Yhdenvertaisuuslaki (1329/2014) ja laki naisten ja miesten välisestä tasa-arvosta (1329/2014) vel... more Yhdenvertaisuuslaki (1329/2014) ja laki naisten ja miesten välisestä tasa-arvosta (1329/2014) velvoittavat koulutuksen järjestäjiä edistämäään yhdenvertaisuutta ja tasa-arvoa ja huolehtimaan koulutuksen järjestäjän tai oppilaitoksen toiminnan syrjimättömyydestä. Tasa-arvon tavoite ja laaja yhdenvertaisuusperiaate ohjaavat myös perusopetuksen kehittämistä (Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2014, 16). Kirjallisten yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvosuunnitelmien lisäksi opettajien opetusviestintää kannattaa tarkastella yhdenvertaisuuden ja tasa-arvon näkökulmasta.nonPeerReviewe
Kansainvälisten tutkimusten pohjalta tiedämme, että yleisesti ottaen naiset joutuvat miehiä enemm... more Kansainvälisten tutkimusten pohjalta tiedämme, että yleisesti ottaen naiset joutuvat miehiä enemmän häirityiksi urheilu- ja liikuntasektorilla. Tutkimukset ovat pääsääntöisesti kohdistuneet tyttöihin ja naisiin. Ainoastaan muutamat tutkimukset ovat tarkastelleet urheilua ja liikuntaa harrastavien miesten kokemuksia seksuaalisesta häirinnästä. Harrasteliikunnan ja kilpaurheilun puolella sukupuoleen perustuvan ja seksuaalisen häirinnän tutkimus on Suomessa vasta alkutaipaleella. Sosiaalisessa mediassa urheilijoihin yhä enenevissä määrin kohdistuva virtuaalinen seksuaalinen häirintä on viime aikoina huolestuttanut tutkijoita.nonPeerReviewe
Tämä tutkimus kohdistui seksuaalivähemmistöihin kuuluviin urheilijoihin ja liikkujiin (N = 155, j... more Tämä tutkimus kohdistui seksuaalivähemmistöihin kuuluviin urheilijoihin ja liikkujiin (N = 155, juridisesti 93 naista ja 62 miestä) ja heidän kokemaansa sukupuoleen perustuvaan ja seksuaaliseen häirintään joukkueessa tai muussa liikuntaryhmässä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, 1) kuinka joukkueurheilun tai ryhmäliikunnan parissa koettu sukupuoleen perustuva ja seksuaalinen häirintä olivat yhteydessä seksuaalivähemmistöön kuuluvien urheilijoiden ja liikunnan harrastajien stressinä, psykosomaattisina oireina ja masentuneisuutena ilmenevään henkiseen pahoinvointiin ja 2) erosivatko häirintäkokemukset sukupuolen ja seksuaalisen suuntautuneisuuden mukaan. Seksuaalivähemmistöön kuuluvien urheilijoiden ja liikunnan harrastajien sähköiseen kyselylomakkeeseen antamia vastauksia analysoin Spearmanin järjestyskorrelaatioiden, selitysasteiden, ristiintaulukoiden ja khiin neliö -testin avulla. Molemmilla sukupuolilla sanaton häirintä (väheksyvät katseet, seksuaalisesti latautuneet eleet, ilmeet, ääntely)ja sanallinen häirintä (seksuaalissävytteiset loukkaukset ja vähättely) olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä stressiin; sanaton häirintä korreloi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi myös psykosomaattisten oireiden kanssa ja vähättely masentuneisuuden kanssa. Lisäksi miesten kokema sanaton häirintä ja seksuaalissävytteiset loukkaukset olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä heidän masentuneisuuteensa. Fyysinen häirintä oli kytkeytynyt tilastollisesti merkitsevästi ainoastaan naisten psykosomaattisiin oireisiin. Miehet joutuivat joukkueessa tai muussa liikuntaryhmässä naisia useammin sanattomasti ja fyysisesti häirityiksi. Homoja oli sanallisesti häiritty muita seksuaalisia suuntauksia useammin ja vallitsevasti heteroita harvemmin. Yhteenvetona sanottakoon, että seksuaalivähemmistöissä miessukupuoli ja homoseksuaalisuus ovat joukkueurheilussa tai ryhmäliikunnassa tapahtuvan häirinnän riskitekijöitä ja että koettu häirintä on voimakkaammin yhteydessä miesten kuin naisten henkiseen pahoinvointiin.peerReviewe
This study investigated the relationships between sexual (verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment... more This study investigated the relationships between sexual (verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment) and physical violence against physical education (PE) teachers and work-related stress. Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers aged between 27 and 62 years. The findings showed that 1) higher perceived physical violence was positively associated with higher perceived non-verbal sexual harassment and work-related stress; 2) teachers with a sport science degree perceived higher work-related stress mediated by physical violence than other teachers; 3) longer-serving PE teachers reported lower verbal sexual harassment than teachers with less teaching experience; and 4) female PE teachers reported higher work-related stress than male teachers. These results indicated that violence against PE teachers is multidimensional. To prevent work-related stress in PE teachers, school authorities could encourage teachers to report student threats as a violence prevention str...
