There are two traditional leaders in Endokisi, i.e. Ondoafi and Dewan Adat. Ondoafi is a head of ... more There are two traditional leaders in Endokisi, i.e. Ondoafi and Dewan Adat. Ondoafi is a head of ethnic, and Dewan Adat is a coordinating board between ondoajies, religion leader (church leader) and formal leader (Kepala Desa). The traditional leader
Kajian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam konteks... more Kajian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam konteks bencana alam, khususnya gempa bumi dan tsunami dan secara khusus untuk mengetahui kondisi kependudukan, ekonomi dan sosial kemasyarakatan di daerah kajian. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk mengukur tingkat kerentanan masyarakat (rumah tangga) dari aspek kependudukan, ekonomi, dan sosial kemasyarakatan di daerah kajian. Daerah kajian adalah Kelurahan Wolomarang, Kecamatan Alok, Kabupaten Sikka - Nusa Tenggara Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan mewawancarai sebanyak 200 rumah tangga. Tingkat kerentanan sosial ekonomi masyarakat untuk menghadapi bencana di daerah kajian secara umum masih cukup tinggi, di mana indeks kerentanan masih berada pada angka 3,26. Angka ini dalam klasifikasi indeks kerentanan masih termasuk rentan. Tingginya kerentanan sosial ekonomi masyarakat tersebut utamanya dipengaruhi oleh masih tingginya kerentanan ekonomi. Indeks kerentanan ekonomi masih berada pada angka yang cukup tinggi 4,21 atau masih dalam klasifikasi sangat rentan. Kondisi kependudukannya juga masih termasuk rentan (3,5). Hanya kondisi sosial kemasyarakatannya yang sudah dalam klasifikasi hampir rentan (2,23). Rendahnya kerentanan sosial kemasyarakatan menunjukkan masih tingginya tingkat kohesivitas masyarakat di daerah kajian. Kondisi kerentanan dapat dibedakan menurut zona. Tidak ada perbedaan nilai indeks kerentanan sosial ekonomi yang mencolok di daerah kajian. Semuanya terletak pada status rentan, di mana di zona hijau 3,06, zona kuning 3,38 dan di zona merah 3,27. Komponen yang paling mempengaruhi tingginya tingkat kerentanan sosial ekonomi di tiga wilayah tersebut adalah tingkat kerentanan ekonomi yang masih cukup tinggi. Komponen paling kecil yang mempengaruhi tingginya indeks kerentanan sosial ekonomi di tiga wilayah adalah tingkat kerentanan sosial kemasyarakatan.
Minapolitan is marines and fisheries development concept based on area economic management emphas... more Minapolitan is marines and fisheries development concept based on area economic management emphasizing on fisheries comodities. Minapolitan program intends to increase qualified fisheries production as well as community income. This paper aims to describe the implementation of Minapolitan program in Sukabumi regency; whether the program has already directed to empower small fishermen. The result shows that the activities of Minapolitan program are unfocused. Everything related to fisheries issues, even those unrelated ones, are considered as a part of Minapolitan program. The implementation of Minapolitan program undertaken by local governments and coastal development program are no different. Both capital and fishing equipment support for small fishermen has not been directed to increase the production of qualified comodities. The empowerment of small fisheries in Minapolitan program has not been interconnected with the purpose of Minapolitan program in this area, namely the increa...
Pele karang is a rule for marine resources management practiced by community in Tablasufa, Kemcat... more Pele karang is a rule for marine resources management practiced by community in Tablasufa, Kemcatan Depapre, Jayapura. The rule is related by ownership of marine area claimed by this community. When pele karang is applied no body may exploitate marine resources in that area, within about one year. Closing and opening of pele karang is done by ondoafi Appaseray and Demane. Pele karang is useful for marine resources conservation, because not exploited in the long periode. Socially pele karang is also useful, because it can help to fulfil the needs of the members of that community.
Fishermen are the most vulnerable social community against the climate change. Marine environment... more Fishermen are the most vulnerable social community against the climate change. Marine environment change directly influences their livelihood system. This paper aims to discuss the extend of resilience of the fisherman communities in the coastal of Grajagan Village, Banyuwangi, East Java, in responding the impacts of climate change. To understand the resilience of fisherman communities, this paper compares the fishing unit typology and the working characteristics from various fisherman communities in responding the climate change impacts. Finding of this research shows that there is different resilience strategy among different fishing units, namely Slerek, Payang, and Jukung. The jukung fisherman community has a better resilience in responding the climate change impacts compared to the Slerek and Payang fisherman communities. The jukung fisherman community has various fishing units, which can be operated in different seasons.
Since 1999, based on Law No. 22 of 1999 as revised by Law No. 32 of 2004, Indonesia has implement... more Since 1999, based on Law No. 22 of 1999 as revised by Law No. 32 of 2004, Indonesia has implementeed local autonomy in the marine sector. In those regulations, central government delegates his authority to manage 12 miles of the sea to provincial and one third of it to the district/municipalgovernment. However, there are many problems which impacted to the ineffectiveness of the local marine management. The most serious problem is the exclusion of local community roles in marine management. As one recommendation of this writing, the increase of community participation should be supported, and traditional management system should be revitalized. Keywords: Local autonomy; Marine Management; Community Participation.
