M-Commerce is defined as any transaction with monetary value that is conducted via a mobile telec... more M-Commerce is defined as any transaction with monetary value that is conducted via a mobile telecommunications network. M-Commerce like E-Commerce can be B2B (business to business), P2P (person to person) or B2C (business to customer) oriented. The framework divides into couple sub areas based on user's distribution criterion. Mobile Ecommerce addresses electronic commerce via mobile devices, where the consumer is not in physical or eye contact with the goods that are being purchased. On the contrary in M-Trade the consumer has eye contact with offered products and services. In both cases the payment procedure is executed via the mobile network. No successful mobile payment system has yet lived up the different requirements from the market and thereby not been a success. A brief research on the state of the market is given to present a framework for possible solutions. The iMS specification enables mobile payments with one button click. The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors that affect the introduction of a successful M-Payment system-and use these factors to examine whether the J2ME technology is suitable for building such successful M-Payment systems.
Artykul omawia nowe rozwiązanie typu cloud computing dla systemow e−zamowien i e−fakturowania. Ma... more Artykul omawia nowe rozwiązanie typu cloud computing dla systemow e−zamowien i e−fakturowania. Mamy do czynienia z kilkoma problemami w procesie migracji istniejących aplikacji internetowych w chmurze, takimi jak: reorganizacja proponowanego modelu non−cloud oraz definicja modulow oprogramowania, ktore mogą komunikowac sie w dynamicznym środowisku. W procesie projektowania wyrozniono dwa rodzaje modulow oprogramowania: statyczne i dynamiczne. Podzial ten opiera sie na wymaganym poziomie elastyczności i skalowalności, jak rowniez na powiązaniu z odpowiednim modulem (narzedziem). Implementując swoją propozycje, autorzy opracowali wskaźniki do określenia wymaganych warunkow do aktywacji dodatkowych zasobow w chmurze lub dezaktywacji juz uzywanych zasobow. Wynikiem tego procesu jest konstrukcja nowego, efektywnego kosztowo rozwiązania o zwiekszonej dostepności i wydajności w porownaniu z modelami typu non−cloud. W pracy wskazano zalety i wady rozwiązania opartego na chmurze oraz omowiono cechy, ktore powodują unikalnośc zaproponowanego podejścia. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Proceedings of the 7th Balkan Conference on Informatics Conference, 2015
Mobile devices are taking a huge part of people's everyday lives. They have brought various f... more Mobile devices are taking a huge part of people's everyday lives. They have brought various functionalities at our fingertips. Mobile users can use various mobile applications and execute them on their mobile devices. However, most of the applications need additional resources in order to run smoothly and without delays. Therefore, external resources are used as an alternative method to successfully execute mobile applications. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performances of translating various n-grams executed on a cloud and on a cloudlet by using a specifically developed mobile application. Execution outcomes of this application are multilingual translation pairs of unigrams, bigrams, trigrams and entire phrases based on the previously created glossary of Macedonian words in the field of software engineering generated in our previous study. The research goal of current study was to check whether the performance achieved by using a cloudlet solution is better than the cloud based server solution. The second research goal was to analyze the average performance of the application when multilingual translation took place, and compare it with the performance during the single language translations. These goals will show if it is beneficial to use a cloudlet based solution for mobile device.
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2015
This paper presents a new curriculum for the Computer Networks Design course intended as advanced... more This paper presents a new curriculum for the Computer Networks Design course intended as advanced course for computer science students. We have developed an adaptive curriculum, which introduces two CISCO CCNA 3 (LAN Switching) and 4 (WAN Technologies) courses instead of the existing (regular) tutorials and laboratory exercises. The students can choose whether they would like to learn the course by a more practical approach using the CISCO CCNA integration, rather than by a more theoretical approach. The evaluation show much better results for the students that follow the course using the integration of the CISCO practical exercises, rather than those that follow the course regularly only by theoretical approach.
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2015
Advanced learning technologies integrate questions as a very relevant function in building e-Test... more Advanced learning technologies integrate questions as a very relevant function in building e-Testing systems and especially in intelligent tutoring systems. Therefore, a huge challenge is the generation of a necessary and relevant assessment content. The existing efforts to realize open source learning materials and establishment of massive open online courses introduce another challenge for realization of a sophisticated system and appropriate knowledge database with huge number of questions reflecting all relevant knowledge items (learning objectives). In this paper we present the experience in realization of a real e-Testing system by building two variations: the first with standard graphical interface, and the other with an enhanced media interaction supporting interactive images. We present several question generation strategies for conventional approach using multiple-choice questions and also for the system with interactive images. These techniques can be used to develop a large set of questions and assessment content.
The article describes a custom made architecture for distributed simulation. Initially intended f... more The article describes a custom made architecture for distributed simulation. Initially intended for Skopje Bicycle Inter-modality simulation, it has proven itself as being universal, adaptable and usable for many different purposes. It supports not only the set of simulation models, GUIs and data representations, but also many users running simulations at the same time. Such architecture brings certain challenges forth. The authors discuss methods for dealing with these challenges.
