Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až pa... more Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až paranoidni obava mnohých fotografů (mě nevyjimaje) ze znecistěni a poskrabani objektivů. Samozřejmě, že je potřeba si na skla davat pozor, ale jak znecistěni ci poskozeni realně ovlivňuje kresbu, to je již věc jina.
The hyolith assemblage from the early Cambrian of Bornholm, Denmark, shows a higher diversity tha... more The hyolith assemblage from the early Cambrian of Bornholm, Denmark, shows a higher diversity than contemporary assemblages in Baltoscandia. The most common species in the Green Shales (Laeså Formation, Norretorp Member, Cambrian Stage 3), is Hyolithes [=Hyolithus] (Orthotheca) johnstrupi Holm, 1893. A specimen of this species shows a well-preserved and almost complete digestive tract, folded into an approximately 22 mm long chevron-like structure comprised of at least 20 arcuate loops on the ventral side and a flattened, gently sinuous to straight anal tube on the dorsal side. The thin, phosphatic outer shell layer of the conch is crushed under the digestive tract due to compaction while the digestive tract is preserved in three dimensions and appears undisturbed. The shape of the digestive tract is similar to that of the middle Cambrian Guduguwan hardmani (Etheridge) from Australia and the lower Cambrian specimens from Russia described by Meškova & Sysoev. The Danish specimen is probably an adult, lending support to the idea that the orthothecid digestive tract becomes more complex during ontogeny. Hyolithus (Orthotheca) johnstrupi is revised and here referred to Circotheca Sysoev, 1958.
Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblib... more Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblibeným výrobcům (nejen) fotoknih. V dnesnim clanku se podivame na zkusenosti s fotoknihou z luxusni řady Professional.
Impulsem pro tento test byla možnost použivat jeden z nejlepsich digitalnich kompaktů Olympus XZ-... more Impulsem pro tento test byla možnost použivat jeden z nejlepsich digitalnich kompaktů Olympus XZ-1. Protože vsak je normalnich testů na netu hodně a nejedna se o žhavou novinku, rozhodl jsem se pro test, který je mnohem praktictějsi a realně ukaže možnosti Olympusu XZ-1.
Exceptional, three dimensional preservation of common hyolithid species Oboedalites oboediens Mar... more Exceptional, three dimensional preservation of common hyolithid species Oboedalites oboediens Marek, 1981, coming from Skryje-Týøovice Basin (Barrandian area), makes possible their biometric analysis. Results of the analysis can help in understanding of the ontogeny of hyolithids and thus can be very helpful for their taxonomy.
Podnětem pro tento test byla možnost nechat si zhotovit zdarma fotoknihu u spolecnosti Heysmile. ... more Podnětem pro tento test byla možnost nechat si zhotovit zdarma fotoknihu u spolecnosti Heysmile. Nasledně jsem byl přijemně překvapen jeji kvalitou. A to byl důvod, proc jsem posleze oslovil několik spolecnosti působicich v Ceske republice, u kterých je možne si fotoknihu nechat vyrobit. Mimo tyto firmy jsem oslovil take zahranicni spolecnost Blurb, se kterou jsem měl již dřivějsi dobre zkusenosti. Vsechny firmy, ktere na můj email odpověděly, mi poskytly možnost výroby jedne fotoknihy zdarma pro ucely tohoto testu, za což jim velmi děkuji.
Program CombineZP umožňuje skladat fotografie s různou hloubkou ostrosti do výsledne fotografie t... more Program CombineZP umožňuje skladat fotografie s různou hloubkou ostrosti do výsledne fotografie tak, aby finalni fotografie měla maximalni možnou hloubkou ostrosti vychazejici z původnich fotografii.
Koupit nebo nekoupit neoriginalni přislusenstvi k fotoaparatu? Jistě se mezi nami najdou jeho zas... more Koupit nebo nekoupit neoriginalni přislusenstvi k fotoaparatu? Jistě se mezi nami najdou jeho zastanci, a naopak i ti, kteři by si nikdy "nahražku" nekoupili. Každý z nas ma jine potřeby i jine možnosti, ale nasledujici clanek vam může být alespoň trochu napomocen při výběru.
