküman analizi ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu Türkiye'de Afyonkarahisar ili merkez bölgesinden bir ortaokuldan ve İsviçre Zürih kantonu merkez bölgesinden yine bir ortaokuldan 2 okul müdürü, 2 okul aile birliği başkanı ve 2 öğrenci velisinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, her iki ülkedeki okul aile birliği yönetmeliğinde benzerlikler ve farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra görüşmelerden elde edilen sonuçlar aracılığı ile her iki ülkede de ilgili mevzuatın uygulamaya nasıl yansıdığı konusu tartışılmış ve iki ülkedeki okul aile birliği yapıları karşılaştırılmıştır.
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 2019
Pen Academic is an independent international publisher committed to publishing academic books, jo... more Pen Academic is an independent international publisher committed to publishing academic books, journals, encyclopedias, handbooks of research of the highest quality in the fields of Education, Social Sciences, Science and Agriculture. Pen Academic created an open access system to spread the scientific knowledge freely.
Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 2020
Bu çalışmanın etik açıdan bir sakınca taşımadığı Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Beşeri Bil... more Bu çalışmanın etik açıdan bir sakınca taşımadığı Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Kurulu'nun almış olduğu 11.01.2019 tarih ve 31731878-050.01.04 sayılı karar ile tespit edilmiştir.
Journal of Human Sciences, 2018
This study examines master’s and doctoral theses on English preparatory classes at tertiary level... more This study examines master’s and doctoral theses on English preparatory classes at tertiary level in Turkey in terms of completion year, thesis type, subject areas, data types, research design, sample groups, problem statements and recommendations. This study is a systematic review of literature and the data was collected through document analysis technique. Content analysis was carried out on the theses selected through criterion sampling method. A total of 82 theses, which were completed by July 2017, were included in the analysis based on inclusion criteria. The analysis reveals significant results as to theses on English preparatory classes at universities. The most frequent subject areas in the theses were identified as learning styles/strategies, motivation/attitude/belief, program evaluation, increasing vocabulary knowledge, reading skills and foreign language anxiety respectively. The majority of the theses rest on quantitative data and employ descriptive research designs. S...
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 2019
Nitel bir arastirma olarak tasarlanan ve yari yapilandirilmis bir gorusme formu ile veri toplanan... more Nitel bir arastirma olarak tasarlanan ve yari yapilandirilmis bir gorusme formu ile veri toplanan bu calismada ogretmenlerin hizmet oncesi egitimlerinin kendi deneyimleri isiginda degerlendirilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu dogrultuda ogretmenlerin hizmet oncesi egitimlerinde edindikleri deneyimler farkli boyutlarina odaklanilarak ortaya cikarilmaya calisilmistir. Calismanin sonuclari incelendiginde genel olarak ogretmenlerin aldiklari egitimi alan bilgisi acisindan daha guclu ancak meslek bilgisi yonunden daha eksik gordukleri sonucuna ulasilmistir. Meslege basladiklarinda ogretmenlerin cogu ogretmenlik meslek bilgisi yonunden eksiklikler hissettigini belirtmis, bir kismi da hedef veli ve ogrenci kitlesini tam tanimadan mezun olduklarini belirtmistir. Ogretmenlerin buyuk cogunlugu eksikliklerini tecrube paylasimlari ve hizmet ici egitimler yoluyla giderdiklerini beyan etmislerdir. Ogretmenlerin buyuk bir kismi egitim surecinde egitim aldiklari kurumun ortuk programinin ya da kurum kulturunun kendilerini ogretmenlige tam hazirlamadigini belirtmistir; bir kisminda ise bu konu ile ilgili bir farkindalik da olusmamistir.
Papers by Mehmet Koçyiğit