There are two traditional leaders in Endokisi, i.e. Ondoafi and Dewan Adat. Ondoafi is a head of ... more There are two traditional leaders in Endokisi, i.e. Ondoafi and Dewan Adat. Ondoafi is a head of ethnic, and Dewan Adat is a coordinating board between ondoajies, religion leader (church leader) and formal leader (Kepala Desa). The traditional leader
Kajian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam konteks... more Kajian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam konteks bencana alam, khususnya gempa bumi dan tsunami dan secara khusus untuk mengetahui kondisi kependudukan, ekonomi dan sosial kemasyarakatan di daerah kajian. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk mengukur tingkat kerentanan masyarakat (rumah tangga) dari aspek kependudukan, ekonomi, dan sosial kemasyarakatan di daerah kajian. Daerah kajian adalah Kelurahan Wolomarang, Kecamatan Alok, Kabupaten Sikka - Nusa Tenggara Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan mewawancarai sebanyak 200 rumah tangga. Tingkat kerentanan sosial ekonomi masyarakat untuk menghadapi bencana di daerah kajian secara umum masih cukup tinggi, di mana indeks kerentanan masih berada pada angka 3,26. Angka ini dalam klasifikasi indeks kerentanan masih termasuk rentan. Tingginya kerentanan sosial ekonomi masyarakat tersebut utamanya dipengaruhi oleh masih tingginya kerentanan ekonomi. Indeks kerentanan ekonomi masih berada pada angka yang cukup tinggi 4,21 atau masih dalam klasifikasi sangat rentan. Kondisi kependudukannya juga masih termasuk rentan (3,5). Hanya kondisi sosial kemasyarakatannya yang sudah dalam klasifikasi hampir rentan (2,23). Rendahnya kerentanan sosial kemasyarakatan menunjukkan masih tingginya tingkat kohesivitas masyarakat di daerah kajian. Kondisi kerentanan dapat dibedakan menurut zona. Tidak ada perbedaan nilai indeks kerentanan sosial ekonomi yang mencolok di daerah kajian. Semuanya terletak pada status rentan, di mana di zona hijau 3,06, zona kuning 3,38 dan di zona merah 3,27. Komponen yang paling mempengaruhi tingginya tingkat kerentanan sosial ekonomi di tiga wilayah tersebut adalah tingkat kerentanan ekonomi yang masih cukup tinggi. Komponen paling kecil yang mempengaruhi tingginya indeks kerentanan sosial ekonomi di tiga wilayah adalah tingkat kerentanan sosial kemasyarakatan.
Minapolitan is marines and fisheries development concept based on area economic management emphas... more Minapolitan is marines and fisheries development concept based on area economic management emphasizing on fisheries comodities. Minapolitan program intends to increase qualified fisheries production as well as community income. This paper aims to describe the implementation of Minapolitan program in Sukabumi regency; whether the program has already directed to empower small fishermen. The result shows that the activities of Minapolitan program are unfocused. Everything related to fisheries issues, even those unrelated ones, are considered as a part of Minapolitan program. The implementation of Minapolitan program undertaken by local governments and coastal development program are no different. Both capital and fishing equipment support for small fishermen has not been directed to increase the production of qualified comodities. The empowerment of small fisheries in Minapolitan program has not been interconnected with the purpose of Minapolitan program in this area, namely the increa...
Pele karang is a rule for marine resources management practiced by community in Tablasufa, Kemcat... more Pele karang is a rule for marine resources management practiced by community in Tablasufa, Kemcatan Depapre, Jayapura. The rule is related by ownership of marine area claimed by this community. When pele karang is applied no body may exploitate marine resources in that area, within about one year. Closing and opening of pele karang is done by ondoafi Appaseray and Demane. Pele karang is useful for marine resources conservation, because not exploited in the long periode. Socially pele karang is also useful, because it can help to fulfil the needs of the members of that community.
Fishermen are the most vulnerable social community against the climate change. Marine environment... more Fishermen are the most vulnerable social community against the climate change. Marine environment change directly influences their livelihood system. This paper aims to discuss the extend of resilience of the fisherman communities in the coastal of Grajagan Village, Banyuwangi, East Java, in responding the impacts of climate change. To understand the resilience of fisherman communities, this paper compares the fishing unit typology and the working characteristics from various fisherman communities in responding the climate change impacts. Finding of this research shows that there is different resilience strategy among different fishing units, namely Slerek, Payang, and Jukung. The jukung fisherman community has a better resilience in responding the climate change impacts compared to the Slerek and Payang fisherman communities. The jukung fisherman community has various fishing units, which can be operated in different seasons.
Since 1999, based on Law No. 22 of 1999 as revised by Law No. 32 of 2004, Indonesia has implement... more Since 1999, based on Law No. 22 of 1999 as revised by Law No. 32 of 2004, Indonesia has implementeed local autonomy in the marine sector. In those regulations, central government delegates his authority to manage 12 miles of the sea to provincial and one third of it to the district/municipalgovernment. However, there are many problems which impacted to the ineffectiveness of the local marine management. The most serious problem is the exclusion of local community roles in marine management. As one recommendation of this writing, the increase of community participation should be supported, and traditional management system should be revitalized. Keywords: Local autonomy; Marine Management; Community Participation.
Papers by Masyhuri Imron