<i>Alfaites romeo</i> gen. et sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2EA9355A-4894-4F7B-A... more <i>Alfaites romeo</i> gen. et sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2EA9355A-4894-4F7B-AFDA-1000BCE24C3C Fig. 2 Etymology The specific epithet ' <i>romeo</i> ' refers to the Shakespeare's protagonist Romeo Montague. Marek initially planned to describe two closely related taxa as <i>A. romeo</i> and <i>A. julia.</i> The only specimen designated as <i>A. julia</i> (Fig. 2D) in the original collection of L. Marek does not show any difference in morphology and should be classified as <i>A. romeo</i>. Material examined <b>Holotype</b> CZECH REPUBLIC – <b>Skryje-Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin</b> • Inner side of operculum; NM L46640. <b>Paratypes</b> CZECH REPUBLIC – <b>Skryje-Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin</b> • Inner side of operculum; NM L 46642 • External sides of operculum; NM L 46646, NM L46641 • Inner mould of conch; NM L 46645 • External moulds of conchs; NM L 46643, L46644. <b>Referred material</b> In addition to the holotype and paratypes, parts of another three conchs and five opercula (collection NM Ls 858), all deposited in collections of the National Museum (Prague, Czech Republic). <b>Type horizon</b> <i>Paradoxides</i> (<i>Eccaparadoxides</i>) <i>pusillus</i> Zone, Skryje Member, Buchava Formation, Drumian, middle Cambrian, Barrandian area, Czech Republic. Diagnosis As for the genus. Description Monoclaviculate operculum with clavicles of bow-shaped transverse cross-section. The angle of divergence of clavicles reaches 135° on the type specimen (NM L46640). Open margins of clavicles overlap above the inner surface operculum (interclavicular concavity). Distal ends of clavicles cut off. Cardinal processes broadly divergent with rounded distal ends, mutually separated by a narrow and shallow groove in linear axis of operculum. Bases of cardinal processes diverging at an angle of 90° toward the dorsal margin of operculum. Uncommon and relatively robust cardinal teeth are developed along the dorsal margin. Cardinal shield is concave in centre and slightly vaulted at the sides. Rooflets clearly distinct and bordered by g [...]
<i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov. (Figs. 2 B, C, 3) 1983 <i>Skryjelites aurit... more <i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov. (Figs. 2 B, C, 3) 1983 <i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov.; Marek, p. 42–43. <b>Holotype.</b> NM L 40479 (Figs. 3 C, D); inner surface of operculum. <b>Paratypes.</b> NM L 40721 (Fig. 3 A); outer surface of operculum. NM L 40480 (Fig. 3 B, E); outer surface of operculum. NM L 40725 (Fig. 3 F); external mould of venter. NM L 40720 (Fig. 3 G); external mould of venter. NM L 40724 (Fig. 3 H); internal mould of conch. NM L 40723 (Fig. 3 I); external mould of dorsum. NM L 40722 (Fig. 3 J); external mould of dorsum. All specimens come from the Buchava locality. <b>Type horizon and locality.</b> Middle Cambrian, Buchava Formation, Skryje Member, Paradoxides (Eccaparadoxides) pussilus Biozone; Barrandian area, Skryje–Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin, Buchava locality, Czech Republic (N 49 ° 56 '33.0", E 13 ° 44 ' 41.8 "). <b>Material.</b> In addition to the holotype, other 18 opercula, some of them incomplete and 13 fragmented conchs. <b>Etymology.</b> From the Latin <i>auritus</i>, long-eared, eared. <b>Diagnosis</b>. The same as for the genus. <b>Description.</b> Conch orthocone; ventral side very slightly arched; dorsal side vaulted in regular arch. W/h index = 1.4. Angle of divergence reaching about 16 degrees. Lateral edges sharp, sharply rounded on moulds. Conch with orthogonal aperture; ligula attaining length of about two thirds of apertural width. Drop-like paired dorsal apertural muscle scars laterally elongated. Ventral apertural muscle scar indistinct transversally elongated, being broken in a very obtuse angle in its middle. Presence of apical septa could not be proved. Oblong lines of transversally broken traverse riblets developed on the dorsal side of the conch (Fig. 3 S). Very fine growth-lines developed on ventral side of conch (Fig. 3 R). Monoclaviculate operculum. Narrow clavicles showing asymmetrical T-shaped cross-section. Cardinal processes broadly diverging, with their anterior ends opened; distal ends of cardinal processes cone convoluted and accrued to the surface of [...]
