Príspevok predkladá návrh implementácie elektronického formulára na spracovanie všetkých technolo... more Príspevok predkladá návrh implementácie elektronického formulára na spracovanie všetkých technologických činností najmä na transoceánskych lodiach. Takto vykonávanou kontinuálnou diagnostikou sa vytvoria podmienky predchádzaniu porúch, čo vytvára nielen bezpečnú plavbu, čím sa automaticky znižujú prevádzkové náklady, ale zároveň znižuje pracovné zaťaženie službu konajúcich strojných dôstojníkov najmä pri medzikontinentálnych plavbách.This contribution presents a possible implementation of an electronic data form for processing of all technological operations, especially on transoceanic vessels. The continuous diagnostics carried out using this form helps to prevent failures, which increases voyage safety, resulting in reduction of operating costs, and also decreases workload of engineer officers, especially during intercontinental voyages
Dunaj, druhá najdlhšia európska rieka, preteká desiatimi európskymi krajinami sveta. Po otvorení ... more Dunaj, druhá najdlhšia európska rieka, preteká desiatimi európskymi krajinami sveta. Po otvorení prieplavu Mohan – Dunaj v roku 1992 došlo k jej napojeniu na sieť vodných ciest západnej Európy a vytvoreniu vodnej cesty dlhej viac ako 3 500 kilometrov, ktorá spája Severné more s Čiernym morom. Význam tejto vodnej cesty spočíva nielen vo výmene tovaru medzi európskymi krajinami, ale aj vo výrobe elektrickej energie prostredníctvom vodných diel, ktoré ležia na tejto vodnej ceste. Predmetom článku je aj SWOT analýza vnútrozemskej plavby na Dunaji, ako aj objemy prepráv za ostatné obdobie a ich odhad vývoja s použitím metódy najmenších štvorcov.The Danube, the second longest European River, flows through ten European countries. After opening of the Main-Danube Canal in 1992, the Danube was linked with the waterways of Western European countries and a new waterway that is more than 3 500 kilometres long was formed and links the North and Black Sea. The importance of this waterway consist ...
2019 12th International Conference on Measurement, 2019
This paper analyzes the problems of thermal measurement of electrical machines using thermovision... more This paper analyzes the problems of thermal measurement of electrical machines using thermovision diagnostics. It examines the experimental principles and uses of noncontact temperature measurement for diagnostics. The knowledge of the problem diagnostics of electrical machines in service without disassembly enables us to use more efficient thermo-diagnostic methods and to localize the failures that determine the quality of electrical machines.
Solving the problems of increasing requirements on tra sport, while respecting actual environment... more Solving the problems of increasing requirements on tra sport, while respecting actual environment crit eria, new solutions are being looked for to make an optimum mutual equilibrium. O ne of the possibilities of increasing ecological co nditions, which are decreased by means of transporting a mine, shows this contributi on hat suggests a reconstruction of the original d iesel-hydraulic engine DH30 to twosystem drive and hybrid drive. In the reconstructio n, a DC and an asynchronous engine are suggested as traction engines. This reconstruction of the drive means not only increase of the ecological conditions in the mine but also an ability to use biofuel made from a crop that grew on contaminated soil. The aim of the reconstruction is to replace the com bustion engine and hydraulic distribution with an electric drive while traction characteristics will remain at their values. A one-engine traction drive with an asynchronous en gine with short circuit armature is regarded as one of th...
Electromagnetic compatibilityEMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate d... more Electromagnetic compatibilityEMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate disciplines when electrical or electronic systems are considered performing safety-related functions. Furthermore the usual EMC approach to define immunity requirements on the basis of availability and economical conditions cannot be applied to immunity issues regarding safety-related systems. And on the other hand the approach within functional safety to emphasize the relevance of the SIL cannot be transferred in a simple way into the EMC area. An appropriate approach to combine both disciplines consists of the introduction of special immunity levels and test methods in connection with a particular performance criterion “Functional Safety”. Streszczenie. Analizowano łącznie dwa parametry – kompatybilność elektromagnetyczną i funkcjonalne bezpieczeństwo. Zaproponowano metodę łączenia tych dwóch parametrów z uwzględnieniem aspektów ekonomicznych. (Analiza kompatybilności elektromagnetyczne...
Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport, 2020
The friction brakes convert a significant part of a vehicle's kinetic energy into thermal energy.... more The friction brakes convert a significant part of a vehicle's kinetic energy into thermal energy. Some of its parts is distributed to the places around the brakes, and another part is accumulated in several vehicle components. This article is focused on the measurement of temperature increase of selected vehicle components during re-deceleration. These components include brake discs, brake pads, calliper, wheel rim and tire side in the area of its bead and tread. The measurements were performed during the repeated braking of a fully-loaded vehicle according to ECE Regulation No 13-type I.
Mobile networks have been around us for decades, and life without them is difficult to reconstruc... more Mobile networks have been around us for decades, and life without them is difficult to reconstruct. Their gradual evolution has varied over time, depending on the requirements of their users. Originally, they were used only for the transmission of telephony, but transmission in the speech band today is mainly used for data transmission and telephony is in moderate attenuation. Various types of data can be transmitted via mobile networks due to their size or importance. In the area of security, mobile networks are used from two basic points of view. The first aspect is the use for communication between the components of the electrical security system and the second is the transmission of information from the monitored object to the monitoring and alarm receiving center. The aim of the paper will be to point out the composition of mobile networks focusing on the functioning of cellular systems and the course of communication between individual parts of the system. The main view will...
2016 Diagnostic of Electrical Machines and Insulating Systems in Electrical Engineering (DEMISEE), 2016
Electromagnetic compatibility-EMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate ... more Electromagnetic compatibility-EMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate disciplines when electrical or electronic systems are considered performing safety-related functions. Furthermore the usual EMC approach to define immunity requirements on the basis of availability and economic conditions cannot be applied to immunity issues regarding safety-related systems. And on the other hand the approach within functional safety to emphasize the relevance of the SIL cannot be transferred in a simple way into the EMC area. An appropriate approach to combine both disciplines consists of the introduction of special immunity levels and test methods in connection with a particular performance criterion “Functional Safety”.
Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina, 2020
In the current digital era, information is a basis of some systems. In the area of information, g... more In the current digital era, information is a basis of some systems. In the area of information, great emphasis is also placed on its security and possibilities of use. The basis of the alarm transmission system is information about the protected object, which is transmitted to the remote center of the alarm transmission system. Operators of alarm transmission system centers should be obliged to carry out regular testing of the availability of individual transmission networks. At present, there is a trend that those tests are carried out by telephone calls between the two technicians and the time of transmission of information is measured utilizing a stopwatch. To automate this process, a test facility has been created that can simulate and record the intrusion of a protected object. Initial experimental tests have ascertained whether it is possible, with the test equipment, to generate the data necessary to assess the reliability of alarm transmission systems.
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji
This article describes principles of evaluation of individual parts of the ignition system, using... more This article describes principles of evaluation of individual parts of the ignition system, using conventional diagnostic systems, based on evaluation of current and voltage waveforms. By means of the practical test, diagnostics, measurements and subsequent analysis it was proved that thermovision plays an important role in diagnostics in on-line check automotive equipment. By comparing the non-standard warming behaviour of a part of the electrical system with combination with time high-voltage method, it is possible to diagnose a fault and also check the operating mode of the system. An example of a thermogram of the temperature distribution of the ignition coils and analysis of high-voltage ignition curves with faulty spark plugs is given in part of paper of nondestructive diagnostics with a difference in temperature. Analysing fault condition of ignition systems, using method conventional diagnosis of high-voltage pulse waveforms and also method of thermovision diagnostics, we ca...
2020 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika)
The article analyzes the diagnostics of a high-voltage power transformer by means of an acoustic ... more The article analyzes the diagnostics of a high-voltage power transformer by means of an acoustic camera. It is one of the basic diagnostics and monitoring of remote measurement and analysis of acoustic emission. The high-voltage power transformer generates acoustic emission, thanks to which we can analyze the operating and fault states of the device. The article shows the use of the acoustic camera for operational monitoring and diagnostics of its life through noise from the source of the transformer winding and the ferromagnetic core.
