Papers by Mary Desiree Palma
The Philippines, with an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.2 million sq. km, including over 7,00... more The Philippines, with an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.2 million sq. km, including over 7,000 islands, relies on fisheries as one of its major industries, sources of employment and in promoting food security. The hand-line fishery using bancas (or pump boats), catching commercially viable species such as tuna, is a major component of both municipal and commercial fisheries in the Philippines. Hand-line fishing is considered one of the most sustainable forms of fishing in the country. However, the economic significance of the hand-line fishery is increasingly threatened by a number of factors, including poor information on the fishery and inadequate management and regulatory systems, which impact negatively on the economic development of the hand-line sector. An assessment of the current state of the hand-line fishery and the identification of opportunities to help improve its management regime were raised as research priorities by the Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). This Project provided a description of the nature of the hand-line fishery in three regions within the Philippines, namely Region V (Bicol), Region VIII (Eastern Samar) and Region XII (General Santos). New information was gathered through the collection of catch data from market sampling by enumerators and through interviews held with fisherfolks, fish processors, fishing companies, and local government councils. Regional workshops were also conducted to provide a venue for the discussion of problems and opportunities for improved management of the hand-line fishery.
When the international Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter, and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Un... more When the international Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter, and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU) was adopted in 2001, the term illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing or "IUU fishing" instantly gained the attention of States, regional organisations, non-government organisations, and academic institutions.
The Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices including Combating I... more The Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices including Combating IUU Fishing in the Region was approved by the Ministers of Republic of Indonesia, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam on 4 May 2007 in Bali, Indonesia. The objective of the RPOA is to enhance and strengthen the overall level of fisheries management in the region, in order to sustain fisheries resources and the marine environment, and to optimise the benefit of adopting responsible fishing practices. The actions cover conservation of fisheries resources and their environment, managing fishing capacity, and combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the areas of the South China Sea, Sulu-Sulawesi Seas (Celebes Sea) and the Arafura-Timor Seas
Lloyd's MIU Handbook of Maritime Security, 2008
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Lloyd's MIU Handbook of Maritime Security, 2008
ABSTRACT When the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and amendments to the... more ABSTRACT When the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 were adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in December 2002, one of the issues that remained to be resolved was the long-range identification and tracking (LRIT) of ships. Resolution 3 of the 2002 SOLAS conference called on the IMO to carry out, as a matter of urgency, an impact assessment of the proposals to implement the LRIT of ships and develop and adopt appropriate performance standards and guidelines for the LRIT system. The establishment of the LRIT system aims to complement and support the implementation of the ISPS Code by detecting security threats and taking preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade. This chapter provides analysis of the status of the LRIT system and legal, administrative, and practical implications of its implementation for states. It also discusses concerns with respect to the draft technical standards for the LRIT system and concludes by highlighting the measures that the IMO and its contracting governments would need to take to advance the implementation of the LRIT system.
Outre-Terre, 2010
Distribution électronique pour Outre-terre. © Outre-terre. Tous droits réservés pour t... more Distribution électronique pour Outre-terre. © Outre-terre. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
Outre-Terre, 2010
Distribution électronique pour Outre-terre. Distribution électronique pour ... more Distribution électronique pour Outre-terre. Distribution électronique pour Outre-terre. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur
University of Wollongong Thesis Collection, 2006
award damages in relation to offences and infringements relating to copyright material. Higher pe... more award damages in relation to offences and infringements relating to copyright material. Higher penalties may apply, and higher damages may be awarded, for offences and infringements involving the conversion of material into digital or electronic form.
Ocean Development & International Law, 2008
A long coastline and extensive maritime claims mean that Australia benefits from and has responsi... more A long coastline and extensive maritime claims mean that Australia benefits from and has responsibility for an enormous maritime jurisdiction. Within this offshore area Australia faces significant, varied, and complex maritime security and ocean policy challenges. In response, Australia has taken a number of innovative steps toward enhancing its maritime security. This article will review Australia's past practice together with
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 1985
TOSCA is a deductive method for the design of syntheses both in the forward and in the backward r... more TOSCA is a deductive method for the design of syntheses both in the forward and in the backward retrosynthetic direction. The use of strategic selection criteria makes it possible to use the system in particular in heterocyclic chemistry. It is shown by means of examples how empirical selection criteria lead to an intelligent reduction in the number of proposals. Structural features identified in precursors and the target of the synthesis form the basis for a further, subjective selection.
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 2010
On 29 September 2008, the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted Council Regulation (EC) No. ... more On 29 September 2008, the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted Council Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2008 establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fi shing. Essentially, the EU IUU Regulation establishes a framework in which access to EU markets for fi sheries products is partly conditioned by the extent to which a country, area or region of origin is demonstrably or increasingly free of IUU fi shing. Aside from the amendments to US legislation in 2007, the EU IUU Regulation is the only other domestic legislative measure adopted solely to combat IUU fi shing, with four main components: port State measures against third-country vessels, a catch documentation scheme, IUU vessel listing, and listing of non-cooperating States. Th is article analyses the EU IUU Regulation in the context of international fi sheries law, and particularly international eff orts to combat IUU fi shing. It is concluded that the measures outlined in the EU IUU Regulation, despite several ambiguities, are generally consistent with those called for under international fi sheries instruments and measures being implemented by regional fi sheries management organisations. Keywords illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fi shing; fi sheries policy of the European Union; international fi sheries law; international trade in fi sheries products
Papers by Mary Desiree Palma