Papers by Matthew Lomonosoff
Социологический журнал, 2021
В связи с повышением интереса к проблематике миграции, гражданства и национализма в последние два... more В связи с повышением интереса к проблематике миграции, гражданства и национализма в последние два десятилетия оформилась междисциплинарная область критических исследований паспорта. На первом этапе исследователи исходили из институционалистского взгляда на национализм, а также теорий дисциплинарных режимов и общества надзора. Они сосредоточивались на том, как документ и сопутствующие ему институциональная инфраструктура, административные и социальные практики используются в формировании современных национальных государств, очерчивая физические, социальные и культурные границы нации и дисциплинируя граждан. В последнее время все большее число авторов исследуют низовые формы восприятия и практики использования заграничных и внутренних паспортов. Эти исследования демонстрируют, как паспорта помогают людям обойти попытки государств «охватить» собственное население и выстроить такой режим гражданства, который ставит целью максимально кооптировать граждан в национально-государственный проект и социально исключить неграждан. Обзор критической литературы о паспорте позволяет сделать вывод о том, что многоаспектность паспортного феномена дает возможность разным социальным акторам включать документ в процессы, способствующие как национально-государственному строительству, так и эрозии национальных государств. Кроме того, литература о документе, который является ярким воплощением гражданства, позволяет говорить об ослаблении связи последнего с национальным государством, о производстве в настоящее время гражданства и гражданственности акторами разных уровней.
The growing interest in migration, citizenship, and nationalism among scientists has led in the last two decades to the formation of an interdisciplinary field of critical passport studies. Initially, passport scholars were following the institutionalist approach to nationalism, as well as the theories of disciplinary regime and surveillance society. Thus they were focusing on how this travel document together with the associated institutional infrastructure, administrative and social practices have been used in developing modern nation-states by forging the physical, social and cultural boundaries of the nation and disciplining the citizens. More recently, an increasing number of scholars have been investigating the grassroots forms of the perceptions and practices of passport use. Their studies reveal how passports and passes can help citizens in navigating the attempts of nation-states to “bind” their own populations, as well as in subverting a citizenship regime that looks to involve citizens into national projects and socially exclude non-citizens. The review of critical literature on the passport allows us to conclude that the multidimensional nature of this document enables different social actors to involve it in both nation-building and nation-destruction. In light of this literature we can recognize the weakening of the link between citizenship and nation-state, and the fact that citizenship and civic consciousness are currently being produced by various actors at different societal levels.
The South Slav Journal (2012) 31/3-4: 61-83.
Historical myths are often used in construction and negotiation of communal, namely ethnic and na... more Historical myths are often used in construction and negotiation of communal, namely ethnic and national, identity. It is particularly the case in the Balkans. One of the most outspoken historical narratives here is the Illyrian myth, which connects the origins of various Balkan ethic/ national groups with ancient Illyrian tribes. Unlike many authors maintain, Balkan Illyrianism has been evident not only among the Croats, but also among the Serbs, Slovenes, and Albanians. Similarly, political and intellectual elites of the Bosnian Muslims have traced the pedigree of their "nation" back to the Illyrians. The interest in the ancient non-Roman history of Bosnian lands and the issue of pre-Roman-Slavic continuity emerged during the times of Communism, when the history of the socialist republic was being constructed. After the declaration of independence the spokesmen of Bosniak nation started to resort to Illyrian myth more and more aiming to foster a particular identity of their co-nationals and to promote Bosnia and Herzegovina as a rightfully Bosniak nation-state within the country and abroad.
Chelovek Srednevekov'ia, pod redaktsiei Viacheslava Rakova. Vypusk 2 (Perm: Permskii gos. universitet, 2008), 30-37.
Ломоносов Матвей КНЯЗЬ ЛАЗАРЬ СЕРБСКИЙ (1329-1389 гг.): к вопросу о конструировании святости в Ср... more Ломоносов Матвей КНЯЗЬ ЛАЗАРЬ СЕРБСКИЙ (1329-1389 гг.): к вопросу о конструировании святости в Средние века В: Человек Средневековья / Под редакцией В.М Ракова. Вып. 2. Пермь: Пермский гос. университет, 2008. С. 30-37.
Serimari II Nderkombetar i albanologjise / Red. Dr. Q. Murati. Tetove: Universiteti Shteteror i Tetoves, 2008, fq. 643–647.