Family Hyolithidae Sysoev, 1958 emend. Malinky, 2006 <b>Remarks</b>. Presence of late... more Family Hyolithidae Sysoev, 1958 emend. Malinky, 2006 <b>Remarks</b>. Presence of lateral furrows along each edge of the dorsum fits with the diagnosis of the family Hyolithidae as emended by Malinky (2006, p. 94).
<i>Quasimolites quasimodo</i> sp. nov. (Fig. 4) 1983 <i>Quasilites quasimodo<... more <i>Quasimolites quasimodo</i> sp. nov. (Fig. 4) 1983 <i>Quasilites quasimodo</i> sp. nov.; Marek, p. 44–45. <b>Holotype.</b> NM L 40476 (Figs 4 A, B, E); inner surface of the operculum. <b>Paratypes.</b> NM L 40475 (Figs 4 C, F); outer surface of operculum. NM L 40719 (Fig. 4 D); external mould of venter with distinct muscle scars. NM L 40474 (Figs 4 G, H and I); internal mould of conch. All specimens come from the Buchava locality. <b>Type horizon and locality.</b> Middle Cambrian, Buchava Formation, Skryje Member, Paradoxides (Eccaparadoxides) pussilus Biozone; Barrandian area, Skryje–Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin, Buchava locality, Czech Republic (N 49 ° 56 '33.0", E 13 ° 44 ' 41.8 "). <b>Material.</b> In addition to the holotype, 25 mostly fragmented opercula and 15 conchs. <b>Etymology.</b> After the name of hunchback Quasimodo. <b>Diagnosis</b>. The same as for the genus. <b>Description.</b> Conch orthocone; dorsal side slightly vaulted in lateral view. Cross-section of conch subtriangular with a high keel. W/h index = 1.3, angle of divergence ranging between 15 and 20 degrees. Amblygonal aperture; semicircular ligula provided with one transversally elongated apertural muscle scar. Other scars are positioned on lateral edges, being situated slightly behind the aperture. These scars being elliptical in outline and very distinct on mould. Apical septa probably not developed. Surface sculpture of conch consisting of very fine, almost indistinct growth-lines. Platyclaviculate operculum flat and robust clavicles divided by longitudinal diaphragms in hollow channels. In crosssection triangular cardinal processes opened and broadly diverging. Their anterior and posterior ends almost parallel; their axes lying in one line. Very thick-walled cardinal area sagitally elongated into rounded processes. Several radial channels developed between the outer and inner surfaces of cardinal shield. These channels most probably made the cardinal shield lighter. Distinct paired adductor muscle scars arched and deflected. Sculpture o [...]
Genus <i>Quasimolites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Quasimo... more Genus <i>Quasimolites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Quasimolites quasimodo</i> sp. nov. <b>Etymology.</b> Derived from the name of hunchback Quasimodo for the distinct keel on the dorsum. <b>Diagnosis.</b> Conch with slightly vaulted ventral side; dorsal side with a distinct exserted keel. Platyclaviculate operculum with clavicles separated by walls disposed in longitudinal channels. <b>Description</b>. Hyolithid with a subtriangular conch in cross-section. Aperture amblygonal; long ligula with its dorsal margin cut out in its middle. Apertural muscle scars well developed. Apical septa not ascertained. Surface sculpture consisting of fine growth-lines. Operuclum bearing open cardinal processes, broadly diverging and triangular in the cross-section. Thick-walled cardinal shield probably hollow, triangular in outline, with its summit elongated into rounded process. Distinct muscle scars. Surface sculpture ...