2020 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika)
This article describes evaluation principles electronic components in ignition system by using wi... more This article describes evaluation principles electronic components in ignition system by using with voltage, current and thermovision analysis. The first of article is focused on theoretical principles of activity of ignition system based on voltage behavior in time for the primary part winding of transformer. In the second part of article is experimental measurement by means of measurement of voltage waveforms and no-contact measurement of thermal field by thermovision camera. In the end of article is performed comparison of both methods and detected the same fault in the part of components of the measured equipment. Both diagnostic methods have certain limitations, as the high-voltage coils and spark plugs are housed in encapsulated metal containers. The biggest problem can occur with thermal imaging diagnostics. If the ignition system is completely inaccessible, it is only necessary to use diagnostics by measuring high-voltage and current pulses by connecting clamp probes.
2020 IEEE 61th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON)
The article deals with an on-line noncontact measuring method for the analysis of transformer ope... more The article deals with an on-line noncontact measuring method for the analysis of transformer operation by measuring acoustic, noise and electromagnetic emissions. The electric non-rotating machine generates electromagnetic and acoustic waves, by means of which it is possible to analyze not only operating states but also its possible fault states. We performed measurements of acoustic emission on the traction transformers 25/6 kV and 110/3 kV that were in real operation. We studied the spatial distribution of the acoustical field as well as its spectra. Preliminary results have shown that acoustic analysis may be a useful alternative option for high-power transformer's health condition.
In this study, the conductivity and permittivity of electrical pressboard—insulating liquid—water... more In this study, the conductivity and permittivity of electrical pressboard—insulating liquid—water composites were investigated, and the electrical properties of the composites and water were analysed comparatively. Mineral oil and synthetic ester were used as insulating liquids. It was found that the presence of water caused an increase in the permeability of the composite in the frequency range below 100 Hz. The value of static permittivity determined by water in the content of 5 wt. % was approximately 15. To obtain this value caused by liquid water, its volume should be approximately five (oil) and four times (ester) higher than its actual content, respectively. The determined values of the activation energy of the DC conductivity of the composites were several times higher than the values of the activation energy of the conductivity of the liquid water. The experimental values of the dielectric relaxation times were many orders of magnitude higher than the dielectric relaxation ...
2020 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika), 2020
Currently, the control circuits check the condition of electronic components mainly by monitoring... more Currently, the control circuits check the condition of electronic components mainly by monitoring voltage levels, calculating and estimating value limits during the diagnostic mode of the element. In this article, we will focus specifically on the ignition system. Specialized measurements were made on the proposed measurement systems by simulating faults by applying oil and gasoline between the electrodes and failing to make the ignition contact of the driver on the spark plug.
This article describes evaluation principles of various parts of the system of ignition through r... more This article describes evaluation principles of various parts of the system of ignition through respectable measuring systems based on the evaluation of voltage and current waveforms. Practical tests, measurements, diagnostics and following analyze have shown that thermal imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis of online car controls. If will be compared the non-standard heating of a part of the electric system with the combination with the high-voltage time measuring method, that is possible to analyze the failure and also monitoring the system operating mode. An example of an ignition coil temperature distribution thermogram and analysis of high voltage ignition curves with error spark plugs is given in the section on non-destructive diagnosis with temperature differences. By analyzing the failure state of ignition systems, using the method of diagnostics of high-voltage pulse behaviors and also the method of thermal imaging diagnosis, it is possible accordingly to review the functional of the electric system and its various components. In some cases, it not possible use the classical method with ignition single-coil system, and it is recommended continues the analysis of temperature fields.
2019 12th International Conference on Measurement, 2019
This article describes evaluation principles of electrical parts of the ignition system, using co... more This article describes evaluation principles of electrical parts of the ignition system, using conventional automotive diagnostic systems, based on evaluation of current and voltage waveforms and also the non-destructive thermovision method. The thesis deals with the analysis of fault status of the ignition system where thermograms of the temperature distribution of the ignition coils and the analysis of high voltage ignition curves allow us to evaluate the failure state of the electrical system adequately.