This study surveyed 155 gender and sexual minority (GSM) sport participants to examine 1) nonverb... more This study surveyed 155 gender and sexual minority (GSM) sport participants to examine 1) nonverbal and verbal gender-based and sexual harassment by a coach in relation to psychological ill-being, and 2) differences in harassment due to gender and sexual orientation. Self-reported data from 93 females and 62 males was collected anonymously and analysed using Spearman's rank-order correlations and cross-tabulation with chi-square tests. Nonverbal and verbal gender-based and sexual harassment by a coach was related to more frequent stress, psychosomatic symptoms and depressive symptoms only in male GSM sport participants. Undermining was related to more frequent depressive symptoms in males. There were no statistically significant gender differences in harassment. As for sexual orientation, there was a statistically significant association between verbal harassment by the coach and sexual orientation. The present findings have scientific, educational and clinical importance for sport psychologists involved in research, coach education and applied work.
Worries about the potential negative consequences of popular fat loss regimens for aesthetic purp... more Worries about the potential negative consequences of popular fat loss regimens for aesthetic purposes in normal weight females have been surfacing in the media. However, longitudinal studies investigating these kinds of diets are lacking. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of a 4-month fat-loss diet in normal weight females competing in fitness-sport. In total 50 participants finished the study with 27 females (27.2 ± 4.1 years) dieting for a competition and 23 (27.7 ± 3.7 years) acting as weight-stable controls. The energy deficit of the diet group was achieved by reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing aerobic exercise while maintaining a high level of protein intake and resistance training in addition to moderate fat intake. The diet led to a ∼12% decrease in body weight (P < 0.001) and a ∼35-50% decrease in fat mass (DXA, bioimpedance, skinfolds, P < 0.001) whereas the control group maintained their body and fat mass (diet × group interaction P < 0.001). A small decrease in lean mass (bioimpedance and skinfolds) and in vastus lateralis muscle cross-sectional area (ultrasound) were observed in diet (P < 0.05), whereas other results were unaltered (DXA: lean mass, ultrasound: triceps brachii thickness). The hormonal system was altered during the diet with decreased serum concentrations of leptin, triiodothyronine (T3), testosterone (P < 0.001), and estradiol (P < 0.01) coinciding with an increased incidence of menstrual irregularities (P < 0.05). Body weight and all hormones except T3 and testosterone returned to baseline during a 3-4 month recovery period including increased energy intake and decreased levels aerobic exercise. This study shows for the first time that most of the hormonal changes after a 35-50% decrease in body fat in previously normal-weight females can recover within 3-4 months of increased energy intake.
Abstract Self-reflection has been shown to enhance professional development in clinical, counsell... more Abstract Self-reflection has been shown to enhance professional development in clinical, counselling and educational settings. Recent research found that self-reflection can enhance performance in elite sports. The purpose of this intervention study was two-fold: Firstly, to examine whether a guided reflective diary was effective in enhancing accuracy in elite archery, and secondly, to identify factors facilitating and hindering the usage of the guided reflective diary. Eight Singaporean elite archers (four females, four males), aged 20–24 years, reflected on their training using the diary for a period of five weeks. Their pre- and post-intervention performance scores were collected and qualitative interviews were conducted. Quantitative data revealed that only two archers improved their performance after the intervention, whereas six performed poorer than before. Qualitative data were content analysed using the thematic method. This revealed three facilitating factors for the guided reflective diary usage: (1) serves as a reminder, (2) description of shooting feeling, and (3) enhances motivation. In contrast, (1) time-consumption, (2) high number of questions, and (3) the repetitive nature of the reflection questions were reported as the three most common hindering factors for the effective usage of the reflective diary. The results are discussed using the sport and coaching science literature. Practical implications are proposed to optimise athletes’ use of reflection as a learning tool for personal improvement and performance enhancement.