Genus <i>Skryjelites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Skryjeli... more Genus <i>Skryjelites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov. <b>Etymology.</b> Derived from the name of the village of Skryje, Czech Republic. <b>Diagnosis.</b> Hyolithid having monoclaviculate operculum with narrow clavicles of T-shaped cross-section and with broadly diverging cardinal processes. Ventral side of conch slightly vaulted; dorsal side strongly convex; lateral edges of conch sharply rounded. <b>Description</b>. Cardinal processes with opened anterior ends, posterior ends of cone convoluted and touching the inner surface of the operculum. Conical shield slightly vaulted; cardinal shield flat. Sculpture of external surface consisting of very fine growth-lines. Drop-like, paired dorsal apertural muscle scars laterally elongated. Transversally long muscle scar developed on ventral side; this scar is in its middle broken in a very obtuse angle. Apical septa absent. Sculptur...
Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až pa... more Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až paranoidni obava mnohých fotografů (mě nevyjimaje) ze znecistěni a poskrabani objektivů. Samozřejmě, že je potřeba si na skla davat pozor, ale jak znecistěni ci poskozeni realně ovlivňuje kresbu, to je již věc jina.
Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblib... more Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblibeným výrobcům (nejen) fotoknih. V dnesnim clanku se podivame na zkusenosti s fotoknihou z luxusni řady Professional.
Hyoliths recorded from the middle Cambrian Jince Formation of the Barrandian area in the Czech Re... more Hyoliths recorded from the middle Cambrian Jince Formation of the Barrandian area in the Czech Republic are reviewed and listed, based on various published papers printed since 1854. Up to now, only five species of hyolithids and three species of orthothecids have been reported, classified within seven genera. The reported material was collected from more than twenty small occasional outcrops and/or sections measuring up to several tens of meters in thickness, all situated exclusively in the area between the villages Felbabka and Čenkov in the Litavka River Valley. From the Paseky Shale member of the Holšiny-Hořice Formation at the Medalův mlýn locality, the first hyolith classified as “Hyolith genus and species indeterminate” is described. The new study of two specimens described and figured by Barrande in 1867 as Hyolithes primus made it possible to classify them as Jincelites vogeli and Jincelites sp. respectively.
Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až pa... more Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až paranoidni obava mnohých fotografů (mě nevyjimaje) ze znecistěni a poskrabani objektivů. Samozřejmě, že je potřeba si na skla davat pozor, ale jak znecistěni ci poskozeni realně ovlivňuje kresbu, to je již věc jina.
The hyolith assemblage from the early Cambrian of Bornholm, Denmark, shows a higher diversity tha... more The hyolith assemblage from the early Cambrian of Bornholm, Denmark, shows a higher diversity than contemporary assemblages in Baltoscandia. The most common species in the Green Shales (Laeså Formation, Norretorp Member, Cambrian Stage 3), is Hyolithes [=Hyolithus] (Orthotheca) johnstrupi Holm, 1893. A specimen of this species shows a well-preserved and almost complete digestive tract, folded into an approximately 22 mm long chevron-like structure comprised of at least 20 arcuate loops on the ventral side and a flattened, gently sinuous to straight anal tube on the dorsal side. The thin, phosphatic outer shell layer of the conch is crushed under the digestive tract due to compaction while the digestive tract is preserved in three dimensions and appears undisturbed. The shape of the digestive tract is similar to that of the middle Cambrian Guduguwan hardmani (Etheridge) from Australia and the lower Cambrian specimens from Russia described by Meškova & Sysoev. The Danish specimen is probably an adult, lending support to the idea that the orthothecid digestive tract becomes more complex during ontogeny. Hyolithus (Orthotheca) johnstrupi is revised and here referred to Circotheca Sysoev, 1958.
Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblib... more Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblibeným výrobcům (nejen) fotoknih. V dnesnim clanku se podivame na zkusenosti s fotoknihou z luxusni řady Professional.
Impulsem pro tento test byla možnost použivat jeden z nejlepsich digitalnich kompaktů Olympus XZ-... more Impulsem pro tento test byla možnost použivat jeden z nejlepsich digitalnich kompaktů Olympus XZ-1. Protože vsak je normalnich testů na netu hodně a nejedna se o žhavou novinku, rozhodl jsem se pro test, který je mnohem praktictějsi a realně ukaže možnosti Olympusu XZ-1.