M-Commerce is defined as any transaction with monetary value that is conducted via a mobile telec... more M-Commerce is defined as any transaction with monetary value that is conducted via a mobile telecommunications network. M-Commerce like E-Commerce can be B2B (business to business), P2P (person to person) or B2C (business to customer) oriented. The framework divides into couple sub areas based on user's distribution criterion. Mobile Ecommerce addresses electronic commerce via mobile devices, where the consumer is not in physical or eye contact with the goods that are being purchased. On the contrary in M-Trade the consumer has eye contact with offered products and services. In both cases the payment procedure is executed via the mobile network. No successful mobile payment system has yet lived up the different requirements from the market and thereby not been a success. A brief research on the state of the market is given to present a framework for possible solutions. The iMS specification enables mobile payments with one button click. The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors that affect the introduction of a successful M-Payment system-and use these factors to examine whether the J2ME technology is suitable for building such successful M-Payment systems.
Artykul omawia nowe rozwiązanie typu cloud computing dla systemow e−zamowien i e−fakturowania. Ma... more Artykul omawia nowe rozwiązanie typu cloud computing dla systemow e−zamowien i e−fakturowania. Mamy do czynienia z kilkoma problemami w procesie migracji istniejących aplikacji internetowych w chmurze, takimi jak: reorganizacja proponowanego modelu non−cloud oraz definicja modulow oprogramowania, ktore mogą komunikowac sie w dynamicznym środowisku. W procesie projektowania wyrozniono dwa rodzaje modulow oprogramowania: statyczne i dynamiczne. Podzial ten opiera sie na wymaganym poziomie elastyczności i skalowalności, jak rowniez na powiązaniu z odpowiednim modulem (narzedziem). Implementując swoją propozycje, autorzy opracowali wskaźniki do określenia wymaganych warunkow do aktywacji dodatkowych zasobow w chmurze lub dezaktywacji juz uzywanych zasobow. Wynikiem tego procesu jest konstrukcja nowego, efektywnego kosztowo rozwiązania o zwiekszonej dostepności i wydajności w porownaniu z modelami typu non−cloud. W pracy wskazano zalety i wady rozwiązania opartego na chmurze oraz omowiono cechy, ktore powodują unikalnośc zaproponowanego podejścia. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Proceedings of the 7th Balkan Conference on Informatics Conference, 2015
Mobile devices are taking a huge part of people's everyday lives. They have brought various f... more Mobile devices are taking a huge part of people's everyday lives. They have brought various functionalities at our fingertips. Mobile users can use various mobile applications and execute them on their mobile devices. However, most of the applications need additional resources in order to run smoothly and without delays. Therefore, external resources are used as an alternative method to successfully execute mobile applications. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performances of translating various n-grams executed on a cloud and on a cloudlet by using a specifically developed mobile application. Execution outcomes of this application are multilingual translation pairs of unigrams, bigrams, trigrams and entire phrases based on the previously created glossary of Macedonian words in the field of software engineering generated in our previous study. The research goal of current study was to check whether the performance achieved by using a cloudlet solution is better than the cloud based server solution. The second research goal was to analyze the average performance of the application when multilingual translation took place, and compare it with the performance during the single language translations. These goals will show if it is beneficial to use a cloudlet based solution for mobile device.
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2015
This paper presents a new curriculum for the Computer Networks Design course intended as advanced... more This paper presents a new curriculum for the Computer Networks Design course intended as advanced course for computer science students. We have developed an adaptive curriculum, which introduces two CISCO CCNA 3 (LAN Switching) and 4 (WAN Technologies) courses instead of the existing (regular) tutorials and laboratory exercises. The students can choose whether they would like to learn the course by a more practical approach using the CISCO CCNA integration, rather than by a more theoretical approach. The evaluation show much better results for the students that follow the course using the integration of the CISCO practical exercises, rather than those that follow the course regularly only by theoretical approach.
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2015
Advanced learning technologies integrate questions as a very relevant function in building e-Test... more Advanced learning technologies integrate questions as a very relevant function in building e-Testing systems and especially in intelligent tutoring systems. Therefore, a huge challenge is the generation of a necessary and relevant assessment content. The existing efforts to realize open source learning materials and establishment of massive open online courses introduce another challenge for realization of a sophisticated system and appropriate knowledge database with huge number of questions reflecting all relevant knowledge items (learning objectives). In this paper we present the experience in realization of a real e-Testing system by building two variations: the first with standard graphical interface, and the other with an enhanced media interaction supporting interactive images. We present several question generation strategies for conventional approach using multiple-choice questions and also for the system with interactive images. These techniques can be used to develop a large set of questions and assessment content.
The article describes a custom made architecture for distributed simulation. Initially intended f... more The article describes a custom made architecture for distributed simulation. Initially intended for Skopje Bicycle Inter-modality simulation, it has proven itself as being universal, adaptable and usable for many different purposes. It supports not only the set of simulation models, GUIs and data representations, but also many users running simulations at the same time. Such architecture brings certain challenges forth. The authors discuss methods for dealing with these challenges.
Papers by Marjan Gusev