ABSTRACT This chapter describes recent advances in the scientific study of emotional intelligence... more ABSTRACT This chapter describes recent advances in the scientific study of emotional intelligence. Setting the idea of an emotional intelligence in a historical context, the authors&#39; four-branch model of these competencies is then described. Research on the measurement of emotional intelligence, especially as a set of abilities rather than as self-reported personality traits, is described. The psychometric properties of a new measure of emotional intelligence, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), are presented, as are preliminary findings concerning the predictive validity of this construct in the domains of family, school, and workplace. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2013
The present two-wave longitudinal study examined the extent to which physical education (PE) teac... more The present two-wave longitudinal study examined the extent to which physical education (PE) teachers&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; democratic and socially supportive behavior, pupils&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; goal orientations, and the perceived motivational climate in PE explained differences in pupils&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; intended helping behavior by gender in PE classes. The results of 105 boys and 109 girls based on structural equation modeling revealed at both time points that
Abstract This paper reviews literature on traits and emotions focusing on both structure and mana... more Abstract This paper reviews literature on traits and emotions focusing on both structure and management, or &#x27;having&#x27;and &#x27;doing&#x27;. The cognitive perspective of this paper implies that traits and emotions are viewed as provisions to frame people and their behaviours in ...
Tutkimus on osa Jyvaskylan yliopistossa toteutettua Emootion ja kayttaytymisen saatelyn (EMO) tut... more Tutkimus on osa Jyvaskylan yliopistossa toteutettua Emootion ja kayttaytymisen saatelyn (EMO) tutkimusta, joka kuuluu Ihmisen kehitys ja sen riskitekijat -huippututkimusohjelmaan.
In this case study, theoretically rooted in peer-assisted learning (PAL), ten female high school ... more In this case study, theoretically rooted in peer-assisted learning (PAL), ten female high school students, acting as peer teachers, taught hip hop dance in a voluntary physical education course. The data, derived from questionnaires and interviews with the peer teachers, were analysed using content analysis. The results showed that the peer teachers considered dance an important subject in the weekly curriculum. On the one hand, peer teachers enjoyed the freedom of making the class look like their own, the fast learning of their students, and the increased self-confidence acquired over the course. On the other hand, most of them were self-critical and felt ashamed when making mistakes. They also felt uncomfortable teaching same-aged or slightly older peers, and were surprised at the unwelcoming and rather arrogant attitude of their students. This article illustrates not only the difficulties that a peer-teaching experiment can encounter, but also the value of peer teaching in offering positive experiences and engaging students in school PE through urban youth culture.
Ulkomaan uutiset? Viikon tv-ohjelmat? Poliisin viikkotiedote? Ei, vaan katsaus suomalaisten liiku... more Ulkomaan uutiset? Viikon tv-ohjelmat? Poliisin viikkotiedote? Ei, vaan katsaus suomalaisten liikunnanopettajien kokemuksiin liikuntatunneilla ilmenevästä opettajaan kohdistuvasta sekä oppilaiden välisestä seksuaalisesta ja fyysisestä väkivallasta sekä niiden seurauksista.nonPeerReviewe
This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual h... more This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment and physical violence against teachers and among students in physical education (PE). Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers between 27 and 62 years ( M = 44.8 ± 9.2 years). The cross-sectional data were collected by an anonymous online survey in the fall semester 2018. The findings showed that (a) higher levels of verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students were associated with higher levels of equivalent types of violence against PE teachers, (b) higher levels of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment among students were associated with higher levels of physical assaults among students, whereas only non-verbal sexual harassment was associated with physical violence against teachers, and (c) verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students occurred more frequently in PE classes instructed by less experienced teachers. ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Using a cross-sectional study design, we tested a structural equation model of hypothesized relat... more Using a cross-sectional study design, we tested a structural equation model of hypothesized relationships among a group of variables: motivational climate in physical education (PE), students’ social competence in PE, out of-school physical activity (PA) motivation, PA intention and their moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Based on the self-reports of 363 fourth to sixth grade elementary school students (172 girls, 191 boys), the model revealed that the task-involving motivational climate in PE was linked to higher MVPA via cooperation in PE, and also via extrinsic motivation and PA intention. Ego-involving motivational climate was related to higher extrinsic motivation and amotivation, further to higher PA intention and, finally, to higher MVPA. Task-involving motivational climate was positively linked to students’ social competence markers of cooperation and empathy, and negatively to disruptiveness. Ego-involving motivational climate was positively related to disruptiveness and impu...