Exceptional, three dimensional preservation of common hyolithid species Oboedalites oboediens Mar... more Exceptional, three dimensional preservation of common hyolithid species Oboedalites oboediens Marek, 1981, coming from Skryje-Týøovice Basin (Barrandian area), makes possible their biometric analysis. Results of the analysis can help in understanding of the ontogeny of hyolithids and thus can be very helpful for their taxonomy.
Podnětem pro tento test byla možnost nechat si zhotovit zdarma fotoknihu u spolecnosti Heysmile. ... more Podnětem pro tento test byla možnost nechat si zhotovit zdarma fotoknihu u spolecnosti Heysmile. Nasledně jsem byl přijemně překvapen jeji kvalitou. A to byl důvod, proc jsem posleze oslovil několik spolecnosti působicich v Ceske republice, u kterých je možne si fotoknihu nechat vyrobit. Mimo tyto firmy jsem oslovil take zahranicni spolecnost Blurb, se kterou jsem měl již dřivějsi dobre zkusenosti. Vsechny firmy, ktere na můj email odpověděly, mi poskytly možnost výroby jedne fotoknihy zdarma pro ucely tohoto testu, za což jim velmi děkuji.
Program CombineZP umožňuje skladat fotografie s různou hloubkou ostrosti do výsledne fotografie t... more Program CombineZP umožňuje skladat fotografie s různou hloubkou ostrosti do výsledne fotografie tak, aby finalni fotografie měla maximalni možnou hloubkou ostrosti vychazejici z původnich fotografii.
Koupit nebo nekoupit neoriginalni přislusenstvi k fotoaparatu? Jistě se mezi nami najdou jeho zas... more Koupit nebo nekoupit neoriginalni přislusenstvi k fotoaparatu? Jistě se mezi nami najdou jeho zastanci, a naopak i ti, kteři by si nikdy "nahražku" nekoupili. Každý z nas ma jine potřeby i jine možnosti, ale nasledujici clanek vam může být alespoň trochu napomocen při výběru.
<i>Alfaites romeo</i> gen. et sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2EA9355A-4894-4F7B-A... more <i>Alfaites romeo</i> gen. et sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 2EA9355A-4894-4F7B-AFDA-1000BCE24C3C Fig. 2 Etymology The specific epithet ' <i>romeo</i> ' refers to the Shakespeare's protagonist Romeo Montague. Marek initially planned to describe two closely related taxa as <i>A. romeo</i> and <i>A. julia.</i> The only specimen designated as <i>A. julia</i> (Fig. 2D) in the original collection of L. Marek does not show any difference in morphology and should be classified as <i>A. romeo</i>. Material examined <b>Holotype</b> CZECH REPUBLIC – <b>Skryje-Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin</b> • Inner side of operculum; NM L46640. <b>Paratypes</b> CZECH REPUBLIC – <b>Skryje-Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin</b> • Inner side of operculum; NM L 46642 • External sides of operculum; NM L 46646, NM L46641 • Inner mould of conch; NM L 46645 • External moulds of conchs; NM L 46643, L46644. <b>Referred material</b> In addition to the holotype and paratypes, parts of another three conchs and five opercula (collection NM Ls 858), all deposited in collections of the National Museum (Prague, Czech Republic). <b>Type horizon</b> <i>Paradoxides</i> (<i>Eccaparadoxides</i>) <i>pusillus</i> Zone, Skryje Member, Buchava Formation, Drumian, middle Cambrian, Barrandian area, Czech Republic. Diagnosis As for the genus. Description Monoclaviculate operculum with clavicles of bow-shaped transverse cross-section. The angle of divergence of clavicles reaches 135° on the type specimen (NM L46640). Open margins of clavicles overlap above the inner surface operculum (interclavicular concavity). Distal ends of clavicles cut off. Cardinal processes broadly divergent with rounded distal ends, mutually separated by a narrow and shallow groove in linear axis of operculum. Bases of cardinal processes diverging at an angle of 90° toward the dorsal margin of operculum. Uncommon and relatively robust cardinal teeth are developed along the dorsal margin. Cardinal shield is concave in centre and slightly vaulted at the sides. Rooflets clearly distinct and bordered by g [...]