Tani ekziston nje mendim se te gjithe ruset nuk perkrahin pavaresine e Kosoves. Kjo nuk eshte plo... more Tani ekziston nje mendim se te gjithe ruset nuk perkrahin pavaresine e Kosoves. Kjo nuk eshte plotesisht e drejt. Ne faqen e Internetit me e perhapur ne Rusi "Vkontakte", qe eshte nje analog i "Facebook"-ut europian, ka disa grupe me emrat "Kosova eshte shteti i pavarur", "Per pavaresine e Kosoves", "Kosova nuk eshte Serbi" e t.j. Ata u formuan me iniciative te studenteve shqiptar ne Rusi, myslimaneve etnike dhe me pjesemarrjen e disa intelektualeve.
Sprawy Narodowosciowe - Nationalities Affairs (Warsaw, Poland) (2012) 40: 45-54.
Vesnik slavianskih kultur (Moscow, Russia) (2011) 23/4: 44-55
Ethno-historical myths of ancient origins, autochthony and glorious historical past are particula... more Ethno-historical myths of ancient origins, autochthony and glorious historical past are particularly popular in the periods of social and political conflicts. The Illirian myth is one of such myths, which came to fore in the Western Balkans at the turn of the 21st century. It plays an outstanding role as for centuries the Illyrian past has formed an ideological basis for national movements of all Slavic peoples of the Western Balkans. Narratives of Illyrian glory have been passionately elaborated by Serbian, Slovenian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Bosniak intellectuals, striving to errect and preserve independent Slavic states in the Balkans.
Etnograficheskoe obozrenie (Moscow, Russia) (2010) 4: 59-68.
Zgodovinski vesnik univerz Ljubljane in Permu (Ljubljana, Slovenija – Perm, Rusija) (2007) 1: 109–113.
SOFIA (Rzeszow, Poland) (2007) 7: 85-99
Vjetar i Arkivit te Kosoves (2009) 41-42: 98-107.
Botuar ne: Vjetar [i Arkivit te Kosoves], 2009, Nr. 41-42, fq. 98-107 Te dhenat e para mbi Ilirin... more Botuar ne: Vjetar [i Arkivit te Kosoves], 2009, Nr. 41-42, fq. 98-107 Te dhenat e para mbi Ilirine dhe iliret ne burimet e shkruara ruse perkojne qysh ne kronikat me te hershme. Ne ate kohe, iliret permendeshin si nje popull me lidhje farefisnore me sllavet 1 . Ky kendveshtrim u ruajt ne literaturen ruse pergjate shekujve 2 .
Iliria International Review. (2012) 2: 101-111.
Special legal provisions on preferential treatment of expatriates introduced during last decade b... more Special legal provisions on preferential treatment of expatriates introduced during last decade by the kin-states are oftentimes construed by the scholars as visible sings and effective tools of new, post-territorial nation-building in Eastern Europe. However,
Papers by Matthew Lomonosoff
The growing interest in migration, citizenship, and nationalism among scientists has led in the last two decades to the formation of an interdisciplinary field of critical passport studies. Initially, passport scholars were following the institutionalist approach to nationalism, as well as the theories of disciplinary regime and surveillance society. Thus they were focusing on how this travel document together with the associated institutional infrastructure, administrative and social practices have been used in developing modern nation-states by forging the physical, social and cultural boundaries of the nation and disciplining the citizens. More recently, an increasing number of scholars have been investigating the grassroots forms of the perceptions and practices of passport use. Their studies reveal how passports and passes can help citizens in navigating the attempts of nation-states to “bind” their own populations, as well as in subverting a citizenship regime that looks to involve citizens into national projects and socially exclude non-citizens. The review of critical literature on the passport allows us to conclude that the multidimensional nature of this document enables different social actors to involve it in both nation-building and nation-destruction. In light of this literature we can recognize the weakening of the link between citizenship and nation-state, and the fact that citizenship and civic consciousness are currently being produced by various actors at different societal levels.
The growing interest in migration, citizenship, and nationalism among scientists has led in the last two decades to the formation of an interdisciplinary field of critical passport studies. Initially, passport scholars were following the institutionalist approach to nationalism, as well as the theories of disciplinary regime and surveillance society. Thus they were focusing on how this travel document together with the associated institutional infrastructure, administrative and social practices have been used in developing modern nation-states by forging the physical, social and cultural boundaries of the nation and disciplining the citizens. More recently, an increasing number of scholars have been investigating the grassroots forms of the perceptions and practices of passport use. Their studies reveal how passports and passes can help citizens in navigating the attempts of nation-states to “bind” their own populations, as well as in subverting a citizenship regime that looks to involve citizens into national projects and socially exclude non-citizens. The review of critical literature on the passport allows us to conclude that the multidimensional nature of this document enables different social actors to involve it in both nation-building and nation-destruction. In light of this literature we can recognize the weakening of the link between citizenship and nation-state, and the fact that citizenship and civic consciousness are currently being produced by various actors at different societal levels.