Papers by Marina Silalahi
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Education and Science, ICES 2021, November 17-18, 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia
Crassocephalum crepidioides (Asteraceae) is a wild plant that has long been used as food and trad... more Crassocephalum crepidioides (Asteraceae) is a wild plant that has long been used as food and traditional medicine. The use of plants as food ingredients is related to their nutritional content, while as traditional medicine they are related to their bioactive compounds. This study aims to explain the nutritional content and bioactivity of C. crepidioides. The method used in this study is a literature review on various scientific articles published online using the keywords C. crepidioides, bioactivities of C. crepidioides and uses of C. crepidioides. The results obtained were synthesized so as to explain the benefits and bioactivity of C. crepidioides. Ethnobotanically C. crepidioides is used to treat stomach ulcers, indigestion, wounds, ulcers, burns, treatment of wounds, gastric ulcers, and conditions related to the skin. In some countries C. crepidioides has been cultivated and traded. The bioactivity of C. crepidioides includes antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-hyperlipedemia, antidiabetic mellitus, antimalarial and anti-cancer. Utilization of C. crepidioides as a traditional medicine and food ingredient so that it has potential as a nutraceutical.
Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi
Masyarakat lokal etnis Batak di Sumatra Utara masih menggunakan tumbuhan dalam pengobatan tradisi... more Masyarakat lokal etnis Batak di Sumatra Utara masih menggunakan tumbuhan dalam pengobatan tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan dan manfaat tumbuhan obat oleh masyarakat etnis Batak Mandailing di Desa Tanjung Julu Kecamatan Mandailing Natal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnobotani. Sebanyak 32 responden umum dan 8 informan kunci diwawancarai dengan wawancara bebas dan semi terstruktur. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menghitung nilai tanaman obat. Masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Julu menggunakan 163 jenis dengan 128 marga dan 56 famili untuk mengobati 23 macam penyakit. Zingiberaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae, dan Arecaceae adalah famili yang paling banyak jumlahnya. Sebagian besar tumbuhan digunakan untuk mengatasi penyakit gaib (gangguan setan 47 jenis) dan penyakit alam (demam sebanyak 59 jenis dan sakit perut sebanyak 43 jenis). Pemanfaatan bunga jopan (Clibadium surinamense) dan sirampas para (Mikan...
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022
The search for natural, functional, and healthy products based on local knowledge continues, such... more The search for natural, functional, and healthy products based on local knowledge continues, such as sacha inchi (SI) or Plukenetia volubilis L. (Euphorbiaceae). This plant has long been used by the Icha tribe in Peru because it has a high protein and vegetable oil content. This study aims to explain the potential use of SI as a food ingredient or traditional medicine. The method used in the study is library research using data obtained online at Google Scholar using the keywords sacha inchi, P. volubilis and uses P. volubilis. The SI is an indigenous Peruvian plant that has been cultivated in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. The nutritional value of SI is so high that it is considered a “super food” because it is high in polyunsaturated oils, high quality protein, essential amino acids, dietary fiber, minerals, tocopherols, phytosterols, and phenolic compounds. The seeds of P. volubilis are used for various anti-oxidants, anti-cancer, anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti...