<i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov. (Figs. 2 B, C, 3) 1983 <i>Skryjelites aurit... more <i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov. (Figs. 2 B, C, 3) 1983 <i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov.; Marek, p. 42–43. <b>Holotype.</b> NM L 40479 (Figs. 3 C, D); inner surface of operculum. <b>Paratypes.</b> NM L 40721 (Fig. 3 A); outer surface of operculum. NM L 40480 (Fig. 3 B, E); outer surface of operculum. NM L 40725 (Fig. 3 F); external mould of venter. NM L 40720 (Fig. 3 G); external mould of venter. NM L 40724 (Fig. 3 H); internal mould of conch. NM L 40723 (Fig. 3 I); external mould of dorsum. NM L 40722 (Fig. 3 J); external mould of dorsum. All specimens come from the Buchava locality. <b>Type horizon and locality.</b> Middle Cambrian, Buchava Formation, Skryje Member, Paradoxides (Eccaparadoxides) pussilus Biozone; Barrandian area, Skryje–Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin, Buchava locality, Czech Republic (N 49 ° 56 '33.0", E 13 ° 44 ' 41.8 "). <b>Material.</b> In addition to the holotype, other 18 opercula, some of them incomplete and 13 fragmented conchs. <b>Etymology.</b> From the Latin <i>auritus</i>, long-eared, eared. <b>Diagnosis</b>. The same as for the genus. <b>Description.</b> Conch orthocone; ventral side very slightly arched; dorsal side vaulted in regular arch. W/h index = 1.4. Angle of divergence reaching about 16 degrees. Lateral edges sharp, sharply rounded on moulds. Conch with orthogonal aperture; ligula attaining length of about two thirds of apertural width. Drop-like paired dorsal apertural muscle scars laterally elongated. Ventral apertural muscle scar indistinct transversally elongated, being broken in a very obtuse angle in its middle. Presence of apical septa could not be proved. Oblong lines of transversally broken traverse riblets developed on the dorsal side of the conch (Fig. 3 S). Very fine growth-lines developed on ventral side of conch (Fig. 3 R). Monoclaviculate operculum. Narrow clavicles showing asymmetrical T-shaped cross-section. Cardinal processes broadly diverging, with their anterior ends opened; distal ends of cardinal processes cone convoluted and accrued to the surface of [...]
Family Hyolithidae Sysoev, 1958 emend. Malinky, 2006 <b>Remarks</b>. Presence of late... more Family Hyolithidae Sysoev, 1958 emend. Malinky, 2006 <b>Remarks</b>. Presence of lateral furrows along each edge of the dorsum fits with the diagnosis of the family Hyolithidae as emended by Malinky (2006, p. 94).
<i>Quasimolites quasimodo</i> sp. nov. (Fig. 4) 1983 <i>Quasilites quasimodo<... more <i>Quasimolites quasimodo</i> sp. nov. (Fig. 4) 1983 <i>Quasilites quasimodo</i> sp. nov.; Marek, p. 44–45. <b>Holotype.</b> NM L 40476 (Figs 4 A, B, E); inner surface of the operculum. <b>Paratypes.</b> NM L 40475 (Figs 4 C, F); outer surface of operculum. NM L 40719 (Fig. 4 D); external mould of venter with distinct muscle scars. NM L 40474 (Figs 4 G, H and I); internal mould of conch. All specimens come from the Buchava locality. <b>Type horizon and locality.</b> Middle Cambrian, Buchava Formation, Skryje Member, Paradoxides (Eccaparadoxides) pussilus Biozone; Barrandian area, Skryje–Tý&amp;rcaron;ovice Basin, Buchava locality, Czech Republic (N 49 ° 56 '33.0", E 13 ° 44 ' 41.8 "). <b>Material.</b> In addition to the holotype, 25 mostly fragmented opercula and 15 conchs. <b>Etymology.</b> After the name of hunchback Quasimodo. <b>Diagnosis</b>. The same as for the genus. <b>Description.</b> Conch orthocone; dorsal side slightly vaulted in lateral view. Cross-section of conch subtriangular with a high keel. W/h index = 1.3, angle of divergence ranging between 15 and 20 degrees. Amblygonal aperture; semicircular ligula provided with one transversally elongated apertural muscle scar. Other scars are positioned on lateral edges, being situated slightly behind the aperture. These scars being elliptical in outline and very distinct on mould. Apical septa probably not developed. Surface sculpture of conch consisting of very fine, almost indistinct growth-lines. Platyclaviculate operculum flat and robust clavicles divided by longitudinal diaphragms in hollow channels. In crosssection triangular cardinal processes opened and broadly diverging. Their anterior and posterior ends almost parallel; their axes lying in one line. Very thick-walled cardinal area sagitally elongated into rounded processes. Several radial channels developed between the outer and inner surfaces of cardinal shield. These channels most probably made the cardinal shield lighter. Distinct paired adductor muscle scars arched and deflected. Sculpture o [...]
