Papers by Masaaki Takiguchi
Conservation Science and Practice
Eradication programs for invasive rodents have accelerated since pioneering efforts by New Zealan... more Eradication programs for invasive rodents have accelerated since pioneering efforts by New Zealand biologists in the 1970s to conserve not only seabird populations but also island ecosystems (Howald et al. 2007, Rauzon 2007). In Japan, Black Rat Rattus rattus eradication programs have been carried out recently in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands (Hashimoto 2009, Makino 2009). The Ogasawara Islands are known to be a sanctuary for birds, including several indigenous or endangered species such as Columba janthina

Marine ornithology, 2009
Marine Ornithology 37: 293–295 (2009) Eradication programs for invasive rodents have accelerated ... more Marine Ornithology 37: 293–295 (2009) Eradication programs for invasive rodents have accelerated since pioneering efforts by New Zealand biologists in the 1970s to conserve not only seabird populations but also island ecosystems (Howald et al. 2007, Rauzon 2007). In Japan, Black Rat Rattus rattus eradication programs have been carried out recently in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands (Hashimoto 2009, Makino 2009). The Ogasawara Islands are known to be a sanctuary for birds, including several indigenous or endangered species such as Columba janthina nitens, Apalopteron familiare, Tristram’s Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma tristrami, Matsudaira’s Storm-Petrel O. matsudaira and Bonin Petrel Pterodroma hypoleuca (Chiba 1992). However, they are threatened by invasive mammals such as Black Rats, Norway Rats R. norvegicus and feral cats Felis catus (Kawakami 2002, 2008). Based on historical documents, Yabe (2006, 2008) estimated that Black Rats were introduced into the Ogasawara Islands in the 1910s,...

Primate Research, 2018
辻大和 1)* ・滝口正明 2) ・葦田恵美子 3) ・大井徹 4) ・宇野壮春 5) ・ 大谷洋介 6) ・江成広斗 7) ・海老原寛 8) ・小金澤正昭 9) ・鈴木克哉 10) ・ 清野紘... more 辻大和 1)* ・滝口正明 2) ・葦田恵美子 3) ・大井徹 4) ・宇野壮春 5) ・ 大谷洋介 6) ・江成広斗 7) ・海老原寛 8) ・小金澤正昭 9) ・鈴木克哉 10) ・ 清野紘典 8) ・山端直人 11) fed on 179 crop items, including garden plants (29 items), orchard crops (38 items), grain crops (8 items), pasture (5 items), beans (8 items), vegetables (62 items), forestry crops (7 items), and other crops (22 items). Notably, the number of damaged crop species substantially varied among the prefectures, possibly due to differences in terms of the extent of countermeasures against crop raiding by macaques. To discuss the regional variation in the preference for specific crop species, quantitative and qualitative data should be standardized among the prefectures. The information on the crops damaged by macaques is generally retrieved from government reports, which are only retained for a short period; therefore, digital archiving is necessary for their future use. In addition, we discuss future challenges about the use of information on the diet of crop-raiding macaques. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of collaboration between researchers of fundamental and applied research.
Papers by Masaaki Takiguchi