Telah dilakukan penelitian tumbuhan etnomedisinal pada etnis Karo di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian i... more Telah dilakukan penelitian tumbuhan etnomedisinal pada etnis Karo di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Kaban Tua Kecamatan Munthe Kabupaten Karo Propinsi Sumatera Utara Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan pengetahuan tradisional subetnis Batak Karo dalam memanfaatkan tumbuhan untuk menjaga kesehatannya. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnobotani melalui wawancara bebas, semi terstruktur, mendalam, observasi parsitifatif dan pebble distribution methods (PDM). Wawancara dilakukan pada 39 orang yang terdiri dari 7 informan kunci dan 32 orang responden umum. Responden umum dengan umur 30-50 tahun dan > 50 tahun dengan perbandingan 1:1. Tumbuhan yang digunakan dan dikenali masyarakt sebagi obat sebanyak 152 spesies 64 famili untuk mengatasi 21 jenia penyakit. Family yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Zingeberaceae (11 spesies), Poaceae (7 spesies) dan Lamiaceae (7 spesies). Pia (Allium cepa Liliaceae) merupakan tumbuhan yang memiliki nilai use values (UVs) dan indeks cultural significance (ICS) tertinggi sebesar secara berurutan dengan nilai 7,03 dan 243,5.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
Piper retrofractum (PR) or also known as Javanese chili has long been used as a spice and medicin... more Piper retrofractum (PR) or also known as Javanese chili has long been used as a spice and medicine. Bioactivity of plants as medicinal ingredients is related to secondary metabolites compounds. The writing of this article is based on a literature review of various scientific journals, books and other research results then synthesized so as to obtain comprehensive information about the benefits and bioactivity of PR. Wild type of PR is found in Asia especially Thailand, Indo-China, Malaysia, Maluku. The ethnics uses the PR as traditional medicine to cure of digestive disorders, blood circulation, asthma, influenza, rheumatism, and hypertension. The PR has activities as anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-diabetes mellitus, anti-oxidants and aphrodisiac. The active compounds of PB is alkaloids, especially piperine, piperlongumine and pipelartine. The potential of PB as aphrodisiac needs to be investigated further to minimize toxicity and fixed dose.
Urena lobata merupakan salah satu dari famili Mavaceae yang telah lama dimanfaatkan sebagai obat.... more Urena lobata merupakan salah satu dari famili Mavaceae yang telah lama dimanfaatkan sebagai obat. Tanaman ini mudah ditemukan di pinggir jalan maupun lahan kosong karena termasuk salah satu tanaman vegetasi perintis, oleh karena itu sangat potensial dikembangkan sebagai obat trasidiional. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menjelaskan hubungan pemanfaatan dan bioaktivitas U. lobata . Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah review dan kajian literature yang terbit secara online. Secara etnobotani U. lobata dimanfaatkan untuk penurun panas, rematik, luka dan sebagai antiseptik. Urena lobata namun bioaktivitas yang menonjol adalah antimikroba, antifertilitas, antidiabetes mellitus, dan hepatoprotektif. Potensi dan bioaktivitas U. lobata sebagai antifertilitas untuk diteliti lebih lanjut sehingga dapat dikembangkan untuk mengatur jumlah kelahiran dan bersifat revesibel.
Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology, 2021
Traditional markets are places for buying and selling medicinal plants and are a source of ethnob... more Traditional markets are places for buying and selling medicinal plants and are a source of ethnobotany research data. This study aims to determine the uses and characteristics of Zingiberaceae rhizomes have been used as traditional medicine and traded in the traditional market of Pancur Batu, North Sumatra. This research was conducted with an ethnobotany approach through surveys, interviews and observation participatory. The respondents are all medicinal plants traders in the Pancur Batu traditional market. The things that were asked of the traders included local names, special characters, benefits, and how to recognize the rhizome. The medicinal plant traders in the Pancur batu traditional market have been utilized and traded as many as 10 species of Zingiberaceae rhizome, most of them belonging Curcuma and Zingiber genera. The characteristics of rhizomes are recognized by traders through their size, color, and aroma. The cross-section of the rhizomes of each species is different ...
Buku ini banyak mengacu pada daftar jenis tumbuhan berbiji di Jakarta yang saat ini sedang disusu... more Buku ini banyak mengacu pada daftar jenis tumbuhan berbiji di Jakarta yang saat ini sedang disusun oleh penulis kedua dan kolega, serta menjadi bagian dari proyek besar untuk penyelesaian pendataan keragaman tumbuhan berbiji di Jakar-ta. Buku ini akan dilanjutkan dengan jilid dua untuk jenis-jenis terpilih tumbuhan berperawakan non-pohon yang saat ini juga sedang disusun. Buku ini diharapkan bisa menjadi referensi bagi para mahasiswa, dosen, peneliti, atau pun praktisi keanekaragaman hayati dalam rangka penelitian taksonomi, konservasi atau pun keanekaragaman hayati pada umumnya.
Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions, 2021
JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi), 2021
The sayur asem is one of the traditional Indonesian dishes, especially the Betawi ethnic group. T... more The sayur asem is one of the traditional Indonesian dishes, especially the Betawi ethnic group. This study aims to document the local knowledge of vegetable traders in the Kranggan Mas market, the diversity of plants used as an ingredient in sayur asem. The method used in this research was a survey. Data were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. The sayur asem is a soup-like vegetable that has a sour taste with the main ingredients of melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) leaves and seeds and tamarind fruit (Tamarindus indica). The total of 13 species belonging 12 genera and 10 families used to process of making sayur asem. The part of used to process of making sayur asem is dominated by fruits (8 species), followed leaves and tubers (each 2 species). The melinjo (G. gnemon) is the main ingredient in the making of sayur asem, while Alphinia galanga, Syzygium polianthum and Tamarindus indica are the main spices with a larger volume. The main ingredients and seasonings used mostly have antioxi...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
Myristica fargrans is a type of spices from the Myristicaceae family that has been used for thous... more Myristica fargrans is a type of spices from the Myristicaceae family that has been used for thousands of years. Numteg is used as food and traditional medicine. Utilization of plants as traditional medicine is considered safer compared to synthetic drugs. The writing of this article aims to reveal the bioactivity of Numteg which is based on literature review on line and off line. In ethnobotany, numteg is used as a cholesterol, prodisiac, hepatoprotective drug. Numteg's bioactivity functions as an antimicrobial, aphrosidiac, anti-depressant, analgesic, anti-cancer, and anticolytic agent. The use of numteg as aprosidiak needs to be studied further so as to improve its function as a standardized or phytochemical herbal
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022
Eclipta prostrata has been long used by humans as traditional medicine and hair fertilizer. This ... more Eclipta prostrata has been long used by humans as traditional medicine and hair fertilizer. This study aims to explain the relationship between utilization and bioactivity of E. prostrata. The method used is a literature review of articles published online on Google Scholar using the keywords E. prostrata, uses E. prostrata, and bioactivity of E. prostrata. Ethnobotanically, E. prostrata is used to treat liver disorders, liver tonic, respiratory disorders (asthma, cough), hepatitis, snake venom poisoning, and gastritis. In the field of beauty E. prostrata is used to nourish hair and treat baldness. The E. prostrata has bioactivity to treat neurodegeneration, asthma, anti-cancer, overcoming baldness, anti-diabetes mellitus, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hepatoprotective, anti-osteoporosis, and anti-hypercholesterolemia. The bioactivity of E. prostrata is related to the content of its secondary metabolite compounds. Echinocystic acid and ecclalbasaponin II from E. p...
The use of plants as a medicine is sometimes doubted in modern medicine because it is not conside... more The use of plants as a medicine is sometimes doubted in modern medicine because it is not considered to have sufficient evidence. Zingiber montanum or also known as bangle is a of the types in the family Zingiberaceae which is used as a medicine, but an in-depth study of secondary metabolites and their bioactivity is still limited. This article aims to reveal botany, secondary metabolites, and bioactivity Z. purpureum so that it can be used as a basis for its use and development as traditional medicine and modern medicine. Studies on articles are based on various literary sources obtained off line or online in the form of journals, books, which can be downloaded using keywords, Zingiber, Zingiber montanum, secondary metabolites and bioactivities of Z. montanum. Rhizoma Z. montamun produces flavors and can be used to replace ginger (Zingiber officinale). As a traditional medicine in Asia, Z. montanum is used as a carminative drug, a stimulant for the stomach, diarrhea, colic, and hea...