Príspevok predkladá návrh implementácie elektronického formulára na spracovanie všetkých technolo... more Príspevok predkladá návrh implementácie elektronického formulára na spracovanie všetkých technologických činností najmä na transoceánskych lodiach. Takto vykonávanou kontinuálnou diagnostikou sa vytvoria podmienky predchádzaniu porúch, čo vytvára nielen bezpečnú plavbu, čím sa automaticky znižujú prevádzkové náklady, ale zároveň znižuje pracovné zaťaženie službu konajúcich strojných dôstojníkov najmä pri medzikontinentálnych plavbách.This contribution presents a possible implementation of an electronic data form for processing of all technological operations, especially on transoceanic vessels. The continuous diagnostics carried out using this form helps to prevent failures, which increases voyage safety, resulting in reduction of operating costs, and also decreases workload of engineer officers, especially during intercontinental voyages
Dunaj, druhá najdlhšia európska rieka, preteká desiatimi európskymi krajinami sveta. Po otvorení ... more Dunaj, druhá najdlhšia európska rieka, preteká desiatimi európskymi krajinami sveta. Po otvorení prieplavu Mohan – Dunaj v roku 1992 došlo k jej napojeniu na sieť vodných ciest západnej Európy a vytvoreniu vodnej cesty dlhej viac ako 3 500 kilometrov, ktorá spája Severné more s Čiernym morom. Význam tejto vodnej cesty spočíva nielen vo výmene tovaru medzi európskymi krajinami, ale aj vo výrobe elektrickej energie prostredníctvom vodných diel, ktoré ležia na tejto vodnej ceste. Predmetom článku je aj SWOT analýza vnútrozemskej plavby na Dunaji, ako aj objemy prepráv za ostatné obdobie a ich odhad vývoja s použitím metódy najmenších štvorcov.The Danube, the second longest European River, flows through ten European countries. After opening of the Main-Danube Canal in 1992, the Danube was linked with the waterways of Western European countries and a new waterway that is more than 3 500 kilometres long was formed and links the North and Black Sea. The importance of this waterway consist ...
2019 12th International Conference on Measurement, 2019
This paper analyzes the problems of thermal measurement of electrical machines using thermovision... more This paper analyzes the problems of thermal measurement of electrical machines using thermovision diagnostics. It examines the experimental principles and uses of noncontact temperature measurement for diagnostics. The knowledge of the problem diagnostics of electrical machines in service without disassembly enables us to use more efficient thermo-diagnostic methods and to localize the failures that determine the quality of electrical machines.
Solving the problems of increasing requirements on tra sport, while respecting actual environment... more Solving the problems of increasing requirements on tra sport, while respecting actual environment crit eria, new solutions are being looked for to make an optimum mutual equilibrium. O ne of the possibilities of increasing ecological co nditions, which are decreased by means of transporting a mine, shows this contributi on hat suggests a reconstruction of the original d iesel-hydraulic engine DH30 to twosystem drive and hybrid drive. In the reconstructio n, a DC and an asynchronous engine are suggested as traction engines. This reconstruction of the drive means not only increase of the ecological conditions in the mine but also an ability to use biofuel made from a crop that grew on contaminated soil. The aim of the reconstruction is to replace the com bustion engine and hydraulic distribution with an electric drive while traction characteristics will remain at their values. A one-engine traction drive with an asynchronous en gine with short circuit armature is regarded as one of th...
Electromagnetic compatibilityEMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate d... more Electromagnetic compatibilityEMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate disciplines when electrical or electronic systems are considered performing safety-related functions. Furthermore the usual EMC approach to define immunity requirements on the basis of availability and economical conditions cannot be applied to immunity issues regarding safety-related systems. And on the other hand the approach within functional safety to emphasize the relevance of the SIL cannot be transferred in a simple way into the EMC area. An appropriate approach to combine both disciplines consists of the introduction of special immunity levels and test methods in connection with a particular performance criterion “Functional Safety”. Streszczenie. Analizowano łącznie dwa parametry – kompatybilność elektromagnetyczną i funkcjonalne bezpieczeństwo. Zaproponowano metodę łączenia tych dwóch parametrów z uwzględnieniem aspektów ekonomicznych. (Analiza kompatybilności elektromagnetyczne...
Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport, 2020
The friction brakes convert a significant part of a vehicle's kinetic energy into thermal energy.... more The friction brakes convert a significant part of a vehicle's kinetic energy into thermal energy. Some of its parts is distributed to the places around the brakes, and another part is accumulated in several vehicle components. This article is focused on the measurement of temperature increase of selected vehicle components during re-deceleration. These components include brake discs, brake pads, calliper, wheel rim and tire side in the area of its bead and tread. The measurements were performed during the repeated braking of a fully-loaded vehicle according to ECE Regulation No 13-type I.
Mobile networks have been around us for decades, and life without them is difficult to reconstruc... more Mobile networks have been around us for decades, and life without them is difficult to reconstruct. Their gradual evolution has varied over time, depending on the requirements of their users. Originally, they were used only for the transmission of telephony, but transmission in the speech band today is mainly used for data transmission and telephony is in moderate attenuation. Various types of data can be transmitted via mobile networks due to their size or importance. In the area of security, mobile networks are used from two basic points of view. The first aspect is the use for communication between the components of the electrical security system and the second is the transmission of information from the monitored object to the monitoring and alarm receiving center. The aim of the paper will be to point out the composition of mobile networks focusing on the functioning of cellular systems and the course of communication between individual parts of the system. The main view will...
2016 Diagnostic of Electrical Machines and Insulating Systems in Electrical Engineering (DEMISEE), 2016
Electromagnetic compatibility-EMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate ... more Electromagnetic compatibility-EMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate disciplines when electrical or electronic systems are considered performing safety-related functions. Furthermore the usual EMC approach to define immunity requirements on the basis of availability and economic conditions cannot be applied to immunity issues regarding safety-related systems. And on the other hand the approach within functional safety to emphasize the relevance of the SIL cannot be transferred in a simple way into the EMC area. An appropriate approach to combine both disciplines consists of the introduction of special immunity levels and test methods in connection with a particular performance criterion “Functional Safety”.
Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina, 2020
In the current digital era, information is a basis of some systems. In the area of information, g... more In the current digital era, information is a basis of some systems. In the area of information, great emphasis is also placed on its security and possibilities of use. The basis of the alarm transmission system is information about the protected object, which is transmitted to the remote center of the alarm transmission system. Operators of alarm transmission system centers should be obliged to carry out regular testing of the availability of individual transmission networks. At present, there is a trend that those tests are carried out by telephone calls between the two technicians and the time of transmission of information is measured utilizing a stopwatch. To automate this process, a test facility has been created that can simulate and record the intrusion of a protected object. Initial experimental tests have ascertained whether it is possible, with the test equipment, to generate the data necessary to assess the reliability of alarm transmission systems.
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji
This article describes principles of evaluation of individual parts of the ignition system, using... more This article describes principles of evaluation of individual parts of the ignition system, using conventional diagnostic systems, based on evaluation of current and voltage waveforms. By means of the practical test, diagnostics, measurements and subsequent analysis it was proved that thermovision plays an important role in diagnostics in on-line check automotive equipment. By comparing the non-standard warming behaviour of a part of the electrical system with combination with time high-voltage method, it is possible to diagnose a fault and also check the operating mode of the system. An example of a thermogram of the temperature distribution of the ignition coils and analysis of high-voltage ignition curves with faulty spark plugs is given in part of paper of nondestructive diagnostics with a difference in temperature. Analysing fault condition of ignition systems, using method conventional diagnosis of high-voltage pulse waveforms and also method of thermovision diagnostics, we ca...
2020 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika)
The article analyzes the diagnostics of a high-voltage power transformer by means of an acoustic ... more The article analyzes the diagnostics of a high-voltage power transformer by means of an acoustic camera. It is one of the basic diagnostics and monitoring of remote measurement and analysis of acoustic emission. The high-voltage power transformer generates acoustic emission, thanks to which we can analyze the operating and fault states of the device. The article shows the use of the acoustic camera for operational monitoring and diagnostics of its life through noise from the source of the transformer winding and the ferromagnetic core.