Yhdenvertaisuuslaki (1329/2014) ja laki naisten ja miesten välisestä tasa-arvosta (1329/2014) vel... more Yhdenvertaisuuslaki (1329/2014) ja laki naisten ja miesten välisestä tasa-arvosta (1329/2014) velvoittavat koulutuksen järjestäjiä edistämäään yhdenvertaisuutta ja tasa-arvoa ja huolehtimaan koulutuksen järjestäjän tai oppilaitoksen toiminnan syrjimättömyydestä. Tasa-arvon tavoite ja laaja yhdenvertaisuusperiaate ohjaavat myös perusopetuksen kehittämistä (Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2014, 16). Kirjallisten yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvosuunnitelmien lisäksi opettajien opetusviestintää kannattaa tarkastella yhdenvertaisuuden ja tasa-arvon näkökulmasta.nonPeerReviewe
Kansainvälisten tutkimusten pohjalta tiedämme, että yleisesti ottaen naiset joutuvat miehiä enemm... more Kansainvälisten tutkimusten pohjalta tiedämme, että yleisesti ottaen naiset joutuvat miehiä enemmän häirityiksi urheilu- ja liikuntasektorilla. Tutkimukset ovat pääsääntöisesti kohdistuneet tyttöihin ja naisiin. Ainoastaan muutamat tutkimukset ovat tarkastelleet urheilua ja liikuntaa harrastavien miesten kokemuksia seksuaalisesta häirinnästä. Harrasteliikunnan ja kilpaurheilun puolella sukupuoleen perustuvan ja seksuaalisen häirinnän tutkimus on Suomessa vasta alkutaipaleella. Sosiaalisessa mediassa urheilijoihin yhä enenevissä määrin kohdistuva virtuaalinen seksuaalinen häirintä on viime aikoina huolestuttanut tutkijoita.nonPeerReviewe
Tämä tutkimus kohdistui seksuaalivähemmistöihin kuuluviin urheilijoihin ja liikkujiin (N = 155, j... more Tämä tutkimus kohdistui seksuaalivähemmistöihin kuuluviin urheilijoihin ja liikkujiin (N = 155, juridisesti 93 naista ja 62 miestä) ja heidän kokemaansa sukupuoleen perustuvaan ja seksuaaliseen häirintään joukkueessa tai muussa liikuntaryhmässä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, 1) kuinka joukkueurheilun tai ryhmäliikunnan parissa koettu sukupuoleen perustuva ja seksuaalinen häirintä olivat yhteydessä seksuaalivähemmistöön kuuluvien urheilijoiden ja liikunnan harrastajien stressinä, psykosomaattisina oireina ja masentuneisuutena ilmenevään henkiseen pahoinvointiin ja 2) erosivatko häirintäkokemukset sukupuolen ja seksuaalisen suuntautuneisuuden mukaan. Seksuaalivähemmistöön kuuluvien urheilijoiden ja liikunnan harrastajien sähköiseen kyselylomakkeeseen antamia vastauksia analysoin Spearmanin järjestyskorrelaatioiden, selitysasteiden, ristiintaulukoiden ja khiin neliö -testin avulla. Molemmilla sukupuolilla sanaton häirintä (väheksyvät katseet, seksuaalisesti latautuneet eleet, ilmeet, ääntely)ja sanallinen häirintä (seksuaalissävytteiset loukkaukset ja vähättely) olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä stressiin; sanaton häirintä korreloi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi myös psykosomaattisten oireiden kanssa ja vähättely masentuneisuuden kanssa. Lisäksi miesten kokema sanaton häirintä ja seksuaalissävytteiset loukkaukset olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä heidän masentuneisuuteensa. Fyysinen häirintä oli kytkeytynyt tilastollisesti merkitsevästi ainoastaan naisten psykosomaattisiin oireisiin. Miehet joutuivat joukkueessa tai muussa liikuntaryhmässä naisia useammin sanattomasti ja fyysisesti häirityiksi. Homoja oli sanallisesti häiritty muita seksuaalisia suuntauksia useammin ja vallitsevasti heteroita harvemmin. Yhteenvetona sanottakoon, että seksuaalivähemmistöissä miessukupuoli ja homoseksuaalisuus ovat joukkueurheilussa tai ryhmäliikunnassa tapahtuvan häirinnän riskitekijöitä ja että koettu häirintä on voimakkaammin yhteydessä miesten kuin naisten henkiseen pahoinvointiin.peerReviewe
This study investigated the relationships between sexual (verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment... more This study investigated the relationships between sexual (verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment) and physical violence against physical education (PE) teachers and work-related stress. Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers aged between 27 and 62 years. The findings showed that 1) higher perceived physical violence was positively associated with higher perceived non-verbal sexual harassment and work-related stress; 2) teachers with a sport science degree perceived higher work-related stress mediated by physical violence than other teachers; 3) longer-serving PE teachers reported lower verbal sexual harassment than teachers with less teaching experience; and 4) female PE teachers reported higher work-related stress than male teachers. These results indicated that violence against PE teachers is multidimensional. To prevent work-related stress in PE teachers, school authorities could encourage teachers to report student threats as a violence prevention str...