Sumatra has rich diversity of orchids. The local communities in Sumatra have been used orchids as... more Sumatra has rich diversity of orchids. The local communities in Sumatra have been used orchids as a ornamental plant, food, and medicine. Research on utilitation of orchids as medicinal plants by ethnic Batak of North Sumatra was conducted using ethnobotanical methods. The objectives of the research was to know species of orchids that were used as medicinal plants by Batak ethnic in North Sumatra. Respond-ents consisted of traditional medicine plants traders in the traditional markets and traditional healers. We found as many as seven species of 6 genera of orchids have been used as traditional medicine. Those orchids used as medicine for fever, aphrodisiac, maintain stamina, respira-tory disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders.
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2021
Research was performed to evaluate the effect of biopriming technique using indigenous rhizobacte... more Research was performed to evaluate the effect of biopriming technique using indigenous rhizobacteria in improving local upland rice from Southeast Sulawesi. Randomized group design was applied in this research using factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors. The first factor was upland rice cultivars consisting of 2 (two) levels of Paebiu Kolopua (V1) and Pae Wuna (V2) cultivars. Meanwhile, the second factor was rhizobacteria isolates, consisting of 4 (four) levels, those are without rhizobacteria treatment (R0), KNS11 isolate (R1), KLKU02 isolate (R2) and KNW11 isolate (R3). Research results indicated that interaction between Paebiu Kolopua cultivar and KLKU02 isolate treatment significantly affected plants height with 29.22% improvement and the amount of rice per panicle with 176.33% improvement compared to the control. Therefore, KLKU02 isolate can be recommeded as the best treatment to improve the production and outcome of local upland rice plant.
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021
Eryngium foetidum is a species belonging Apiaceae which is used as medicine, vegetables, and spic... more Eryngium foetidum is a species belonging Apiaceae which is used as medicine, vegetables, and spices. The plants used as medicine related to its secondary metabolites. The writing of this article is based on a literature review obtained online sources and offline used keywords Eryngium foetidum, secondary metabolites of E. foetidum, and uses of E. foetidum. In ethnobotany E. foetidum used to treat fever, hypertension, headache, abdominal pain, asthma, arthritis, diarrhea, and malaria. The essential oil of E. foetidum is dominated by (E) -2-dodecenal, dodecanoic acid, trans-2-dodecanoic acid, (E) -2-tridecenal, duraldehyde, and tetradecane. The bioactivity of E. foetidum has anti-microbial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The ability of E. foetidum essential oils as an anti-microbial is very potential to be developed as a natural food preservative.
Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith have been long time used by human as medicine, vegetable, and spices... more Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith have been long time used by human as medicine, vegetable, and spices. This article aims to explain the botany, the uses, and the bioactivity of the Zingiber zerumbet. This paper is based on literature offline and online media. Off line literatures based on handbooks, dissertations and thesis. Web, Scopus, Pubmed, Journal, and other online media to supplement used in this article. Zingiber zerumbet (L.) have been used as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti ulcer, analgesic, and anti microbial. Keywords: Zingiber zerumbet, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory
Artocarpus altilis merupakan salah satu species anggota famili Moraceae telah lama dimanfaatkan m... more Artocarpus altilis merupakan salah satu species anggota famili Moraceae telah lama dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai bahan pangan dan obat tradisional. Kajian ini bertujuan menjelaskan hubungan pemanfaatan tumbuhan sebagai obat tradisional dengan bioaktivitas sertan kandungan nutrisi A. altilis . Penulisan artikel ini didasarkan kajian literatur yang terbit secara online tentang A. altilis terutama yang terbit di Google scholar dengan menggunakan kata kunci A. altilis , uses of A. altilis dan bioactivities A. altilis . A. altilis memiliki syncarps yang dapat dimakan dan merupakan tumbuhan yang mudah ditemukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Artocarpus altilis sinonim A. communis dan A. incises . Bioaktivitas A. altilis yaitu antimikroba, antioksidan, antidiabetes mellitus, anti kanker, dan antihipertensi. Senyawa cycloartocarpin, artocarpin, chaplashin morusin, cudraflavone B, cycloartobiloxanthone, artonin E, cudraflavone C dan artobiloxanthone memiliki aktivitas antikanker sedangk...
Papers by Marina Silalahi