2020 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika)
This article describes evaluation principles electronic components in ignition system by using wi... more This article describes evaluation principles electronic components in ignition system by using with voltage, current and thermovision analysis. The first of article is focused on theoretical principles of activity of ignition system based on voltage behavior in time for the primary part winding of transformer. In the second part of article is experimental measurement by means of measurement of voltage waveforms and no-contact measurement of thermal field by thermovision camera. In the end of article is performed comparison of both methods and detected the same fault in the part of components of the measured equipment. Both diagnostic methods have certain limitations, as the high-voltage coils and spark plugs are housed in encapsulated metal containers. The biggest problem can occur with thermal imaging diagnostics. If the ignition system is completely inaccessible, it is only necessary to use diagnostics by measuring high-voltage and current pulses by connecting clamp probes.
2020 IEEE 61th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON)
The article deals with an on-line noncontact measuring method for the analysis of transformer ope... more The article deals with an on-line noncontact measuring method for the analysis of transformer operation by measuring acoustic, noise and electromagnetic emissions. The electric non-rotating machine generates electromagnetic and acoustic waves, by means of which it is possible to analyze not only operating states but also its possible fault states. We performed measurements of acoustic emission on the traction transformers 25/6 kV and 110/3 kV that were in real operation. We studied the spatial distribution of the acoustical field as well as its spectra. Preliminary results have shown that acoustic analysis may be a useful alternative option for high-power transformer's health condition.
In this study, the conductivity and permittivity of electrical pressboard—insulating liquid—water... more In this study, the conductivity and permittivity of electrical pressboard—insulating liquid—water composites were investigated, and the electrical properties of the composites and water were analysed comparatively. Mineral oil and synthetic ester were used as insulating liquids. It was found that the presence of water caused an increase in the permeability of the composite in the frequency range below 100 Hz. The value of static permittivity determined by water in the content of 5 wt. % was approximately 15. To obtain this value caused by liquid water, its volume should be approximately five (oil) and four times (ester) higher than its actual content, respectively. The determined values of the activation energy of the DC conductivity of the composites were several times higher than the values of the activation energy of the conductivity of the liquid water. The experimental values of the dielectric relaxation times were many orders of magnitude higher than the dielectric relaxation ...
2020 International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika), 2020
Currently, the control circuits check the condition of electronic components mainly by monitoring... more Currently, the control circuits check the condition of electronic components mainly by monitoring voltage levels, calculating and estimating value limits during the diagnostic mode of the element. In this article, we will focus specifically on the ignition system. Specialized measurements were made on the proposed measurement systems by simulating faults by applying oil and gasoline between the electrodes and failing to make the ignition contact of the driver on the spark plug.
This article describes evaluation principles of various parts of the system of ignition through r... more This article describes evaluation principles of various parts of the system of ignition through respectable measuring systems based on the evaluation of voltage and current waveforms. Practical tests, measurements, diagnostics and following analyze have shown that thermal imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis of online car controls. If will be compared the non-standard heating of a part of the electric system with the combination with the high-voltage time measuring method, that is possible to analyze the failure and also monitoring the system operating mode. An example of an ignition coil temperature distribution thermogram and analysis of high voltage ignition curves with error spark plugs is given in the section on non-destructive diagnosis with temperature differences. By analyzing the failure state of ignition systems, using the method of diagnostics of high-voltage pulse behaviors and also the method of thermal imaging diagnosis, it is possible accordingly to review the functional of the electric system and its various components. In some cases, it not possible use the classical method with ignition single-coil system, and it is recommended continues the analysis of temperature fields.
2019 12th International Conference on Measurement, 2019
This article describes evaluation principles of electrical parts of the ignition system, using co... more This article describes evaluation principles of electrical parts of the ignition system, using conventional automotive diagnostic systems, based on evaluation of current and voltage waveforms and also the non-destructive thermovision method. The thesis deals with the analysis of fault status of the ignition system where thermograms of the temperature distribution of the ignition coils and the analysis of high voltage ignition curves allow us to evaluate the failure state of the electrical system adequately.
Papers by Matej Kucera