This study surveyed 155 gender and sexual minority (GSM) sport participants to examine 1) nonverb... more This study surveyed 155 gender and sexual minority (GSM) sport participants to examine 1) nonverbal and verbal gender-based and sexual harassment by a coach in relation to psychological ill-being, and 2) differences in harassment due to gender and sexual orientation. Self-reported data from 93 females and 62 males was collected anonymously and analysed using Spearman's rank-order correlations and cross-tabulation with chi-square tests. Nonverbal and verbal gender-based and sexual harassment by a coach was related to more frequent stress, psychosomatic symptoms and depressive symptoms only in male GSM sport participants. Undermining was related to more frequent depressive symptoms in males. There were no statistically significant gender differences in harassment. As for sexual orientation, there was a statistically significant association between verbal harassment by the coach and sexual orientation. The present findings have scientific, educational and clinical importance for sport psychologists involved in research, coach education and applied work.
Worries about the potential negative consequences of popular fat loss regimens for aesthetic purp... more Worries about the potential negative consequences of popular fat loss regimens for aesthetic purposes in normal weight females have been surfacing in the media. However, longitudinal studies investigating these kinds of diets are lacking. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of a 4-month fat-loss diet in normal weight females competing in fitness-sport. In total 50 participants finished the study with 27 females (27.2 ± 4.1 years) dieting for a competition and 23 (27.7 ± 3.7 years) acting as weight-stable controls. The energy deficit of the diet group was achieved by reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing aerobic exercise while maintaining a high level of protein intake and resistance training in addition to moderate fat intake. The diet led to a ∼12% decrease in body weight (P < 0.001) and a ∼35-50% decrease in fat mass (DXA, bioimpedance, skinfolds, P < 0.001) whereas the control group maintained their body and fat mass (diet × group interaction P < 0.001). A small decrease in lean mass (bioimpedance and skinfolds) and in vastus lateralis muscle cross-sectional area (ultrasound) were observed in diet (P < 0.05), whereas other results were unaltered (DXA: lean mass, ultrasound: triceps brachii thickness). The hormonal system was altered during the diet with decreased serum concentrations of leptin, triiodothyronine (T3), testosterone (P < 0.001), and estradiol (P < 0.01) coinciding with an increased incidence of menstrual irregularities (P < 0.05). Body weight and all hormones except T3 and testosterone returned to baseline during a 3-4 month recovery period including increased energy intake and decreased levels aerobic exercise. This study shows for the first time that most of the hormonal changes after a 35-50% decrease in body fat in previously normal-weight females can recover within 3-4 months of increased energy intake.
Abstract Self-reflection has been shown to enhance professional development in clinical, counsell... more Abstract Self-reflection has been shown to enhance professional development in clinical, counselling and educational settings. Recent research found that self-reflection can enhance performance in elite sports. The purpose of this intervention study was two-fold: Firstly, to examine whether a guided reflective diary was effective in enhancing accuracy in elite archery, and secondly, to identify factors facilitating and hindering the usage of the guided reflective diary. Eight Singaporean elite archers (four females, four males), aged 20–24 years, reflected on their training using the diary for a period of five weeks. Their pre- and post-intervention performance scores were collected and qualitative interviews were conducted. Quantitative data revealed that only two archers improved their performance after the intervention, whereas six performed poorer than before. Qualitative data were content analysed using the thematic method. This revealed three facilitating factors for the guided reflective diary usage: (1) serves as a reminder, (2) description of shooting feeling, and (3) enhances motivation. In contrast, (1) time-consumption, (2) high number of questions, and (3) the repetitive nature of the reflection questions were reported as the three most common hindering factors for the effective usage of the reflective diary. The results are discussed using the sport and coaching science literature. Practical implications are proposed to optimise athletes’ use of reflection as a learning tool for personal improvement and performance enhancement.