Genus <i>Quasimolites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Quasimo... more Genus <i>Quasimolites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Quasimolites quasimodo</i> sp. nov. <b>Etymology.</b> Derived from the name of hunchback Quasimodo for the distinct keel on the dorsum. <b>Diagnosis.</b> Conch with slightly vaulted ventral side; dorsal side with a distinct exserted keel. Platyclaviculate operculum with clavicles separated by walls disposed in longitudinal channels. <b>Description</b>. Hyolithid with a subtriangular conch in cross-section. Aperture amblygonal; long ligula with its dorsal margin cut out in its middle. Apertural muscle scars well developed. Apical septa not ascertained. Surface sculpture consisting of fine growth-lines. Operuclum bearing open cardinal processes, broadly diverging and triangular in the cross-section. Thick-walled cardinal shield probably hollow, triangular in outline, with its summit elongated into rounded process. Distinct muscle scars. Surface sculpture ...
Genus <i>Skryjelites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Skryjeli... more Genus <i>Skryjelites</i> gen. nov. <b>Type species.</b> <i>Skryjelites auritus</i> sp. nov. <b>Etymology.</b> Derived from the name of the village of Skryje, Czech Republic. <b>Diagnosis.</b> Hyolithid having monoclaviculate operculum with narrow clavicles of T-shaped cross-section and with broadly diverging cardinal processes. Ventral side of conch slightly vaulted; dorsal side strongly convex; lateral edges of conch sharply rounded. <b>Description</b>. Cardinal processes with opened anterior ends, posterior ends of cone convoluted and touching the inner surface of the operculum. Conical shield slightly vaulted; cardinal shield flat. Sculpture of external surface consisting of very fine growth-lines. Drop-like, paired dorsal apertural muscle scars laterally elongated. Transversally long muscle scar developed on ventral side; this scar is in its middle broken in a very obtuse angle. Apical septa absent. Sculptur...
Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až pa... more Důvodem, proc jsem se pustil do tohoto "terminalniho" a velmi obsahleho testu, je až paranoidni obava mnohých fotografů (mě nevyjimaje) ze znecistěni a poskrabani objektivů. Samozřejmě, že je potřeba si na skla davat pozor, ale jak znecistěni ci poskozeni realně ovlivňuje kresbu, to je již věc jina.
Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblib... more Německa spolecnost Saal-Digital se na ceskem trhu poměrně rychle etablovala a zařadila se k oblibeným výrobcům (nejen) fotoknih. V dnesnim clanku se podivame na zkusenosti s fotoknihou z luxusni řady Professional.
Hyoliths recorded from the middle Cambrian Jince Formation of the Barrandian area in the Czech Re... more Hyoliths recorded from the middle Cambrian Jince Formation of the Barrandian area in the Czech Republic are reviewed and listed, based on various published papers printed since 1854. Up to now, only five species of hyolithids and three species of orthothecids have been reported, classified within seven genera. The reported material was collected from more than twenty small occasional outcrops and/or sections measuring up to several tens of meters in thickness, all situated exclusively in the area between the villages Felbabka and Čenkov in the Litavka River Valley. From the Paseky Shale member of the Holšiny-Hořice Formation at the Medalův mlýn locality, the first hyolith classified as “Hyolith genus and species indeterminate” is described. The new study of two specimens described and figured by Barrande in 1867 as Hyolithes primus made it possible to classify them as Jincelites vogeli and Jincelites sp. respectively.
Papers by Martin Valent