ABSTRACT This chapter describes recent advances in the scientific study of emotional intelligence... more ABSTRACT This chapter describes recent advances in the scientific study of emotional intelligence. Setting the idea of an emotional intelligence in a historical context, the authors&#39; four-branch model of these competencies is then described. Research on the measurement of emotional intelligence, especially as a set of abilities rather than as self-reported personality traits, is described. The psychometric properties of a new measure of emotional intelligence, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), are presented, as are preliminary findings concerning the predictive validity of this construct in the domains of family, school, and workplace. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2013
The present two-wave longitudinal study examined the extent to which physical education (PE) teac... more The present two-wave longitudinal study examined the extent to which physical education (PE) teachers&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; democratic and socially supportive behavior, pupils&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; goal orientations, and the perceived motivational climate in PE explained differences in pupils&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; intended helping behavior by gender in PE classes. The results of 105 boys and 109 girls based on structural equation modeling revealed at both time points that
Abstract This paper reviews literature on traits and emotions focusing on both structure and mana... more Abstract This paper reviews literature on traits and emotions focusing on both structure and management, or &#x27;having&#x27;and &#x27;doing&#x27;. The cognitive perspective of this paper implies that traits and emotions are viewed as provisions to frame people and their behaviours in ...
Tutkimus on osa Jyvaskylan yliopistossa toteutettua Emootion ja kayttaytymisen saatelyn (EMO) tut... more Tutkimus on osa Jyvaskylan yliopistossa toteutettua Emootion ja kayttaytymisen saatelyn (EMO) tutkimusta, joka kuuluu Ihmisen kehitys ja sen riskitekijat -huippututkimusohjelmaan.
In this case study, theoretically rooted in peer-assisted learning (PAL), ten female high school ... more In this case study, theoretically rooted in peer-assisted learning (PAL), ten female high school students, acting as peer teachers, taught hip hop dance in a voluntary physical education course. The data, derived from questionnaires and interviews with the peer teachers, were analysed using content analysis. The results showed that the peer teachers considered dance an important subject in the weekly curriculum. On the one hand, peer teachers enjoyed the freedom of making the class look like their own, the fast learning of their students, and the increased self-confidence acquired over the course. On the other hand, most of them were self-critical and felt ashamed when making mistakes. They also felt uncomfortable teaching same-aged or slightly older peers, and were surprised at the unwelcoming and rather arrogant attitude of their students. This article illustrates not only the difficulties that a peer-teaching experiment can encounter, but also the value of peer teaching in offering positive experiences and engaging students in school PE through urban youth culture.
Ulkomaan uutiset? Viikon tv-ohjelmat? Poliisin viikkotiedote? Ei, vaan katsaus suomalaisten liiku... more Ulkomaan uutiset? Viikon tv-ohjelmat? Poliisin viikkotiedote? Ei, vaan katsaus suomalaisten liikunnanopettajien kokemuksiin liikuntatunneilla ilmenevästä opettajaan kohdistuvasta sekä oppilaiden välisestä seksuaalisesta ja fyysisestä väkivallasta sekä niiden seurauksista.nonPeerReviewe
This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual h... more This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment and physical violence against teachers and among students in physical education (PE). Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers between 27 and 62 years ( M = 44.8 ± 9.2 years). The cross-sectional data were collected by an anonymous online survey in the fall semester 2018. The findings showed that (a) higher levels of verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students were associated with higher levels of equivalent types of violence against PE teachers, (b) higher levels of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment among students were associated with higher levels of physical assaults among students, whereas only non-verbal sexual harassment was associated with physical violence against teachers, and (c) verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students occurred more frequently in PE classes instructed by less experienced teachers. ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Using a cross-sectional study design, we tested a structural equation model of hypothesized relat... more Using a cross-sectional study design, we tested a structural equation model of hypothesized relationships among a group of variables: motivational climate in physical education (PE), students’ social competence in PE, out of-school physical activity (PA) motivation, PA intention and their moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Based on the self-reports of 363 fourth to sixth grade elementary school students (172 girls, 191 boys), the model revealed that the task-involving motivational climate in PE was linked to higher MVPA via cooperation in PE, and also via extrinsic motivation and PA intention. Ego-involving motivational climate was related to higher extrinsic motivation and amotivation, further to higher PA intention and, finally, to higher MVPA. Task-involving motivational climate was positively linked to students’ social competence markers of cooperation and empathy, and negatively to disruptiveness. Ego-involving motivational climate was positively related to disruptiveness and impu...
Papers by Marja Kokkonen